path: root/library
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2 files changed, 245 insertions, 75 deletions
diff --git a/library/nametab.ml b/library/nametab.ml
index 5e1464f10..4b61e5146 100755
--- a/library/nametab.ml
+++ b/library/nametab.ml
@@ -27,34 +27,218 @@ let error_global_constant_not_found_loc loc q =
let error_global_not_found q = raise (GlobalizationError q)
+type visibility = Until of int | Exactly of int
+(************************ Data structure for nametabs *********************)
+module type UserName = sig
+ type t
+ val to_string : t -> string
+ val repr : t -> identifier * module_ident list
+module type S = sig
+ type 'a t
+ type user_name
+ val empty : 'a t
+ val push : visibility -> user_name -> 'a -> 'a t -> 'a t
+ val locate : qualid -> 'a t -> 'a
+ val find : user_name -> 'a t -> 'a
+ val exists : user_name -> 'a t -> bool
+ val user_name : qualid -> 'a t -> user_name
+ val shortest_qualid : user_name -> 'a t -> qualid
+module Make(U:UserName) : S with type user_name = U.t
+ =
+ type user_name = U.t
+ type 'a path_status =
+ Nothing
+ | Relative of user_name * 'a
+ | Absolute of user_name * 'a
+ (* Dictionaries of short names *)
+ type 'a nametree = ('a path_status * 'a nametree ModIdmap.t)
+ type 'a t = 'a nametree Idmap.t
+ let empty = Idmap.empty
+ let push_many vis tab dir uname o =
+ let rec push level (current,dirmap) = function
+ | modid :: path as dir ->
+ let mc =
+ try ModIdmap.find modid dirmap
+ with Not_found -> (Nothing, ModIdmap.empty)
+ in
+ let this =
+ if level >= vis then
+ match current with
+ | Absolute (n,_) ->
+ (* This is an absolute name, we must keep it otherwise it may
+ become unaccessible forever *)
+ warning ("Trying to mask the absolute name \""
+ ^ U.to_string n ^ "\"!");
+ current
+ | Nothing
+ | Relative _ -> Relative (uname,o)
+ else current
+ in
+ (this, ModIdmap.add modid (push (level+1) mc path) dirmap)
+ | [] ->
+ match current with
+ | Absolute (n,_) ->
+ (* This is an absolute name, we must keep it otherwise it may
+ become unaccessible forever *)
+ (* But ours is also absolute! This is an error! *)
+ error ("Trying to mask an absolute name \""
+ ^ U.to_string n ^ "\"!")
+ | Nothing
+ | Relative _ -> Absolute (uname,o), dirmap
+ in
+ push 0 tab dir
+let push_one vis tab dir uname o =
+ let rec push level (current,dirmap) = function
+ | modid :: path as dir ->
+ let mc =
+ try ModIdmap.find modid dirmap
+ with Not_found -> (Nothing, ModIdmap.empty)
+ in
+ if level = vis then
+ let this =
+ match current with
+ | Absolute _ ->
+ (* This is an absolute name, we must keep it otherwise it may
+ become unaccessible forever *)
+ error "Trying to mask an absolute name!"
