path: root/kernel
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'kernel')
2 files changed, 289 insertions, 210 deletions
diff --git a/kernel/names.ml b/kernel/names.ml
index f64566f5a..e207c998e 100644
--- a/kernel/names.ml
+++ b/kernel/names.ml
@@ -245,94 +245,131 @@ end
(** {6 The module part of the kernel name } *)
-type module_path =
- | MPfile of Dir_path.t
- | MPbound of MBId.t
- | MPdot of module_path * Label.t
+module ModPath = struct
+ type t =
+ | MPfile of Dir_path.t
+ | MPbound of MBId.t
+ | MPdot of t * Label.t
+ type module_path = t
+ let rec is_bound = function
+ | MPbound _ -> true
+ | MPdot(mp,_) -> is_bound mp
+ | _ -> false
+ let rec to_string = function
+ | MPfile sl -> Dir_path.to_string sl
+ | MPbound uid -> MBId.to_string uid
+ | MPdot (mp,l) -> to_string mp ^ "." ^ Label.to_string l
+ (** we compare labels first if both are MPdots *)
+ let rec compare mp1 mp2 =
+ if mp1 == mp2 then 0
+ else match mp1, mp2 with
+ | MPfile p1, MPfile p2 -> Dir_path.compare p1 p2
+ | MPbound id1, MPbound id2 -> MBId.compare id1 id2
+ | MPdot (mp1, l1), MPdot (mp2, l2) ->
+ let c = String.compare l1 l2 in
+ if not (Int.equal c 0) then c
+ else compare mp1 mp2
+ | MPfile _, _ -> -1
+ | MPbound _, MPfile _ -> 1
+ | MPbound _, MPdot _ -> -1
+ | MPdot _, _ -> 1
-let rec check_bound_mp = function
- | MPbound _ -> true
- | MPdot(mp,_) ->check_bound_mp mp
- | _ -> false
+ let equal mp1 mp2 = Int.equal (compare mp1 mp2) 0
-let rec string_of_mp = function
- | MPfile sl -> Dir_path.to_string sl
- | MPbound uid -> MBId.to_string uid
- | MPdot (mp,l) -> string_of_mp mp ^ "." ^ Label.to_string l
-(** we compare labels first if both are MPdots *)
-let rec mp_ord mp1 mp2 =
- if mp1 == mp2 then 0
- else match (mp1, mp2) with
- | MPfile p1, MPfile p2 ->
- Dir_path.compare p1 p2
- | MPbound id1, MPbound id2 ->
- MBId.compare id1 id2
- | MPdot (mp1, l1), MPdot (mp2, l2) ->
- let c = String.compare l1 l2 in
- if not (Int.equal c 0) then c
- else mp_ord mp1 mp2
- | MPfile _, _ -> -1
- | MPbound _, MPfile _ -> 1
- | MPbound _, MPdot _ -> -1
- | MPdot _, _ -> 1
+ let initial = MPfile Dir_path.initial
-let mp_eq mp1 mp2 = Int.equal (mp_ord mp1 mp2) 0
+ module Self_Hashcons = struct
+ type t = module_path
+ type u = (Dir_path.t -> Dir_path.t) * (MBId.t -> MBId.t) *
+ (string -> string)
+ let rec hashcons (hdir,huniqid,hstr as hfuns) = function
+ | MPfile dir -> MPfile (hdir dir)
+ | MPbound m -> MPbound (huniqid m)
+ | MPdot (md,l) -> MPdot (hashcons hfuns md, hstr l)
+ let rec equal d1 d2 =
+ d1 == d2 ||
+ match d1,d2 with
+ | MPfile dir1, MPfile dir2 -> dir1 == dir2
+ | MPbound m1, MPbound m2 -> m1 == m2
+ | MPdot (mod1,l1), MPdot (mod2,l2) -> l1 == l2 && equal mod1 mod2
+ | _ -> false
+ let hash = Hashtbl.hash
+ end
-module MPord = struct
- type t = module_path
- let compare = mp_ord
+ module HashMP = Hashcons.Make(Self_Hashcons)
-module MPset = Set.Make(MPord)
-module MPmap = Map.Make(MPord)
+ let hcons =
+ Hashcons.simple_hcons HashMP.generate
+ (Dir_path.hcons,MBId.hcons,String.hcons)
-let initial_path = MPfile Dir_path.initial
+module MPset = Set.Make(ModPath)
+module MPmap = Map.Make(ModPath)
(** {6 Kernel names } *)
-type kernel_name = module_path * Dir_path.t * Label.t
+module KerName = struct
-let make_kn mp dir l = (mp,dir,l)
-let repr_kn kn = kn
+ type t = ModPath.t * Dir_path.t * Label.t
-let modpath kn =
- let mp,_,_ = repr_kn kn in mp
+ type kernel_name = t
-let label kn =
- let _,_,l = repr_kn kn in l
+ let make mp dir l = (mp,dir,l)
+ let repr kn = kn
-let string_of_kn (mp,dir,l) =
- let str_dir = match dir with
- | [] -> "."
