path: root/kernel
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4 files changed, 107 insertions, 58 deletions
diff --git a/kernel/byterun/coq_interp.c b/kernel/byterun/coq_interp.c
index a2ece57c4..880e978af 100644
--- a/kernel/byterun/coq_interp.c
+++ b/kernel/byterun/coq_interp.c
@@ -1190,7 +1190,7 @@ value coq_interprete
Instruct (DIV21INT31) {
/* spiwack: takes three int31 (the two first ones represent an
- int62) and perfoms the euclidian division of the
+ int62) and performs the euclidian division of the
int62 by the int31 */
uint64 bigint;
bigint = UI64_of_value(accu);
diff --git a/kernel/environ.ml b/kernel/environ.ml
index 13ef7386f..30cec7ed9 100644
--- a/kernel/environ.ml
+++ b/kernel/environ.ml
@@ -554,25 +554,46 @@ fun env field value ->
axioms and sections variables on which a given term depends
in a context (expectingly the Global context) *)
-type assumption =
- | Variable of identifier*constr (* A section variable and its type *)
- | Axiom of constant*constr (* An axiom and its type*)
+type context_object =
+ | Variable of identifier (* A section variable or a Let definition *)
+ | Axiom of constant (* An axiom or a constant. *)
(* Defines a set of [assumption] *)
-module OrderedAssumption =
+module OrderedContextObject =
- type t = assumption
- let compare = compare
+ type t = context_object
+ let compare x y =
+ match x , y with
+ | Variable i1 , Variable i2 -> id_ord i1 i2
+ | Axiom k1 , Axiom k2 -> Pervasives.compare k1 k2
+ (* spiwack: it would probably be cleaner
+ to provide a [kn_ord] function *)
+ | Variable _ , Axiom _ -> -1
+ | Axiom _ , Variable _ -> 1
-module AssumptionSet = Set.Make (OrderedAssumption)
-(* infix definition of set-union for redability purposes *)
-let ( ** ) s1 s2 = AssumptionSet.union s1 s2
-let rec assumptions t env =
- (* Goes recursively into the terms to see if it depends on assumptions
+module ContextObjectSet = Set.Make (OrderedContextObject)
+module ContextObjectMap = Map.Make (OrderedContextObject)
+let assumptions (* t env *) =
+ (* Infix definition for chaining function that accumulate
+ on a and a ContextObjectSet, ContextObjectMap. *)
+ let ( ** ) f1 f2 s m = let (s',m') = f1 s m in f2 s' m' in
+ (* This function eases memoization, by checking if an object is already
+ stored before trying and applying a function.
+ If the object is there, the function is not fired (we are in a
+ particular case where memoized object don't need a treatment at all).
+ If the object isn't there, it is stored and the function is fired*)
+ let try_and_go o f s m =
+ if ContextObjectSet.mem o s then
+ (s,m)
+ else
+ f (ContextObjectSet.add o s) m
+ in
+ let identity2 s m = (s,m) in
+ (* Goes recursively into the term to see if it depends on assumptions
the 3 important cases are : - Const _ where we need to first unfold
the constant and return the needed assumptions of its body in the
@@ -581,44 +602,73 @@ let rec assumptions t env =
- Var _ which means that the term refers
to a section variable or a "Let" definition, in the former it is
an assumption of [t], in the latter is must be unfolded like a Const.
- The other cases are straightforward recursion.*)
- match kind_of_term t with
- | Var id -> (* a Var can be either a variable, or a "Let" definition.*)
- (match named_body id env with
- | None ->
- AssumptionSet.singleton (Variable (id,named_type id env))
- | Some bdy -> assumptions bdy env)
- | Meta _ | Evar _ -> Util.anomaly "Environ.assumption: does not expect a meta or an evar"
+ The other cases are straightforward recursion.
