path: root/lib/compat.ml4
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Diffstat (limited to 'lib/compat.ml4')
1 files changed, 212 insertions, 10 deletions
diff --git a/lib/compat.ml4 b/lib/compat.ml4
index c37758152..aba272045 100644
--- a/lib/compat.ml4
+++ b/lib/compat.ml4
@@ -8,19 +8,221 @@
(** Compatibility file depending on ocaml/camlp4 version *)
+(** Locations *)
+module Loc = struct
+ include Ploc
+ exception Exc_located = Exc
+ let ghost = dummy
+ let merge = encl
+let make_loc = Loc.make_unlined
+let unloc loc = (Loc.first_pos loc, Loc.last_pos loc)
+module Loc = Camlp4.PreCast.Loc
+let make_loc (start,stop) =
+ Loc.of_tuple ("", 0, 0, start, 0, 0, stop, false)
+let unloc loc = (Loc.start_off loc, Loc.stop_off loc)
+(** Misc module emulation *)
-type loc = Stdpp.location
-let dummy_loc = Stdpp.dummy_loc
-let make_loc = Stdpp.make_loc
-let unloc loc = Stdpp.first_pos loc, Stdpp.last_pos loc
-let join_loc loc1 loc2 =
- if loc1 = dummy_loc or loc2 = dummy_loc then dummy_loc
- else Stdpp.encl_loc loc1 loc2
-type lexer = Tok.t Token.glexer
+module PcamlSig = struct end
+module PcamlSig = Camlp4.Sig
+module Ast = Camlp4.PreCast.Ast
+module Pcaml = Camlp4.PreCast.Syntax
+module MLast = Ast
+module Token = struct exception Error of string end
-ELSE (* official camlp4 of ocaml >= 3.10 *)
+(** Grammar auxiliary types *)
+type gram_assoc = Gramext.g_assoc = NonA | RightA | LeftA
+type gram_position = Gramext.position =
+ | First
+ | Last
+ | Before of string
+ | After of string
+ | Like of string (** dont use it, not in camlp4 *)
+ | Level of string
+type gram_assoc = PcamlSig.Grammar.assoc = NonA | RightA | LeftA
+type gram_position = PcamlSig.Grammar.position =
+ | First
+ | Last
+ | Before of string
+ | After of string
+ | Level of string
+(** Signature of Lexer *)
+module type LexerSig = sig
+ include Grammar.GLexerType with type te = Tok.t
+ module Error : sig
+ type t
+ exception E of t
+ end
+module type LexerSig =
+ Camlp4.Sig.Lexer with module Loc = Loc and type Token.t = Tok.t
+(** Signature and implementation of grammars *)
+module type GrammarSig = sig
+ include Grammar.S with type te = Tok.t
+ type 'a entry = 'a Entry.e
+ type internal_entry = Tok.t Gramext.g_entry
+ type symbol = Tok.t Gramext.g_symbol
+ type action = Gramext.g_action
+ type production_rule = symbol list * action
+ type single_extend_statment =
+ string option * gram_assoc option * production_rule list
+ type extend_statment =
+ gram_position option * single_extend_statment list
+ val action : 'a -> action
+ val entry_create : string -> 'a entry
+ val entry_parse : 'a entry -> parsable -> 'a
+ val entry_print : 'a entry -> unit
+ val srules' : production_rule list -> symbol
+ val parse_tokens_after_filter : 'a entry -> Tok.t Stream.t -> 'a
+module GrammarMake (L:LexerSig) : GrammarSig = struct
+ include Grammar.GMake (L)
+ type 'a entry = 'a Entry.e
+ type internal_entry = Tok.t Gramext.g_entry
+ type symbol = Tok.t Gramext.g_symbol
+ type action = Gramext.g_action
+ type production_rule = symbol list * action
+ type single_extend_statment =
+ string option * gram_assoc option * production_rule list
+ type extend_statment =
+ gram_position option * single_extend_statment list
+ let action = Gramext.action
+ let entry_create = Entry.create
+ let entry_parse = Entry.parse
+ let entry_print = Entry.print
+ let srules' = Gramext.srules
+ let parse_tokens_after_filter = Entry.parse_token
+module type GrammarSig = sig
+ include Camlp4.Sig.Grammar.Static
+ with module Loc = Loc and type Token.t = Tok.t
+ type 'a entry = 'a Entry.t
+ type action = Action.t
+ type parsable
+ val parsable : char Stream.t -> parsable
+ val action : 'a -> action
+ val entry_create : string -> 'a entry
+ val entry_parse : 'a entry -> parsable -> 'a
+ val entry_print : 'a entry -> unit
+ val srules' : production_rule list -> symbol
+module GrammarMake (L:LexerSig) : GrammarSig = struct
+ include Camlp4.Struct.Grammar.Static.Make (L)
+ type 'a entry = 'a Entry.t
+ type action = Action.t
+ type parsable = char Stream.t
+ let parsable s = s
+ let action = Action.mk
+ let entry_create = Entry.mk
+ let entry_parse e s = parse e (*FIXME*)Loc.ghost s
+ let entry_print x = Entry.print Format.std_formatter x
+ let srules' = srules (entry_create "dummy")
+(** Misc functional adjustments *)
+(** - The lexer produces streams made of pairs in camlp4 *)
+let get_tok = IFDEF CAMLP5 THEN fun x -> x ELSE fst END
+(** - Gram.extend is more currified in camlp5 than in camlp4 *)
+let maybe_curry f x y = f (x,y)
+let maybe_uncurry f (x,y) = f x y
+let maybe_curry f = f
+let maybe_uncurry f = f
+(** Fix a quotation difference in [str_item] *)
+let declare_str_items loc l =
+ let l' = <:str_item< open Pcoq >> :: <:str_item< open Extrawit >> :: l in
+ MLast.StDcl (loc,l') (* correspond to <:str_item< declare $list:l'$ end >> *)
+ Ast.stSem_of_list l'
+(** Quotation difference for match clauses *)
+let default_patt loc =
+ (<:patt< _ >>, None, <:expr< failwith "Extension: cannot occur" >>)
+let make_fun loc cl =
+ let l = cl @ [default_patt loc] in
+ MLast.ExFun (loc,l) (* correspond to <:expr< fun [ $list:l$ ] >> *)
+let make_fun loc cl =
+ let mk_when = function
+ | Some w -> w
+ | None -> Ast.ExNil loc
+ in
+ let mk_clause (patt,optwhen,expr) =
+ (* correspond to <:match_case< ... when ... -> ... >> *)
+ Ast.McArr (loc, patt, mk_when optwhen, expr) in
+ let init = mk_clause (default_patt loc) in
+ let add_clause x acc = Ast.McOr (loc, mk_clause x, acc) in
+ let l = List.fold_right add_clause cl init in
+ Ast.ExFun (loc,l) (* correspond to <:expr< fun [ $l$ ] >> *)
+(** Explicit antiquotation $anti:... $ *)
+let expl_anti loc e = <:expr< $anti:e$ >>
+let expl_anti _loc e = e (* FIXME: understand someday if we can do better *)