path: root/lib/coqProject_file.ml4
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/coqProject_file.ml4')
1 files changed, 212 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/coqProject_file.ml4 b/lib/coqProject_file.ml4
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d32273bc2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/coqProject_file.ml4
@@ -0,0 +1,212 @@
+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * INRIA - CNRS - LIX - LRI - PPS - Copyright 1999-2016 *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+type target =
+ | ML of string (* ML file : foo.ml -> (ML "foo.ml") *)
+ | MLI of string (* MLI file : foo.mli -> (MLI "foo.mli") *)
+ | ML4 of string (* ML4 file : foo.ml4 -> (ML4 "foo.ml4") *)
+ | MLLIB of string (* MLLIB file : foo.mllib -> (MLLIB "foo.mllib") *)
+ | MLPACK of string (* MLLIB file : foo.mlpack -> (MLLIB "foo.mlpack") *)
+ | V of string (* V file : foo.v -> (V "foo") *)
+ | Arg of string
+ | Special of string * string * bool * string
+ (* file, dependencies, is_phony, command *)
+ | Subdir of string
+ | Def of string * string (* X=foo -> Def ("X","foo") *)
+ | MLInclude of string (* -I physicalpath *)
+ | Include of string * string (* -Q physicalpath logicalpath *)
+ | RInclude of string * string (* -R physicalpath logicalpath *)
+type install =
+ | NoInstall
+ | TraditionalInstall
+ | UserInstall
+ | UnspecInstall
+exception Parsing_error
+let rec parse_string = parser
+ | [< '' ' | '\n' | '\t' >] -> ""
+ | [< 'c; s >] -> (String.make 1 c)^(parse_string s)
+ | [< >] -> ""
+and parse_string2 = parser
+ | [< ''"' >] -> ""
+ | [< 'c; s >] -> (String.make 1 c)^(parse_string2 s)
+ | [< >] -> raise Parsing_error
+and parse_skip_comment = parser
+ | [< ''\n'; s >] -> s
+ | [< 'c; s >] -> parse_skip_comment s
+ | [< >] -> [< >]
+and parse_args = parser
+ | [< '' ' | '\n' | '\t'; s >] -> parse_args s
+ | [< ''#'; s >] -> parse_args (parse_skip_comment s)
+ | [< ''"'; str = parse_string2; s >] -> ("" ^ str) :: parse_args s
+ | [< 'c; str = parse_string; s >] -> ((String.make 1 c) ^ str) :: (parse_args s)
+ | [< >] -> []
+let parse f =
+ let c = open_in f in
+ let res = parse_args (Stream.of_channel c) in
+ close_in c;
+ res
+let rec process_cmd_line orig_dir ((project_file,makefile,install,opt) as opts) l = function
+ | [] -> opts, l
+ | ("-h"|"--help") :: _ ->
+ raise Parsing_error
+ | ("-no-opt"|"-byte") :: r ->
+ process_cmd_line orig_dir (project_file,makefile,install,false) l r
+ | ("-full"|"-opt") :: r ->
+ process_cmd_line orig_dir (project_file,makefile,install,true) l r
+ | "-impredicative-set" :: r ->
+ Feedback.msg_warning (Pp.str "Please now use \"-arg -impredicative-set\" instead of \"-impredicative-set\" alone to be more uniform.");
+ process_cmd_line orig_dir opts (Arg "-impredicative-set" :: l) r
+ | "-no-install" :: r ->
+ Feedback.msg_warning (Pp.(++) (Pp.str "Option -no-install is deprecated.") (Pp.(++) (Pp.spc ()) (Pp.str "Use \"-install none\" instead")));
+ process_cmd_line orig_dir (project_file,makefile,NoInstall,opt) l r
+ | "-install" :: d :: r ->
+ if install <> UnspecInstall then Feedback.msg_warning (Pp.str "-install sets more than once.");
+ let install =
+ match d with
+ | "user" -> UserInstall
+ | "none" -> NoInstall
+ | "global" -> TraditionalInstall
+ | _ -> Feedback.msg_warning (Pp.(++) (Pp.str "invalid option '") (Pp.(++) (Pp.str d) (Pp.str "' passed to -install.")));
+ install
+ in
+ process_cmd_line orig_dir (project_file,makefile,install,opt) l r
+ | "-custom" :: com :: dependencies :: file :: r ->
+ Feedback.msg_warning (Pp.app
+ (Pp.str "Please now use \"-extra[-phony] result deps command\" instead of \"-custom command deps result\".")