- | _ -> "#" ^ Dir_path.to_string dir ^ "#"
- in
- string_of_mp mp ^ str_dir ^ Label.to_string l
+ let modpath (mp,_,_) = mp
+ let label (_,_,l) = l
+ let to_string (mp,dir,l) =
+ let dp =
+ if Dir_path.is_empty dir then "."
+ else "#" ^ Dir_path.to_string dir ^ "#"
+ in
+ ModPath.to_string mp ^ dp ^ Label.to_string l
-let pr_kn kn = str (string_of_kn kn)
+ let print kn = str (to_string kn)
-let kn_ord (kn1 : kernel_name) (kn2 : kernel_name) =
- if kn1 == kn2 then 0
- else
- let mp1, dir1, l1 = kn1 in
- let mp2, dir2, l2 = kn2 in
- let c = String.compare l1 l2 in
+ let compare (kn1 : kernel_name) (kn2 : kernel_name) =
+ if kn1 == kn2 then 0
+ else
+ let mp1,dir1,l1 = kn1 and mp2,dir2,l2 = kn2 in
+ let c = String.compare l1 l2 in
if not (Int.equal c 0) then c
let c = Dir_path.compare dir1 dir2 in
if not (Int.equal c 0) then c
- else MPord.compare mp1 mp2
+ else ModPath.compare mp1 mp2
+ let equal kn1 kn2 = Int.equal (compare kn1 kn2) 0
+ module Self_Hashcons = struct
+ type t = kernel_name
+ type u = (ModPath.t -> ModPath.t) * (Dir_path.t -> Dir_path.t)
+ * (string -> string)
+ let hashcons (hmod,hdir,hstr) (mp,dir,l) =
+ (hmod mp,hdir dir,hstr l)
+ let equal (mp1,dir1,l1) (mp2,dir2,l2) =
+ mp1 == mp2 && dir1 == dir2 && l1 == l2
+ let hash = Hashtbl.hash
+ end
-let kn_equal kn1 kn2 = Int.equal (kn_ord kn1 kn2) 0
+ module HashKN = Hashcons.Make(Self_Hashcons)
+ let hcons =
+ Hashcons.simple_hcons HashKN.generate
+ (ModPath.hcons,Dir_path.hcons,String.hcons)
-module KNord = struct
- type t = kernel_name
- let compare = kn_ord
-module KNmap = Map.Make(KNord)
-module KNpred = Predicate.Make(KNord)
-module KNset = Set.Make(KNord)
+module KNmap = Map.Make(KerName)
+module KNpred = Predicate.Make(KerName)
+module KNset = Set.Make(KerName)
(** {6 Kernel pairs } *)
@@ -351,13 +388,13 @@ module KNset = Set.Make(KNord)
Note: since most of the time the canonical and user parts are equal,
we handle this case with a particular constructor to spare some memory *)
-module KernelPair = struct
+module KerPair = struct
- type kernel_pair =
- | Same of kernel_name (** user = canonical *)
- | Dual of kernel_name * kernel_name (** user then canonical *)
+ type t =
+ | Same of KerName.t (** user = canonical *)
+ | Dual of KerName.t * KerName.t (** user then canonical *)
- type t = kernel_pair
+ type kernel_pair = t
let canonical = function
| Same kn -> kn
@@ -372,11 +409,12 @@ module KernelPair = struct
let make knu knc = if knu == knc then Same knc else Dual (knu,knc)
let debug_to_string = function
- | Same kn -> "(" ^ string_of_kn kn ^ ")"
- | Dual (knu,knc) -> "(" ^ string_of_kn knu ^ "," ^ string_of_kn knc ^ ")"
+ | Same kn -> "(" ^ KerName.to_string kn ^ ")"
+ | Dual (knu,knc) ->
+ "(" ^ KerName.to_string knu ^ "," ^ KerName.to_string knc ^ ")"
(** Default comparison is on the canonical part *)
- let equal x y = x == y || kn_equal (canonical x) (canonical y)
+ let equal x y = x == y || KerName.equal (canonical x) (canonical y)
(** For ordering kernel pairs, both user or canonical parts may make
sense, according to your needs : user for the environments, canonical
@@ -384,12 +422,12 @@ module KernelPair = struct
module UserOrd = struct
type t = kernel_pair
- let compare x y = kn_ord (user x) (user y)
+ let compare x y = KerName.compare (user x) (user y)
module CanOrd = struct
type t = kernel_pair
- let compare x y = kn_ord (canonical x) (canonical y)
