path: root/kernel/uGraph.ml
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diff --git a/kernel/uGraph.ml b/kernel/uGraph.ml
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+++ b/kernel/uGraph.ml
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+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * INRIA - CNRS - LIX - LRI - PPS - Copyright 1999-2015 *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+open Pp
+open Errors
+open Util
+open Univ
+(* Created in Caml by Gérard Huet for CoC 4.8 [Dec 1988] *)
+(* Functional code by Jean-Christophe Filliâtre for Coq V7.0 [1999] *)
+(* Extension with algebraic universes by HH for Coq V7.0 [Sep 2001] *)
+(* Additional support for sort-polymorphic inductive types by HH [Mar 2006] *)
+(* Support for universe polymorphism by MS [2014] *)
+(* Revisions by Bruno Barras, Hugo Herbelin, Pierre Letouzey, Matthieu
+ Sozeau, Pierre-Marie Pédrot, Jacques-Henri Jourdan *)
+let error_inconsistency o u v (p:explanation option) =
+ raise (UniverseInconsistency (o,Universe.make u,Universe.make v,p))
+(* Universes are stratified by a partial ordering $\le$.
+ Let $\~{}$ be the associated equivalence. We also have a strict ordering
+ $<$ between equivalence classes, and we maintain that $<$ is acyclic,
+ and contained in $\le$ in the sense that $[U]<[V]$ implies $U\le V$.
+ At every moment, we have a finite number of universes, and we
+ maintain the ordering in the presence of assertions $U<V$ and $U\le V$.
+ The equivalence $\~{}$ is represented by a tree structure, as in the
+ union-find algorithm. The assertions $<$ and $\le$ are represented by
+ adjacency lists.
+ We use the algorithm described in the paper:
+ Bender, M. A., Fineman, J. T., Gilbert, S., & Tarjan, R. E. (2011). A
+ new approach to incremental cycle detection and related
+ problems. arXiv preprint arXiv:1112.0784.
+ *)
+open Universe
+module UMap = LMap
+type status = NoMark | Visited | WeakVisited | ToMerge
+(* Comparison on this type is pointer equality *)
+type canonical_node =
+ { univ: Level.t;
+ ltle: bool UMap.t; (* true: strict (lt) constraint.
+ false: weak (le) constraint. *)
+ gtge: LSet.t;
+ rank : int;
+ klvl: int;
+ ilvl: int;
+ mutable status: status
+ }
+let big_rank = 1000000
+(* A Level.t is either an alias for another one, or a canonical one,
+ for which we know the universes that are above *)
+type univ_entry =
+ Canonical of canonical_node
+ | Equiv of Level.t
+type universes =
+ { entries : univ_entry UMap.t;
+ index : int;
+ n_nodes : int; n_edges : int }
+type t = universes
+(** Used to cleanup universes if a traversal function is interrupted before it
+ has the opportunity to do it itself. *)
+let unsafe_cleanup_universes g =
+ let iter _ n = match n with
+ | Equiv _ -> ()
+ | Canonical n -> n.status <- NoMark
+ in
+ UMap.iter iter g.entries
+let rec cleanup_universes g =
+ try unsafe_cleanup_universes g
+ with e ->
+ (** The only way unsafe_cleanup_universes may raise an exception is when
+ a serious error (stack overflow, out of memory) occurs, or a signal is
+ sent. In this unlikely event, we relaunch the cleanup until we finally
+ succeed. *)
+ cleanup_universes g; raise e
+(* Every Level.t has a unique canonical arc representative *)
+(* Low-level function : makes u an alias for v.
+ Does not removes edges from n_edges, but decrements n_nodes.
+ u should be entered as canonical before. *)
+let enter_equiv g u v =
+ { entries =
+ UMap.modify u (fun _ a ->
+ match a with
+ | Canonical n ->
+ n.status <- NoMark;
+ Equiv v
+ | _ -> assert false) g.entries;
+ index = g.index;
+ n_nodes = g.n_nodes - 1;
+ n_edges = g.n_edges }
+(* Low-level function : changes data associated with a canonical node.
+ Resets the mutable fields in the old record, in order to avoid breaking
+ invariants for other users of this record.
