path: root/parsing/cLexer.ml4
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'parsing/cLexer.ml4')
1 files changed, 695 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/parsing/cLexer.ml4 b/parsing/cLexer.ml4
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5d96873f3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/parsing/cLexer.ml4
@@ -0,0 +1,695 @@
+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * INRIA - CNRS - LIX - LRI - PPS - Copyright 1999-2016 *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+open Pp
+open Util
+open Compat
+open Tok
+(* Dictionaries: trees annotated with string options, each node being a map
+ from chars to dictionaries (the subtrees). A trie, in other words. *)
+module CharOrd = struct type t = char let compare : char -> char -> int = compare end
+module CharMap = Map.Make (CharOrd)
+type ttree = {
+ node : string option;
+ branch : ttree CharMap.t }
+let empty_ttree = { node = None; branch = CharMap.empty }
+let ttree_add ttree str =
+ let rec insert tt i =
+ if i == String.length str then
+ {node = Some str; branch = tt.branch}
+ else
+ let c = str.[i] in
+ let br =
+ match try Some (CharMap.find c tt.branch) with Not_found -> None with
+ | Some tt' ->
+ CharMap.add c (insert tt' (i + 1)) (CharMap.remove c tt.branch)
+ | None ->
+ let tt' = {node = None; branch = CharMap.empty} in
+ CharMap.add c (insert tt' (i + 1)) tt.branch
+ in
+ { node = tt.node; branch = br }
+ in
+ insert ttree 0
+(* Search a string in a dictionary: raises [Not_found]
+ if the word is not present. *)
+let ttree_find ttree str =
+ let rec proc_rec tt i =
+ if i == String.length str then tt
+ else proc_rec (CharMap.find str.[i] tt.branch) (i+1)
+ in
+ proc_rec ttree 0
+(* Removes a string from a dictionary: returns an equal dictionary
+ if the word not present. *)
+let ttree_remove ttree str =
+ let rec remove tt i =
+ if i == String.length str then
+ {node = None; branch = tt.branch}
+ else
+ let c = str.[i] in
+ let br =
+ match try Some (CharMap.find c tt.branch) with Not_found -> None with
+ | Some tt' ->
+ CharMap.add c (remove tt' (i + 1)) (CharMap.remove c tt.branch)
+ | None -> tt.branch
+ in
+ { node = tt.node; branch = br }
+ in
+ remove ttree 0
+(* Errors occurring while lexing (explained as "Lexer error: ...") *)
+module Error = struct
+ type t =
+ | Illegal_character
+ | Unterminated_comment
+ | Unterminated_string
+ | Undefined_token
+ | Bad_token of string
+ | UnsupportedUnicode of int
+ exception E of t
+ let to_string x =
+ "Syntax Error: Lexer: " ^
+ (match x with
+ | Illegal_character -> "Illegal character"
+ | Unterminated_comment -> "Unterminated comment"
+ | Unterminated_string -> "Unterminated string"
+ | Undefined_token -> "Undefined token"
+ | Bad_token tok -> Format.sprintf "Bad token %S" tok
+ | UnsupportedUnicode x ->
+ Printf.sprintf "Unsupported Unicode character (0x%x)" x)
+ (* Require to fix the Camlp4 signature *)
+ let print ppf x = Pp.pp_with ppf (Pp.str (to_string x))
+open Error
+let err loc str = Loc.raise (Loc.make_loc loc) (Error.E str)
+let bad_token str = raise (Error.E (Bad_token str))
+(* Lexer conventions on tokens *)
+type token_kind =
+ | Utf8Token of (Unicode.status * int)
+ | AsciiChar
+ | EmptyStream
+let error_unsupported_unicode_character n unicode cs =
+ let bp = Stream.count cs in
+ err (bp,bp+n) (UnsupportedUnicode unicode)
+let error_utf8 cs =
+ let bp = Stream.count cs in
+ Stream.junk cs; (* consume the char to avoid read it and fail again *)
+ err (bp, bp+1) Illegal_character
+let utf8_char_size cs = function
