path: root/parsing/g_proofs.ml4
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'parsing/g_proofs.ml4')
1 files changed, 160 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/parsing/g_proofs.ml4 b/parsing/g_proofs.ml4
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3f1087c67
--- /dev/null
+++ b/parsing/g_proofs.ml4
@@ -0,0 +1,160 @@
+(* $Id$ *)
+open Pcoq
+open Pp
+open Tactic
+open Util
+open Vernac
+(* Proof commands *)
+ GLOBAL: command ne_constrarg_list;
+ destruct_location :
+ [ [ IDENT "Conclusion" -> <:ast< (CONCL)>>
+ | IDENT "Discardable"; "Hypothesis" -> <:ast< (DiscardableHYP)>>
+ | "Hypothesis" -> <:ast< (PreciousHYP)>> ]]
+ ;
+ ne_constrarg_list:
+ [ [ l = LIST1 constrarg -> l ] ]
+ ;
+ opt_identarg_list:
+ [ [ -> []
+ | ":"; l = LIST1 identarg -> l ] ]
+ ;
+ vrec_clause:
+ [ [ name=identarg; it=LIST1 input_fun; ":="; body=tactic_expr ->
+ <:ast<(RECCLAUSE $name (FUNVAR ($LIST $it)) $body)>> ] ]
+ ;
+ command:
+ [ [ IDENT "Goal"; c = constrarg; "." -> <:ast< (GOAL $c) >>
+ | IDENT "Goal"; "." -> <:ast< (GOAL) >>
+ | "Proof"; "." -> <:ast< (GOAL) >>
+ | IDENT "Abort"; "." -> <:ast< (ABORT) >>
+ | "Qed"; "." -> <:ast< (SaveNamed) >>
+ | IDENT "Save"; "." -> <:ast< (SaveNamed) >>
+ | IDENT "Defined"; "." -> <:ast< (DefinedNamed) >>
+ | IDENT "Save"; IDENT "Remark"; id = identarg; "." ->
+ <:ast< (SaveAnonymousRmk $id) >>
+ | IDENT "Save"; IDENT "Theorem"; id = identarg; "." ->
+ <:ast< (SaveAnonymousThm $id) >>
+ | IDENT "Save"; id = identarg; "." -> <:ast< (SaveAnonymousThm $id) >>
+ | IDENT "Suspend"; "." -> <:ast< (SUSPEND) >>
+ | IDENT "Resume"; "." -> <:ast< (RESUME) >>
+ | IDENT "Resume"; id = identarg; "." -> <:ast< (RESUME $id) >>
+ | IDENT "Abort"; IDENT "All"; "." -> <:ast< (ABORTALL) >>
+ | IDENT "Abort"; id = identarg; "." -> <:ast< (ABORT $id) >>
+ | IDENT "Restart"; "." -> <:ast< (RESTART) >>
+ | "Proof"; c = constrarg; "." -> <:ast< (PROOF $c) >>
+ | IDENT "Undo"; "." -> <:ast< (UNDO 1) >>
+ | IDENT "Undo"; n = numarg; "." -> <:ast< (UNDO $n) >>
+ | IDENT "Show"; n = numarg; "." -> <:ast< (SHOW $n) >>
+ | IDENT "Show"; IDENT "Implicits"; n = numarg; "." ->
+ <:ast< (SHOWIMPL $n) >>
+ | IDENT "Focus"; "." -> <:ast< (FOCUS) >>
+ | IDENT "Focus"; n = numarg; "." -> <:ast< (FOCUS $n) >>
+ | IDENT "Unfocus"; "." -> <:ast< (UNFOCUS) >>
+ | IDENT "Show"; "." -> <:ast< (SHOW) >>
+ | IDENT "Show"; IDENT "Implicits"; "." -> <:ast< (SHOWIMPL) >>
+ | IDENT "Show"; IDENT "Node"; "." -> <:ast< (ShowNode) >>
+ | IDENT "Show"; IDENT "Script"; "." -> <:ast< (ShowScript) >>
+ | IDENT "Show"; IDENT "Existentials"; "." -> <:ast< (ShowEx) >>
+ | IDENT "Existential"; n = numarg; ":="; c = constrarg; "." ->
+ <:ast< (EXISTENTIAL $n $c) >>
+ | IDENT "Existential"; n = numarg; ":="; c1 = Constr.constr; ":";
+ c2 = Constr.constr; "." ->
+ <:ast< (EXISTENTIAL $n (CONSTR (CAST $c1 $c2))) >>
+ | IDENT "Existential"; n = numarg; ":"; c2 = Constr.constr; ":=";
+ c1 = Constr.constr; "." ->
+ <:ast< (EXISTENTIAL $n (CONSTR (CAST $c1 $c2))) >>
+ | IDENT "Explain"; "Proof"; l = numarg_list; "." ->
+ <:ast< (ExplainProof ($LIST $l)) >>
+ | IDENT "Explain"; "Proof"; IDENT "Tree"; l = numarg_list; "." ->
+ <:ast< (ExplainProofTree ($LIST $l)) >>
+ | IDENT "Go"; n = numarg; "." -> <:ast< (Go $n) >>
