path: root/kernel/vm.ml
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'kernel/vm.ml')
1 files changed, 375 insertions, 374 deletions
diff --git a/kernel/vm.ml b/kernel/vm.ml
index c8be979e0..8fd8af74e 100644
--- a/kernel/vm.ml
+++ b/kernel/vm.ml
@@ -1,20 +1,16 @@
-open Obj
open Names
open Term
open Conv_oracle
open Cbytecodes
external set_drawinstr : unit -> unit = "coq_set_drawinstr"
(* Fonctions en plus du module Obj ********)
-external offset_closure : t -> int -> t = "coq_offset_closure"
-external offset : t -> int = "coq_offset"
-let first o = (offset_closure o (offset o))
-let last o = (field o (size o - 1))
+external offset_closure : Obj.t -> int -> Obj.t = "coq_offset_closure"
+external offset : Obj.t -> int = "coq_offset"
let accu_tag = 0
@@ -34,8 +30,10 @@ external set_transp_values : bool -> unit = "coq_set_transp_value"
type tcode
-let tcode_of_obj v = ((obj v):tcode)
-let fun_code v = tcode_of_obj (field (repr v) 0)
+let tcode_of_obj v = ((Obj.obj v):tcode)
+let fun_code v = tcode_of_obj (Obj.field (Obj.repr v) 0)
external mkAccuCode : int -> tcode = "coq_makeaccu"
external mkPopStopCode : int -> tcode = "coq_pushpop"
@@ -63,155 +61,26 @@ let popstop_code i =
let stop = popstop_code 0
(* Types de donnees abstraites et fonctions associees *)
(* Values of the abstract machine *)
-let val_of_obj v = ((obj v):values)
-let crasy_val = (val_of_obj (repr 0))
-(* Functions *)
-type vfun
-(* v = [Tc | c | fv1 | ... | fvn ] *)
-(* ^ *)
-(* [Tc | (Restart : c) | v | a1 | ... an] *)
-(* ^ *)
+let val_of_obj v = ((Obj.obj v):values)
+let crasy_val = (val_of_obj (Obj.repr 0))
-(* Products *)
+(* Abstract data *)
type vprod
-(* [0 | dom : codom] *)
-(* ^ *)
-let dom : vprod -> values = fun p -> val_of_obj (field (repr p) 0)
-let codom : vprod -> vfun = fun p -> (obj (field (repr p) 1))
-(* Arguments *)
-type arguments
-(* arguments = [_ | _ | _ | a1 | ... | an] *)
-(* ^ *)
-let nargs : arguments -> int = fun args -> (size (repr args)) - 2
-let unsafe_arg : arguments -> int -> values =
- fun args i -> val_of_obj (field (repr args) (i+2))
-let arg args i =
- if 0 <= i && i < (nargs args) then unsafe_arg args i
- else raise (Invalid_argument
- ("Vm.arg size = "^(string_of_int (nargs args))^
- " acces "^(string_of_int i)))
-(* Fixpoints *)
+type vfun
type vfix
+type vcofix
+type vblock
+type arguments
-(* [Tc|c0|Ti|c1|...|Ti|cn|fv1|...|fvn| [ct0|...|ctn]] *)
-(* ^ *)
-type vfix_block
-let fix_init : vfix -> int = fun vf -> (offset (repr vf)/2)
-let block_of_fix : vfix -> vfix_block = fun vf -> obj (first (repr vf))
-let fix_block_type : vfix_block -> tcode array =
- fun fb -> (obj (last (repr fb)))
-let fix_block_ndef : vfix_block -> int =
- fun fb -> size (last (repr fb))
-let fix_ndef vf = fix_block_ndef (block_of_fix vf)
-let unsafe_fb_code : vfix_block -> int -> tcode =
- fun fb i -> tcode_of_obj (field (repr fb) (2 * i))
-let unsafe_rec_arg fb i = int_tcode (unsafe_fb_code fb i) 1
-let rec_args vf =
- let fb = block_of_fix vf in
- let size = fix_block_ndef fb in
- Array.init size (unsafe_rec_arg fb)
-exception FALSE
-let check_fix f1 f2 =
- let i1, i2 = fix_init f1, fix_init f2 in
