path: root/kernel/vars.mli
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Diffstat (limited to 'kernel/vars.mli')
1 files changed, 18 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/kernel/vars.mli b/kernel/vars.mli
index ab10ba93b..a84cf0114 100644
--- a/kernel/vars.mli
+++ b/kernel/vars.mli
@@ -56,6 +56,24 @@ val lift : int -> constr -> constr
type substl = constr list
+(** Let [Γ] be a context interleaving declarations [x₁:T₁..xn:Tn]
+ and definitions [y₁:=c₁..yp:=cp] in some context [Γ₀]. Let
+ [u₁..un] be an {e instance} of [Γ], i.e. an instance in [Γ₀]
+ of the [xi]. Then, [subst_of_rel_context_instance Γ u₁..un]
+ returns the corresponding {e substitution} of [Γ], i.e. the
+ appropriate interleaving [σ] of the [u₁..un] with the [c₁..cp],
+ all of them in [Γ₀], so that a derivation [Γ₀, Γ, Γ₁|- t:T]
+ can be instantiated into a derivation [Γ₀, Γ₁ |- t[σ]:T[σ]] using
+ [substnl σ |Γ₁| t].
+ Note that the instance [u₁..un] is represented starting with [u₁],
+ as if usable in [applist] while the substitution is
+ represented the other way round, i.e. ending with either [u₁] or
+ [c₁], as if usable for [substl]. *)
+val subst_of_rel_context_instance : rel_context -> constr list -> substl
+(** For compatibility: returns the substitution reversed *)
+val adjust_subst_to_rel_context : rel_context -> constr list -> constr list
(** [substnl [a₁;...;an] k c] substitutes in parallel [a₁],...,[an]
for respectively [Rel(k+1)],...,[Rel(k+n)] in [c]; it relocates
accordingly indexes in [an],...,[a1] and [c]. In terms of typing, if