+ (* Utf8 leading byte *)
+ | '\x00'..'\x7F' -> 1
+ | '\xC0'..'\xDF' -> 2
+ | '\xE0'..'\xEF' -> 3
+ | '\xF0'..'\xF7' -> 4
+ | _ (* '\x80'..\xBF'|'\xF8'..'\xFF' *) -> error_utf8 cs
+let njunk n = Util.repeat n Stream.junk
+let check_utf8_trailing_byte cs c =
+ if not (Int.equal (Char.code c land 0xC0) 0x80) then error_utf8 cs
+(* Recognize utf8 blocks (of length less than 4 bytes) *)
+(* but don't certify full utf8 compliance (e.g. no emptyness check) *)
+let lookup_utf8_tail c cs =
+ let c1 = Char.code c in
+ if Int.equal (c1 land 0x40) 0 || Int.equal (c1 land 0x38) 0x38 then error_utf8 cs
+ else
+ let n, unicode =
+ if Int.equal (c1 land 0x20) 0 then
+ match Stream.npeek 2 cs with
+ | [_;c2] ->
+ check_utf8_trailing_byte cs c2;
+ 2, (c1 land 0x1F) lsl 6 + (Char.code c2 land 0x3F)
+ | _ -> error_utf8 cs
+ else if Int.equal (c1 land 0x10) 0 then
+ match Stream.npeek 3 cs with
+ | [_;c2;c3] ->
+ check_utf8_trailing_byte cs c2; check_utf8_trailing_byte cs c3;
+ 3, (c1 land 0x0F) lsl 12 + (Char.code c2 land 0x3F) lsl 6 +
+ (Char.code c3 land 0x3F)
+ | _ -> error_utf8 cs
+ else match Stream.npeek 4 cs with
+ | [_;c2;c3;c4] ->
+ check_utf8_trailing_byte cs c2; check_utf8_trailing_byte cs c3;
+ check_utf8_trailing_byte cs c4;
+ 4, (c1 land 0x07) lsl 18 + (Char.code c2 land 0x3F) lsl 12 +
+ (Char.code c3 land 0x3F) lsl 6 + (Char.code c4 land 0x3F)
+ | _ -> error_utf8 cs
+ in
+ try Unicode.classify unicode, n
+ with Unicode.Unsupported ->
+ njunk n cs; error_unsupported_unicode_character n unicode cs
+let lookup_utf8 cs =
+ match Stream.peek cs with
+ | Some ('\x00'..'\x7F') -> AsciiChar
+ | Some ('\x80'..'\xFF' as c) -> Utf8Token (lookup_utf8_tail c cs)
+ | None -> EmptyStream
+let unlocated f x = f x
+ (** FIXME: should we still unloc the exception? *)
+(* try f x with Loc.Exc_located (_, exc) -> raise exc *)
+let check_keyword str =
+ let rec loop_symb = parser
+ | [< ' (' ' | '\n' | '\r' | '\t' | '"') >] -> bad_token str
+ | [< s >] ->
+ match unlocated lookup_utf8 s with
+ | Utf8Token (_,n) -> njunk n s; loop_symb s
+ | AsciiChar -> Stream.junk s; loop_symb s
+ | EmptyStream -> ()
+ in
+ loop_symb (Stream.of_string str)
+let check_keyword_to_add s =
+ try check_keyword s
+ with Error.E (UnsupportedUnicode unicode) ->
+ Flags.if_verbose msg_warning
+ (strbrk (Printf.sprintf "Token '%s' contains unicode character 0x%x \
+ which will not be parsable." s unicode))
+let check_ident str =
+ let rec loop_id intail = parser
+ | [< ' ('a'..'z' | 'A'..'Z' | '_'); s >] ->
+ loop_id true s
+ | [< ' ('0'..'9' | ''') when intail; s >] ->
+ loop_id true s
+ | [< s >] ->
+ match unlocated lookup_utf8 s with
+ | Utf8Token (Unicode.Letter, n) -> njunk n s; loop_id true s
+ | Utf8Token (Unicode.IdentPart, n) when intail ->
+ njunk n s;
+ loop_id true s
+ | EmptyStream -> ()
+ | Utf8Token _ | AsciiChar -> bad_token str
+ in
+ loop_id false (Stream.of_string str)
+let is_ident str =
+ try let _ = check_ident str in true with Error.E _ -> false
+(* Keyword and symbol dictionary *)
+let token_tree = ref empty_ttree
+let is_keyword s =
+ try match (ttree_find !token_tree s).node with None -> false | Some _ -> true
+ with Not_found -> false
+let add_keyword str =
+ if not (is_keyword str) then
+ begin
+ check_keyword_to_add str;
+ token_tree := ttree_add !token_tree str
+ end
+let remove_keyword str =
+ token_tree := ttree_remove !token_tree str
+(* Freeze and unfreeze the state of the lexer *)
+type frozen_t = ttree
+let freeze () = !token_tree
+let unfreeze tt = (token_tree := tt)
+(* The string buffering machinery *)