+ n.univ should already been inserted as a canonical node. *)
+let change_node g n =
+ { g with entries =
+ UMap.modify n.univ
+ (fun _ a ->
+ match a with
+ | Canonical n' ->
+ n'.status <- NoMark;
+ Canonical n
+ | _ -> assert false)
+ g.entries }
+(* repr : universes -> Level.t -> canonical_node *)
+(* canonical representative : we follow the Equiv links *)
+let rec repr g u =
+ let a =
+ try UMap.find u g.entries
+ with Not_found -> anomaly ~label:"Univ.repr"
+ (str"Universe " ++ Level.pr u ++ str" undefined")
+ in
+ match a with
+ | Equiv v -> repr g v
+ | Canonical arc -> arc
+let get_set_arc g = repr g Level.set
+let is_set_arc u = Level.is_set u.univ
+let is_prop_arc u = Level.is_prop u.univ
+exception AlreadyDeclared
+(* Reindexes the given universe, using the next available index. *)
+let use_index g u =
+ let u = repr g u in
+ let g = change_node g { u with ilvl = g.index } in
+ assert (g.index > min_int);
+ { g with index = g.index - 1 }
+(* [safe_repr] is like [repr] but if the graph doesn't contain the
+ searched universe, we add it. *)
+let safe_repr g u =
+ let rec safe_repr_rec entries u =
+ match UMap.find u entries with
+ | Equiv v -> safe_repr_rec entries v
+ | Canonical arc -> arc
+ in
+ try g, safe_repr_rec g.entries u
+ with Not_found ->
+ let can =
+ { univ = u;
+ ltle = UMap.empty; gtge = LSet.empty;
+ rank = if Level.is_small u then big_rank else 0;
+ klvl = 0; ilvl = 0;
+ status = NoMark }
+ in
+ let g = { g with
+ entries = UMap.add u (Canonical can) g.entries;
+ n_nodes = g.n_nodes + 1 }
+ in
+ let g = use_index g u in
+ g, repr g u
+(* Returns 1 if u is higher than v in topological order.
+ -1 lower
+ 0 if u = v *)
+let topo_compare u v =
+ if u.klvl > v.klvl then 1
+ else if u.klvl < v.klvl then -1
+ else if u.ilvl > v.ilvl then 1
+ else if u.ilvl < v.ilvl then -1
+ else (assert (u==v); 0)
+(* Checks most of the invariants of the graph. For debugging purposes. *)
+let check_universes_invariants g =
+ let n_edges = ref 0 in
+ let n_nodes = ref 0 in
+ UMap.iter (fun l u ->
+ match u with
+ | Canonical u ->
+ UMap.iter (fun v strict ->
+ incr n_edges;
+ let v = repr g v in
+ assert (topo_compare u v = -1);
+ if u.klvl = v.klvl then
+ assert (LSet.mem u.univ v.gtge ||
+ LSet.exists (fun l -> u == repr g l) v.gtge))
+ u.ltle;
+ LSet.iter (fun v ->
+ let v = repr g v in
+ assert (v.klvl = u.klvl &&
+ (UMap.mem u.univ v.ltle ||
+ UMap.exists (fun l _ -> u == repr g l) v.ltle))
+ ) u.gtge;
+ assert (u.status = NoMark);
+ assert (Level.equal l u.univ);
+ assert (u.ilvl > g.index);
+ assert (not (UMap.mem u.univ u.ltle));
+ incr n_nodes
+ | Equiv _ -> assert (not (Level.is_small l)))
+ g.entries;
+ assert (!n_edges = g.n_edges);
+ assert (!n_nodes = g.n_nodes)
+let clean_ltle g ltle =
+ UMap.fold (fun u strict acc ->
+ let uu = (repr g u).univ in
+ if Level.equal uu u then acc
+ else (
+ let acc = UMap.remove u (fst acc) in
+ if not strict && UMap.mem uu acc then (acc, true)
+ else (UMap.add uu strict acc, true)))
+ ltle (ltle, false)
+let clean_gtge g gtge =
+ LSet.fold (fun u acc ->
+ let uu = (repr g u).univ in
+ if Level.equal uu u then acc
+ else LSet.add uu (LSet.remove u (fst acc)), true)
+ gtge (gtge, false)
+(* [get_ltle] and [get_gtge] return ltle and gtge arcs.
