path: root/parsing/extend.ml4
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Diffstat (limited to 'parsing/extend.ml4')
1 files changed, 48 insertions, 146 deletions
diff --git a/parsing/extend.ml4 b/parsing/extend.ml4
index 5b0474156..1e2a00cce 100644
--- a/parsing/extend.ml4
+++ b/parsing/extend.ml4
@@ -8,137 +8,6 @@ open Pcoq
open Coqast
open Ast
-open Pcoq.Vernac
- vernac:
- [ "Drop"; "." -> <:ast< (DROP) >>
- | "ProtectedLoop"; "." -> <:ast< (PROTECTEDLOOP)>>
- | "Load"; verbosely = [ IDENT "Verbose" -> "Verbose" | -> "" ];
- s = [ s = STRING -> s | s = IDENT -> s ]; "." ->
- <:ast< (LoadFile ($STR $verbosely) ($STR $s)) >>
- (* TODO: deplacer vers g_vernac & Vernac.v *)
- | "Compile";
- verbosely =
- [ IDENT "Verbose" -> "Verbose"
- | -> "" ];
- IDENT "Module";
- only_spec =
- [ IDENT "Specification" -> "Specification"
- | -> "" ];
- mname = [ s = STRING -> s | s = IDENT -> s ];
- fname = OPT [ s = STRING -> s | s = IDENT -> s ]; "." ->
- let fname = match fname with Some s -> s | None -> mname in
- <:ast< (CompileFile ($STR $verbosely) ($STR $only_spec)
- ($STR $mname) ($STR $fname))>> ]]
- ;
-(* These are the entries without which MakeBare cannot be compiled *)
- GLOBAL: vernac Prim.syntax_entry Prim.grammar_entry;
- vernac:
- [[ "Token"; s = STRING; "." -> <:ast< (TOKEN ($STR $s)) >>
- | "Grammar"; univ=IDENT; tl=LIST1 Prim.grammar_entry SEP "with"; "." ->
- <:ast< (GRAMMAR ($VAR univ) (ASTLIST ($LIST tl))) >>
- | "Syntax"; whatfor=IDENT; el=LIST1 Prim.syntax_entry SEP ";"; "." ->
- <:ast< (SYNTAX ($VAR whatfor) (ASTLIST ($LIST el))) >>
- | IDENT "Infix"; as_ = entry_prec; n = numarg; op = Prim.string;
- p = identarg; "." -> <:ast< (INFIX (AST $as_) $n $op $p) >>
- | IDENT "Distfix"; as_ = entry_prec; n = numarg; s = Prim.string;
- p = identarg; "." -> <:ast< (DISTFIX (AST $as_) $n $s $p) >> ]]
- ;
- (* Syntax entries for Grammar. Only grammar_entry is exported *)
- Prim.grammar_entry:
- [[ nont = Prim.ident; etyp = Prim.entry_type; ":=";
- ep = entry_prec; rl = LIST0 grammar_rule SEP "|" ->
- <:ast< (ENTRY $nont $etyp $ep ($LIST rl)) >> ]]
- ;
- entry_prec:
- [[ IDENT "LEFTA" -> <:ast< {LEFTA} >>
- | IDENT "RIGHTA" -> <:ast< {RIGHTA} >>
- | IDENT "NONA" -> <:ast< {NONA} >>
- | -> <:ast< {NONE} >> ] ]
- ;
- grammar_rule:
- [[ name = rule_name; "["; pil = LIST0 production_item; "]"; "->";
- a = Prim.astact ->
- <:ast< (RULE ($ID name) $a ($LIST pil)) >> ]]
- ;
- rule_name:
- [[ name = IDENT -> name ]]
- ;
- production_item:
- [[ s = STRING -> <:ast< ($STR $s) >>
- | nt = non_terminal; po = OPT [ "("; p = Prim.ident; ")" -> p ] ->
- match po with
- | Some p -> <:ast< (NT $nt $p) >>
- | _ -> <:ast< (NT $nt) >> ]]
- ;
- non_terminal:
- [[ u = Prim.ident; ":"; nt = Prim.ident -> <:ast< (QUAL $u $nt) >>
- | nt = Prim.ident -> <:ast< $nt >> ]]
- ;
- (* Syntax entries for Syntax. Only syntax_entry is exported *)
- Prim.syntax_entry:
- [ [ IDENT "level"; p = precedence; ":"; rl = LIST1 syntax_rule SEP "|" ->