+ (Pp.pr_arg Pp.str "It follows makefile target declaration order and has a clearer semantic.")
+ );
+ process_cmd_line orig_dir opts (Special (file,dependencies,false,com) :: l) r
+ | "-extra" :: file :: dependencies :: com :: r ->
+ process_cmd_line orig_dir opts (Special (file,dependencies,false,com) :: l) r
+ | "-extra-phony" :: target :: dependencies :: com :: r ->
+ process_cmd_line orig_dir opts (Special (target,dependencies,true,com) :: l) r
+ | "-Q" :: d :: lp :: r ->
+ process_cmd_line orig_dir opts ((Include (CUnix.correct_path d orig_dir, lp)) :: l) r
+ | "-I" :: d :: r ->
+ process_cmd_line orig_dir opts ((MLInclude (CUnix.correct_path d orig_dir)) :: l) r
+ | "-R" :: p :: lp :: r ->
+ process_cmd_line orig_dir opts (RInclude (CUnix.correct_path p orig_dir,lp) :: l) r
+ | ("-Q"|"-R"|"-I"|"-custom"|"-extra"|"-extra-phony") :: _ ->
+ raise Parsing_error
+ | "-f" :: file :: r ->
+ let file = CUnix.remove_path_dot (CUnix.correct_path file orig_dir) in
+ let () = match project_file with
+ | None -> ()
+ | Some _ -> Feedback.msg_warning (Pp.str
+ "Several features will not work with multiple project files.")
+ in
+ let (opts',l') = process_cmd_line (Filename.dirname file) (Some file,makefile,install,opt) l (parse file) in
+ process_cmd_line orig_dir opts' l' r
+ | ["-f"] ->
+ raise Parsing_error
+ | "-o" :: file :: r ->
+ begin try
+ let _ = String.index file '/' in
+ raise Parsing_error
+ with Not_found ->
+ let () = match makefile with
+ |None -> ()
+ |Some f ->
+ Feedback.msg_warning (Pp.(++) (Pp.str "Only one output file is genererated. ") (Pp.(++) (Pp.str f) (Pp.str " will not be.")))