+ let compare x y = KerName.compare (canonical x) (canonical y)
(** Hash-consing : we discriminate only on the user part, since having
@@ -399,7 +437,7 @@ module KernelPair = struct
module Self_Hashcons =
type t = kernel_pair
- type u = kernel_name -> kernel_name
+ type u = KerName.t -> KerName.t
let hashcons hkn = function
| Same kn -> Same (hkn kn)
| Dual (knu,knc) -> make (hkn knu) (hkn knc)
@@ -413,42 +451,44 @@ end
(** {6 Constant names } *)
-type constant = KernelPair.t
+type constant = KerPair.t
-let canonical_con = KernelPair.canonical
-let user_con = KernelPair.user
-let constant_of_kn = KernelPair.same
-let constant_of_kn_equiv = KernelPair.make
-let make_con mp dir l = KernelPair.same (mp,dir,l)
-let make_con_dual mpu mpc dir l = KernelPair.dual (mpu,dir,l) (mpc,dir,l)
+let canonical_con = KerPair.canonical
+let user_con = KerPair.user
+let constant_of_kn = KerPair.same
+let constant_of_kn_equiv = KerPair.make
+let make_con mp dir l = KerPair.same (KerName.make mp dir l)
+let make_con_dual mpu mpc dir l =
+ KerPair.dual (KerName.make mpu dir l) (KerName.make mpc dir l)
let make_con_equiv mpu mpc dir l =
if mpu == mpc then make_con mpc dir l else make_con_dual mpu mpc dir l
-let repr_con = user_con
+let repr_con c = KerName.repr (user_con c)
-let eq_constant = KernelPair.equal
-let con_ord = KernelPair.CanOrd.compare
-let con_user_ord = KernelPair.UserOrd.compare
+let eq_constant = KerPair.equal
+let con_ord = KerPair.CanOrd.compare
+let con_user_ord = KerPair.UserOrd.compare
-let con_label cst = label (canonical_con cst)
-let con_modpath cst = modpath (canonical_con cst)
+let con_label cst = KerName.label (canonical_con cst)
+let con_modpath cst = KerName.modpath (canonical_con cst)
-let string_of_con cst = string_of_kn (canonical_con cst)
+let string_of_con cst = KerName.to_string (canonical_con cst)
let pr_con cst = str (string_of_con cst)
-let debug_string_of_con = KernelPair.debug_to_string
+let debug_string_of_con = KerPair.debug_to_string
let debug_pr_con cst = str (debug_string_of_con cst)
let con_with_label cst lbl =
- let (mp1,dp1,l1) = user_con cst and (mp2,dp2,l2) = canonical_con cst in
+ let (mp1,dp1,l1) = KerName.repr (user_con cst)
+ and (mp2,dp2,l2) = KerName.repr (canonical_con cst) in
assert (String.equal l1 l2 && Dir_path.equal dp1 dp2);
if String.equal lbl l1
then cst
else make_con_equiv mp1 mp2 dp1 lbl
-module Cmap = Map.Make(KernelPair.CanOrd)
-module Cmap_env = Map.Make(KernelPair.UserOrd)
-module Cpred = Predicate.Make(KernelPair.CanOrd)
-module Cset = Set.Make(KernelPair.CanOrd)
-module Cset_env = Set.Make(KernelPair.UserOrd)
+module Cmap = Map.Make(KerPair.CanOrd)
+module Cmap_env = Map.Make(KerPair.UserOrd)
+module Cpred = Predicate.Make(KerPair.CanOrd)
+module Cset = Set.Make(KerPair.CanOrd)
+module Cset_env = Set.Make(KerPair.UserOrd)
(** {6 Names of mutual inductive types } *)
@@ -459,32 +499,33 @@ module Cset_env = Set.Make(KernelPair.UserOrd)
(** Beware: first inductive has index 0 *)
(** Beware: first constructor has index 1 *)
-type mutual_inductive = KernelPair.t
+type mutual_inductive = KerPair.t
type inductive = mutual_inductive * int
type constructor = inductive * int
-let mind_modpath mind = modpath (KernelPair.user mind)
+let mind_modpath mind = KerName.modpath (KerPair.user mind)
let ind_modpath ind = mind_modpath (fst ind)