- (* Verification du point de depart *)
- if i1 = i2 then
- let fb1,fb2 = block_of_fix f1, block_of_fix f2 in
- let n = fix_block_ndef fb1 in
- (* Verification du nombre de definition *)
- if n = fix_block_ndef fb2 then
- (* Verification des arguments recursifs *)
- try
- for i = 0 to n - 1 do
- if not (unsafe_rec_arg fb1 i = unsafe_rec_arg fb2 i) then
- raise FALSE
- done;
- true
- with FALSE -> false
- else false
- else false
-(* Partials applications of Fixpoints *)
-type vfix_app
-let fix : vfix_app -> vfix =
- fun vfa -> ((obj (field (repr vfa) 1)):vfix)
-let args_of_fix : vfix_app -> arguments =
- fun vfa -> ((magic vfa) : arguments)
-(* CoFixpoints *)
-type vcofix
-type vcofix_block
-let cofix_init : vcofix -> int = fun vcf -> (offset (repr vcf)/2)
-let block_of_cofix : vcofix -> vcofix_block = fun vcf -> obj (first (repr vcf))
-let cofix_block_ndef : vcofix_block -> int =
- fun fb -> size (last (repr fb))
-let cofix_ndef vcf= cofix_block_ndef (block_of_cofix vcf)
-let cofix_block_type : vcofix_block -> tcode array =
- fun cfb -> (obj (last (repr cfb)))
-let check_cofix cf1 cf2 =
- cofix_init cf1 = cofix_init cf2 &&
- cofix_ndef cf1 = cofix_ndef cf2
-let cofix_arity c = int_tcode c 1
-let unsafe_cfb_code : vcofix_block -> int -> tcode =
- fun cfb i -> tcode_of_obj (field (repr cfb) (2 * i))
-(* Partials applications of CoFixpoints *)
-type vcofix_app
-let cofix : vcofix_app -> vcofix =
- fun vcfa -> ((obj (field (repr vcfa) 1)):vcofix)
-let args_of_cofix : vcofix_app -> arguments =
- fun vcfa -> ((magic vcfa) : arguments)
-(* Blocks *)
-type vblock (* la representation Ocaml *)
-let btag : vblock -> int = fun b -> tag (repr b)
-let bsize : vblock -> int = fun b -> size (repr b)
-let bfield b i =
- if 0 <= i && i < (bsize b) then
- val_of_obj (field (repr b) i)
- else raise (Invalid_argument "Vm.bfield")
-(* Accumulators and atoms *)
-type accumulator
-(* [Ta | accumulate | at | a1 | ... | an ] *)
-type inv_rel_key = int
-type id_key = inv_rel_key tableKey
+type vm_env
type vstack = values array
-type vm_env
type vswitch = {
sw_type_code : tcode;
sw_code : tcode;
@@ -220,138 +89,148 @@ type vswitch = {
sw_env : vm_env
-(* Ne pas changer ce type sans modifier le code C *)
+(* Representation des types abstraits: *)
+(* + Les produits : *)
+(* - vprod = 0_[ dom | codom] *)
+(* dom : values, codom : vfun *)
+(* *)
+(* + Les fonctions ont deux representations possibles : *)
+(* - fonction non applique : vf = Ct_[ C | fv1 | ... | fvn] *)
+(* C:tcode, fvi : values *)
+(* Remarque : il n'y a pas de difference entre la fct et son *)
+(* environnement. *)
+(* - Application partielle : Ct_[Restart:C| vf | arg1 | ... argn] *)
+(* *)
+(* + Les points fixes : *)
+(* - Ct_[C1|Infix_t|C2|...|Infix_t|Cn|fv1|...|fvn] *)
+(* Remarque il n'y a qu'un seul block pour representer tout les *)
+(* points fixes d'une declaration mutuelle, chaque point fixe *)
+(* pointe sur la position de son code dans le block. *)
+(* - L'application partielle d'un point fixe suit le meme schema *)
+(* que celui des fonctions *)
+(* Remarque seul les points fixes qui n'ont pas encore recu leur *)
+(* argument recursif sont encode de cette maniere (si l'argument *)
