path: root/library
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'library')
6 files changed, 258 insertions, 4 deletions
diff --git a/library/lib.ml b/library/lib.ml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a8ab156c5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/lib.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,167 @@
+(* $Id$ *)
+open Util
+open Names
+open Libobject
+open Summary
+type node =
+ | Leaf of obj
+ | OpenedSection of string * module_p
+ | ClosedSection of string * module_p * library_segment
+ | FrozenState of Summary.frozen
+and library_segment = (section_path * node) list
+and module_p = bool
+type library_entry = section_path * node
+(* We keep trace of operations in a stack [lib_stk].
+ [path_prefix] is the current path of sections (in correct order). *)
+let lib_stk = ref ([] : (section_path * node) list)
+let path_prefix = ref ([] : string list)
+let recalc_path_prefix () =
+ let rec recalc = function
+ | (sp, OpenedSection _) :: _ ->
+ let (pl,id,_) = repr_path sp in pl@[string_of_id id]
+ | _::l -> recalc l
+ | [] -> []
+ in
+ path_prefix := recalc !lib_stk
+let pop_path_prefix () =
+ let rec pop acc = function
+ | [] -> assert false
+ | [_] -> path_prefix := acc
+ | s::l -> pop (s::acc) l
+ in
+ pop [] !path_prefix
+let make_path id k = Names.make_path !path_prefix id k
+let cwd () = !path_prefix
+let find_entry_p p =
+ let rec find = function
+ | [] -> raise Not_found
+ | ent::l -> if p ent then ent else find l
+ in
+ find !lib_stk
+let split_lib sp =
+ let rec findrec acc = function
+ | ((sp',obj) as hd)::t ->
+ if sp = sp' then (acc,hd,t) else findrec (hd::acc) t
+ | [] -> error "no such entry"
+ in
+ findrec [] !lib_stk
+(* Adding operations. *)
+let add_entry sp node =
+ lib_stk := (sp,node) :: !lib_stk
+let anonymous_id =
+ let n = ref 0 in
+ fun () -> incr n; id_of_string ("_" ^ (string_of_int !n))
+let add_anonymous_entry node =
+ let sp = make_path (anonymous_id()) OBJ in
+ add_entry sp node
+let add_leaf id obj =
+ let sp = make_path id OBJ in
+ add_entry sp (Leaf obj);
+ sp
+let add_anonymous_leaf obj =
+ add_anonymous_entry (Leaf obj)
+let add_frozen_state () =
+ add_anonymous_entry (FrozenState (freeze_summaries()))
+let contents_after = function
+ | None -> !lib_stk
+ | Some sp -> let (after,_,_) = split_lib sp in after
+(* Sections. *)
+let is_opened_section = function (_,OpenedSection _) -> true | _ -> false
+let check_single_module () =
+ try
+ let _ = find_entry_p is_opened_section in
+ error "a module or a section is already opened"
+ with Not_found -> ()
+let open_section s modp =
+ if modp then check_single_module ();
+ let sp = make_path (id_of_string s) OBJ in
+ add_entry sp (OpenedSection (s,modp));
+ path_prefix := !path_prefix @ [s];
+ sp
+let close_section s =
+ let (sp,modp) =
+ try
+ match find_entry_p is_opened_section with
+ | sp,OpenedSection (s',modp) ->
+ if s <> s' then error "this is not the last opened section";
+ (sp,modp)
+ | _ -> assert false
+ with Not_found ->
+ error "no opened section"
+ in
+ let (after,_,before) = split_lib sp in
+ lib_stk := before;
+ add_entry sp (ClosedSection (s,modp,after));
+ add_frozen_state ();
+ pop_path_prefix ()
+(* Backtracking. *)
+let recache_decl = function
+ | (sp, Leaf o) -> cache_object (sp,o)
+ | _ -> ()
+let recache_context ctx =
+ List.iter recache_decl ctx
+let is_frozen_state = function (_,FrozenState _) -> true | _ -> false
+let reset_to sp =
+ let (_,_,before) = split_lib sp in
+ lib_stk := before;
+ recalc_path_prefix ();
+ let (spf,frozen) = match find_entry_p is_frozen_state with
+ | (sp, FrozenState f) -> sp,f
+ | _ -> assert false
+ in
+ unfreeze_summaries frozen;