+ Moreover, if one of these lists is dirty (e.g. points to a
+ non-canonical node), these functions clean this node in the
+ graph by removing some duplicate edges *)
+let get_ltle g u =
+ let ltle, chgt_ltle = clean_ltle g u.ltle in
+ if not chgt_ltle then u.ltle, u, g
+ else
+ let sz = UMap.cardinal u.ltle in
+ let sz2 = UMap.cardinal ltle in
+ let u = { u with ltle } in
+ let g = change_node g u in
+ let g = { g with n_edges = g.n_edges + sz2 - sz } in
+ u.ltle, u, g
+let get_gtge g u =
+ let gtge, chgt_gtge = clean_gtge g u.gtge in
+ if not chgt_gtge then u.gtge, u, g
+ else
+ let u = { u with gtge } in
+ let g = change_node g u in
+ u.gtge, u, g
+(* [revert_graph] rollbacks the changes made to mutable fields in
+ nodes in the graph.
+ [to_revert] contains the touched nodes. *)
+let revert_graph to_revert g =
+ List.iter (fun t ->
+ match UMap.find t g.entries with
+ | Equiv _ -> ()
+ | Canonical t ->
+ t.status <- NoMark) to_revert
+exception AbortBackward of universes
+exception CycleDetected
+(* Implementation of the algorithm described in § 5.1 of the following paper:
+ Bender, M. A., Fineman, J. T., Gilbert, S., & Tarjan, R. E. (2011). A
+ new approach to incremental cycle detection and related
+ problems. arXiv preprint arXiv:1112.0784.
+ The "STEP X" comments contained in this file refers to the
+ corresponding step numbers of the algorithm described in Section
+ 5.1 of this paper. *)
+(* [delta] is the timeout for backward search. It might be
+ useful to tune a multiplicative constant. *)
+let get_delta g =
+ int_of_float
+ (min (float_of_int g.n_edges ** 0.5)
+ (float_of_int g.n_nodes ** (2./.3.)))
+let rec backward_traverse to_revert b_traversed count g x =
+ let x = repr g x in
+ let count = count - 1 in
+ if count < 0 then begin
+ revert_graph to_revert g;
+ raise (AbortBackward g)
+ end;
+ if x.status = NoMark then begin
+ x.status <- Visited;
+ let to_revert = x.univ::to_revert in
+ let gtge, x, g = get_gtge g x in
+ let to_revert, b_traversed, count, g =
+ LSet.fold (fun y (to_revert, b_traversed, count, g) ->
+ backward_traverse to_revert b_traversed count g y)
+ gtge (to_revert, b_traversed, count, g)
+ in
+ to_revert, x.univ::b_traversed, count, g
+ end
+ else to_revert, b_traversed, count, g
+let rec forward_traverse f_traversed g v_klvl x y =
+ let y = repr g y in
+ if y.klvl < v_klvl then begin
+ let y = { y with klvl = v_klvl;
+ gtge = if x == y then LSet.empty
+ else LSet.singleton x.univ }
+ in
+ let g = change_node g y in
+ let ltle, y, g = get_ltle g y in
+ let f_traversed, g =
+ UMap.fold (fun z _ (f_traversed, g) ->
+ forward_traverse f_traversed g v_klvl y z)
+ ltle (f_traversed, g)
+ in
+ y.univ::f_traversed, g
+ end else if y.klvl = v_klvl && x != y then
+ let g = change_node g
+ { y with gtge = LSet.add x.univ y.gtge } in
+ f_traversed, g
+ else f_traversed, g
+let rec find_to_merge to_revert g x v =
+ let x = repr g x in
+ match x.status with
+ | Visited -> false, to_revert | ToMerge -> true, to_revert
+ | NoMark ->
+ let to_revert = x::to_revert in
+ if Level.equal x.univ v then
+ begin x.status <- ToMerge; true, to_revert end
+ else
+ begin
+ let merge, to_revert = LSet.fold
+ (fun y (merge, to_revert) ->
+ let merge', to_revert = find_to_merge to_revert g y v in
+ merge' || merge, to_revert) x.gtge (false, to_revert)
+ in
+ x.status <- if merge then ToMerge else Visited;
+ merge, to_revert
+ end
+ | _ -> assert false
+let get_new_edges g to_merge =
+ (* Computing edge sets. *)
+ let to_merge_lvl =
+ List.fold_left (fun acc u -> UMap.add u.univ u acc)
+ UMap.empty to_merge
+ in
+ let ltle =
+ UMap.fold (fun _ n acc ->
+ UMap.merge (fun _ strict1 strict2 ->
+ match strict1, strict2 with
