path: root/parsing/astterm.ml
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Diffstat (limited to 'parsing/astterm.ml')
1 files changed, 60 insertions, 49 deletions
diff --git a/parsing/astterm.ml b/parsing/astterm.ml
index 841a571e9..002925e16 100644
--- a/parsing/astterm.ml
+++ b/parsing/astterm.ml
@@ -167,24 +167,32 @@ let ref_from_constr = function
| VAR id -> RVar id (* utilisé pour coe_value (tmp) *)
| _ -> anomaly "Not a reference"
-let dbize_ref k sigma env loc s =
+(* [vars1] is a set of name to avoid (used for the tactic language);
+ [vars2] is the set of global variables, env is the set of variables
+ abstracted until this point *)
+let dbize_ref k sigma env loc s (vars1,vars2)=
let id = ident_of_nvar loc s in
+ if Idset.mem id env then
+ RRef (loc,RVar id),[]
+ else
+ if List.mem s vars1 then
+ RRef(loc,RVar id),[]
+ else
+ try
+ let _ = lookup_id id vars2 in
+ RRef (loc,RVar id), (try implicits_of_var id with _ -> [])
+ with Not_found ->
- match lookup_id id env with
- | RELNAME(n,_) -> RRef (loc,RVar id),[]
- | _ -> RRef(loc,RVar id), (try implicits_of_var id with _ -> [])
+ let c,il = match k with
+ | CCI -> Declare.global_reference_imps CCI id
+ | FW -> Declare.global_reference_imps FW id
+ | OBJ -> anomaly "search_ref_cci_fw" in
+ RRef (loc,ref_from_constr c), il
with Not_found ->
- try
- let c,il = match k with
- | CCI -> Declare.global_reference_imps CCI id
- | FW -> Declare.global_reference_imps FW id
- | OBJ -> anomaly "search_ref_cci_fw" in
- RRef (loc,ref_from_constr c), il
- with Not_found ->
- try
- (Syntax_def.search_syntactic_definition id, [])
- with Not_found ->
- error_var_not_found_loc loc CCI id
+ try
+ (Syntax_def.search_syntactic_definition id, [])
+ with Not_found ->
+ error_var_not_found_loc loc CCI id
let mkLambdaC (x,a,b) = ope("LAMBDA",[a;slam(Some (string_of_id x),b)])
let mkLambdaCit = List.fold_right (fun (x,a) b -> mkLambdaC(x,a,b))
@@ -268,22 +276,18 @@ let check_capture s ty = function
let dbize k sigma env allow_soapp lvar =
let rec dbrec env = function
- | Nvar(loc,s) ->
- if List.mem s lvar then
- RRef(loc,RVar (id_of_string s))
- else
- fst (dbize_ref k sigma env loc s)
+ | Nvar(loc,s) -> fst (dbize_ref k sigma env loc s lvar)
| Slam(_,ona,Node(_,"V$",l)) ->
let na =
(match ona with Some s -> Name (id_of_string s) | _ -> Anonymous)
- in DLAMV(na,Array.of_list (List.map (dbrec (add_rel (na,()) env)) l))
+ in DLAMV(na,Array.of_list (List.map (dbrec (Idset.add na env)) l))
| Slam(_,ona,t) ->
let na =
(match ona with Some s -> Name (id_of_string s) | _ -> Anonymous)
- in DLAM(na, dbrec (add_rel (na,()) env) t)
+ in DLAM(na, dbrec (Idset.add na env) t)
| Node(loc,"FIX", (Nvar (locid,iddef))::ldecl) ->
let (lf,ln,lA,lt) = dbize_fix ldecl in
@@ -293,7 +297,7 @@ let dbize k sigma env allow_soapp lvar =
with Not_found ->
error_fixname_unbound "dbize (FIX)" false locid iddef in
let ext_env =
- List.fold_left (fun env fid -> add_rel (Name fid,()) env) env lf in
+ List.fold_left (fun env fid -> Idset.add fid env) env lf in
let defl = Array.of_list (List.map (dbrec ext_env) lt) in
let arityl = Array.of_list (List.map (dbrec env) lA) in
RRec (loc,RFix (Array.of_list ln,n), Array.of_list lf, arityl, defl)
@@ -306,17 +310,17 @@ let dbize k sigma env allow_soapp lvar =
with Not_found ->
error_fixname_unbound "dbize (COFIX)" true locid iddef in
let ext_env =
- List.fold_left (fun env fid -> add_rel (Name fid,()) env) env lf in
+ List.fold_left (fun env fid -> Idset.add fid env) env lf in
let defl = Array.of_list (List.map (dbrec ext_env) lt) in
let arityl = Array.of_list (List.map (dbrec env) lA) in
RRec (loc,RCofix n, Array.of_list lf, arityl, defl)
| Node(loc,("PROD"|"LAMBDA" as k), [c1;Slam(_,ona,c2)]) ->
- let na = match ona with
- | Some s -> Name (id_of_string s)
- | _ -> Anonymous in
+ let na,env' = match ona with
+ | Some s -> let id = id_of_string s in Name id, Idset.add id env
+ | _ -> Anonymous, env in
let kind = if k="PROD" then BProd else BLambda in
- RBinder(loc, kind, na, dbrec env c1, dbrec (add_rel (na,()) env) c2)
+ RBinder(loc, kind, na, dbrec env c1, dbrec env' c2)
| Node(_,"PRODLIST", [c1;(Slam _ as c2)]) ->
iterated_binder BProd 0 c1 env c2
@@ -326,11 +330,7 @@ let dbize k sigma env allow_soapp lvar =
| Node(loc,"APPLISTEXPL", f::args) ->
RApp (loc,dbrec env f,List.map (dbrec env) args)
