path: root/parsing/astterm.ml
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1 files changed, 4 insertions, 221 deletions
diff --git a/parsing/astterm.ml b/parsing/astterm.ml
index d06be7d62..0c56d6f0b 100644
--- a/parsing/astterm.ml
+++ b/parsing/astterm.ml
@@ -65,127 +65,9 @@ let check_number_of_pattern loc n l =
if n<>(List.length l) then
user_err_loc (loc,"check_number_of_pattern",mssg_number_of_patterns n l)
-(* absolutize_eqn replaces pattern variables that are global. This
- * means that we are going to remove the pattern abstractions that
- * correspond to constructors.
- * Warning: Names that are global but do not correspond to
- * constructors are considered non-known_global. E.g. if nat appears
- * in a pattern is considered as a variable name. known_global should
- * be refined in order to consider known_global names only those that
- * correspond to constructors of inductive types.
- *)
-let is_constructor = function
- DOPN(MutConstruct((sp,tyi),i),cl)-> true | _ ->false
-let is_known_constructor k env id =
- let srch =
- match k with
- CCI -> Machops.search_reference
- | FW -> Machops.search_freference
- | _ -> anomaly "known_global" in
- try is_constructor (srch env id)
- with (Not_found | UserError _) ->
- (try is_constructor (Environ.search_synconst k id)
- with Not_found -> false)
-let rec abs_eqn k env avoid = function
- (v::ids, Slam(_,ona,t)) ->
- let id = id_of_string (Ast.id_of_ast v) in
- if is_known_constructor k env id
- then abs_eqn k env avoid (ids, subst1 (VAR id) t)
- else
- let id' = if is_underscore id then id else next_ident_away id avoid in
- let (nids,nt) = abs_eqn k env (id'::avoid) (ids,t) in
- (id'::nids, DLAM(na,nt))
- | ([],t) -> ([],t)
- | _ -> assert false
-let rec absolutize_eqn absrec k env = function
- DOP1(XTRA("LAMEQN",ids),lam_eqn) ->
- let gids = ids_of_sign (get_globals env) in
- let (nids,neqn) = abs_eqn k env gids (ids, lam_eqn) in
- let uplid = filter is_uppercase_var nids in
- let _ = if uplid <> [] then warning_uppercase uplid in
- DOP1(XTRA("LAMEQN",nids), absrec neqn)
- | _ -> anomalylabstrm "absolutize_eqn" (mal_formed_mssg())
(* Arguments normally implicit in the "Implicit Arguments mode" *)
(* but explicitely given *)
-let dest_explicit_arg = function
- (DOP1(XTRA ("!", [Num(_,j)]), t)) -> (j,t)
- | _ -> raise Not_found
-let is_explicit_arg = function
- (DOP1(XTRA ("!", [Num(_,j)]), t)) -> true
- | _ -> false
-let explicitize_appl l args =
- let rec aux n l args acc =
- match (l,args) with
- (i::l',a::args') ->
- if i=n
- then try let j,a' = dest_explicit_arg a in
- if j > i
- then aux (n+1) l' args (mkExistential::acc)
- else if j = i
- then aux (n+1) l' args' (a'::acc)
- else error "Bad explicitation number"
- with Not_found -> aux (n+1) l' args (mkExistential::acc)
- else if is_explicit_arg a then error "Bad explicitation number"
- else aux (n+1) l args' (a::acc)
- | ([],_) -> (List.rev acc)@args
- | (_,[]) -> (List.rev acc)
-in aux 1 l args []
-let absolutize k sigma env constr =