let constr_modpath c = ind_modpath (fst c)
-let mind_of_kn = KernelPair.same
-let mind_of_kn_equiv = KernelPair.make
-let make_mind mp dir l = KernelPair.same (mp,dir,l)
-let make_mind_dual mpu mpc dir l = KernelPair.dual (mpu,dir,l) (mpc,dir,l)
+let mind_of_kn = KerPair.same
+let mind_of_kn_equiv = KerPair.make
+let make_mind mp dir l = KerPair.same (KerName.make mp dir l)
+let make_mind_dual mpu mpc dir l =
+ KerPair.dual (KerName.make mpu dir l) (KerName.make mpc dir l)
let make_mind_equiv mpu mpc dir l =
if mpu == mpc then make_mind mpu dir l else make_mind_dual mpu mpc dir l
-let canonical_mind = KernelPair.canonical
-let user_mind = KernelPair.user
-let repr_mind = user_mind
-let mind_label mind = label (user_mind mind)
+let canonical_mind = KerPair.canonical
+let user_mind = KerPair.user
+let repr_mind mind = KerName.repr (user_mind mind)
+let mind_label mind = KerName.label (user_mind mind)
-let eq_mind = KernelPair.equal
-let mind_ord = KernelPair.CanOrd.compare
-let mind_user_ord = KernelPair.UserOrd.compare
+let eq_mind = KerPair.equal
+let mind_ord = KerPair.CanOrd.compare
+let mind_user_ord = KerPair.UserOrd.compare
-let string_of_mind mind = string_of_kn (user_mind mind)
+let string_of_mind mind = KerName.to_string (user_mind mind)
let pr_mind mind = str (string_of_mind mind)
-let debug_string_of_mind = KernelPair.debug_to_string
+let debug_string_of_mind = KerPair.debug_to_string
let debug_pr_mind con = str (debug_string_of_mind con)
let ith_mutual_inductive (kn, _) i = (kn, i)
@@ -508,9 +549,9 @@ let constructor_user_ord (ind1, j1) (ind2, j2) =
let c = Int.compare j1 j2 in
if Int.equal c 0 then ind_user_ord ind1 ind2 else c
-module Mindmap = Map.Make(KernelPair.CanOrd)
-module Mindset = Set.Make(KernelPair.CanOrd)
-module Mindmap_env = Map.Make(KernelPair.UserOrd)
+module Mindmap = Map.Make(KerPair.CanOrd)
+module Mindset = Set.Make(KerPair.CanOrd)
+module Mindmap_env = Map.Make(KerPair.UserOrd)
module InductiveOrdered = struct
type t = inductive
@@ -550,37 +591,6 @@ let eq_egr e1 e2 = match e1, e2 with
(** {6 Hash-consing of name objects } *)
-module Hmod = Hashcons.Make(
- struct
- type t = module_path
- type u = (Dir_path.t -> Dir_path.t) * (MBId.t -> MBId.t) *
- (string -> string)
- let rec hashcons (hdir,huniqid,hstr as hfuns) = function
- | MPfile dir -> MPfile (hdir dir)
- | MPbound m -> MPbound (huniqid m)
- | MPdot (md,l) -> MPdot (hashcons hfuns md, hstr l)
- let rec equal d1 d2 =
- d1 == d2 ||
- match (d1,d2) with
- | MPfile dir1, MPfile dir2 -> dir1 == dir2
- | MPbound m1, MPbound m2 -> m1 == m2
- | MPdot (mod1,l1), MPdot (mod2,l2) -> l1 == l2 && equal mod1 mod2
- | _ -> false
- let hash = Hashtbl.hash
- end)
-module Hkn = Hashcons.Make(
- struct
- type t = kernel_name
- type u = (module_path -> module_path)
- * (Dir_path.t -> Dir_path.t) * (string -> string)
- let hashcons (hmod,hdir,hstr) (md,dir,l) =
- (hmod md, hdir dir, hstr l)
- let equal (mod1,dir1,l1) (mod2,dir2,l2) =
- mod1 == mod2 && dir1 == dir2 && l1 == l2
- let hash = Hashtbl.hash
- end)
module Hind = Hashcons.Make(
type t = inductive
@@ -599,11 +609,8 @@ module Hconstruct = Hashcons.Make(
let hash = Hashtbl.hash
-let hcons_mp =
- Hashcons.simple_hcons Hmod.generate (Dir_path.hcons,MBId.hcons,String.hcons)
-let hcons_kn = Hashcons.simple_hcons Hkn.generate (hcons_mp,Dir_path.hcons,String.hcons)