+ in process_cmd_line orig_dir (project_file,Some file,install,opt) l r
+ end
+ | v :: "=" :: def :: r ->
+ process_cmd_line orig_dir opts (Def (v,def) :: l) r
+ | "-arg" :: a :: r ->
+ process_cmd_line orig_dir opts (Arg a :: l) r
+ | f :: r ->
+ let f = CUnix.correct_path f orig_dir in
+ process_cmd_line orig_dir opts ((
+ if Filename.check_suffix f ".v" then V f
+ else if (Filename.check_suffix f ".ml") then ML f
+ else if (Filename.check_suffix f ".ml4") then ML4 f
+ else if (Filename.check_suffix f ".mli") then MLI f
+ else if (Filename.check_suffix f ".mllib") then MLLIB f
+ else if (Filename.check_suffix f ".mlpack") then MLPACK f
+ else Subdir f) :: l) r
+let process_cmd_line orig_dir opts l args =
+ let (opts, l) = process_cmd_line orig_dir opts l args in
+ opts, List.rev l
+let rec post_canonize f =
+ if Filename.basename f = Filename.current_dir_name
+ then let dir = Filename.dirname f in
+ if dir = Filename.current_dir_name then f else post_canonize dir
+ else f
+(* Return: ((v,(mli,ml4,ml,mllib,mlpack),special,subdir),(ml_inc,q_inc,r_inc),(args,defs)) *)
+let split_arguments args =
+ List.fold_right
+ (fun a ((v,(mli,ml4,ml,mllib,mlpack as m),o,s as t),
+ (ml_inc,q_inc,r_inc as i),(args,defs as d)) ->
+ match a with
+ | V n ->
+ ((CUnix.remove_path_dot n::v,m,o,s),i,d)
+ | ML n ->
+ ((v,(mli,ml4,CUnix.remove_path_dot n::ml,mllib,mlpack),o,s),i,d)
+ | MLI n ->
+ ((v,(CUnix.remove_path_dot n::mli,ml4,ml,mllib,mlpack),o,s),i,d)
+ | ML4 n ->
+ ((v,(mli,CUnix.remove_path_dot n::ml4,ml,mllib,mlpack),o,s),i,d)
+ | MLLIB n ->
+ ((v,(mli,ml4,ml,CUnix.remove_path_dot n::mllib,mlpack),o,s),i,d)
+ | MLPACK n ->
+ ((v,(mli,ml4,ml,mllib,CUnix.remove_path_dot n::mlpack),o,s),i,d)
+ | Special (n,dep,is_phony,c) ->
+ ((v,m,(n,dep,is_phony,c)::o,s),i,d)
+ | Subdir n ->
+ ((v,m,o,n::s),i,d)
+ | MLInclude p ->
+ let ml_new = (CUnix.remove_path_dot (post_canonize p),
+ CUnix.canonical_path_name p) in
+ (t,(ml_new::ml_inc,q_inc,r_inc),d)
+ | Include (p,l) ->
+ let q_new = (CUnix.remove_path_dot (post_canonize p),l,
+ CUnix.canonical_path_name p) in
+ (t,(ml_inc,q_new::q_inc,r_inc),d)
+ | RInclude (p,l) ->
+ let r_new = (CUnix.remove_path_dot (post_canonize p),l,
+ CUnix.canonical_path_name p) in
+ (t,(ml_inc,q_inc,r_new::r_inc),d)
+ | Def (v,def) ->
+ (t,i,(args,(v,def)::defs))
+ | Arg a ->
+ (t,i,(a::args,defs)))
+ args (([],([],[],[],[],[]),[],[]),([],[],[]),([],[]))
+let read_project_file f =
+ split_arguments
+ (snd (process_cmd_line (Filename.dirname f) (Some f, None, NoInstall, true) [] (parse f)))
+let args_from_project file project_files default_name =
+ let build_cmd_line ml_inc i_inc r_inc args =
+ List.fold_right (fun (_,i) o -> "-I" :: i :: o) ml_inc
+ (List.fold_right (fun (_,l,i) o -> "-Q" :: i :: l :: o) i_inc
+ (List.fold_right (fun (_,l,p) o -> "-R" :: p :: l :: o) r_inc
+ (List.fold_right (fun a o -> parse_args (Stream.of_string a) @ o) args [])))
+ in try
+ let (fname,(_,(ml_inc,i_inc,r_inc),(args,_))) = List.hd project_files in
+ fname, build_cmd_line ml_inc i_inc r_inc args
+ with Failure _ ->
+ let rec find_project_file dir = try
+ let fname = Filename.concat dir default_name in
+ let ((v_files,_,_,_),(ml_inc,i_inc,r_inc),(args,_)) =
+ read_project_file fname in
+ fname, build_cmd_line ml_inc i_inc r_inc args
+ with Sys_error s ->
+ let newdir = Filename.dirname dir in
+ if dir = newdir then "",[] else find_project_file newdir
+ in find_project_file (Filename.dirname file)
+(* vim:set ft=ocaml: *)