path: root/lib/unicode.ml
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Diffstat (limited to 'lib/unicode.ml')
1 files changed, 70 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/unicode.ml b/lib/unicode.ml
index 7aa8d9d51..dc852d981 100644
--- a/lib/unicode.ml
+++ b/lib/unicode.ml
@@ -261,3 +261,73 @@ let ascii_of_ident s =
(Buffer.add_char out s.[!i]; incr i)
Buffer.contents out
+(* Compute length of an UTF-8 encoded string
+ Rem 1 : utf8_length <= String.length (equal if pure ascii)
+ Rem 2 : if used for an iso8859_1 encoded string, the result is
+ wrong in very rare cases. Such a wrong case corresponds to any
+ sequence of a character in range 192..253 immediately followed by a
+ character in range 128..191 (typical case in french is "déçu" which
+ is counted 3 instead of 4); then no real harm to use always
+ utf8_length even if using an iso8859_1 encoding *)
+(** FIXME: duplicate code with Pp *)
+let utf8_length s =
+ let len = String.length s
+ and cnt = ref 0
+ and nc = ref 0
+ and p = ref 0 in
+ while !p < len do
+ begin
+ match s.[!p] with
+ | '\000'..'\127' -> nc := 0 (* ascii char *)
+ | '\128'..'\191' -> nc := 0 (* cannot start with a continuation byte *)
+ | '\192'..'\223' -> nc := 1 (* expect 1 continuation byte *)
+ | '\224'..'\239' -> nc := 2 (* expect 2 continuation bytes *)
+ | '\240'..'\247' -> nc := 3 (* expect 3 continuation bytes *)
+ | '\248'..'\251' -> nc := 4 (* expect 4 continuation bytes *)
+ | '\252'..'\253' -> nc := 5 (* expect 5 continuation bytes *)
+ | '\254'..'\255' -> nc := 0 (* invalid byte *)
+ end ;
+ incr p ;
+ while !p < len && !nc > 0 do
+ match s.[!p] with
+ | '\128'..'\191' (* next continuation byte *) -> incr p ; decr nc
+ | _ (* not a continuation byte *) -> nc := 0
+ done ;
+ incr cnt
+ done ;
+ !cnt
+(* Variant of String.sub for UTF8 character positions *)
+let utf8_sub s start_u len_u =
+ let len_b = String.length s
+ and end_u = start_u + len_u
+ and cnt = ref 0
+ and nc = ref 0
+ and p = ref 0 in
+ let start_b = ref len_b in
+ while !p < len_b && !cnt < end_u do
+ if !cnt <= start_u then start_b := !p ;
+ begin
+ match s.[!p] with
+ | '\000'..'\127' -> nc := 0 (* ascii char *)
+ | '\128'..'\191' -> nc := 0 (* cannot start with a continuation byte *)
+ | '\192'..'\223' -> nc := 1 (* expect 1 continuation byte *)
+ | '\224'..'\239' -> nc := 2 (* expect 2 continuation bytes *)
+ | '\240'..'\247' -> nc := 3 (* expect 3 continuation bytes *)
+ | '\248'..'\251' -> nc := 4 (* expect 4 continuation bytes *)
+ | '\252'..'\253' -> nc := 5 (* expect 5 continuation bytes *)
+ | '\254'..'\255' -> nc := 0 (* invalid byte *)
+ end ;
+ incr p ;
+ while !p < len_b && !nc > 0 do
+ match s.[!p] with
+ | '\128'..'\191' (* next continuation byte *) -> incr p ; decr nc
+ | _ (* not a continuation byte *) -> nc := 0
+ done ;
+ incr cnt
+ done ;
+ let end_b = !p in
+ String.sub s !start_b (end_b - !start_b)