- <:ast< (SYNTAXENTRY $p ($LIST $rl)) >> ] ]
- ;
- syntax_rule:
- [ [ nm = IDENT; "["; s = Prim.astpat; "]"; "->"; u = unparsing ->
- <:ast< (RULE ($ID $nm) $s $u) >> ] ]
- ;
- precedence:
- [ [ a = Prim.number -> <:ast< (PREC $a 0 0) >>
- | "["; a1 = Prim.number; a2 = Prim.number; a3 = Prim.number; "]" ->
- <:ast< (PREC $a1 $a2 $a3) >> ] ]
- ;
- unparsing:
- [ [ "["; ll = LIST0 next_hunks; "]" -> <:ast< (UNPARSING ($LIST $ll))>> ] ]
- ;
- next_hunks:
- [ [ IDENT "FNL" -> <:ast< (UNP_FNL) >>
- | IDENT "TAB" -> <:ast< (UNP_TAB) >>
- | c = STRING -> <:ast< (RO ($STR $c)) >>
- | "[";
- x =
- [ b = box; ll = LIST0 next_hunks -> <:ast<(UNP_BOX $b ($LIST $ll))>>
- | n = Prim.number; m = Prim.number -> <:ast< (UNP_BRK $n $m) >>
- n = Prim.number; m = Prim.number -> <:ast< (UNP_TBRK $n $m) >> ];
- "]" -> x
- | e = Prim.ast; oprec = OPT [ ":"; pr = paren_reln -> pr ] ->
- match oprec with
- | Some pr -> <:ast< (PH $e $pr) >>
- | None -> <:ast< (PH $e {Any}) >> ]]
- ;
- box:
- [ [ "<"; bk = box_kind; ">" -> bk ] ]
- ;
- box_kind:
- [ [ IDENT "h"; n = Prim.number -> <:ast< (PpHB $n) >>
- | IDENT "v"; n = Prim.number -> <:ast< (PpVB $n) >>
- | IDENT "hv"; n = Prim.number -> <:ast< (PpHVB $n) >>
- | IDENT "hov"; n = Prim.number -> <:ast< (PpHOVB $n) >>
- | IDENT "t" -> <:ast< (PpTB) >> ] ]
- ;
- paren_reln:
- [ [ IDENT "L" -> <:ast< {L} >>
- | IDENT "E" -> <:ast< {E} >>
- | pprim = STRING -> <:ast< ($STR $pprim) >> ] ]
- ;
(* Converting and checking grammar command *)
type nonterm =
@@ -207,12 +76,21 @@ let qualified_nterm current_univ ntrm =
NtQual (univ, en) -> (get_univ univ, en)
| NtShort en -> (current_univ, en)
+(* For compatibility *)
+let rename_command nt =
+ if String.length nt >= 7 & String.sub nt 0 7 = "command"
+ then "constr"^(String.sub nt 7 (String.length nt - 7))
+ else if nt = "lcommand" then "lconstr"
+ else if nt = "lassoc_command4" then "lassoc_constr4"
+ else nt
let nterm univ ast =
let nont =
match ast with
- | Node (_, "QUAL", [Id (_, u); Id (_, nt)]) -> NtQual (u, nt)
- | Id (_, nt) -> NtShort nt
+ | Node (_, "QUAL", [Id (_, u); Id (_, nt)]) ->
+ NtQual (rename_command u, rename_command nt)
+ | Id (_, nt) -> NtShort (rename_command nt)
| _ -> invalid_arg_loc (Ast.loc ast, "Extend.nterm")
let (u,n) = qualified_nterm univ nont in
@@ -250,7 +128,7 @@ let rec prod_item_list univ penv pil =
let gram_rule univ etyp ast =
match ast with
- | Node (_, "RULE", (Id (_, name) :: act :: pil)) ->
+ | Node (_, "GRAMMARRULE", (Id (_, name) :: act :: pil)) ->
let (pilc, act_env) = prod_item_list univ [] pil in
let a = Ast.to_act_check_vars act_env etyp act in
{ gr_name=name; gr_production=pilc; gr_action=a }
@@ -270,9 +148,13 @@ let gram_assoc = function
| ast -> invalid_arg_loc (Ast.loc ast, "Egrammar.assoc")
let gram_define_entry univ = function
- | Node (_, "ENTRY", (Id (ntl, nt) :: et :: ass :: rl)) ->
+ | Node (_, "GRAMMARENTRY", (Id (ntl, nt) :: et :: ass :: rl)) ->