+let buff = ref (String.create 80)
+let store len x =
+ if len >= String.length !buff then
+ buff := !buff ^ String.create (String.length !buff);
+ !buff.[len] <- x;
+ succ len
+let rec nstore n len cs =
+ if n>0 then nstore (n-1) (store len (Stream.next cs)) cs else len
+let get_buff len = String.sub !buff 0 len
+(* The classical lexer: idents, numbers, quoted strings, comments *)
+let rec ident_tail len = parser
+ | [< ' ('a'..'z' | 'A'..'Z' | '0'..'9' | ''' | '_' as c); s >] ->
+ ident_tail (store len c) s
+ | [< s >] ->
+ match lookup_utf8 s with
+ | Utf8Token ((Unicode.IdentPart | Unicode.Letter), n) ->
+ ident_tail (nstore n len s) s
+ | _ -> len
+let rec number len = parser
+ | [< ' ('0'..'9' as c); s >] -> number (store len c) s
+ | [< >] -> len
+let rec string in_comments bp len = parser
+ | [< ''"'; esc=(parser [<''"' >] -> true | [< >] -> false); s >] ->
+ if esc then string in_comments bp (store len '"') s else len
+ | [< ''('; s >] ->
+ (parser
+ | [< ''*'; s >] ->
+ string
+ (Option.map succ in_comments)
+ bp (store (store len '(') '*')
+ s
+ | [< >] ->
+ string in_comments bp (store len '(') s) s
+ | [< ''*'; s >] ->
+ (parser
+ | [< '')'; s >] ->
+ let () = match in_comments with
+ | Some 0 ->
+ msg_warning
+ (strbrk
+ "Not interpreting \"*)\" as the end of current \
+ non-terminated comment because it occurs in a \
+ non-terminated string of the comment.")
+ | _ -> ()
+ in
+ let in_comments = Option.map pred in_comments in
+ string in_comments bp (store (store len '*') ')') s
+ | [< >] ->
+ string in_comments bp (store len '*') s) s
+ | [< 'c; s >] -> string in_comments bp (store len c) s
+ | [< _ = Stream.empty >] ep -> err (bp, ep) Unterminated_string
+(* Hook for exporting comment into xml theory files *)
+let (f_xml_output_comment, xml_output_comment) = Hook.make ~default:ignore ()
+(* Utilities for comments in beautify *)
+let comment_begin = ref None
+let comm_loc bp = match !comment_begin with
+| None -> comment_begin := Some bp
+| _ -> ()
+let current = Buffer.create 8192
+let between_com = ref true
+type com_state = int option * string * bool
+let restore_com_state (o,s,b) =
+ comment_begin := o;
+ Buffer.clear current; Buffer.add_string current s;
+ between_com := b
+let dflt_com = (None,"",true)
+let com_state () =
+ let s = (!comment_begin, Buffer.contents current, !between_com) in
+ restore_com_state dflt_com; s
+let real_push_char c = Buffer.add_char current c
+(* Add a char if it is between two commands, if it is a newline or
+ if the last char is not a space itself. *)
+let push_char c =
+ if
+ !between_com || List.mem c ['\n';'\r'] ||
+ (List.mem c [' ';'\t']&&
+ (Int.equal (Buffer.length current) 0 ||
+ not (let s = Buffer.contents current in
+ List.mem s.[String.length s - 1] [' ';'\t';'\n';'\r'])))
+ then
+ real_push_char c
+let push_string s = Buffer.add_string current s
+let null_comment s =
+ let rec null i =
+ i<0 || (List.mem s.[i] [' ';'\t';'\n';'\r'] && null (i-1)) in
+ null (String.length s - 1)
+let comment_stop ep =
+ let current_s = Buffer.contents current in
+ if !Flags.xml_export && Buffer.length current > 0 &&
+ (!between_com || not(null_comment current_s)) then
+ Hook.get f_xml_output_comment current_s;
+ (if Flags.do_beautify() && Buffer.length current > 0 &&
+ (!between_com || not(null_comment current_s)) then
+ let bp = match !comment_begin with
+ Some bp -> bp
+ | None ->
+ msgerrnl(str "No begin location for comment '"
+ ++ str current_s ++str"' ending at "
+ ++ int ep);
+ ep-1 in
+ Pp.comments := ((bp,ep),current_s) :: !Pp.comments);
+ Buffer.clear current;
