path: root/lib/util.ml
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Diffstat (limited to 'lib/util.ml')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 217 deletions
diff --git a/lib/util.ml b/lib/util.ml
index 6c1fc39b5..624075956 100644
--- a/lib/util.ml
+++ b/lib/util.ml
@@ -146,223 +146,6 @@ module Stringset = Set.Make(struct type t = string let compare (x:t) (y:t) = com
module Stringmap = Map.Make(struct type t = string let compare (x:t) (y:t) = compare x y end)
-type utf8_status = UnicodeLetter | UnicodeIdentPart | UnicodeSymbol
-exception UnsupportedUtf8
-(* The following table stores classes of Unicode characters that
- are used by the lexer. There are 3 different classes so 2 bits are
- allocated for each character. We only use 16 bits over the 31 bits
- to simplify the masking process. (This choice seems to be a good
- trade-off between speed and space after some benchmarks.) *)
-(* A 256ko table, initially filled with zeros. *)
-let table = Array.create (1 lsl 17) 0
-(* Associate a 2-bit pattern to each status at position [i].
- Only the 3 lowest bits of [i] are taken into account to
- define the position of the pattern in the word.
- Notice that pattern "00" means "undefined". *)
-let mask i = function
- | UnicodeLetter -> 1 lsl ((i land 7) lsl 1) (* 01 *)
- | UnicodeIdentPart -> 2 lsl ((i land 7) lsl 1) (* 10 *)
- | UnicodeSymbol -> 3 lsl ((i land 7) lsl 1) (* 11 *)
-(* Helper to reset 2 bits in a word. *)
-let reset_mask i =
- lnot (3 lsl ((i land 7) lsl 1))
-(* Initialize the lookup table from a list of segments, assigning
- a status to every character of each segment. The order of these
- assignments is relevant: it is possible to assign status [s] to
- a segment [(c1, c2)] and later assign [s'] to [c] even if [c] is
- between [c1] and [c2]. *)
-let mk_lookup_table_from_unicode_tables_for status tables =
- List.iter
- (List.iter
- (fun (c1, c2) ->
- for i = c1 to c2 do
- table.(i lsr 3) <-
- (table.(i lsr 3) land (reset_mask i)) lor (mask i status)
- done))
- tables
-(* Look up into the table and interpret the found pattern. *)
-let lookup x =
- let v = (table.(x lsr 3) lsr ((x land 7) lsl 1)) land 3 in
- if v = 1 then UnicodeLetter
- else if v = 2 then UnicodeIdentPart
- else if v = 3 then UnicodeSymbol
- else raise UnsupportedUtf8
-(* [classify_unicode] discriminates between 3 different kinds of
- symbols based on the standard unicode classification (extracted from
- Camomile). *)
-let classify_unicode =
- let single c = [ (c, c) ] in
- (* General tables. *)
- mk_lookup_table_from_unicode_tables_for UnicodeSymbol
- [
- Unicodetable.sm; (* Symbol, maths. *)
- Unicodetable.sc; (* Symbol, currency. *)
- Unicodetable.so; (* Symbol, modifier. *)
- Unicodetable.pd; (* Punctation, dash. *)
- Unicodetable.pc; (* Punctation, connector. *)
- Unicodetable.pe; (* Punctation, open. *)
- Unicodetable.ps; (* Punctation, close. *)
- Unicodetable.pi; (* Punctation, initial quote. *)
- Unicodetable.pf; (* Punctation, final quote. *)
- Unicodetable.po; (* Punctation, other. *)
- ];
- mk_lookup_table_from_unicode_tables_for UnicodeLetter
- [
- Unicodetable.lu; (* Letter, uppercase. *)
- Unicodetable.ll; (* Letter, lowercase. *)
- Unicodetable.lt; (* Letter, titlecase. *)
- Unicodetable.lo; (* Letter, others. *)
- ];
- mk_lookup_table_from_unicode_tables_for UnicodeIdentPart
- [
- Unicodetable.nd; (* Number, decimal digits. *)
- Unicodetable.nl; (* Number, letter. *)
- Unicodetable.no; (* Number, other. *)
- ];
- (* Exceptions (from a previous version of this function). *)
- mk_lookup_table_from_unicode_tables_for UnicodeSymbol
- [
- single 0x000B2; (* Squared. *)
