path: root/lib/pp.ml
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/pp.ml')
1 files changed, 3 insertions, 161 deletions
diff --git a/lib/pp.ml b/lib/pp.ml
index e4c78ba73..d07f01b90 100644
--- a/lib/pp.ml
+++ b/lib/pp.ml
@@ -64,13 +64,6 @@ end
open Pp_control
-(* This should not be used outside of this file. Use
- Flags.print_emacs instead. This one is updated when reading
- command line options. This was the only way to make [Pp] depend on
- an option without creating a circularity: [Flags] -> [Util] ->
- [Pp] -> [Flags] *)
-let print_emacs = ref false
(* The different kinds of blocks are:
\item[hbox:] Horizontal block no line breaking;
@@ -339,175 +332,23 @@ let pp_dirs ?pp_tag ft =
let () = Format.pp_print_flush ft () in
Exninfo.iraise reraise
-(* pretty print on stdout and stderr *)
-(* Special chars for emacs, to detect warnings inside goal output *)
-let emacs_quote_start = String.make 1 (Char.chr 254)
-let emacs_quote_end = String.make 1 (Char.chr 255)
-let emacs_quote_info_start = "<infomsg>"
-let emacs_quote_info_end = "</infomsg>"
-let emacs_quote g =
- if !print_emacs then hov 0 (str emacs_quote_start ++ g ++ str emacs_quote_end)
- else hov 0 g
-let emacs_quote_info g =
- if !print_emacs then hov 0 (str emacs_quote_info_start++ brk(0,0) ++ g ++ brk(0,0) ++ str emacs_quote_info_end)
- else hov 0 g
(* pretty printing functions WITHOUT FLUSH *)
let pp_with ?pp_tag ft strm =
pp_dirs ?pp_tag ft (Glue.atom (Ppdir_ppcmds strm))
-let ppnl_with ft strm =
- pp_dirs ft (Glue.atom (Ppdir_ppcmds (strm ++ fnl ())))
(* pretty printing functions WITH FLUSH *)
let msg_with ft strm =
pp_dirs ft (Glue.atom(Ppdir_ppcmds strm) ++ Glue.atom(Ppdir_print_flush))
-let msgnl_with ft strm =
- pp_dirs ft (Glue.atom(Ppdir_ppcmds strm) ++ Glue.atom(Ppdir_print_newline))
-(* pretty printing functions WITHOUT FLUSH *)
-let pp x = pp_with !std_ft x
-let ppnl x = ppnl_with !std_ft x
-let pperr x = pp_with !err_ft x
-let pperrnl x = ppnl_with !err_ft x
-let message s = ppnl (str s)
-let pp_flush x = Format.pp_print_flush !std_ft x
-let pperr_flush x = Format.pp_print_flush !err_ft x
-let flush_all () =
- flush stderr; flush stdout; pp_flush (); pperr_flush ()
-(* pretty printing functions WITH FLUSH *)
-let msg x = msg_with !std_ft x
-let msgnl x = msgnl_with !std_ft x
-let msgerr x = msg_with !err_ft x
-let msgerrnl x = msgnl_with !err_ft x
-(* Logging management *)
-type message_level = Feedback.message_level =
- | Debug of string
- | Info
- | Notice
- | Warning
- | Error
-type message = Feedback.message = {
- message_level : message_level;
- message_content : Xml_datatype.xml;
-let of_message = Feedback.of_message
-let to_message = Feedback.to_message
-let is_message = Feedback.is_message
-type logger = message_level -> std_ppcmds -> unit
-let make_body info s =
- emacs_quote (hov 0 (info ++ spc () ++ s))
-let debugbody strm = emacs_quote_info (hov 0 (str "Debug:" ++ spc () ++ strm))
-let warnbody strm = make_body (str "Warning:") strm
-let errorbody strm = make_body (str "Error:") strm
-let infobody strm = emacs_quote_info strm
-let std_logger ~id:_ level msg = match level with
-| Debug _ -> msgnl (debugbody msg)
-| Info -> msgnl (hov 0 msg)
