path: root/parsing/ppvernac.ml
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Diffstat (limited to 'parsing/ppvernac.ml')
1 files changed, 25 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/parsing/ppvernac.ml b/parsing/ppvernac.ml
index 6254d345f..4e73b3793 100644
--- a/parsing/ppvernac.ml
+++ b/parsing/ppvernac.ml
@@ -835,6 +835,31 @@ let rec pr_vernac = function
prlist_with_sep spc (fun imps ->
str"[" ++ prlist_with_sep sep pr_explanation imps ++ str"]")
+ | VernacArguments (local, q, impl, nargs, mods) ->
+ hov 2 (pr_section_locality local ++ str"Arguments" ++ spc() ++
+ pr_smart_global q ++
+ let pr_s = function None -> str"" | Some (_,s) -> str "%" ++ str s in
+ let pr_if b x = if b then x else str "" in
+ let pr_br imp max x = match imp, max with
+ | true, false -> str "[" ++ x ++ str "]"
+ | true, true -> str "{" ++ x ++ str "}"
+ | _ -> x in
+ let rec aux n l =
+ match n, l with
+ | 0, l -> spc () ++ str"/" ++ aux ~-1 l
+ | _, [] -> mt()
+ | n, (id,k,s,imp,max) :: tl ->
+ spc() ++ pr_br imp max (pr_if k (str"!") ++ pr_name id ++ pr_s s) ++
+ aux (n-1) tl in
+ prlist_with_sep (fun () -> str", ") (aux nargs) impl ++
+ if mods <> [] then str" : " else str"" ++
+ prlist_with_sep (fun () -> str", " ++ spc()) (function
+ | `SimplDontExposeCase -> str "simpl nomatch"
+ | `SimplNeverUnfold -> str "simpl never"
+ | `DefaultImplicits -> str "default implicits"
+ | `ClearImplicits -> str "clear implicits"
+ | `ClearScopes -> str "clear scopes")
+ mods)
| VernacReserve bl ->
let n = List.length (List.flatten (List.map fst bl)) in
hov 2 (str"Implicit Type" ++