-let hcons_con = Hashcons.simple_hcons KernelPair.HashKP.generate hcons_kn
-let hcons_mind = Hashcons.simple_hcons KernelPair.HashKP.generate hcons_kn
+let hcons_con = Hashcons.simple_hcons KerPair.HashKP.generate KerName.hcons
+let hcons_mind = Hashcons.simple_hcons KerPair.HashKP.generate KerName.hcons
let hcons_ind = Hashcons.simple_hcons Hind.generate hcons_mind
let hcons_construct = Hashcons.simple_hcons Hconstruct.generate hcons_ind
@@ -632,18 +639,18 @@ type id_key = inv_rel_key tableKey
let eq_id_key ik1 ik2 =
if ik1 == ik2 then true
else match ik1,ik2 with
- | ConstKey cst1, ConstKey cst2 -> kn_equal (user_con cst1) (user_con cst2)
+ | ConstKey c1, ConstKey c2 -> KerName.equal (user_con c1) (user_con c2)
| VarKey id1, VarKey id2 -> Id.equal id1 id2
| RelKey k1, RelKey k2 -> Int.equal k1 k2
| _ -> false
-let eq_con_chk cst1 cst2 = kn_equal (user_con cst1) (user_con cst2)
-let eq_mind_chk mind1 mind2 = kn_equal (user_mind mind1) (user_mind mind2)
+let eq_con_chk cst1 cst2 = KerName.equal (user_con cst1) (user_con cst2)
+let eq_mind_chk mind1 mind2 = KerName.equal (user_mind mind1) (user_mind mind2)
let eq_ind_chk (kn1,i1) (kn2,i2) = Int.equal i1 i2 && eq_mind_chk kn1 kn2
(** Compatibility layers *)
-(** Backward compatibility for [Id.t] *)
+(** Backward compatibility for [Id] *)
type identifier = Id.t
@@ -658,7 +665,9 @@ module Idset = Id.Set
module Idmap = Id.Map
module Idpred = Id.Pred
-(** / End of backward compatibility *)
+(** Compatibility layer for [Name] *)
+let name_eq = Name.equal
(** Compatibility layer for [Dir_path] *)
@@ -672,8 +681,6 @@ let is_empty_dirpath = Dir_path.is_empty
let string_of_dirpath = Dir_path.to_string
let initial_dir = Dir_path.initial
-(** / End of compatibility layer for [Dir_path] *)
(** Compatibility layer for [MBId] *)
type mod_bound_id = MBId.t
@@ -685,12 +692,9 @@ let debug_string_of_mbid = MBId.debug_to_string
let string_of_mbid = MBId.to_string
let id_of_mbid = MBId.to_id
-(** / End of compatibility layer for [MBId] *)
(** Compatibility layer for [Label] *)
type label = Id.t
let mk_label = Label.make
let string_of_label = Label.to_string
let pr_label = Label.print
@@ -698,10 +702,26 @@ let id_of_label = Label.to_id
let label_of_id = Label.of_id
let eq_label = Label.equal
-(** / End of compatibility layer for [Label] *)
-(** Compatibility layer for [Name] *)
-let name_eq = Name.equal
+(** Compatibility layer for [ModPath] *)
-(** / End of compatibility layer for [Name] *)
+type module_path = ModPath.t =
+ | MPfile of Dir_path.t
+ | MPbound of MBId.t
+ | MPdot of module_path * Label.t
+let check_bound_mp = ModPath.is_bound
+let string_of_mp = ModPath.to_string
+let mp_ord = ModPath.compare
+let mp_eq = ModPath.equal
+let initial_path = ModPath.initial
+(** Compatibility layer for [KerName] *)
+type kernel_name = KerName.t
+let make_kn = KerName.make
+let repr_kn = KerName.repr
+let modpath = KerName.modpath
+let label = KerName.label
+let string_of_kn = KerName.to_string
+let pr_kn = KerName.print
+let kn_ord = KerName.compare
+let kn_equal = KerName.equal
diff --git a/kernel/names.mli b/kernel/names.mli
index f704b91ba..9a15a3a69 100644
--- a/kernel/names.mli
+++ b/kernel/names.mli
@@ -177,44 +177,54 @@ module ModIdmap : Map.S with type key = module_ident
(** {6 The module part of the kernel name } *)
-type module_path =
- | MPfile of Dir_path.t
- | MPbound of MBId.t
- | MPdot of module_path * Label.t