+(* recursif etait un constructeur le point fixe se serait reduit *)
+(* sinon il est represente par un accumulateur) *)
+(* *)
+(* + Les cofix sont expliques dans cbytegen.ml *)
+(* *)
+(* + Les vblock encodent les constructeurs (non constant) de caml, *)
+(* la difference est que leur tag commence a 1 (0 est reserve pour les *)
+(* accumulateurs : accu_tag) *)
+(* *)
+(* + vm_env est le type des environnement machine (une fct ou un pt fixe) *)
+(* *)
+(* + Les accumulateurs : At_[accumulate| accu | arg1 | ... | argn ] *)
+(* - representation des [accu] : tag_[....] *)
+(* -- tag <= 2 : encodage du type atom *)
+(* -- 3_[accu|fix_app] : un point fixe bloque par un accu *)
+(* -- 4_[accu|vswitch] : un case bloque par un accu *)
+(* -- 5_[fcofix] : une fonction de cofix *)
+(* -- 6_[fcofix|val] : une fonction de cofix, val represente *)
+(* la valeur de la reduction de la fct applique a arg1 ... argn *)
+(* Le type [arguments] est utiliser de maniere abstraite comme un *)
+(* tableau, il represente la structure de donnee suivante : *)
+(* tag[ _ | _ |v1|... | vn] *)
+(* Generalement le 1er champs est un pointeur de code *)
+(* Ne pas changer ce type sans modifier le code C, *)
+(* en particulier le fichier "coq_values.h" *)
type atom =
| Aid of id_key
| Aiddef of id_key * values
| Aind of inductive
- | Afix_app of accumulator * vfix_app
- | Aswitch of accumulator * vswitch
-let atom_of_accu : accumulator -> atom =
- fun a -> ((obj (field (repr a) 1)) : atom)
-let args_of_accu : accumulator -> arguments =
- fun a -> ((magic a) : arguments)
-let nargs_of_accu a = nargs (args_of_accu a)
(* Les zippers *)
type zipper =
| Zapp of arguments
- | Zfix of vfix_app
+ | Zfix of vfix*arguments (* Peut-etre vide *)
| Zswitch of vswitch
type stack = zipper list
+type to_up = values
type whd =
| Vsort of sorts
| Vprod of vprod
| Vfun of vfun
- | Vfix of vfix
- | Vfix_app of vfix_app
- | Vcofix of vcofix
- | Vcofix_app of vcofix_app
+ | Vfix of vfix * arguments option
+ | Vcofix of vcofix * to_up * arguments option
| Vconstr_const of int
| Vconstr_block of vblock
| Vatom_stk of atom * stack
-(* Les atomes sont forcement Aid Aiddef Aind *)
-(* Constructeurs ******************************)
-(* obj_of_atom : atom -> t *)
-let obj_of_atom : atom -> t =
- fun a ->
- let res = Obj.new_block accu_tag 2 in
- set_field res 0 (repr accumulate);
- set_field res 1 (repr a);
- res
-(* obj_of_str_const : structured_constant -> t *)
-let rec obj_of_str_const str =
- match str with
- | Const_sorts s -> repr (Vsort s)
- | Const_ind ind -> obj_of_atom (Aind ind)
- | Const_b0 tag -> repr tag
- | Const_bn(tag, args) ->
- let len = Array.length args in
- let res = new_block tag len in
- for i = 0 to len - 1 do
- set_field res i (obj_of_str_const args.(i))
- done;
- res
-let val_of_obj o = ((obj o) : values)
-let val_of_str_const str = val_of_obj (obj_of_str_const str)
-let val_of_atom a = val_of_obj (obj_of_atom a)
-let idkey_tbl = Hashtbl.create 31
-let val_of_idkey key =
- try Hashtbl.find idkey_tbl key
- with Not_found ->
- let v = val_of_atom (Aid key) in
- Hashtbl.add idkey_tbl key v;
- v