-| Notice -> msgnl msg
-| Warning -> Flags.if_warn (fun () -> msgnl_with !err_ft (warnbody msg)) ()
-| Error -> msgnl_with !err_ft (errorbody msg)
-let emacs_logger ~id:_ level mesg = match level with
-| Debug _ -> msgnl (debugbody mesg)
-| Info -> msgnl (infobody mesg)
-| Notice -> msgnl mesg
-| Warning -> Flags.if_warn (fun () -> msgnl_with !err_ft (warnbody mesg)) ()
-| Error -> msgnl_with !err_ft (errorbody mesg)
-let logger = ref std_logger
-let make_pp_emacs() = print_emacs:=true; logger:=emacs_logger
-let make_pp_nonemacs() = print_emacs:=false; logger := std_logger
-let ft_logger old_logger ft ~id level mesg = match level with
- | Debug _ -> msgnl_with ft (debugbody mesg)
- | Info -> msgnl_with ft (infobody mesg)
- | Notice -> msgnl_with ft mesg
- | Warning -> old_logger ~id:id level mesg
- | Error -> old_logger ~id:id level mesg
-let with_output_to_file fname func input =
- let old_logger = !logger in
- let channel = open_out (String.concat "." [fname; "out"]) in
- logger := ft_logger old_logger (Format.formatter_of_out_channel channel);
- try
- let output = func input in
- logger := old_logger;
- close_out channel;
- output
- with reraise ->
- let reraise = Backtrace.add_backtrace reraise in
- logger := old_logger;
- close_out channel;
- Exninfo.iraise reraise
-let feedback_id = ref (Feedback.Edit 0)
-let feedback_route = ref Feedback.default_route
(* If mixing some output and a goal display, please use msg_warning,
so that interfaces (proofgeneral for example) can easily dispatch
them to different windows. *)
-let msg_info x = !logger ~id:!feedback_id Info x
-let msg_notice x = !logger ~id:!feedback_id Notice x
-let msg_warning x = !logger ~id:!feedback_id Warning x
-let msg_error x = !logger ~id:!feedback_id Error x
-let msg_debug x = !logger ~id:!feedback_id (Debug "_") x
-let set_logger l = logger := (fun ~id:_ lvl msg -> l lvl msg)
-let std_logger lvl msg = std_logger ~id:!feedback_id lvl msg
-(** Feedback *)
-let feeder = ref ignore
-let set_id_for_feedback ?(route=Feedback.default_route) i =
- feedback_id := i; feedback_route := route
-let feedback ?state_id ?edit_id ?route what =
- !feeder {
- Feedback.contents = what;
- Feedback.route = Option.default !feedback_route route;
- Feedback.id =
- match state_id, edit_id with
- | Some id, _ -> Feedback.State id
- | None, Some eid -> Feedback.Edit eid
- | None, None -> !feedback_id;
- }
-let set_feeder f = feeder := f
-let get_id_for_feedback () = !feedback_id, !feedback_route
-(** Utility *)
+(** Output to a string formatter *)
let string_of_ppcmds c =
- msg_with Format.str_formatter c;
+ Format.fprintf Format.str_formatter "@[%a@]" msg_with c;
Format.flush_str_formatter ()
-let log_via_feedback printer = logger := (fun ~id lvl msg ->
- !feeder {
- Feedback.contents = Feedback.Message {
- message_level = lvl;
- message_content = printer msg };
- Feedback.route = !feedback_route;
- Feedback.id = id })
(* Copy paste from Util *)
let pr_comma () = str "," ++ spc ()
@@ -597,3 +438,4 @@ let prvect_with_sep sep elem v = prvecti_with_sep sep (fun _ -> elem) v
let prvect elem v = prvect_with_sep mt elem v
let surround p = hov 1 (str"(" ++ p ++ str")")