+module ModPath :
+ type t =
+ | MPfile of Dir_path.t
+ | MPbound of MBId.t
+ | MPdot of t * Label.t
-val mp_ord : module_path -> module_path -> int
-val mp_eq : module_path -> module_path -> bool
+ val compare : t -> t -> int
+ val equal : t -> t -> bool
-val check_bound_mp : module_path -> bool
+ val is_bound : t -> bool
-val string_of_mp : module_path -> string
+ val to_string : t -> string
-module MPset : Set.S with type elt = module_path
-module MPmap : Map.S with type key = module_path
+ val initial : t
+ (** Name of the toplevel structure ([= MPfile initial_dir]) *)
-(** Name of the toplevel structure *)
-val initial_path : module_path (** [= MPfile initial_dir] *)
+module MPset : Set.S with type elt = ModPath.t
+module MPmap : Map.S with type key = ModPath.t
(** {6 The absolute names of objects seen by kernel } *)
-type kernel_name
+module KerName :
+ type t
-(** Constructor and destructor *)
-val make_kn : module_path -> Dir_path.t -> Label.t -> kernel_name
-val repr_kn : kernel_name -> module_path * Dir_path.t * Label.t
+ (** Constructor and destructor *)
+ val make : ModPath.t -> Dir_path.t -> Label.t -> t
+ val repr : t -> ModPath.t * Dir_path.t * Label.t
-val modpath : kernel_name -> module_path
-val label : kernel_name -> Label.t
+ (** Projections *)
+ val modpath : t -> ModPath.t
+ val label : t -> Label.t
-val string_of_kn : kernel_name -> string
-val pr_kn : kernel_name -> Pp.std_ppcmds
+ (** Display *)
+ val to_string : t -> string
+ val print : t -> Pp.std_ppcmds
-val kn_ord : kernel_name -> kernel_name -> int
-val kn_equal : kernel_name -> kernel_name -> bool
+ (** Comparisons *)
+ val compare : t -> t -> int
+ val equal : t -> t -> bool
-module KNset : Set.S with type elt = kernel_name
-module KNpred : Predicate.S with type elt = kernel_name
-module KNmap : Map.S with type key = kernel_name
+module KNset : Set.S with type elt = KerName.t
+module KNpred : Predicate.S with type elt = KerName.t
+module KNmap : Map.S with type key = KerName.t
(** {6 Specific paths for declarations } *)
@@ -243,14 +253,14 @@ module Constrmap : Map.S with type key = constructor
module Indmap_env : Map.S with type key = inductive
module Constrmap_env : Map.S with type key = constructor
-val constant_of_kn : kernel_name -> constant
-val constant_of_kn_equiv : kernel_name -> kernel_name -> constant
-val make_con : module_path -> Dir_path.t -> Label.t -> constant
-val make_con_equiv : module_path -> module_path -> Dir_path.t
+val constant_of_kn : KerName.t -> constant
+val constant_of_kn_equiv : KerName.t -> KerName.t -> constant
+val make_con : ModPath.t -> Dir_path.t -> Label.t -> constant
+val make_con_equiv : ModPath.t -> ModPath.t -> Dir_path.t
-> Label.t -> constant
-val user_con : constant -> kernel_name
-val canonical_con : constant -> kernel_name
-val repr_con : constant -> module_path * Dir_path.t * Label.t
+val user_con : constant -> KerName.t
+val canonical_con : constant -> KerName.t
+val repr_con : constant -> ModPath.t * Dir_path.t * Label.t
val eq_constant : constant -> constant -> bool
val con_ord : constant -> constant -> int
val con_user_ord : constant -> constant -> int
@@ -258,36 +268,36 @@ val con_with_label : constant -> Label.t -> constant
val string_of_con : constant -> string
val con_label : constant -> Label.t
-val con_modpath : constant -> module_path
+val con_modpath : constant -> ModPath.t