-let val_of_rel k = val_of_idkey (RelKey k)
-let val_of_rel_def k v = val_of_atom(Aiddef(RelKey k, v))
-let val_of_named id = val_of_idkey (VarKey id)
-let val_of_named_def id v = val_of_atom(Aiddef(VarKey id, v))
-let val_of_constant c = val_of_idkey (ConstKey c)
-let val_of_constant_def n c v =
- let res = Obj.new_block accu_tag 2 in
- set_field res 0 (repr (mkAccuCond n));
- set_field res 1 (repr (Aiddef(ConstKey c, v)));
- val_of_obj res
(* Destructors ***********************************)
let rec whd_accu a stk =
let stk =
- if nargs_of_accu a = 0 then stk
- else Zapp (args_of_accu a) :: stk in
- let at = atom_of_accu a in
- match at with
- | Aid _ | Aiddef _ | Aind _ -> Vatom_stk(at, stk)
- | Afix_app(a,fa) -> whd_accu a (Zfix fa :: stk)
- | Aswitch(a,sw) -> whd_accu a (Zswitch sw :: stk)
+ if Obj.size a = 2 then stk
+ else Zapp (Obj.obj a) :: stk in
+ let at = Obj.field a 1 in
+ match Obj.tag at with
+ | i when i <= 2 ->
+ Vatom_stk(Obj.magic at, stk)
+ | 3 (* fix_app tag *) ->
+ let fa = Obj.field at 1 in
+ let zfix =
+ Zfix (Obj.obj (Obj.field fa 1), Obj.obj fa) in
+ whd_accu (Obj.field at 0) (zfix :: stk)
+ | 4 (* switch tag *) ->
+ let zswitch = Zswitch (Obj.obj (Obj.field at 1)) in
+ whd_accu (Obj.field at 0) (zswitch :: stk)
+ | 5 (* cofix_tag *) ->
+ begin match stk with
+ | [] ->
+ let vcfx = Obj.obj (Obj.field at 0) in
+ let to_up = Obj.obj a in
+ Vcofix(vcfx, to_up, None)
+ | [Zapp args] ->
+ let vcfx = Obj.obj (Obj.field at 0) in
+ let to_up = Obj.obj a in
+ Vcofix(vcfx, to_up, Some args)
+ | _ -> assert false
+ end
+ | 6 (* cofix_evaluated_tag *) ->
+ begin match stk with
+ | [] ->
+ let vcofix = Obj.obj (Obj.field at 0) in
+ let res = Obj.obj a in
+ Vcofix(vcofix, res, None)
+ | [Zapp args] ->
+ let vcofix = Obj.obj (Obj.field at 0) in
+ let res = Obj.obj a in
+ Vcofix(vcofix, res, Some args)
+ | _ -> assert false
+ end
+ | _ -> assert false
-external kind_of_closure : t -> int = "coq_kind_of_closure"
+external kind_of_closure : Obj.t -> int = "coq_kind_of_closure"
let whd_val : values -> whd =
fun v ->
- let o = repr v in
- if is_int o then Vconstr_const (obj o)
+ let o = Obj.repr v in
+ if Obj.is_int o then Vconstr_const (Obj.obj o)
- let tag = tag o in
+ let tag = Obj.tag o in
if tag = accu_tag then
- if is_accumulate (fun_code o) then whd_accu (obj o) []
+ (
+ if Obj.size o = 1 then Obj.obj o (* sort *)
- if size o = 1 then Vsort(obj (field o 0))
- else Vprod(obj o)
+ if is_accumulate (fun_code o) then whd_accu o []
+ else (Vprod(Obj.obj o)))
- if tag = closure_tag || tag = infix_tag then
- match kind_of_closure o with
- | 0 -> Vfun(obj o)
- | 1 -> Vfix(obj o)
- | 2 -> Vfix_app(obj o)
- | 3 -> Vcofix(obj o)
- | 4 -> Vcofix_app(obj o)
- | 5 -> Vatom_stk(Aid(RelKey(int_tcode (fun_code o) 1)), [])
- | _ -> Util.anomaly "Vm.whd : kind_of_closure does not work"
- else Vconstr_block(obj o)
+ if tag = Obj.closure_tag || tag = Obj.infix_tag then
+ ( match kind_of_closure o with
+ | 0 -> Vfun(Obj.obj o)
+ | 1 -> Vfix(Obj.obj o, None)
+ | 2 -> Vfix(Obj.obj (Obj.field o 1), Some (Obj.obj o))
+ | 3 -> Vatom_stk(Aid(RelKey(int_tcode (fun_code o) 1)), [])
+ | _ -> Util.anomaly "Vm.whd : kind_of_closure does not work")
