path: root/lib
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Diffstat (limited to 'lib')
2 files changed, 24 insertions, 14 deletions
diff --git a/lib/system.ml b/lib/system.ml
index dfede29e8..f109c7192 100644
--- a/lib/system.ml
+++ b/lib/system.ml
@@ -116,18 +116,6 @@ let where_in_path ?(warn=true) path filename =
let f = Filename.concat lpe filename in
if file_exists_respecting_case lpe filename then [lpe,f] else []))
-let where_in_path_rex path rex =
- search path (fun lpe ->
- try
- let files = Sys.readdir lpe in
- CList.map_filter (fun name ->
- try
- ignore(Str.search_forward rex name 0);
- Some (lpe,Filename.concat lpe name)
- with Not_found -> None)
- (Array.to_list files)
- with Sys_error _ -> [])
let find_file_in_path ?(warn=true) paths filename =
if not (Filename.is_implicit filename) then
(* the name is considered to be a physical name and we use the file
@@ -312,3 +300,9 @@ let with_time ~batch f x =
let msg2 = if batch then "" else " (failure)" in
Feedback.msg_info (str msg ++ fmt_time_difference tstart tend ++ str msg2);
raise e
+let get_toplevel_path top =
+ let dir = Filename.dirname Sys.argv.(0) in
+ let exe = if Sys.(os_type = "Win32" || os_type = "Cygwin") then ".exe" else "" in
+ let eff = if Dynlink.is_native then ".opt" else ".byte" in
+ dir ^ Filename.dir_sep ^ top ^ eff ^ exe
diff --git a/lib/system.mli b/lib/system.mli
index 3349dfea3..a34280037 100644
--- a/lib/system.mli
+++ b/lib/system.mli
@@ -50,8 +50,6 @@ val is_in_path : CUnix.load_path -> string -> bool
val is_in_system_path : string -> bool
val where_in_path :
?warn:bool -> CUnix.load_path -> string -> CUnix.physical_path * string
-val where_in_path_rex :
- CUnix.load_path -> Str.regexp -> (CUnix.physical_path * string) list
val find_file_in_path :
?warn:bool -> CUnix.load_path -> string -> CUnix.physical_path * string
@@ -107,3 +105,21 @@ val time_difference : time -> time -> float (** in seconds *)
val fmt_time_difference : time -> time -> Pp.t
val with_time : batch:bool -> ('a -> 'b) -> 'a -> 'b
+(** [get_toplevel_path program] builds a complete path to the
+ executable denoted by [program]. This involves:
+ - locating the directory: we don't rely on PATH as to make calls to
+ /foo/bin/coqtop chose the right /foo/bin/coqproofworker
+ - adding the proper suffixes: .opt/.byte depending on the current
+ mode, + .exe if in windows.
+ Note that this function doesn't check that the executable actually
+ exists. This is left back to caller, as well as the choice of
+ fallback strategy. We could add a fallback strategy here but it is
+ better not to as in most cases if this function fails to construct
+ the right name you want you execution to fail rather than fall into
+ choosing some random binary from the system-wide installation of
+ Coq. *)
+val get_toplevel_path : string -> string