+ Calls to the environment are memoized, thus avoiding to explore
+ the DAG of the environment as if it was a tree (can cause
+ exponential behavior and prevent the algorithm from terminating
+ in reasonable time). [s] is a set of [context_object], representing
+ the object already visited.*)
+ let rec aux t env s acc =
+ match kind_of_term t with
+ | Var id -> aux_memoize_id id env s acc
+ | Meta _ | Evar _ ->
+ Util.anomaly "Environ.assumption: does not expect a meta or an evar"
| Cast (e1,_,e2) | Prod (_,e1,e2) | Lambda (_,e1,e2) ->
- (assumptions e1 env)**(assumptions e2 env)
- | LetIn (_,e1,e2,e3) ->(assumptions e1 env)**
- (assumptions e2 env)**
- (assumptions e3 env)
- | App (e1, e_array) -> (assumptions e1 env)**
- (Array.fold_right (fun e s -> (assumptions e env)**s)
- e_array AssumptionSet.empty)
- | Case (_,e1,e2,e_array) -> (assumptions e1 env)**
- (assumptions e2 env)**
- (Array.fold_right (fun e s -> (assumptions e env)**s)
- e_array AssumptionSet.empty)
+ ((aux e1 env)**(aux e2 env)) s acc
+ | LetIn (_,e1,e2,e3) -> ((aux e1 env)**
+ (aux e2 env)**
+ (aux e3 env))
+ s acc
+ | App (e1, e_array) -> ((aux e1 env)**
+ (Array.fold_right
+ (fun e f -> (aux e env)**f)
+ e_array identity2))
+ s acc
+ | Case (_,e1,e2,e_array) -> ((aux e1 env)**
+ (aux e2 env)**
+ (Array.fold_right
+ (fun e f -> (aux e env)**f)
+ e_array identity2))
+ s acc
| Fix (_,(_, e1_array, e2_array)) | CoFix (_,(_,e1_array, e2_array)) ->
- Array.fold_right (fun e s -> (assumptions e env)**s)
- e1_array
- (Array.fold_right (fun e s -> (assumptions e env)**s)
- e2_array AssumptionSet.empty)
- | Const kn ->
- let cb = lookup_constant kn env in
- (match cb.Declarations.const_body with
- | None ->
- let ctype =
- match cb.Declarations.const_type with
- | PolymorphicArity (ctx,a) -> mkArity (ctx, Type a.poly_level)
- | NonPolymorphicType t -> t
- in
- AssumptionSet.singleton (Axiom (kn,ctype))
- | Some body -> assumptions (Declarations.force body) env)
- | _ -> AssumptionSet.empty (* closed atomic types + rel *)
+ ((Array.fold_right
+ (fun e f -> (aux e env)**f)
+ e1_array identity2) **
+ (Array.fold_right
+ (fun e f -> (aux e env)**f)
+ e2_array identity2))
+ s acc
+ | Const kn -> aux_memoize_kn kn env s acc
+ | _ -> (s,acc) (* closed atomic types + rel *)
+ and add_id id env s acc =
+ (* a Var can be either a variable, or a "Let" definition.*)
+ match lookup_named id env with
+ | (_,None,t) ->
+ (s,ContextObjectMap.add (Variable id) t acc)
+ | (_,Some bdy,_) -> aux bdy env s acc
+ and aux_memoize_id id env =
+ try_and_go (Variable id) (add_id id env)
+ and add_kn kn env s acc =
+ let cb = lookup_constant kn env in
+ match cb.Declarations.const_body with
+ | None ->
+ let ctype =
+ match cb.Declarations.const_type with
+ | PolymorphicArity (ctx,a) -> mkArity (ctx, Type a.poly_level)
+ | NonPolymorphicType t -> t
+ in
+ (s,ContextObjectMap.add (Axiom kn) ctype acc)
+ | Some body -> aux (Declarations.force body) env s acc
+ and aux_memoize_kn kn env =
+ try_and_go (Axiom kn) (add_kn kn env)
+ in
+ fun t env ->
+ snd (aux t env (ContextObjectSet.empty) (ContextObjectMap.empty))
(* /spiwack *)
diff --git a/kernel/environ.mli b/kernel/environ.mli
index c5b4800d5..ca41c2d7d 100644
--- a/kernel/environ.mli
+++ b/kernel/environ.mli
@@ -241,17 +241,16 @@ val register : env -> field -> Retroknowledge.entry -> env
(* spiwack: a few declarations for the "Print Assumption" command *)
-type assumption =
- | Variable of identifier*Term.constr (* A section variable and its type *)
- | Axiom of constant*Term.constr (* An axiom and its type*)
+type context_object =
+ | Variable of identifier (* A section variable or a Let definition *)
+ | Axiom of constant (* An axiom or a constant. *)
(* AssumptionSet.t is a set of [assumption] *)
-module OrderedAssumption : Set.OrderedType with type t = assumption
-module AssumptionSet : Set.S with type elt = assumption
+module OrderedContextObject : Set.OrderedType with type t = context_object
+module ContextObjectMap : Map.S with type key = context_object
(* collects all the assumptions on which a term relies (together with
their type *)
-val assumptions : constr -> env -> AssumptionSet.t
+val assumptions : constr -> env -> Term.types ContextObjectMap.t
diff --git a/kernel/safe_typing.ml b/kernel/safe_typing.ml
index 35bb1267a..a3df35ad5 100644
--- a/kernel/safe_typing.ml
+++ b/kernel/safe_typing.ml
@@ -110,7 +110,7 @@ let env_of_senv = env_of_safe_env
(* terms which are closed under the environnement env, i.e
terms which only depends on constant who are themselves closed *)
let closed env term =
- AssumptionSet.is_empty (assumptions env term)
+ ContextObjectMap.is_empty (assumptions env term)
(* the set of safe terms in an environement any recursive set of
terms who are known not to prove inconsistent statement. It should