path: root/library
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Diffstat (limited to 'library')
1 files changed, 37 insertions, 22 deletions
diff --git a/library/summary.ml b/library/summary.ml
index d546b3ede..089aacc7c 100644
--- a/library/summary.ml
+++ b/library/summary.ml
@@ -44,11 +44,20 @@ let declare_summary sumname decl =
all_declared_summaries := Int.Set.add hash !all_declared_summaries;
internal_declare_summary hash sumname decl
-type frozen = Dyn.t Int.Map.t
+type frozen = {
+ summaries : (int * Dyn.t) list;
+ (** Ordered list w.r.t. the first component. *)
+ ml_module : Dyn.t option;
+ (** Special handling of the ml_module summary. *)
+let empty_frozen = { summaries = []; ml_module = None; }
+let ml_modules = "ML-MODULES"
+let ml_modules_summary = String.hash ml_modules
let freeze_summaries ~marshallable : frozen =
- let m = ref Int.Map.empty in
- let iter id (_, decl) =
+ let fold id (_, decl) accu =
(* to debug missing Lazy.force
if marshallable <> `No then begin
prerr_endline ("begin marshalling " ^ id);
@@ -56,31 +65,37 @@ let freeze_summaries ~marshallable : frozen =
prerr_endline ("end marshalling " ^ id);
/debug *)
- m := Int.Map.add id (decl.freeze_function marshallable) !m
+ let state = decl.freeze_function marshallable in
+ if Int.equal id ml_modules_summary then { accu with ml_module = Some state }
+ else { accu with summaries = (id, state) :: accu.summaries }
- let () = Int.Map.iter iter !summaries in
- !m
-let ml_modules = "ML-MODULES"
-let ml_modules_summary = String.hash ml_modules
+ Int.Map.fold_right fold !summaries empty_frozen
let unfreeze_summaries fs =
(* The unfreezing of [ml_modules_summary] has to be anticipated since it
* may modify the content of [summaries] ny loading new ML modules *)
- let () =
- try
- let (_, decl) = Int.Map.find ml_modules_summary !summaries in
- let state = Int.Map.find ml_modules_summary fs in
- decl.unfreeze_function state
- with Not_found -> anomaly (str"Undeclared summary "++str ml_modules)
+ let (_, decl) =
+ try Int.Map.find ml_modules_summary !summaries
+ with Not_found -> anomaly (str "Undeclared summary " ++ str ml_modules)
+ in
+ let () = match fs.ml_module with
+ | None -> anomaly (str "Undeclared summary " ++ str ml_modules)
+ | Some state -> decl.unfreeze_function state
+ in
+ let fold id (_, decl) states =
+ if Int.equal id ml_modules_summary then states
+ else match states with
+ | [] ->
+ let () = decl.init_function () in
+ []
+ | (nid, state) :: rstates ->
+ if Int.equal id nid then
+ let () = decl.unfreeze_function state in rstates
+ else
+ let () = decl.init_function () in states
- Int.Map.iter
- (fun id (_, decl) ->
- if Int.equal id ml_modules_summary then () (* already unfreezed *)
- else
- try decl.unfreeze_function (Int.Map.find id fs)
- with Not_found -> decl.init_function())
- !summaries
+ (** We rely on the order of the frozen list, and the order of folding *)
+ ignore (Int.Map.fold_left fold !summaries fs.summaries)
let init_summaries () =
Int.Map.iter (fun _ (_, decl) -> decl.init_function ()) !summaries