+ | Nothing
+ | Relative _ -> Relative (uname,o)
+ in
+ (this, dirmap)
+ else
+ (current, ModIdmap.add modid (push (level+1) mc path) dirmap)
+ | [] -> anomaly "We should never come to this point"
+ in
+ push 0 tab dir
+let push_tree = function
+ | Until i -> push_many (i-1)
+ | Exactly i -> push_one (i-1)
+let push visibility uname o tab =
+ let id,dir = U.repr uname in
+ let modtab =
+ try Idmap.find id tab
+ with Not_found -> (Nothing, ModIdmap.empty)
+ in
+ Idmap.add id (push_tree visibility modtab dir uname o) tab
+let rec search (current,modidtab) = function
+ | modid :: path -> search (ModIdmap.find modid modidtab) path
+ | [] -> current
+let find_node qid tab =
+ let (dir,id) = repr_qualid qid in
+ search (Idmap.find id tab) (repr_dirpath dir)
+let locate qid tab =
+ let o = match find_node qid tab with
+ | Absolute (uname,o) | Relative (uname,o) -> o
+ | Nothing -> raise Not_found
+ in
+ o
+let user_name qid tab =
+ let uname = match find_node qid tab with
+ | Absolute (uname,o) | Relative (uname,o) -> uname
+ | Nothing -> raise Not_found
+ in
+ uname
+let find uname tab =
+ let id,l = U.repr uname in
+ match search (Idmap.find id tab) l with
+ Absolute (_,o) -> o
+ | _ -> raise Not_found
+let exists uname tab =
+ try
+ let _ = find uname tab in
+ true
+ with
+ Not_found -> false
+let shortest_qualid uname tab =
+ let rec find_uname pos dir (path,tab) = match path with
+ | Absolute (u,_) | Relative (u,_) when u=uname -> List.rev pos
+ | _ ->
+ match dir with
+ [] -> raise Not_found
+ | id::dir -> find_uname (id::pos) dir (ModIdmap.find id tab)
+ in
+ let id,dir = U.repr uname in
+ let ptab = Idmap.find id tab in
+ let found_dir = find_uname [] dir ptab in
+ make_qualid (make_dirpath found_dir) id
+(******** End of nametab data structure ************************)
+module DirTab = Make(struct
+ type t = dir_path
+ let to_string = string_of_dirpath
+ let repr dir = match repr_dirpath dir with
+ | [] -> anomaly "Empty dirpath"
+ | id::l -> (id,l)
+ end)
+module SpTab = Make (struct
+ type t = section_path
+ let to_string = string_of_path
+ let repr sp =
+ let dir,id = repr_path sp in
+ id, (repr_dirpath dir)
+ end)
type 'a path_status = Nothing | Relative of 'a | Absolute of 'a
(* Dictionaries of short names *)
-type 'a nametree = ('a path_status * 'a nametree ModIdmap.t)
-type ccitab = extended_global_reference nametree Idmap.t
-type knsptab = (kernel_name * section_path) nametree Idmap.t
-type objtab = section_path nametree Idmap.t
-type dirtab = global_dir_reference nametree ModIdmap.t
+type ccitab = extended_global_reference SpTab.t
+type kntab = kernel_name SpTab.t
+type objtab = unit SpTab.t
+type dirtab = global_dir_reference DirTab.t
-let the_ccitab = ref (Idmap.empty : ccitab)
-let the_dirtab = ref (ModIdmap.empty : dirtab)
-let the_objtab = ref (Idmap.empty : objtab)
-let the_modtypetab = ref (Idmap.empty : knsptab)
+let the_ccitab = ref (SpTab.empty : ccitab)
+let the_dirtab = ref (DirTab.empty : dirtab)
+let the_objtab = ref (SpTab.empty : objtab)
+let the_modtypetab = ref (SpTab.empty : kntab)
(* This table translates extended_global_references back to section paths *)
-module Globtab = Map.Make(struct type t=extended_global_reference
- let compare = compare end)
+module Globrevtab = Map.Make(struct
+ type t=extended_global_reference
+ let compare = compare
+ end)
-type globtab = section_path Globtab.t
-let the_globtab = ref (Globtab.empty : globtab)
+type globrevtab = section_path Globrevtab.t
+let the_globrevtab = ref (Globrevtab.empty : globrevtab)
-type mprewtab = dir_path MPmap.t
-let the_modrewtab = ref (MPmap.empty : mprewtab)
+type mprevtab = dir_path MPmap.t
+let the_modrevtab = ref (MPmap.empty : mprevtab)
-type knrewtab = section_path KNmap.t
-let the_modtyperewtab = ref (KNmap.empty : knrewtab)
+type knrevtab = section_path KNmap.t