- let rec absrec env constr = match constr with
- VAR id -> fst (absolutize_var_with_impl k sigma env id)
- | Rel _ as t -> t
- | DOP1(XTRA ("!", [Num _]), _) -> error "Bad explicitation number"
- | DOPN(AppL,cl) -> (* Detect implicit args occurrences *)
- let cl1 = Array.to_list cl in
- let f = List.hd cl1 in
- let args = List.tl cl1 in
- begin match f with
- VAR id ->
- let (c, impargs) = absolutize_var_with_impl k sigma env id in
- let newargs = explicitize_appl impargs args in
- mkAppList c (List.map (absrec env) newargs)
- | DOPN((Const _ | MutInd _ | MutConstruct _) as op, _) ->
- let id = id_of_global op in
- let (c, impargs) = search_ref_with_impl k env id in
- let newargs = explicitize_appl impargs args in
- mkAppList c (List.map (absrec env) newargs)
- | (DOP1(XTRA ("!",[]), t)) ->
- mkAppList (absrec env t) (List.map (absrec env) args)
- | _ -> mkAppL (Array.map (absrec env) cl)
- end
- (* Pattern branches have a special absolutization *)
- | DOP1(XTRA("LAMEQN",_),_) as eqn -> absolutize_eqn (absrec env) k env eqn
- | DOP0 _ as t -> t
- | DOP1(oper,c) -> DOP1(oper,absrec env c)
- | DOP2(oper,c1,c2) -> DOP2(oper,absrec env c1,absrec env c2)
- | DOPN(oper,cl) -> DOPN(oper,Array.map (absrec env) cl)
- | DOPL(oper,cl) -> DOPL(oper,List.map (absrec env) cl)
- | DLAM(na,c) -> DLAM(na,absrec (add_rel (na,()) env) c)
- | DLAMV(na,cl) -> DLAMV(na,Array.map (absrec (add_rel (na,()) env)) cl)
- in absrec env constr
-(* Fonctions exportées *)
-let absolutize_cci sigma env constr = absolutize CCI sigma env constr
-let absolutize_fw sigma env constr = absolutize FW sigma env constr
let dbize_sp = function
| Path(loc,sl,s) ->
@@ -196,62 +78,6 @@ let dbize_sp = function
[< 'sTR"malformed section-path" >]))
| ast -> anomaly_loc(Ast.loc ast,"Astterm.dbize_sp",
[< 'sTR"not a section-path" >])
-let dbize_op loc opn pl cl =
- match (opn,pl,cl) with
- ("META",[Num(_,n)], []) -> DOP0(Meta n)
- | ("XTRA",(Str(_,s))::tlpl,_) when (multcase_kw s) ->
- DOPN(XTRA(s,tlpl),Array.of_list cl)
- | ("XTRA",(Str(_,s))::tlpl,[]) -> DOP0(XTRA(s,tlpl))
- | ("XTRA",(Str(_,s))::tlpl,[c]) -> DOP1(XTRA(s,tlpl),c)
- | ("XTRA",(Str(_,s))::tlpl,[c1;c2]) -> DOP2(XTRA(s,tlpl),c1,c2)
- | ("XTRA",(Str(_,s))::tlpl,_) -> DOPN(XTRA(s,tlpl), Array.of_list cl)
- | ("PROP", [Id(_,s)], []) ->
- (try RSort(Prop (contents_of_str s))
- with Invalid_argument s -> anomaly_loc (loc,"Astterm.dbize_op",
- [< 'sTR s >]))
- | ("TYPE", [], []) -> RSort(Type(dummy_univ))
- | ("IMPLICIT", [], []) -> DOP0(Implicit)
- | ("CAST", [], [c1;c2]) -> DOP2(Cast,c1,c2)
- | ("CONST", [sp], _) -> DOPN(Const (dbize_sp sp),Array.of_list cl)
- | ("ABST", [sp], _) ->
- (try global_abst (dbize_sp sp) (Array.of_list cl)
- with
- Failure _ | Invalid_argument _ ->
- anomaly_loc(loc,"Astterm.dbize_op",
- [< 'sTR"malformed abstraction" >])
- | Not_found -> user_err_loc(loc,"Astterm.dbize_op",
- [< 'sTR"Unbound abstraction" >]))
- | ("MUTIND", [sp;Num(_,tyi)], _) ->
- DOPN(MutInd (dbize_sp sp, tyi),Array.of_list cl)
