path: root/myocamlbuild.ml
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'myocamlbuild.ml')
1 files changed, 217 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/myocamlbuild.ml b/myocamlbuild.ml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b518c50d0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/myocamlbuild.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,217 @@
+(** * Plugin for building Coq via Ocamlbuild *)
+open Ocamlbuild_plugin
+open Ocamlbuild_pack
+open Printf
+(** WARNING !! this is preliminary stuff, able only to build
+ coqtop.opt and coqtop.byte, and only in a precise environment
+ (ocaml 3.11 with natdynlink)
+ Support for other rules and other configurations will be
+ added later...
+ Usage:
+ ocamlbuild coq.otarget
+ Then you can (hopefully) launch coq (with no input state) via:
+ _build/bin/coqtop.opt -nois -coqlib .
+ or
+ CAML_LD_LIBRARY_PATH=_build/kernel/byterun _build/bin/coqtop.byte -nois -coqlib .
+ TODO: understand how to create the right symlinks towards _build ...
+(** Parse a config file such as config/Makefile:
+ valid lines are NAME=value, comments start by # *)
+let read_env f =
+ let ic = open_in f in
+ let vars = ref [] in
+ begin try while true do
+ let l = input_line ic in
+ if l <> "" && l.[0] <> '#' && l.[0] <> ' ' then
+ try
+ let i = String.index l '=' in
+ let var = String.sub l 0 i
+ and def = if i+1 >= String.length l then "" else
+ String.sub l (i+1) (String.length l - i - 1)
+ in
+ let def = if String.length def >= 2 &&
+ def.[0]='\"' && def.[String.length def - 1] = '\"'
+ then String.sub def 1 (String.length def - 2) else def
+ in
+ vars:=(var,def)::!vars
+ with Not_found -> ()
+ done with End_of_file -> () end;
+ close_in ic;
+ !vars
+let env_vars =
+ let f = "config/Makefile" in
+ try read_env f with _ -> (eprintf "Error while reading %s\n" f; exit 1)
+let get_env s =
+ try List.assoc s env_vars
+ with Not_found -> (eprintf "Unknown environment variable %s\n" s; exit 1)
+(** Configuration *)
+let _ = Options.ocamlc := A(get_env "OCAMLC")
+let camlp4o = get_env "CAMLP4O"
+let camlp4lib = get_env "MYCAMLP4LIB"
+let camlp4compat = get_env "CAMLP4COMPAT"
+let hasdynlink = (get_env "HASNATDYNLINK" = "true")
+let flag_dynlink = if hasdynlink then "-DHasDynLink" else ""
+(** Do we want to inspect .ml generated from .ml4 ? *)
+let readable_genml = false
+let readable_flag = if readable_genml then A"pr_o.cmo" else N
+let core_libs =
+ ["lib/lib"; "kernel/kernel"; "library/library";
+ "pretyping/pretyping"; "interp/interp"; "proofs/proofs";
+ "parsing/parsing"; "tactics/tactics"; "toplevel/toplevel";
+ "parsing/highparsing"; "tactics/hightactics"]
+let core_cma = List.map (fun s -> s^".cma") core_libs
+let core_cmxa = List.map (fun s -> s^".cmxa") core_libs
+let core_mllib = List.map (fun s -> s^".mllib") core_libs
+let _ = dispatch begin function
+ | After_rules -> (* Add our rules after the standard ones. *)
+(** Camlp4 extensions *)
+ rule "ml4ml" ~dep:"%.ml4" ~prod:"%.ml"
+ (fun env _ ->
+ let ml4 = env "%.ml4" and ml = env "%.ml" in
+ Cmd (S[A camlp4o;T(tags_of_pathname ml4 ++ "p4mod");readable_flag;
+ T(tags_of_pathname ml4 ++ "p4option");
+ Sh camlp4compat; A"-o"; P ml; A"-impl"; P ml4]));
+ flag ["is_ml4"; "p4mod"; "use_macro"] (A"pa_macro.cmo");
+ flag ["is_ml4"; "p4mod"; "use_extend"] (A"pa_extend.cmo");
+ flag ["is_ml4"; "p4mod"; "use_MLast"] (A"q_MLast.cmo");
+ flag_and_dep ["is_ml4"; "p4mod"; "use_grammar"] (P"parsing/grammar.cma");
+ flag_and_dep ["is_ml4"; "p4mod"; "use_constr"] (P"parsing/q_constr.cmo");
+(** Special case of toplevel/mltop.ml4:
+ - mltop.ml will be the old mltop.optml and be used to obtain mltop.cmx
+ - we add a special mltop.ml4 --> mltop.cmo rule, before all the others
+ flag ["is_mltop"; "p4option"] (A flag_dynlink);
+(*TODO: this is rather ugly for a simple file, we should try to
+ benefit more from predefined rules *)
+ let mltop = "toplevel/mltop" in
+ let ml4 = mltop^".ml4" and mlo = mltop^".cmo" and
+ ml = mltop^".ml" and mld = mltop^".ml.depends"
+ in
+ rule "mltop_byte" ~deps:[ml4;mld] ~prod:mlo ~insert:`top
+ (fun env build ->
+ Ocaml_compiler.prepare_compile build ml;
+ Cmd (S [!Options.ocamlc; A"-c";A"-rectypes"; A"-I"; A camlp4lib;
+ A"-pp";
+ Quote (S [A camlp4o; T(tags_of_pathname ml4 ++ "p4mod");
+ A"-DByte"; A"-DHasDynLink"; Sh camlp4compat;
+ A"-impl"]);
+ A"-rectypes"; A"-I"; A camlp4lib;
+ Ocaml_utils.ocaml_include_flags ml4;
+ A"-impl"; P ml4]));
+(** All caml files are compiled with -rectypes and +camlp5 *)
+ flag ["compile"; "ocaml"] (S [A"-rectypes"; A"-I"; A camlp4lib]);
+ flag ["link"; "ocaml"] (S [A"-rectypes"; A"-I"; A camlp4lib]);
+(** Extra libraries *)
+ ocaml_lib ~extern:true "gramlib";
+(** C code for the VM *)
+ let headers = List.map (fun s -> "kernel/byterun/"^s)
+ ["coq_fix_code.h";"coq_instruct.h"; "coq_memory.h"; "int64_emul.h";
+ "coq_gc.h"; "coq_interp.h"; "coq_values.h"; "int64_native.h";
+ "coq_jumptbl.h"]
+ in
+ dep ["compile"; "c"] headers;
+ flag ["compile"; "c"] (S[A"-ccopt";A"-fno-defer-pop -Wall -Wno-unused"]);
+ dep ["link"; "ocaml"; "use_libcoqrun"] ["kernel/byterun/libcoqrun.a"];
+(** Generation of coq_jumbtbl.h for the VM *)
+ let coqjump = "kernel/byterun/coq_jumptbl.h"
+ and coqinstr = "kernel/byterun/coq_instruct.h" in
+ let cmd = Printf.sprintf
+ "sed -n -e '/^ /s/ \\([A-Z]\\)/ \\&\\&coq_lbl_\\1/gp' -e '/^}/q' %s > %s"
+ coqinstr coqjump
+ in
+ rule "coqjump" ~deps:[coqinstr] ~prod:coqjump
+ (fun _ _ -> Cmd (Sh cmd));
+(** Generation of opcodes for the VM *)
+ let copcodes = "kernel/copcodes.ml"
+ and coqinstr = "kernel/byterun/coq_instruct.h"
+ and script = "kernel/make-opcodes" in
+ let cmd = Printf.sprintf
+ "sed -n -e '/^enum/p' -e 's/,//g' -e '/^ /p' %s | awk -f %s > %s"
+ coqinstr script copcodes
+ in
+ rule "copcodes" ~deps:[coqinstr;script] ~prod:copcodes
+ (fun _ _ -> Cmd (Sh cmd));
+(** Generation of tolink.ml *)
+ let tolink = "scripts/tolink.ml" in
+ let core_cma_s = String.concat " " core_cma in
+ let core_mllib_s = String.concat " " core_mllib in
+ let cmd =
+ "(echo \'let copts = \"-cclib -lcoqrun\"\'; "^
+ "echo \'let core_libs = \"config/coq_config.cmo "^core_cma_s^"\"\'; "^
+ "echo \'let core_objs = \"Coq_config `cat "^core_mllib_s^"`\"\'; "^
+ "echo \'let ide = \"`cat ide/ide.mllib`\"\' " ^
+ ") > " ^ tolink
+ in
+ rule "tolink.ml" ~deps:core_mllib ~prod:tolink
+ (fun _ _ -> Cmd (Sh cmd));
+(** Coqtop *)
+ let coqtopopt = "bin/coqtop.opt"
+ and coqtopbyte = "bin/coqtop.byte" in
+ let deps = ["scripts/coqmktop.native";"kernel/byterun/libcoqrun.a"] in
+ let depsopt = [ "config/coq_config.cmx"] @ deps @ core_cmxa
+ and depsbyte = [ "config/coq_config.cmo"] @ deps @ core_cma
+ in begin
+ rule "coqtop.opt" ~deps:depsopt ~prod:coqtopopt
+ (fun _ _ ->
+ Cmd (S [P "scripts/coqmktop.native";A"-boot";A"-opt";
+ Ocaml_utils.ocaml_include_flags coqtopopt;
+ A"-o";P coqtopopt]));
+ rule "coqtop.byte" ~deps:depsbyte ~prod:coqtopbyte
+ (fun _ _ ->
+ Cmd (S [P "scripts/coqmktop.native";A"-boot";A"-top";
+ Ocaml_utils.ocaml_include_flags coqtopbyte;
+ A"-o";P coqtopbyte]));
+ end;
+(** bin : directory bin doesn't get made by default ??!! *)
+ rule "bin dir" ~prod:"bin/.foo" (fun _ _ -> Cmd (Sh "mkdir -p bin && touch bin/.foo"));
+ | _ -> ()