+ let (after,_,_) = split_lib spf in
+ recache_context (List.rev after)
+(* State and initialization. *)
+type frozen = library_segment
+let freeze () = !lib_stk
+let unfreeze stk =
+ lib_stk := stk;
+ recalc_path_prefix ()
+let init () =
+ lib_stk := [];
+ add_frozen_state ();
+ path_prefix := []
diff --git a/library/lib.mli b/library/lib.mli
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..80f61ef40
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/lib.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+(* $Id$ *)
+open Names
+open Libobject
+open Summary
+(* This module provides a general mechanism to keep a trace of all operations
+ and to backtrack (undo) those operations. It provides also the section
+ mechanism (at a low level; discharge is not known at this step). *)
+type node =
+ | Leaf of obj
+ | OpenedSection of string * module_p
+ | ClosedSection of string * module_p * library_segment
+ | FrozenState of Summary.frozen
+and library_segment = (section_path * node) list
+and module_p = bool
+type library_entry = section_path * node
+(*s Adding operations, and getting the current list of operations (most
+ recent ones come first). *)
+val add_leaf : identifier -> obj -> section_path
+val add_anonymous_leaf : obj -> unit
+val contents_after : section_path option -> library_segment
+(*s Opening and closing a section. *)
+val open_section : string -> bool -> section_path
+val close_section : string -> unit
+val make_path : identifier -> path_kind -> section_path
+val cwd : unit -> string list
+(*s Backtracking (undo). *)
+val reset_to : section_path -> unit
+(*s We can get and set the state of the operations (used in [States]). *)
+type frozen
+val freeze : unit -> frozen
+val unfreeze : frozen -> unit
+val init : unit -> unit
diff --git a/library/states.ml b/library/states.ml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2e198e36f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/states.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+(* $Id$ *)
+open System
+open Lib
+open Summary
+type state = Lib.frozen * Summary.frozen
+let get_state () =
+ (Lib.freeze(), freeze_summaries())
+let set_state (fl,fs) =
+ Lib.unfreeze fl;
+ unfreeze_summaries fs
+let state_magic_number = 19764
+let (extern_state,intern_state) =
+ let (raw_extern, raw_intern) = extern_intern state_magic_number ".coq" in
+ (fun s -> raw_extern s (get_state())),
+ (fun s -> set_state (raw_intern s))
diff --git a/library/states.mli b/library/states.mli
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..06a877802
--- /dev/null
+++ b/library/states.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+(* $Id$ *)
+type state
+val intern_state : string -> unit
+val extern_state : string -> unit
diff --git a/library/summary.ml b/library/summary.ml
index f58917202..0ba07a737 100644
--- a/library/summary.ml
+++ b/library/summary.ml
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ let declare_summary sumname sdecl =
[< 'sTR "Cannot declare a summary twice: " ; 'sTR sumname >];
Hashtbl.add summaries sumname ddecl
-type frozen_summaries = Dyn.t Stringmap.t
+type frozen = Dyn.t Stringmap.t
let freeze_summaries () =
let m = ref Stringmap.empty in
diff --git a/library/summary.mli b/library/summary.mli
index faa887f37..0d329a947 100644
--- a/library/summary.mli
+++ b/library/summary.mli
@@ -15,10 +15,10 @@ type 'a summary_declaration = {
val declare_summary : string -> 'a summary_declaration -> unit
-type frozen_summaries
+type frozen
-val freeze_summaries : unit -> frozen_summaries
-val unfreeze_summaries : frozen_summaries -> unit
+val freeze_summaries : unit -> frozen
+val unfreeze_summaries : frozen -> unit
val init_summaries : unit -> unit