+ comment_begin := None;
+ between_com := false
+(* Does not unescape!!! *)
+let rec comm_string bp = parser
+ | [< ''"' >] -> push_string "\""
+ | [< ''\\'; _ =
+ (parser [< ' ('"' | '\\' as c) >] ->
+ let () = match c with
+ | '"' -> real_push_char c
+ | _ -> ()
+ in
+ real_push_char c
+ | [< >] -> real_push_char '\\'); s >]
+ -> comm_string bp s
+ | [< _ = Stream.empty >] ep -> err (bp, ep) Unterminated_string
+ | [< 'c; s >] -> real_push_char c; comm_string bp s
+let rec comment bp = parser bp2
+ | [< ''(';
+ _ = (parser
+ | [< ''*'; s >] -> push_string "(*"; comment bp s
+ | [< >] -> push_string "(" );
+ s >] -> comment bp s
+ | [< ''*';
+ _ = parser
+ | [< '')' >] -> push_string "*)";
+ | [< s >] -> real_push_char '*'; comment bp s >] -> ()
+ | [< ''"'; s >] ->
+ if Flags.do_beautify() then (push_string"\"";comm_string bp2 s)
+ else ignore (string (Some 0) bp2 0 s);
+ comment bp s
+ | [< _ = Stream.empty >] ep -> err (bp, ep) Unterminated_comment
+ | [< 'z; s >] -> real_push_char z; comment bp s
+(* Parse a special token, using the [token_tree] *)
+(* Peek as much utf-8 lexemes as possible *)
+(* and retain the longest valid special token obtained *)
+let rec progress_further last nj tt cs =
+ try progress_from_byte last nj tt cs (List.nth (Stream.npeek (nj+1) cs) nj)
+ with Failure _ -> last
+and update_longest_valid_token last nj tt cs =
+ match tt.node with
+ | Some _ as last' ->
+ stream_njunk nj cs;
+ progress_further last' 0 tt cs
+ | None ->
+ progress_further last nj tt cs
+(* nj is the number of char peeked since last valid token *)
+(* n the number of char in utf8 block *)
+and progress_utf8 last nj n c tt cs =
+ try
+ let tt = CharMap.find c tt.branch in
+ if Int.equal n 1 then
+ update_longest_valid_token last (nj+n) tt cs
+ else
+ match Util.List.skipn (nj+1) (Stream.npeek (nj+n) cs) with
+ | l when Int.equal (List.length l) (n - 1) ->
+ List.iter (check_utf8_trailing_byte cs) l;
+ let tt = List.fold_left (fun tt c -> CharMap.find c tt.branch) tt l in
+ update_longest_valid_token last (nj+n) tt cs
+ | _ ->
+ error_utf8 cs
+ with Not_found ->
+ last
+and progress_from_byte last nj tt cs c =
+ progress_utf8 last nj (utf8_char_size cs c) c tt cs
+let find_keyword id s =
+ let tt = ttree_find !token_tree id in
+ match progress_further tt.node 0 tt s with
+ | None -> raise Not_found
+ | Some c -> KEYWORD c
+let process_sequence bp c cs =
+ let rec aux n cs =
+ match Stream.peek cs with
+ | Some c' when c == c' -> Stream.junk cs; aux (n+1) cs
+ | _ -> BULLET (String.make n c), (bp, Stream.count cs)
+ in
+ aux 1 cs
+(* Must be a special token *)
+let process_chars bp c cs =
+ let t = progress_from_byte None (-1) !token_tree cs c in
+ let ep = Stream.count cs in
+ match t with
+ | Some t -> (KEYWORD t, (bp, ep))
+ | None ->
+ let ep' = bp + utf8_char_size cs c in
+ njunk (ep' - ep) cs;
+ err (bp, ep') Undefined_token
+let token_of_special c s = match c with
+ | '$' -> METAIDENT s
+ | '.' -> FIELD s
+ | _ -> assert false
+(* Parse what follows a dot / a dollar *)
+let parse_after_special c bp =
+ parser
+ | [< ' ('a'..'z' | 'A'..'Z' | '_' as d); len = ident_tail (store 0 d) >] ->
+ token_of_special c (get_buff len)
+ | [< s >] ->
+ match lookup_utf8 s with
+ | Utf8Token (Unicode.Letter, n) ->
+ token_of_special c (get_buff (ident_tail (nstore n 0 s) s))
+ | AsciiChar | Utf8Token _ | EmptyStream -> fst (process_chars bp c s)
+(* Parse what follows a question mark *)
+let parse_after_qmark bp s =
+ match Stream.peek s with
+ | Some ('a'..'z' | 'A'..'Z' | '_') -> LEFTQMARK
+ | None -> KEYWORD "?"
