path: root/kernel
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Diffstat (limited to 'kernel')
9 files changed, 9 insertions, 15 deletions
diff --git a/kernel/closure.ml b/kernel/closure.ml
index af00edd65..577ea5cb2 100644
--- a/kernel/closure.ml
+++ b/kernel/closure.ml
@@ -842,7 +842,7 @@ let strip_update_shift_app head stk =
let rec strip_rec rstk h depth = function
| Zshift(k) as e :: s ->
strip_rec (e::rstk) (lift_fconstr k h) (depth+k) s
- | (Zapp args :: s) as stk ->
+ | (Zapp args :: s) ->
strip_rec (Zapp args :: rstk)
{norm=h.norm;term=FApp(h,Array.of_list args)} depth s
| Zupdate(m)::s ->
@@ -885,7 +885,7 @@ let get_arg h stk =
let rec get_args n tys f e stk =
match stk with
Zupdate r :: s ->
- let hd = update r (Cstr,FLambda(n,tys,f,e)) in
+ let _hd = update r (Cstr,FLambda(n,tys,f,e)) in
get_args n tys f e s
| Zshift k :: s ->
get_args n tys f (subs_shft (k,e)) s
diff --git a/kernel/csymtable.ml b/kernel/csymtable.ml
index 73e10df65..f743970c6 100644
--- a/kernel/csymtable.ml
+++ b/kernel/csymtable.ml
@@ -146,7 +146,6 @@ and slot_for_fv env fv=
set_relval rv v; v
| VKdef(c,e) ->
let v = val_of_constr e c in
- let k = nb_rel e in
set_relval rv v; v
@@ -158,7 +157,6 @@ and eval_to_patch env (buff,pl,fv) =
patch_int buff pos (slot_for_getglobal env kn)
List.iter patch pl;
- let nfv = Array.length fv in
let vm_env = Array.map (slot_for_fv env) fv in
let tc = tcode_of_code buff (length buff) in
eval_tcode tc vm_env
diff --git a/kernel/indtypes.ml b/kernel/indtypes.ml
index 25464a3ce..67a0f850c 100644
--- a/kernel/indtypes.ml
+++ b/kernel/indtypes.ml
@@ -454,7 +454,6 @@ let check_positivity_one (env, _,ntypes,_ as ienv) hyps i indlc =
(fun c ->
let c = body_of_type c in
let sign, rawc = mind_extract_params nparams c in
- let env' = push_rel_context sign env in
check_constructors ienv true nparams rawc
with IllFormedInd err ->
diff --git a/kernel/inductive.ml b/kernel/inductive.ml
index bf64dfda0..235c82b1a 100644
--- a/kernel/inductive.ml
+++ b/kernel/inductive.ml
@@ -593,7 +593,6 @@ let check_one_fix renv recpos def =
| Fix ((recindxs,i),(_,typarray,bodies as recdef)) ->
List.for_all (check_rec_call renv) l &&
array_for_all (check_rec_call renv) typarray &&
- let nbfix = Array.length typarray in
let decrArg = recindxs.(i) in
let renv' = push_fix_renv renv recdef in
if (List.length l < (decrArg+1)) then
@@ -613,7 +612,7 @@ let check_one_fix renv recpos def =
bodies in
array_for_all (fun b -> b) ok_vect
- | Const kn as c ->
+ | Const kn ->
(try List.for_all (check_rec_call renv) l
with (FixGuardError _ ) as e ->
if evaluable_constant kn renv.env then
@@ -705,7 +704,7 @@ let inductive_of_mutfix env ((nvect,bodynum),(names,types,bodies as recdef)) =
(Array.map fst rv, Array.map snd rv)
-let check_fix env ((nvect,_),(names,_,bodies as recdef) as fix) =
+let check_fix env ((nvect,_),(names,_,bodies as _recdef) as fix) =
let (minds, rdef) = inductive_of_mutfix env fix in
for i = 0 to Array.length bodies - 1 do
let (fenv,body) = rdef.(i) in
diff --git a/kernel/mod_subst.ml b/kernel/mod_subst.ml
index e0d16d499..c6afb1da0 100644
--- a/kernel/mod_subst.ml
+++ b/kernel/mod_subst.ml
@@ -45,7 +45,6 @@ let empty_subst = Umap.empty
let add_msid msid mp =
Umap.add (MSI msid) (mp,None)
let add_mbid mbid mp resolve =
- let mp' = MBI mbid in
Umap.add (MBI mbid) (mp,resolve)
let map_msid msid mp = add_msid msid mp empty_subst
diff --git a/kernel/subtyping.ml b/kernel/subtyping.ml
index f87dc90e4..5ab9f9a02 100644
--- a/kernel/subtyping.ml
+++ b/kernel/subtyping.ml
@@ -174,7 +174,7 @@ let check_constant cst env msid1 l info1 cb2 spec2 =
check_conv cst conv env c1 c2
- | IndType ((kn,i) as ind,mind1) ->
+ | IndType ((kn,i),mind1) ->
Util.error ("The kernel does not recognize yet that a parameter can be " ^
"instantiated by an inductive type. Hint: you can rename the " ^
"inductive type and give a definition to map the old name to the new " ^
diff --git a/kernel/term.ml b/kernel/term.ml
index b86ac850c..8bd079ce5 100644
--- a/kernel/term.ml
+++ b/kernel/term.ml
@@ -748,7 +748,7 @@ let substl laml =
substn_many (Array.map make_substituend (Array.of_list laml)) 0
let subst1 lam = substl [lam]
-let substl_decl laml (id,bodyopt,typ as d) =
+let substl_decl laml (id,bodyopt,typ) =
match bodyopt with
| None -> (id,None,substl laml typ)
| Some body -> (id, Some (substl laml body), type_app (substl laml) typ)
diff --git a/kernel/vconv.ml b/kernel/vconv.ml
index cdc9fa0f7..8a2ced1d2 100644
--- a/kernel/vconv.ml
+++ b/kernel/vconv.ml
@@ -80,9 +80,9 @@ and conv_whd pb k whd1 whd2 cu =
else raise NotConvertible
| Vatom_stk(a1,stk1), Vatom_stk(a2,stk2) ->
conv_atom pb k a1 stk1 a2 stk2 cu
- | _, Vatom_stk(Aiddef(_,v) as a2,stk) ->
+ | _, Vatom_stk(Aiddef(_,v),stk) ->
conv_whd pb k whd1 (force_whd v stk) cu
- | Vatom_stk(Aiddef(_,v) as a1,stk), _ ->
+ | Vatom_stk(Aiddef(_,v),stk), _ ->
conv_whd pb k (force_whd v stk) whd2 cu
| _, _ -> raise NotConvertible
@@ -343,7 +343,7 @@ let type_of_ind env ind =
let (_,mip) = Inductive.lookup_mind_specif env ind in
-let build_branches_type (mind,_ as ind) mib mip params dep p rtbl =
+let build_branches_type (mind,_ as _ind) mib mip params dep p rtbl =
(* [build_one_branch i cty] construit le type de la ieme branche (commence
a 0) et les lambda correspondant aux realargs *)
let build_one_branch i cty =
diff --git a/kernel/vm.ml b/kernel/vm.ml
index 0aa4f1ff4..8f0d2ebdd 100644
--- a/kernel/vm.ml
+++ b/kernel/vm.ml
@@ -318,7 +318,6 @@ let val_of_constant_def n c v =
let rec whd_accu a stk =
- let n = nargs_of_accu a in
let stk =
if nargs_of_accu a = 0 then stk
else Zapp (args_of_accu a) :: stk in