+ | Some true, _ | _, Some true -> Some true
+ | _, _ -> Some false)
+ acc n.ltle)
+ to_merge_lvl UMap.empty
+ in
+ let ltle, _ = clean_ltle g ltle in
+ let ltle =
+ UMap.merge (fun _ a strict ->
+ match a, strict with
+ | Some _, Some true ->
+ (* There is a lt edge inside the new component. This is a
+ "bad cycle". *)
+ raise CycleDetected
+ | Some _, Some false -> None
+ | _, _ -> strict
+ ) to_merge_lvl ltle
+ in
+ let gtge =
+ UMap.fold (fun _ n acc -> LSet.union acc n.gtge)
+ to_merge_lvl LSet.empty
+ in
+ let gtge, _ = clean_gtge g gtge in
+ let gtge = LSet.diff gtge (UMap.domain to_merge_lvl) in
+ (ltle, gtge)
+let reorder g u v =
+ (* STEP 2: backward search in the k-level of u. *)
+ let delta = get_delta g in
+ (* [v_klvl] is the chosen future level for u, v and all
+ traversed nodes. *)
+ let b_traversed, v_klvl, g =
+ try
+ let to_revert, b_traversed, _, g = backward_traverse [] [] delta g u in
+ revert_graph to_revert g;
+ let v_klvl = (repr g u).klvl in
+ b_traversed, v_klvl, g
+ with AbortBackward g ->
+ (* Backward search was too long, use the next k-level. *)
+ let v_klvl = (repr g u).klvl + 1 in
+ [], v_klvl, g
+ in
+ let f_traversed, g =
+ (* STEP 3: forward search. Contrary to what is described in
+ the paper, we do not test whether v_klvl = u.klvl nor we assign
+ v_klvl to v.klvl. Indeed, the first call to forward_traverse
+ will do all that. *)
+ forward_traverse [] g v_klvl (repr g v) v
+ in
+ (* STEP 4: merge nodes if needed. *)
+ let to_merge, b_reindex, f_reindex =
+ if (repr g u).klvl = v_klvl then
+ begin
+ let merge, to_revert = find_to_merge [] g u v in
+ let r =
+ if merge then
+ List.filter (fun u -> u.status = ToMerge) to_revert,
+ List.filter (fun u -> (repr g u).status <> ToMerge) b_traversed,
+ List.filter (fun u -> (repr g u).status <> ToMerge) f_traversed
+ else [], b_traversed, f_traversed
+ in
+ List.iter (fun u -> u.status <- NoMark) to_revert;
+ r
+ end
+ else [], b_traversed, f_traversed
+ in
+ let to_reindex, g =
+ match to_merge with
+ | [] -> List.rev_append f_reindex b_reindex, g
+ | n0::q0 ->
+ (* Computing new root. *)
+ let root, rank_rest =
+ List.fold_left (fun ((best, rank_rest) as acc) n ->
+ if n.rank >= best.rank then n, best.rank else acc)
+ (n0, min_int) q0
+ in
+ let ltle, gtge = get_new_edges g to_merge in
+ (* Inserting the new root. *)
+ let g = change_node g
+ { root with ltle; gtge;
+ rank = max root.rank (rank_rest + 1); }
+ in
+ (* Inserting shortcuts for old nodes. *)
+ let g = List.fold_left (fun g n ->
+ if Level.equal n.univ root.univ then g else enter_equiv g n.univ root.univ)
+ g to_merge
+ in
+ (* Updating g.n_edges *)
+ let oldsz =
+ List.fold_left (fun sz u -> sz+UMap.cardinal u.ltle)
+ 0 to_merge
+ in
+ let sz = UMap.cardinal ltle in
+ let g = { g with n_edges = g.n_edges + sz - oldsz } in
+ (* Not clear in the paper: we have to put the newly
+ created component just between B and F. *)
+ List.rev_append f_reindex (root.univ::b_reindex), g
+ in
+ (* STEP 5: reindex traversed nodes. *)
+ List.fold_left use_index g to_reindex
+(* Assumes [u] and [v] are already in the graph. *)
+(* Does NOT assume that ucan != vcan. *)
+let insert_edge strict ucan vcan g =
+ try
+ let u = ucan.univ and v = vcan.univ in
+ (* STEP 1: do we need to reorder nodes ? *)
+ let g = if topo_compare ucan vcan <= 0 then g else reorder g u v in
+ (* STEP 6: insert the new edge in the graph. *)
+ let u = repr g u in
+ let v = repr g v in
+ if u == v then
+ if strict then raise CycleDetected else g
+ else
+ let g =
+ try let oldstrict = UMap.find v.univ u.ltle in
+ if strict && not oldstrict then
+ change_node g { u with ltle = UMap.add v.univ true u.ltle }
+ else g
+ with Not_found ->