| Node(loc,"APPLIST", Nvar(locs,s)::args) ->
- let (c, impargs) =
- if List.mem s lvar then
- RRef(loc,RVar (id_of_string s)),[]
- else
- dbize_ref k sigma env locs s
+ let (c, impargs) = dbize_ref k sigma env locs s lvar
RApp (loc, c, dbize_args env impargs args)
| Node(loc,"APPLIST", f::args) ->
@@ -393,18 +393,20 @@ let dbize k sigma env allow_soapp lvar =
check_uppercase loc ids;
check_number_of_pattern loc n pl;
let env' =
- List.fold_left (fun env id -> add_rel (Name id,()) env) env ids in
+ List.fold_left (fun env id -> Idset.add id env) env ids in
(ids,pl,dbrec env' rhs)
| _ -> anomaly "dbize: badly-formed ast for Cases equation"
and iterated_binder oper n ty env = function
| Slam(loc,ona,body) ->
- let na = match ona with
- | Some s -> check_capture s ty body; Name (id_of_string s)
- | _ -> Anonymous
+ let na,env' = match ona with
+ | Some s ->
+ check_capture s ty body;
+ let id = id_of_string s in Name id, Idset.add id env
+ | _ -> Anonymous, env
RBinder(loc, oper, na, dbrec env ty,
- (iterated_binder oper n ty (add_rel (na,()) env) body))
+ (iterated_binder oper n ty env' body))
| body -> dbrec env body
and dbize_args env l args =
@@ -434,16 +436,23 @@ let dbize k sigma env allow_soapp lvar =
* and translates a command to a constr. *)
(*Takes a list of variables which must not be globalized*)
+let from_list l = List.fold_right Idset.add l Idset.empty
let interp_rawconstr_gen sigma env allow_soapp lvar com =
- dbize CCI sigma (unitize_env (context env)) allow_soapp lvar com
+ dbize CCI sigma
+ (from_list (ids_of_rel_context (rel_context env)))
+ allow_soapp (lvar,var_context env) com
let interp_rawconstr sigma env com =
interp_rawconstr_gen sigma env false [] com
(*The same as interp_rawconstr but with a list of variables which must not be
let interp_rawconstr_wo_glob sigma env lvar com =
- dbize CCI sigma (unitize_env (context env)) false lvar com
+ dbize CCI sigma
+ (from_list (ids_of_rel_context (rel_context env)))
+ false (lvar,var_context env) com
(*let raw_fconstr_of_com sigma env com =
dbize_fw sigma (unitize_env (context env)) [] com
@@ -460,7 +469,7 @@ let ast_adjust_consts sigma = (* locations are kept *)
(let id = id_of_string s in
if Ast.isMeta s then
- else if List.mem id (ids_of_env env) then
+ else if Idset.mem id env then
@@ -481,10 +490,10 @@ let ast_adjust_consts sigma = (* locations are kept *)
with Not_found ->
warning ("Could not globalize "^s); ast)
- | Slam(loc,None,t) -> Slam(loc,None,dbrec (add_rel (Anonymous,()) env) t)
+ | Slam(loc,None,t) -> Slam(loc,None,dbrec env t)
| Slam(loc,Some na,t) ->
- let env' = add_rel (Name (id_of_string na),()) env in
+ let env' = Idset.add (id_of_string na) env in
Slam(loc,Some na,dbrec env' t)
| Node(loc,opn,tl) -> Node(loc,opn,List.map (dbrec env) tl)
| x -> x
@@ -493,7 +502,7 @@ let ast_adjust_consts sigma = (* locations are kept *)
let globalize_command ast =
let sign = Global.var_context () in
- ast_adjust_consts Evd.empty (gLOB sign) ast
+ ast_adjust_consts Evd.empty (from_list (ids_of_var_context sign)) ast
(* Avoid globalizing in non command ast for tactics *)
let rec glob_ast sigma env = function
@@ -502,16 +511,16 @@ let rec glob_ast sigma env = function
| Node(loc,"COMMANDLIST",l) ->
Node(loc,"COMMANDLIST", List.map (ast_adjust_consts sigma env) l)
| Slam(loc,None,t) ->
- Slam(loc,None,glob_ast sigma (add_rel (Anonymous,()) env) t)
+ Slam(loc,None,glob_ast sigma env t)
| Slam(loc,Some na,t) ->
- let env' = add_rel (Name (id_of_string na),()) env in
+ let env' = Idset.add (id_of_string na) env in
Slam(loc,Some na, glob_ast sigma env' t)
| Node(loc,opn,tl) -> Node(loc,opn,List.map (glob_ast sigma env) tl)
| x -> x
let globalize_ast ast =
let sign = Global.var_context () in
- glob_ast Evd.empty (gLOB sign) ast
+ glob_ast Evd.empty (from_list (ids_of_var_context sign)) ast
(* Installation of the AST quotations. "command" is used by default. *)
@@ -692,8 +701,10 @@ let pattern_of_rawconstr lvar c =
let interp_constrpattern_gen sigma env lvar com =
let c =
- dbize CCI sigma (unitize_env (context env)) true (List.map (fun x ->
- string_of_id (fst x)) lvar) com
+ dbize CCI sigma (from_list (ids_of_rel_context (rel_context env)))
+ true (List.map
+ (fun x ->
+ string_of_id (fst x)) lvar,var_context env) com
and nlvar = List.map (fun (id,c) -> (id,pattern_of_constr c)) lvar in
pattern_of_rawconstr nlvar c