- | ("MUTCASE", [], p::c::l) -> mkMutCase None p c l
- | ("MUTCONSTRUCT", [sp;Num(_,tyi);Num(_,n)], _) ->
- DOPN(MutConstruct ((dbize_sp sp, tyi),n),Array.of_list cl)
- | ("SQUASH",[],[_]) -> user_err_loc
- (loc,"Astterm.dbize_op",
- [< 'sTR "Unrecognizable braces expression." >])
- | (op,_,_) -> anomaly_loc
- (loc,"Astterm.dbize_op",
- [< 'sTR "Unrecognizable constr operator: "; 'sTR op >])
-let split_params =
- let rec sprec acc = function
- (Id _ as p)::l -> sprec (p::acc) l
- | (Str _ as p)::l -> sprec (p::acc) l
- | (Num _ as p)::l -> sprec (p::acc) l
- | (Path _ as p)::l -> sprec (p::acc) l
- | l -> (List.rev acc,l)
- in sprec []
let is_underscore id = (id = "_")
@@ -526,49 +352,11 @@ let dbize k sigma =
-let dbize_kind ... =
- let c =
- try dbize k sigma env com
- with e ->
- wrap_error
- (Ast.loc com, "dbize_kind",
- [< 'sTR"During conversion from explicit-names to" ; 'sPC ;
- 'sTR"debruijn-indices" >], e,
- [< 'sTR"Perhaps the input is malformed" >]) in
- let c =
- try absolutize k sigma env c
- with e ->
- wrap_error
- (Ast.loc com, "Astterm.dbize_kind",
- [< 'sTR"During the relocation of global references," >], e,
- [< 'sTR"Perhaps the input is malformed" >])
- in c
let dbize_cci sigma env com = dbize CCI sigma env com
let dbize_fw sigma env com = dbize FW sigma env com
(* constr_of_com takes an environment of typing assumptions,
- * and translates a command to a constr.
-let raw_constr_of_com sigma env com =
- let c = dbize_cci sigma (unitize_env env) com in
- try Sosub.soexecute c
- with Failure _|UserError _ -> error_sosub_execute CCI com
-let raw_fconstr_of_com sigma env com =
- let c = dbize_fw sigma (unitize_env env) com in
- try Sosub.soexecute c
- with Failure _|UserError _ -> error_sosub_execute FW com
-let raw_constr_of_compattern sigma env com =
- let c = dbize_cci sigma (unitize_env env) com in
- try Sosub.try_soexecute c
- with Failure _|UserError _ -> error_sosub_execute CCI com
- *)
+ * and translates a command to a constr. *)
let raw_constr_of_com sigma env com = dbize_cci sigma (unitize_env env) com
let raw_fconstr_of_com sigma env com = dbize_fw sigma (unitize_env env) com
@@ -707,16 +495,10 @@ let fconstr_of_com_sort sigma sign com =
let constr_of_com_casted sigma env com typ =
let sign = context env in
- let c = raw_constr_of_com sigma sign com in
- let isevars = ref sigma in
- try
- let j = unsafe_machine
- (mk_tycon (nf_ise1 sigma typ)) false isevars [] env c in
- (j_apply (process_evars true !isevars) j).uj_val
- with e ->
- Stdpp.raise_with_loc (Ast.loc com) e
+ ise_resolve_casted sigma env typ (raw_constr_of_com sigma sign com)
(* Typing with Trad, and re-checking with Mach *)
+(* Should be done in two passes by library commands ...
let fconstruct_type sigma sign com =
let c = constr_of_com1 true sigma sign com in
Mach.fexecute_type sigma sign c
@@ -743,3 +525,4 @@ let fconstruct_with_univ sigma sign com =
let (_,j) = with_universes (Mach.fexecute sigma sign)
(univ_sp, Constraintab.current_constraints(), c) in