val pr_con : constant -> Pp.std_ppcmds
val debug_pr_con : constant -> Pp.std_ppcmds
val debug_string_of_con : constant -> string
-val mind_of_kn : kernel_name -> mutual_inductive
-val mind_of_kn_equiv : kernel_name -> kernel_name -> mutual_inductive
-val make_mind : module_path -> Dir_path.t -> Label.t -> mutual_inductive
-val make_mind_equiv : module_path -> module_path -> Dir_path.t
+val mind_of_kn : KerName.t -> mutual_inductive
+val mind_of_kn_equiv : KerName.t -> KerName.t -> mutual_inductive
+val make_mind : ModPath.t -> Dir_path.t -> Label.t -> mutual_inductive
+val make_mind_equiv : ModPath.t -> ModPath.t -> Dir_path.t
-> Label.t -> mutual_inductive
-val user_mind : mutual_inductive -> kernel_name
-val canonical_mind : mutual_inductive -> kernel_name
-val repr_mind : mutual_inductive -> module_path * Dir_path.t * Label.t
+val user_mind : mutual_inductive -> KerName.t
+val canonical_mind : mutual_inductive -> KerName.t
+val repr_mind : mutual_inductive -> ModPath.t * Dir_path.t * Label.t
val eq_mind : mutual_inductive -> mutual_inductive -> bool
val mind_ord : mutual_inductive -> mutual_inductive -> int
val mind_user_ord : mutual_inductive -> mutual_inductive -> int
val string_of_mind : mutual_inductive -> string
val mind_label : mutual_inductive -> Label.t
-val mind_modpath : mutual_inductive -> module_path
+val mind_modpath : mutual_inductive -> ModPath.t
val pr_mind : mutual_inductive -> Pp.std_ppcmds
val debug_pr_mind : mutual_inductive -> Pp.std_ppcmds
val debug_string_of_mind : mutual_inductive -> string
-val ind_modpath : inductive -> module_path
-val constr_modpath : constructor -> module_path
+val ind_modpath : inductive -> ModPath.t
+val constr_modpath : constructor -> ModPath.t
val ith_mutual_inductive : inductive -> int -> inductive
val ith_constructor_of_inductive : inductive -> int -> constructor
@@ -463,3 +473,52 @@ val debug_string_of_mbid : mod_bound_id -> string
val name_eq : name -> name -> bool
(** @deprecated Same as [Name.equal]. *)
+(** {5 Module paths} *)
+type module_path = ModPath.t =
+ | MPfile of Dir_path.t
+ | MPbound of MBId.t
+ | MPdot of module_path * Label.t
+(** @deprecated Alias type *)
+val mp_ord : module_path -> module_path -> int
+(** @deprecated Same as [ModPath.compare]. *)
+val mp_eq : module_path -> module_path -> bool
+(** @deprecated Same as [ModPath.equal]. *)
+val check_bound_mp : module_path -> bool
+(** @deprecated Same as [ModPath.is_bound]. *)
+val string_of_mp : module_path -> string
+(** @deprecated Same as [ModPath.to_string]. *)
+val initial_path : module_path
+(** @deprecated Same as [ModPath.initial]. *)
+(** {5 Kernel names} *)
+type kernel_name = KerName.t
+(** @deprecated Alias type *)
+val make_kn : ModPath.t -> Dir_path.t -> Label.t -> kernel_name
+(** @deprecated Same as [KerName.make]. *)
+val repr_kn : kernel_name -> module_path * Dir_path.t * Label.t
+(** @deprecated Same as [KerName.repr]. *)
+val modpath : kernel_name -> module_path
+(** @deprecated Same as [KerName.modpath]. *)
+val label : kernel_name -> Label.t
+(** @deprecated Same as [KerName.label]. *)
+val string_of_kn : kernel_name -> string
+(** @deprecated Same as [KerName.to_string]. *)
+val pr_kn : kernel_name -> Pp.std_ppcmds
+(** @deprecated Same as [KerName.print]. *)
+val kn_ord : kernel_name -> kernel_name -> int
+(** @deprecated Same as [KerName.compare]. *)