+ else Vconstr_block(Obj.obj o)
@@ -359,7 +238,6 @@ let whd_val : values -> whd =
(* La machine abstraite *************************)
(* gestion de la pile *)
external push_ra : tcode -> unit = "coq_push_ra"
external push_val : values -> unit = "coq_push_val"
@@ -371,6 +249,17 @@ external push_vstack : vstack -> unit = "coq_push_vstack"
external interprete : tcode -> values -> vm_env -> int -> values =
+(* Functions over arguments *)
+let nargs : arguments -> int = fun args -> (Obj.size (Obj.repr args)) - 2
+let arg args i =
+ if 0 <= i && i < (nargs args) then
+ val_of_obj (Obj.field (Obj.repr args) (i+2))
+ else raise (Invalid_argument
+ ("Vm.arg size = "^(string_of_int (nargs args))^
+ " acces "^(string_of_int i)))
let apply_arguments vf vargs =
let n = nargs vargs in
if n = 0 then vf
@@ -378,7 +267,7 @@ let apply_arguments vf vargs =
push_ra stop;
push_arguments vargs;
- interprete (fun_code vf) vf (magic vf) (n - 1)
+ interprete (fun_code vf) vf (Obj.magic vf) (n - 1)
let apply_vstack vf vstk =
@@ -388,80 +277,130 @@ let apply_vstack vf vstk =
push_ra stop;
push_vstack vstk;
- interprete (fun_code vf) vf (magic vf) (n - 1)
+ interprete (fun_code vf) vf (Obj.magic vf) (n - 1)
-let apply_fix_app vfa arg =
- let vf = fix vfa in
- let vargs = args_of_fix vfa in
- push_ra stop;
- push_val arg;
- push_arguments vargs;
- interprete (fun_code vf) (magic vf) (magic vf) (nargs vargs)
-external set_forcable : unit -> unit = "coq_set_forcable"
-let force_cofix v =
- match whd_val v with
- | Vcofix _ | Vcofix_app _ ->
- push_ra stop;
- set_forcable ();
- interprete (fun_code v) (magic v) (magic v) 0
- | _ -> v
-let apply_switch sw arg =
- let arg = force_cofix arg in
- let tc = sw.sw_annot.tailcall in
- if tc then
- (push_ra stop;push_vstack sw.sw_stk)
- else
- (push_vstack sw.sw_stk; push_ra (popstop_code (Array.length sw.sw_stk)));
- interprete sw.sw_code arg sw.sw_env 0
+(* Constructeurs ******************************)
-let is_accu v =
- is_block (repr v) && tag (repr v) = accu_tag &&
- fun_code v == accumulate
+let obj_of_atom : atom -> Obj.t =
+ fun a ->
+ let res = Obj.new_block accu_tag 2 in
+ Obj.set_field res 0 (Obj.repr accumulate);
+ Obj.set_field res 1 (Obj.repr a);
+ res
-let rec whd_stack v stk =
- match stk with
- | [] -> whd_val v
- | Zapp a :: stkt -> whd_stack (apply_arguments v a) stkt
- | Zfix fa :: stkt ->
- if is_accu v then whd_accu (magic v) stk
- else whd_stack (apply_fix_app fa v) stkt
- | Zswitch sw :: stkt ->
- if is_accu v then whd_accu (magic v) stk
- else whd_stack (apply_switch sw v) stkt
+(* obj_of_str_const : structured_constant -> Obj.t *)
+let rec obj_of_str_const str =
+ match str with
+ | Const_sorts s -> Obj.repr (Vsort s)
+ | Const_ind ind -> obj_of_atom (Aind ind)
+ | Const_b0 tag -> Obj.repr tag
+ | Const_bn(tag, args) ->
+ let len = Array.length args in
+ let res = Obj.new_block tag len in
+ for i = 0 to len - 1 do
+ Obj.set_field res i (obj_of_str_const args.(i))
+ done;
+ res
-let rec force_whd v stk =
- match whd_stack v stk with
- | Vatom_stk(Aiddef(_,v),stk) -> force_whd v stk
- | res -> res
+let val_of_obj o = ((Obj.obj o) : values)