+let the_modtyperevtab = ref (KNmap.empty : knrevtab)
let sp_of_global ctx_opt ref =
@@ -62,7 +246,7 @@ let sp_of_global ctx_opt ref =
| Some ctx, VarRef id ->
let _ = Sign.lookup_named id ctx in
make_path empty_dirpath id
- | _ -> Globtab.find (TrueGlobal ref) !the_globtab
+ | _ -> Globrevtab.find (TrueGlobal ref) !the_globrevtab
let full_name = sp_of_global None
@@ -72,7 +256,7 @@ let id_of_global ctx_opt ref =
let sp_of_syntactic_definition kn =
- Globtab.find (SyntacticDef kn) !the_globtab
+ Globrevtab.find (SyntacticDef kn) !the_globrevtab
(* the_dirpath is the table matching dir_paths to toplevel
@@ -83,8 +267,7 @@ let sp_of_syntactic_definition kn =
-type visibility = Until of int | Exactly of int
(* is the short name visible? tests for 1 *)
let is_short_visible v sp = match v with
Until 1 | Exactly 1 -> true
@@ -177,6 +360,8 @@ let push_modidtree tab visibility dirpath o =
try ModIdmap.find id !tab
with Not_found -> (Nothing, ModIdmap.empty) in
tab := ModIdmap.add id (push_tree visibility modtab dir o) !tab
(* These are entry points for new declarations at toplevel *)
@@ -186,10 +371,10 @@ let push_modidtree tab visibility dirpath o =
Parameter but also Remark and Fact) *)
let push_xref visibility sp xref =
- push_idtree the_ccitab visibility sp xref;
+ the_ccitab := SpTab.push visibility sp xref !the_ccitab;
match visibility with
| Until _ ->
- the_globtab := Globtab.add xref sp !the_globtab
+ the_globrevtab := Globrevtab.add xref sp !the_globrevtab
| _ -> ()
let push_cci visibility sp ref =
@@ -202,15 +387,15 @@ let push_syntactic_definition visibility sp kn =
let push = push_cci
let push_modtype vis sp kn =
- push_idtree the_modtypetab vis sp (kn,sp);
- the_modtyperewtab := KNmap.add kn sp !the_modtyperewtab
+ the_modtypetab := SpTab.push vis sp kn !the_modtypetab;
+ the_modtyperevtab := KNmap.add kn sp !the_modtyperevtab
(* This is for dischargeable non-cci objects (removed at the end of the
section -- i.e. Hints, Grammar ...) *) (* --> Unused *)
let push_object visibility sp =
- push_idtree the_objtab visibility sp sp
+ the_objtab := SpTab.push visibility sp () !the_objtab
(* This is for tactic definition names *)
@@ -218,13 +403,13 @@ let push_tactic = push_object
(* This is to remember absolute Section/Module names and to avoid redundancy *)
let push_dir vis dir dir_ref =
- push_modidtree the_dirtab vis dir dir_ref;
+ the_dirtab := DirTab.push vis dir dir_ref !the_dirtab;
match dir_ref with
- DirModule (_,(mp,_)) -> the_modrewtab := MPmap.add mp dir !the_modrewtab
+ DirModule (_,(mp,_)) -> the_modrevtab := MPmap.add mp dir !the_modrevtab
| _ -> ()
(* As before we start with generic functions *)
let find_in_tree tab dir =
let rec search (current,modidtab) = function
| modid :: path -> search (ModIdmap.find modid modidtab) path
@@ -248,17 +433,14 @@ let absolute = function
Absolute _ -> true
| Relative _
| Nothing -> false
(* These are entry points to locate different things *)
-let find_cci = find_in_idtree the_ccitab
-let find_dir = find_in_modidtree the_dirtab
-let find_modtype = find_in_idtree the_modtypetab
+let find_dir qid = DirTab.locate qid !the_dirtab
(* This should be used when syntactic definitions are allowed *)
-let extended_locate qid = get (find_cci qid)
+let extended_locate qid = SpTab.locate qid !the_ccitab
(* This should be used when no syntactic definitions is expected *)
let locate qid = match extended_locate qid with
@@ -269,14 +451,14 @@ let locate_syntactic_definition qid = match extended_locate qid with
| TrueGlobal _ -> raise Not_found
| SyntacticDef kn -> kn
-let full_name_modtype qid = get (find_modtype qid)
-let locate_modtype qid = fst (get (find_modtype qid))
+let locate_modtype qid = SpTab.locate qid !the_modtypetab
+let full_name_modtype qid = SpTab.user_name qid !the_modtypetab
-let locate_obj qid = get (find_in_idtree the_objtab qid)
