path: root/kernel
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Diffstat (limited to 'kernel')
4 files changed, 24 insertions, 14 deletions
diff --git a/kernel/csymtable.ml b/kernel/csymtable.ml
index b29f06c65..49ab68bea 100644
--- a/kernel/csymtable.ml
+++ b/kernel/csymtable.ml
@@ -57,11 +57,14 @@ let set_global v =
let rec eq_structured_constant c1 c2 = match c1, c2 with
| Const_sorts s1, Const_sorts s2 -> Sorts.equal s1 s2
+| Const_sorts _, _ -> false
| Const_ind i1, Const_ind i2 -> Univ.eq_puniverses eq_ind i1 i2
+| Const_ind _, _ -> false
| Const_b0 t1, Const_b0 t2 -> Int.equal t1 t2
+| Const_b0 _, _ -> false
| Const_bn (t1, a1), Const_bn (t2, a2) ->
Int.equal t1 t2 && Array.equal eq_structured_constant a1 a2
-| _ -> false
+| Const_bn _, _ -> false
let rec hash_structured_constant c =
let open Hashset.Combine in
diff --git a/kernel/names.ml b/kernel/names.ml
index 480b37e89..f217c932c 100644
--- a/kernel/names.ml
+++ b/kernel/names.ml
@@ -819,6 +819,10 @@ struct
let map f (c, b as x) =
let c' = f c in
if c' == c then x else (c', b)
+ let to_string p = Constant.to_string (constant p)
+ let print p = Constant.print (constant p)
type projection = Projection.t
diff --git a/kernel/names.mli b/kernel/names.mli
index 92ee58f26..7cc444375 100644
--- a/kernel/names.mli
+++ b/kernel/names.mli
@@ -652,6 +652,10 @@ module Projection : sig
val compare : t -> t -> int
val map : (constant -> constant) -> t -> t
+ val to_string : t -> string
+ val print : t -> Pp.std_ppcmds
type projection = Projection.t
diff --git a/kernel/univ.ml b/kernel/univ.ml
index fce9e28d3..1d82be63b 100644
--- a/kernel/univ.ml
+++ b/kernel/univ.ml
@@ -925,7 +925,8 @@ let fast_compare_neq strict g arcu arcv =
if arc_is_lt arc then
cmp c to_revert lt_todo le_todo
- process_lt c to_revert lt_todo le_todo arc arc.lt arc.le
+ let () = arc.status <- SetLt in
+ process_lt c (arc :: to_revert) lt_todo le_todo arc.lt arc.le
| [], arc::le_todo ->
if arc == arcv then
(* No need to continue inspecting universes above arc:
@@ -937,40 +938,38 @@ let fast_compare_neq strict g arcu arcv =
if arc_is_le arc then
cmp c to_revert [] le_todo
- process_le c to_revert [] le_todo arc arc.lt
+ let () = arc.status <- SetLe in
+ process_le c (arc :: to_revert) [] le_todo arc.lt arc.le
- and process_lt c to_revert lt_todo le_todo arc0 lt le = match le with
+ and process_lt c to_revert lt_todo le_todo lt le = match le with
| [] ->
begin match lt with
- | [] ->
- let () = arc0.status <- SetLt in
- cmp c (arc0 :: to_revert) lt_todo le_todo
+ | [] -> cmp c to_revert lt_todo le_todo
| u :: lt ->
let arc = repr g u in
if arc == arcv then
if strict then (to_revert, FastLT) else (to_revert, FastLE)
- else process_lt c to_revert (arc :: lt_todo) le_todo arc0 lt le
+ else process_lt c to_revert (arc :: lt_todo) le_todo lt le
| u :: le ->
let arc = repr g u in
if arc == arcv then
if strict then (to_revert, FastLT) else (to_revert, FastLE)
- else process_lt c to_revert (arc :: lt_todo) le_todo arc0 lt le
+ else process_lt c to_revert (arc :: lt_todo) le_todo lt le
- and process_le c to_revert lt_todo le_todo arc0 lt = match lt with
+ and process_le c to_revert lt_todo le_todo lt le = match lt with
| [] ->
let fold accu u =
let node = repr g u in
node :: accu
- let le_new = List.fold_left fold le_todo arc0.le in
- let () = arc0.status <- SetLe in
- cmp c (arc0 :: to_revert) lt_todo le_new
+ let le_new = List.fold_left fold le_todo le in
+ cmp c to_revert lt_todo le_new
| u :: lt ->
let arc = repr g u in
if arc == arcv then
if strict then (to_revert, FastLT) else (to_revert, FastLE)
- else process_le c to_revert (arc :: lt_todo) le_todo arc0 lt
+ else process_le c to_revert (arc :: lt_todo) le_todo lt le