+let val_of_str_const str = val_of_obj (obj_of_str_const str)
-(* Function *)
-external closure_arity : vfun -> int = "coq_closure_arity"
+let val_of_atom a = val_of_obj (obj_of_atom a)
+let idkey_tbl = Hashtbl.create 31
+let val_of_idkey key =
+ try Hashtbl.find idkey_tbl key
+ with Not_found ->
+ let v = val_of_atom (Aid key) in
+ Hashtbl.add idkey_tbl key v;
+ v
+let val_of_rel k = val_of_idkey (RelKey k)
+let val_of_rel_def k v = val_of_atom(Aiddef(RelKey k, v))
+let val_of_named id = val_of_idkey (VarKey id)
+let val_of_named_def id v = val_of_atom(Aiddef(VarKey id, v))
+let val_of_constant c = val_of_idkey (ConstKey c)
+let val_of_constant_def n c v =
+ let res = Obj.new_block accu_tag 2 in
+ Obj.set_field res 0 (Obj.repr (mkAccuCond n));
+ Obj.set_field res 1 (Obj.repr (Aiddef(ConstKey c, v)));
+ val_of_obj res
-(* [apply_rel v k arity] applique la valeurs [v] aux arguments
- [k],[k+1], ... , [k+arity-1] *)
let mkrel_vstack k arity =
let max = k + arity - 1 in
Array.init arity (fun i -> val_of_rel (max - i))
+(** Operations pour la manipulation des donnees **)
+(* Functions over products *)
+let dom : vprod -> values = fun p -> val_of_obj (Obj.field (Obj.repr p) 0)
+let codom : vprod -> vfun = fun p -> (Obj.obj (Obj.field (Obj.repr p) 1))
+(* Functions over vfun *)
+external closure_arity : vfun -> int = "coq_closure_arity"
let body_of_vfun k vf =
let vargs = mkrel_vstack k 1 in
- apply_vstack (magic vf) vargs
+ apply_vstack (Obj.magic vf) vargs
let decompose_vfun2 k vf1 vf2 =
let arity = min (closure_arity vf1) (closure_arity vf2) in
- assert (0 <= arity && arity < Sys.max_array_length);
+ assert (0 < arity && arity < Sys.max_array_length);
let vargs = mkrel_vstack k arity in
- let v1 = apply_vstack (magic vf1) vargs in
- let v2 = apply_vstack (magic vf2) vargs in
+ let v1 = apply_vstack (Obj.magic vf1) vargs in
+ let v2 = apply_vstack (Obj.magic vf2) vargs in
arity, v1, v2
+(* Functions over fixpoint *)
+let first o = (offset_closure o (offset o))
+let last o = (Obj.field o (Obj.size o - 1))
+let current_fix vf = offset (Obj.repr vf) / 2
+let unsafe_fb_code fb i = tcode_of_obj (Obj.field (Obj.repr fb) (2 * i))
+let unsafe_rec_arg fb i = int_tcode (unsafe_fb_code fb i) 1
-(* Fix *)
+let rec_args vf =
+ let fb = first (Obj.repr vf) in
+ let size = Obj.size (last fb) in
+ Array.init size (unsafe_rec_arg fb)
+exception FALSE
+let check_fix f1 f2 =
+ let i1, i2 = current_fix f1, current_fix f2 in
+ (* Verification du point de depart *)
+ if i1 = i2 then
+ let fb1,fb2 = first (Obj.repr f1), first (Obj.repr f2) in
+ let n = Obj.size (last fb1) in
+ (* Verification du nombre de definition *)
+ if n = Obj.size (last fb2) then
+ (* Verification des arguments recursifs *)
+ try
+ for i = 0 to n - 1 do
+ if unsafe_rec_arg fb1 i <> unsafe_rec_arg fb2 i
+ then raise FALSE
+ done;
+ true
+ with FALSE -> false
+ else false
+ else false
+(* Functions over vfix *)
external atom_rel : unit -> atom array = "get_coq_atom_tbl"
external realloc_atom_rel : int -> unit = "realloc_coq_atom_tbl"
@@ -486,69 +425,89 @@ let relaccu_code i =
-let jump_grabrec c = offset_tcode c 2
-let jump_grabrecrestart c = offset_tcode c 3
