path: root/kernel
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Diffstat (limited to 'kernel')
2 files changed, 116 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/kernel/evd.ml b/kernel/evd.ml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..48b2a4b57
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kernel/evd.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+(* $Id$ *)
+open Util
+open Names
+open Term
+open Sign
+(* The type of mappings for existential variables *)
+type evar_body =
+ | Evar_empty
+ | Evar_defined of constr
+type 'a evar_info = {
+ evar_concl : typed_type; (* the type of the evar ... *)
+ evar_hyps : typed_type signature; (* ... under a certain signature *)
+ evar_body : evar_body; (* its definition *)
+ evar_info : 'a option } (* any other necessary information *)
+type 'a evar_map = 'a evar_info Spmap.t
+let mt_evd = Spmap.empty
+let toList evc = Spmap.fold (fun sp x acc -> (sp,x)::acc) evc []
+let dom evc = Spmap.fold (fun sp _ acc -> sp::acc) evc []
+let map evc k = Spmap.find k evc
+let rmv evc k = Spmap.remove k evc
+let remap evc k i = Spmap.add k i evc
+let in_dom evc k = Spmap.mem k evc
+let add_with_info evd sp newinfo =
+ Spmap.add sp newinfo evd
+let add_noinfo evd sp sign typ =
+ let newinfo =
+ { evar_concl = typ;
+ evar_hyps = sign;
+ evar_body = Evar_empty;
+ evar_info = None}
+ in
+ Spmap.add sp newinfo evd
+let define evd sp body =
+ let oldinfo = map evd sp in
+ let newinfo =
+ { evar_concl = oldinfo.evar_concl;
+ evar_hyps = oldinfo.evar_hyps;
+ evar_body = Evar_defined body;
+ evar_info = oldinfo.evar_info}
+ in
+ match oldinfo.evar_body with
+ | Evar_empty -> Spmap.add sp newinfo evd
+ | _ -> anomaly "cannot define an isevar twice"
+(* The list of non-instantiated existential declarations *)
+let non_instantiated sigma =
+ let listsp = toList sigma in
+ List.fold_left
+ (fun l ((sp,evd) as d) ->
+ if evd.evar_body = Evar_empty then (d::l) else l)
+ [] listsp
+let is_evar sigma sp = in_dom sigma sp
+let is_defined sigma sp =
+ let info = map sigma sp in not (info.evar_body = Evar_empty)
diff --git a/kernel/evd.mli b/kernel/evd.mli
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8063f42b0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kernel/evd.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+(* $Id$ *)
+open Names
+open Term
+open Sign
+(* The type of mappings for existential variables.
+ The keys are section paths and the associated information is a record
+ containing the type of the evar ([concl]), the signature under which
+ it was introduced ([hyps]), its definition ([body]) and any other
+ possible information if necessary ([info]).
+type evar_body =
+ | Evar_empty
+ | Evar_defined of constr
+type 'a evar_info = {
+ evar_concl : typed_type;
+ evar_hyps : typed_type signature;
+ evar_body : evar_body;
+ evar_info : 'a option }
+type 'a evar_map
+val dom : 'a evar_map -> section_path list
+val map : 'a evar_map -> section_path -> 'a evar_info
+val rmv : 'a evar_map -> section_path -> 'a evar_map
+val remap : 'a evar_map -> section_path -> 'a evar_info -> 'a evar_map
+val in_dom : 'a evar_map -> section_path -> bool
+val toList : 'a evar_map -> (section_path * 'a evar_info) list
+val mt_evd : 'a evar_map
+val add_with_info : 'a evar_map -> section_path -> 'a evar_info -> 'a evar_map
+val add_noinfo :
+ 'a evar_map -> section_path -> typed_type signature -> typed_type
+ -> 'a evar_map
+val define : 'a evar_map -> section_path -> constr -> 'a evar_map
+val non_instantiated : 'a evar_map -> (section_path * 'a evar_info) list
+val is_evar : 'a evar_map -> section_path -> bool
+val is_defined : 'a evar_map -> section_path -> bool