- single 0x0002E; (* Dot. *)
- ];
- mk_lookup_table_from_unicode_tables_for UnicodeLetter
- [
- single 0x005F; (* Underscore. *)
- single 0x00A0; (* Non breaking space. *)
- ];
- mk_lookup_table_from_unicode_tables_for UnicodeIdentPart
- [
- single 0x0027; (* Special space. *)
- ];
- (* Lookup *)
- lookup
-exception End_of_input
-let utf8_of_unicode n =
- if n < 128 then
- String.make 1 (Char.chr n)
- else if n < 2048 then
- let s = String.make 2 (Char.chr (128 + n mod 64)) in
- begin
- s.[0] <- Char.chr (192 + n / 64);
- s
- end
- else if n < 65536 then
- let s = String.make 3 (Char.chr (128 + n mod 64)) in
- begin
- s.[1] <- Char.chr (128 + (n / 64) mod 64);
- s.[0] <- Char.chr (224 + n / 4096);
- s
- end
- else
- let s = String.make 4 (Char.chr (128 + n mod 64)) in
- begin
- s.[2] <- Char.chr (128 + (n / 64) mod 64);
- s.[1] <- Char.chr (128 + (n / 4096) mod 64);
- s.[0] <- Char.chr (240 + n / 262144);
- s
- end
-let next_utf8 s i =
- let err () = invalid_arg "utf8" in
- let l = String.length s - i in
- if l = 0 then raise End_of_input
- else let a = Char.code s.[i] in if a <= 0x7F then
- 1, a
- else if a land 0x40 = 0 or l = 1 then err ()
- else let b = Char.code s.[i+1] in if b land 0xC0 <> 0x80 then err ()
- else if a land 0x20 = 0 then
- 2, (a land 0x1F) lsl 6 + (b land 0x3F)
- else if l = 2 then err ()
- else let c = Char.code s.[i+2] in if c land 0xC0 <> 0x80 then err ()
- else if a land 0x10 = 0 then
- 3, (a land 0x0F) lsl 12 + (b land 0x3F) lsl 6 + (c land 0x3F)
- else if l = 3 then err ()
- else let d = Char.code s.[i+3] in if d land 0xC0 <> 0x80 then err ()
- else if a land 0x08 = 0 then
- 4, (a land 0x07) lsl 18 + (b land 0x3F) lsl 12 +
- (c land 0x3F) lsl 6 + (d land 0x3F)
- else err ()
-(* Check the well-formedness of an identifier *)
-let initial_refutation j n s =
- match classify_unicode n with
- | UnicodeLetter -> None
- | _ ->
- let c = String.sub s 0 j in
- Some (false,"Invalid character '"^c^"' at beginning of identifier \""^s^"\".")
-let trailing_refutation i j n s =
- match classify_unicode n with
- | UnicodeLetter | UnicodeIdentPart -> None
- | _ ->
- let c = String.sub s i j in
- Some (false,"Invalid character '"^c^"' in identifier \""^s^"\".")
-let ident_refutation s =
- if s = ".." then None else try
- let j, n = next_utf8 s 0 in
- match initial_refutation j n s with
- |None ->
- begin try
- let rec aux i =
- let j, n = next_utf8 s i in
- match trailing_refutation i j n s with
- |None -> aux (i + j)
- |x -> x
- in aux j
- with End_of_input -> None
- end
- |x -> x
- with
- | End_of_input -> Some (true,"The empty string is not an identifier.")
- | UnsupportedUtf8 -> Some (true,s^": unsupported character in utf8 sequence.")
- | Invalid_argument _ -> Some (true,s^": invalid utf8 sequence.")
-let lowercase_unicode =
- let tree = Segmenttree.make Unicodetable.to_lower in
- fun unicode ->
- try
- match Segmenttree.lookup unicode tree with
- | `Abs c -> c
- | `Delta d -> unicode + d
- with Not_found -> unicode
-let lowercase_first_char_utf8 s =
- assert (s <> "");
- let j, n = next_utf8 s 0 in
- utf8_of_unicode (lowercase_unicode n)
-(** For extraction, we need to encode unicode character into ascii ones *)
-let ascii_of_ident s =
- let check_ascii s =
- let ok = ref true in
- String.iter (fun c -> if Char.code c >= 128 then ok := false) s;
- !ok
- in
- if check_ascii s then s else
- let i = ref 0 and out = ref "" in
- begin try while true do
- let j, n = next_utf8 s !i in
- out :=
- if n >= 128
- then Printf.sprintf "%s__U%04x_" !out n
- else Printf.sprintf "%s%c" !out s.[!i];
- i := !i + j
- done with End_of_input -> () end;
- !out
(* Lists *)
module List : CList.ExtS = CList