+ | _ ->
+ match lookup_utf8 s with
+ | Utf8Token (Unicode.Letter, _) -> LEFTQMARK
+ | AsciiChar | Utf8Token _ | EmptyStream ->
+ fst (process_chars bp '?' s)
+let blank_or_eof cs =
+ match Stream.peek cs with
+ | None -> true
+ | Some (' ' | '\t' | '\n' |'\r') -> true
+ | _ -> false
+(* Parse a token in a char stream *)
+let rec next_token = parser bp
+ | [< '' ' | '\t' | '\n' |'\r' as c; s >] ->
+ comm_loc bp; push_char c; next_token s
+ | [< ''$' as c; t = parse_after_special c bp >] ep ->
+ comment_stop bp; (t, (ep, bp))
+ | [< ''.' as c; t = parse_after_special c bp; s >] ep ->
+ comment_stop bp;
+ (* We enforce that "." should either be part of a larger keyword,
+ for instance ".(", or followed by a blank or eof. *)
+ let () = match t with
+ | KEYWORD ("." | "...") ->
+ if not (blank_or_eof s) then err (bp,ep+1) Undefined_token;
+ between_com := true;
+ | _ -> ()
+ in
+ (t, (bp,ep))
+ | [< ' ('-'|'+'|'*' as c); s >] ->
+ let t,new_between_com =
+ if !between_com then process_sequence bp c s,true
+ else process_chars bp c s,false
+ in
+ comment_stop bp; between_com := new_between_com; t
+ | [< ''?'; s >] ep ->
+ let t = parse_after_qmark bp s in comment_stop bp; (t, (ep, bp))
+ | [< ' ('a'..'z' | 'A'..'Z' | '_' as c);
+ len = ident_tail (store 0 c); s >] ep ->
+ let id = get_buff len in
+ comment_stop bp;
+ (try find_keyword id s with Not_found -> IDENT id), (bp, ep)
+ | [< ' ('0'..'9' as c); len = number (store 0 c) >] ep ->
+ comment_stop bp;
+ (INT (get_buff len), (bp, ep))
+ | [< ''\"'; len = string None bp 0 >] ep ->
+ comment_stop bp;
+ (STRING (get_buff len), (bp, ep))
+ | [< ' ('(' as c);
+ t = parser
+ | [< ''*'; s >] ->
+ comm_loc bp;
+ push_string "(*";
+ comment bp s;
+ next_token s
+ | [< t = process_chars bp c >] -> comment_stop bp; t >] ->
+ t
+ | [< s >] ->
+ match lookup_utf8 s with
+ | Utf8Token (Unicode.Letter, n) ->
+ let len = ident_tail (nstore n 0 s) s in
+ let id = get_buff len in
+ let ep = Stream.count s in
+ comment_stop bp;
+ (try find_keyword id s with Not_found -> IDENT id), (bp, ep)
+ | AsciiChar | Utf8Token ((Unicode.Symbol | Unicode.IdentPart), _) ->
+ let t = process_chars bp (Stream.next s) s in
+ let new_between_com = match t with
+ (KEYWORD ("{"|"}"),_) -> !between_com | _ -> false in
+ comment_stop bp; between_com := new_between_com; t
+ | EmptyStream ->
+ comment_stop bp; (EOI, (bp, bp + 1))
+(* (* Debug: uncomment this for tracing tokens seen by coq...*)
+let next_token s =
+ let (t,(bp,ep)) = next_token s in Printf.eprintf "[%s]\n%!" (Tok.to_string t);
+ (t,(bp,ep))
+(* Location table system for creating tables associating a token count
+ to its location in a char stream (the source) *)
+let locerr () = invalid_arg "Lexer: location function"
+let loct_create () = Hashtbl.create 207
+let loct_func loct i =
+ try Hashtbl.find loct i with Not_found -> locerr ()
+let loct_add loct i loc = Hashtbl.add loct i loc
+let current_location_table = ref (loct_create ())
+type location_table = (int, CompatLoc.t) Hashtbl.t
+let location_table () = !current_location_table
+let restore_location_table t = current_location_table := t
+(** {6 The lexer of Coq} *)
+(** Note: removing a token.