-let bodies_of_fix k vf =
- let fb = block_of_fix vf in
- let ndef = fix_block_ndef fb in
+let reduce_fix k vf =
+ let fb = first (Obj.repr vf) in
+ (* calcul des types *)
+ let fc_typ = ((Obj.obj (last fb)) : tcode array) in
+ let ndef = Array.length fc_typ in
+ let et = offset_closure fb (2*(ndef - 1)) in
+ let ftyp =
+ Array.map
+ (fun c -> interprete c crasy_val (Obj.magic et) 0) fc_typ in
(* Construction de l' environnement des corps des points fixes *)
- let e = dup (repr fb) in
+ let e = Obj.dup fb in
for i = 0 to ndef - 1 do
- set_field e (2 * i) (repr (relaccu_code (k + i)))
+ Obj.set_field e (2 * i) (Obj.repr (relaccu_code (k + i)))
let fix_body i =
+ let jump_grabrec c = offset_tcode c 2 in
let c = jump_grabrec (unsafe_fb_code fb i) in
- let res = Obj.new_block closure_tag 2 in
- set_field res 0 (repr c);
- set_field res 1 (offset_closure e (2*i));
- ((obj res) : vfun)
- in Array.init ndef fix_body
-let types_of_fix vf =
- let fb = block_of_fix vf in
- let type_code = fix_block_type fb in
- let type_val c = interprete c crasy_val (magic fb) 0 in
- Array.map type_val type_code
+ let res = Obj.new_block Obj.closure_tag 2 in
+ Obj.set_field res 0 (Obj.repr c);
+ Obj.set_field res 1 (offset_closure e (2*i));
+ ((Obj.obj res) : vfun) in
+ (Array.init ndef fix_body, ftyp)
-(* CoFix *)
-let jump_cograb c = offset_tcode c 2
-let jump_cograbrestart c = offset_tcode c 3
-let bodies_of_cofix k vcf =
- let cfb = block_of_cofix vcf in
- let ndef = cofix_block_ndef cfb in
- (* Construction de l' environnement des corps des cofix *)
- let e = dup (repr cfb) in
+(* Functions over vcofix *)
+let get_fcofix vcf i =
+ match whd_val (Obj.obj (Obj.field (Obj.repr vcf) (i+1))) with
+ | Vcofix(vcfi, _, _) -> vcfi
+ | _ -> assert false
+let current_cofix vcf =
+ let ndef = Obj.size (last (Obj.repr vcf)) in
+ let rec find_cofix pos =
+ if pos < ndef then
+ if get_fcofix vcf pos == vcf then pos
+ else find_cofix (pos+1)
+ else raise Not_found in
+ try find_cofix 0
+ with _ -> assert false
+let check_cofix vcf1 vcf2 =
+ (current_cofix vcf1 = current_cofix vcf2) &&
+ (Obj.size (last (Obj.repr vcf1)) = Obj.size (last (Obj.repr vcf2)))
+external print_point : Obj.t -> unit = "coq_print_pointer"
+let reduce_cofix k vcf =
+ let fc_typ = ((Obj.obj (last (Obj.repr vcf))) : tcode array) in
+ let ndef = Array.length fc_typ in
+ let ftyp =
+ Array.map (fun c -> interprete c crasy_val (Obj.magic vcf) 0) fc_typ in
+ (* Construction de l'environnement des corps des cofix *)
+ let max = k + ndef - 1 in
+ let e = Obj.dup (Obj.repr vcf) in
for i = 0 to ndef - 1 do
- set_field e (2 * i) (repr (relaccu_code (k + i)))
+ Obj.set_field e (i+1) (Obj.repr (val_of_rel (k+i)))
let cofix_body i =
- let c = unsafe_cfb_code cfb i in
- let arity = int_tcode c 1 in
- if arity = 0 then
- begin
- push_ra stop;
- interprete (jump_cograbrestart c) crasy_val
- (obj (offset_closure e (2*i))) 0
- end
- else
- let res = Obj.new_block closure_tag 2 in
- set_field res 0 (repr (jump_cograb c));
- set_field res 1 (offset_closure e (2*i));
- ((obj res) : values)
- in Array.init ndef cofix_body
-let types_of_cofix vcf =
- let cfb = block_of_cofix vcf in