+ | IDENT "Go"; IDENT "top"; "." -> <:ast< (Go "top") >>
+ | IDENT "Go"; IDENT "prev"; "." -> <:ast< (Go "prev") >>
+ | IDENT "Go"; IDENT "next"; "." -> <:ast< (Go "next") >>
+ | IDENT "Show"; "Proof"; "." -> <:ast< (ShowProof) >>
+ | IDENT "Guarded"; "." -> <:ast< (CheckGuard) >>
+ | IDENT "Show"; IDENT "Tree"; "." -> <:ast< (ShowTree) >>
+ | IDENT "Show"; IDENT "Conjectures"; "." -> <:ast< (ShowProofs) >>
+(* Tactic Definition *)
+ |IDENT "Tactic"; "Definition"; name=identarg; ":="; body=Tactic.tactic;
+ "." -> <:ast<(TACDEF $name (AST $body))>>
+ |IDENT "Tactic"; "Definition"; name=identarg; largs=LIST1 input_fun;
+ ":="; body=Tactic.tactic; "." ->
+ <:ast<(TACDEF $name (AST (FUN (FUNVAR ($LIST $largs)) $body)))>>
+ |IDENT "Recursive"; IDENT "Tactic"; "Definition"; vc=vrec_clause ; "." ->
+ (match vc with
+ Coqast.Node(_,"RECCLAUSE",nme::tl) ->
+ <:ast<(TACDEF $nme (AST (REC $vc)))>>
+ |_ ->
+ anomalylabstrm "Gram.vernac" [<'sTR "Not a correct RECCLAUSE">])
+ |IDENT "Recursive"; IDENT "Tactic"; "Definition"; vc=vrec_clause;
+ IDENT "And"; vcl=LIST1 vrec_clause SEP IDENT "And"; "." ->
+ let nvcl=
+ List.fold_right
+ (fun e b -> match e with
+ Coqast.Node(_,"RECCLAUSE",nme::_) ->
+ nme::<:ast<(AST (REC $e))>>::b
+ |_ ->
+ anomalylabstrm "Gram.vernac" [<'sTR
+ "Not a correct RECCLAUSE">]) (vc::vcl) []
+ in
+ <:ast<(TACDEF ($LIST $nvcl))>>
+(* Hints for Auto and EAuto *)
+ | IDENT "Hint"; hintname = identarg; dbname = opt_identarg_list; ":=";
+ IDENT "Resolve"; c = constrarg; "." ->
+ <:ast<(HintResolve $hintname (VERNACARGLIST ($LIST $dbname)) $c)>>
+ | IDENT "Hint"; hintname = identarg; dbnames = opt_identarg_list; ":=";
+ IDENT "Immediate"; c = constrarg; "." ->
+ <:ast<(HintImmediate $hintname (VERNACARGLIST ($LIST $dbnames)) $c)>>
+ | IDENT "Hint"; hintname = identarg; dbnames = opt_identarg_list; ":=";
+ IDENT "Unfold"; c = identarg; "." ->
+ <:ast<(HintUnfold $hintname (VERNACARGLIST ($LIST $dbnames)) $c)>>
+ | IDENT "Hint"; hintname = identarg; dbnames = opt_identarg_list; ":=";
+ IDENT "Constructors"; c = identarg; "." ->
+ <:ast<(HintConstructors $hintname (VERNACARGLIST ($LIST $dbnames)) $c)>>
+ | IDENT "Hint"; hintname = identarg; dbnames = opt_identarg_list; ":=";
+ IDENT "Extern"; n = numarg; c = constrarg ; tac = tacarg; "." ->
+ <:ast<(HintExtern $hintname (VERNACARGLIST ($LIST $dbnames))
+ $n $c (TACTIC $tac))>>
+ | IDENT "Hints"; IDENT "Resolve"; l = ne_identarg_list;
+ dbnames = opt_identarg_list; "." ->
+ <:ast< (HintsResolve (VERNACARGLIST ($LIST $dbnames)) ($LIST $l)) >>
+ | IDENT "Hints"; IDENT "Immediate"; l = ne_identarg_list;
+ dbnames = opt_identarg_list; "." ->
+ <:ast< (HintsImmediate (VERNACARGLIST ($LIST $dbnames)) ($LIST $l)) >>
+ | IDENT "Hints"; IDENT "Unfold"; l = ne_identarg_list;
+ dbnames = opt_identarg_list; "." ->
+ <:ast< (HintsUnfold (VERNACARGLIST ($LIST $dbnames)) ($LIST $l)) >>
+ | IDENT "HintDestruct";
+ dloc = destruct_location;
+ na = identarg;
+ hyptyp = constrarg;
+ pri = numarg;
+ tac = Prim.astact; "." ->
+ <:ast< (HintDestruct $na (AST $dloc) $hyptyp $pri (AST $tac))>>
+ | n = numarg; ":"; tac = tacarg; "." ->
+ <:ast< (SOLVE $n (TACTIC $tac)) >>
+(*This entry is not commented, only for debug*)
+ | IDENT "PrintConstr"; com = constrarg; "." ->
+ <:ast< (PrintConstr $com)>>
+ ] ];