+let locate_obj qid = SpTab.user_name qid !the_objtab
-let locate_tactic qid = get (find_in_idtree the_objtab qid)
+let locate_tactic = locate_obj
-let locate_dir qid = get (find_dir qid)
+let locate_dir qid = DirTab.locate qid !the_dirtab
let locate_module qid =
match locate_dir qid with
@@ -320,8 +502,8 @@ let constant_sp_of_id id =
let absolute_reference sp =
- match find_cci (qualid_of_sp sp) with
- | Absolute (TrueGlobal ref) -> ref
+ match SpTab.find sp !the_ccitab with
+ | TrueGlobal ref -> ref
| _ -> raise Not_found
let locate_in_absolute_module dir id =
@@ -337,24 +519,15 @@ let global (loc,qid) =
with Not_found ->
error_global_not_found_loc loc qid
-let exists_cci sp =
- try
- absolute (find_cci (qualid_of_sp sp))
- with Not_found -> false
+let exists_cci sp = SpTab.exists sp !the_ccitab
-let exists_dir dir =
- try
- absolute (find_dir (qualid_of_dirpath dir))
- with Not_found -> false
+let exists_dir dir = DirTab.exists dir !the_dirtab
let exists_section = exists_dir
let exists_module = exists_dir
-let exists_modtype sp =
- try
- absolute (find_modtype (qualid_of_sp sp))
- with Not_found -> false
+let exists_modtype sp = SpTab.exists sp !the_modtypetab
(* For a sp Coq.A.B.x, try to find the shortest among x, B.x, A.B.x
and Coq.A.B.x is a qualid that denotes the same object. *)
@@ -374,12 +547,12 @@ let shortest_qualid_of_global env ref =
shortest_qualid locate ref pth id
let shortest_qualid_of_module mp =
- let dir = MPmap.find mp !the_modrewtab in
+ let dir = MPmap.find mp !the_modrevtab in
let dir,id = split_dirpath dir in
shortest_qualid locate_module mp dir id
let shortest_qualid_of_modtype kn =
- let sp = KNmap.find kn !the_modtyperewtab in
+ let sp = KNmap.find kn !the_modtyperevtab in
let dir,id = repr_path sp in
shortest_qualid locate_modtype kn dir id
@@ -402,35 +575,35 @@ let global_inductive (loc,qid as locqid) =
(* Registration of tables as a global table and rollback *)
-type frozen = ccitab * dirtab * objtab * knsptab
- * globtab * mprewtab * knrewtab
+type frozen = ccitab * dirtab * objtab * kntab
+ * globrevtab * mprevtab * knrevtab
let init () =
- the_ccitab := Idmap.empty;
- the_dirtab := ModIdmap.empty;
- the_objtab := Idmap.empty;
- the_modtypetab := Idmap.empty;
- the_globtab := Globtab.empty;
- the_modrewtab := MPmap.empty;
- the_modtyperewtab := KNmap.empty
+ the_ccitab := SpTab.empty;
+ the_dirtab := DirTab.empty;
+ the_objtab := SpTab.empty;
+ the_modtypetab := SpTab.empty;
+ the_globrevtab := Globrevtab.empty;
+ the_modrevtab := MPmap.empty;
+ the_modtyperevtab := KNmap.empty
let freeze () =
- !the_globtab,
- !the_modrewtab,
- !the_modtyperewtab
+ !the_globrevtab,
+ !the_modrevtab,
+ !the_modtyperevtab
let unfreeze (mc,md,mo,mt,gt,mrt,mtrt) =
the_ccitab := mc;
the_dirtab := md;
the_objtab := mo;
the_modtypetab := mt;
- the_globtab := gt;
- the_modrewtab := mrt;
- the_modtyperewtab := mtrt
+ the_globrevtab := gt;
+ the_modrevtab := mrt;
+ the_modtyperevtab := mtrt
let _ =
Summary.declare_summary "names"
diff --git a/library/nametab.mli b/library/nametab.mli
index 7456f3a4c..11b6be271 100755
--- a/library/nametab.mli
+++ b/library/nametab.mli
@@ -76,9 +76,6 @@ val error_global_constant_not_found_loc : loc -> qualid -> 'a
type visibility = Until of int | Exactly of int
-(* is the short name visible? tests for 1 *)
-val is_short_visible : visibility -> section_path -> bool
val push : visibility -> section_path -> global_reference -> unit
val push_syntactic_definition :
visibility -> section_path -> kernel_name -> unit
@@ -123,7 +120,7 @@ val exists_dir : dir_path -> bool
val exists_section : dir_path -> bool (* deprecated *)
val exists_module : dir_path -> bool (* deprecated *)
-val full_name_modtype : qualid -> kernel_name * section_path
+val full_name_modtype : qualid -> section_path
(*s Roots of the space of absolute names *)