let etyp = entry_type et in
let assoc = gram_assoc ass in
+ (* For compatibility *)
+ let nt = rename_command nt in
let _ =
create_entry univ nt etyp
@@ -282,7 +164,11 @@ let gram_define_entry univ = function
(nt, etyp, assoc, rl)
| ast -> invalid_arg_loc (Ast.loc ast, "Egrammar.gram_define_entry")
-let gram_of_ast univ astl =
+let interp_grammar_command univ astl =
+ (* For compatibility *)
+ let univ = rename_command univ in
let u = get_univ univ in
let entryl = List.map (gram_define_entry u) astl in
{ gc_univ = univ;
@@ -314,8 +200,10 @@ type ppbox =
| PpVB of int
| PpTB
+type tolerability = (string * precedence) * parenRelation
type unparsing_hunk =
- | PH of Ast.pat * string option * parenRelation
+ | PH of Ast.pat * (string * tolerability option) option * parenRelation
| RO of string
| UNP_BOX of ppbox * unparsing_hunk list
| UNP_BRK of int * int
@@ -340,15 +228,24 @@ let box_of_ast = function
| Node (_, "PpTB", []) -> PpTB
| p -> invalid_arg_loc (Ast.loc p,"Syntaxext.box_of_ast")
+let prec_of_ast = function
+ | Node(_,"PREC",[Num(_,a1); Num(_,a2); Num(_,a3)]) -> (a1,a2,a3)
+ | ast -> invalid_arg_loc (Ast.loc ast,"Syntaxext.prec_of_ast")
+let extern_of_ast loc = function
+ | [Str(_,ppextern)] -> Some (ppextern,None)
+ | [Str(_,ppextern);p] -> Some (ppextern,Some ((ppextern,prec_of_ast p),Any))
+ | _ -> invalid_arg_loc (loc,"Syntaxext.extern_of_ast")
let rec unparsing_hunk_of_ast vars = function
- | Node(_, "PH", [e; Str(_,pprim)]) ->
- PH (Ast.val_of_ast vars e, Some pprim, Any)
+ | Node(_, "PH", [e; Node (loc,"EXTERN", ext_args)]) ->
+ PH (Ast.val_of_ast vars e, extern_of_ast loc ext_args, Any)
| Node(loc, "PH", [e; Id(_,pr)]) ->
let reln =
(match pr with
| "L" -> L
| "E" -> E
- | "Any" -> Any
+ | "Any" -> Any
| _ -> invalid_arg_loc (loc,"Syntaxext.paren_reln_of_ast")) in
PH (Ast.val_of_ast vars e, None, reln)
| Node (_, "RO", [Str(_,s)]) -> RO s
@@ -366,19 +263,18 @@ let unparsing_of_ast vars = function
List.map (unparsing_hunk_of_ast vars) ll
| u -> invalid_arg_loc (Ast.loc u,"Syntaxext.unp_of_ast")
-let prec_of_ast = function
- | Node(_,"PREC",[Num(_,a1); Num(_,a2); Num(_,a3)]) -> (a1,a2,a3)
- | ast -> invalid_arg_loc (Ast.loc ast,"Syntaxext.prec_of_ast")
type syntax_entry = {
syn_id : string;
syn_prec: precedence;
syn_astpat : Ast.pat;
syn_hunks : unparsing_hunk list }
+type syntax_command = {
+ sc_univ : string;
+ sc_entries : syntax_entry list }
let rule_of_ast whatfor prec = function
- | Node(_,"RULE",[Id(_,s); spat; unp]) ->
+ | Node(_,"SYNTAXRULE",[Id(_,s); spat; unp]) ->
let (astpat,meta_env) = Ast.to_pat [] spat in
let hunks = unparsing_of_ast meta_env unp in
{ syn_id = s;
@@ -392,3 +288,9 @@ let level_of_ast whatfor = function
let prec = prec_of_ast pr in
List.map (rule_of_ast whatfor prec) rl
| ast -> invalid_arg_loc (Ast.loc ast,"Metasyntax.level_of_ast")
+let interp_syntax_entry univ sel =
+ { sc_univ = univ;
+ sc_entries = List.flatten (List.map (level_of_ast univ) sel)}