- let type_code = cofix_block_type cfb in
- let type_val c = interprete c crasy_val (magic cfb) 0 in
- Array.map type_val type_code
-(* Switch *)
-let eq_tbl sw1 sw2 = sw1.sw_annot.rtbl = sw2.sw_annot.rtbl
+ let vcfi = get_fcofix vcf i in
+ let c = Obj.field (Obj.repr vcfi) 0 in
+ Obj.set_field e 0 c;
+ let atom = Obj.new_block cofix_tag 1 in
+ let self = Obj.new_block accu_tag 2 in
+ Obj.set_field self 0 (Obj.repr accumulate);
+ Obj.set_field self 1 (Obj.repr atom);
+ apply_vstack (Obj.obj e) [|Obj.obj self|] in
+ (Array.init ndef cofix_body, ftyp)
+(* Functions over vblock *)
+let btag : vblock -> int = fun b -> Obj.tag (Obj.repr b)
+let bsize : vblock -> int = fun b -> Obj.size (Obj.repr b)
+let bfield b i =
+ if 0 <= i && i < (bsize b) then val_of_obj (Obj.field (Obj.repr b) i)
+ else raise (Invalid_argument "Vm.bfield")
+(* Functions over vswitch *)
+let check_switch sw1 sw2 = sw1.sw_annot.rtbl = sw2.sw_annot.rtbl
let case_info sw = sw.sw_annot.ci
@@ -557,15 +516,22 @@ let type_of_switch sw =
interprete sw.sw_type_code crasy_val sw.sw_env 0
let branch_arg k (tag,arity) =
- if arity = 0 then ((magic tag):values)
+ if arity = 0 then ((Obj.magic tag):values)
- let b = new_block tag arity in
+ let b = Obj.new_block tag arity in
for i = 0 to arity - 1 do
- set_field b i (repr (val_of_rel (k+i)))
+ Obj.set_field b i (Obj.repr (val_of_rel (k+i)))
val_of_obj b
+let apply_switch sw arg =
+ let tc = sw.sw_annot.tailcall in
+ if tc then
+ (push_ra stop;push_vstack sw.sw_stk)
+ else
+ (push_vstack sw.sw_stk; push_ra (popstop_code (Array.length sw.sw_stk)));
+ interprete sw.sw_code arg sw.sw_env 0
let branch_of_switch k sw =
let eval_branch (_,arity as ta) =
let arg = branch_arg k ta in
@@ -573,27 +539,62 @@ let branch_of_switch k sw =
(arity, v)
Array.map eval_branch sw.sw_annot.rtbl
+(* Evaluation *)
+let is_accu v =
+ let o = Obj.repr v in
+ Obj.is_block o && Obj.tag o = accu_tag &&
+ fun_code v == accumulate && Obj.tag (Obj.field o 1) < cofix_tag
+let rec whd_stack v stk =
+ match stk with
+ | [] -> whd_val v
+ | Zapp args :: stkt -> whd_stack (apply_arguments v args) stkt
+ | Zfix (f,args) :: stkt ->
+ let o = Obj.repr v in
+ if Obj.is_block o && Obj.tag o = accu_tag then
+ whd_accu (Obj.repr v) stk
+ else
+ let v', stkt =
+ match stkt with
+ | Zapp args' :: stkt ->
+ push_ra stop;
+ push_arguments args';
+ push_val v;
+ push_arguments args;
+ let v' =
+ interprete (fun_code f) (Obj.magic f) (Obj.magic f)
+ (nargs args+ nargs args') in
+ v', stkt
+ | _ ->
+ push_ra stop;
+ push_val v;
+ push_arguments args;
+ let v' =
+ interprete (fun_code f) (Obj.magic f) (Obj.magic f)
+ (nargs args) in
+ v', stkt
+ in
+ whd_stack v' stkt
+ | Zswitch sw :: stkt ->
+ let o = Obj.repr v in
+ if Obj.is_block o && Obj.tag o = accu_tag then
+ if Obj.tag (Obj.field o 1) < cofix_tag then whd_accu (Obj.repr v) stk
+ else
+ let to_up =
+ match whd_accu (Obj.repr v) [] with
+ | Vcofix (_, to_up, _) -> to_up
+ | _ -> assert false in
+ whd_stack (apply_switch sw to_up) stkt
+ else whd_stack (apply_switch sw v) stkt
+let rec force_whd v stk =
+ match whd_stack v stk with
+ | Vatom_stk(Aiddef(_,v),stk) -> force_whd v stk
+ | res -> res