+ We do nothing because [remove_token] is called only when removing a grammar
+ rule with [Grammar.delete_rule]. The latter command is called only when
+ unfreezing the state of the grammar entries (see GRAMMAR summary, file
+ env/metasyntax.ml). Therefore, instead of removing tokens one by one,
+ we unfreeze the state of the lexer. This restores the behaviour of the
+ lexer. B.B. *)
+type te = Tok.t
+(** Names of tokens, for this lexer, used in Grammar error messages *)
+let token_text = function
+ | ("", t) -> "'" ^ t ^ "'"
+ | ("IDENT", "") -> "identifier"
+ | ("IDENT", t) -> "'" ^ t ^ "'"
+ | ("INT", "") -> "integer"
+ | ("INT", s) -> "'" ^ s ^ "'"
+ | ("STRING", "") -> "string"
+ | ("EOI", "") -> "end of input"
+ | (con, "") -> con
+ | (con, prm) -> con ^ " \"" ^ prm ^ "\""
+let func cs =
+ let loct = loct_create () in
+ let ts =
+ Stream.from
+ (fun i ->
+ let (tok, loc) = next_token cs in
+ loct_add loct i (make_loc loc); Some tok)
+ in
+ current_location_table := loct;
+ (ts, loct_func loct)
+let lexer = {
+ Token.tok_func = func;
+ Token.tok_using =
+ (fun pat -> match Tok.of_pattern pat with
+ | KEYWORD s -> add_keyword s
+ | _ -> ());
+ Token.tok_removing = (fun _ -> ());
+ Token.tok_match = Tok.match_pattern;
+ Token.tok_comm = None;
+ Token.tok_text = token_text }
+ELSE (* official camlp4 for ocaml >= 3.10 *)
+module M_ = Camlp4.ErrorHandler.Register (Error)
+module Loc = CompatLoc
+module Token = struct
+ include Tok (* Cf. tok.ml *)
+ module Loc = CompatLoc
+ module Error = Camlp4.Struct.EmptyError
+ module Filter = struct
+ type token_filter = (Tok.t * Loc.t) Stream.t -> (Tok.t * Loc.t) Stream.t
+ type t = unit
+ let mk _is_kwd = ()
+ let keyword_added () kwd _ = add_keyword kwd
+ let keyword_removed () _ = ()
+ let filter () x = x
+ let define_filter () _ = ()
+ end
+let mk () _init_loc(*FIXME*) cs =
+ let loct = loct_create () in
+ let rec self =
+ parser i
+ [< (tok, loc) = next_token; s >] ->
+ let loc = make_loc loc in
+ loct_add loct i loc;
+ [< '(tok, loc); self s >]
+ | [< >] -> [< >]
+ in current_location_table := loct; self cs
+(** Terminal symbols interpretation *)
+let is_ident_not_keyword s =
+ is_ident s && not (is_keyword s)
+let is_number s =
+ let rec aux i =
+ Int.equal (String.length s) i ||
+ match s.[i] with '0'..'9' -> aux (i+1) | _ -> false
+ in aux 0
+let strip s =
+ let len =
+ let rec loop i len =
+ if Int.equal i (String.length s) then len
+ else if s.[i] == ' ' then loop (i + 1) len
+ else loop (i + 1) (len + 1)
+ in
+ loop 0 0
+ in
+ if len == String.length s then s
+ else
+ let s' = String.create len in
+ let rec loop i i' =
+ if i == String.length s then s'
+ else if s.[i] == ' ' then loop (i + 1) i'
+ else begin s'.[i'] <- s.[i]; loop (i + 1) (i' + 1) end
+ in
+ loop 0 0
+let terminal s =
+ let s = strip s in
+ let () = match s with "" -> Errors.error "empty token." | _ -> () in
+ if is_ident_not_keyword s then IDENT s
+ else if is_number s then INT s
+ else KEYWORD s