+ { (change_node g { u with ltle = UMap.add v.univ strict u.ltle })
+ with n_edges = g.n_edges + 1 }
+ in
+ if u.klvl <> v.klvl || LSet.mem u.univ v.gtge then g
+ else
+ let v = { v with gtge = LSet.add u.univ v.gtge } in
+ change_node g v
+ with
+ | CycleDetected as e -> raise e
+ | e ->
+ (** Unlikely event: fatal error or signal *)
+ let () = cleanup_universes g in
+ raise e
+let add_universe vlev strict g =
+ try
+ let _arcv = UMap.find vlev g.entries in
+ raise AlreadyDeclared
+ with Not_found ->
+ assert (g.index > min_int);
+ let v = {
+ univ = vlev;
+ ltle = LMap.empty;
+ gtge = LSet.empty;
+ rank = 0;
+ klvl = 0;
+ ilvl = g.index;
+ status = NoMark;
+ }
+ in
+ let entries = UMap.add vlev (Canonical v) g.entries in
+ let g = { entries; index = g.index - 1; n_nodes = g.n_nodes + 1; n_edges = g.n_edges } in
+ insert_edge strict (get_set_arc g) v g
+exception Found_explanation of explanation
+let get_explanation strict u v g =
+ let v = repr g v in
+ let visited_strict = ref UMap.empty in
+ let rec traverse strict u =
+ if u == v then
+ if strict then None else Some []
+ else if topo_compare u v = 1 then None
+ else
+ let visited =
+ try not (UMap.find u.univ !visited_strict) || strict
+ with Not_found -> false
+ in
+ if visited then None
+ else begin
+ visited_strict := UMap.add u.univ strict !visited_strict;
+ try
+ UMap.iter (fun u' strictu' ->
+ match traverse (strict && not strictu') (repr g u') with
+ | None -> ()
+ | Some exp ->
+ let typ = if strictu' then Lt else Le in
+ raise (Found_explanation ((typ, make u') :: exp)))
+ u.ltle;
+ None
+ with Found_explanation exp -> Some exp
+ end
+ in
+ let u = repr g u in
+ if u == v then [(Eq, make v.univ)]
+ else match traverse strict u with Some exp -> exp | None -> assert false
+let get_explanation strict u v g =
+ if !Flags.univ_print then Some (get_explanation strict u v g)
+ else None
+(* To compare two nodes, we simply do a forward search.
+ We implement two improvements:
+ - we ignore nodes that are higher than the destination;
+ - we do a BFS rather than a DFS because we expect to have a short
+ path (typically, the shortest path has length 1)
+exception Found of canonical_node list
+let search_path strict u v g =
+ let rec loop to_revert todo next_todo =
+ match todo, next_todo with
+ | [], [] -> to_revert (* No path found *)
+ | [], _ -> loop to_revert next_todo []
+ | (u, strict)::todo, _ ->
+ if u.status = Visited || (u.status = WeakVisited && strict)
+ then loop to_revert todo next_todo
+ else
+ let to_revert =
+ if u.status = NoMark then u::to_revert else to_revert
+ in
+ u.status <- if strict then WeakVisited else Visited;
+ if try UMap.find v.univ u.ltle || not strict
+ with Not_found -> false
+ then raise (Found to_revert)
+ else
+ begin
+ let next_todo =
+ UMap.fold (fun u strictu next_todo ->
+ let strict = not strictu && strict in
+ let u = repr g u in
+ if u == v && not strict then raise (Found to_revert)
+ else if topo_compare u v = 1 then next_todo
+ else (u, strict)::next_todo)
+ u.ltle next_todo
+ in
+ loop to_revert todo next_todo
+ end
+ in
+ if u == v then not strict
+ else
+ try
+ let res, to_revert =
+ try false, loop [] [u, strict] []
+ with Found to_revert -> true, to_revert
+ in
+ List.iter (fun u -> u.status <- NoMark) to_revert;
+ res
+ with e ->
+ (** Unlikely event: fatal error or signal *)
+ let () = cleanup_universes g in
+ raise e
+(** Uncomment to debug the cycle detection algorithm. *)
+(*let insert_edge strict ucan vcan g =
+ check_universes_invariants g;
+ let g = insert_edge strict ucan vcan g in
+ check_universes_invariants g;
+ let ucan = repr g ucan.univ in
+ let vcan = repr g vcan.univ in
+ assert (search_path strict ucan vcan g);
+ g*)
+(** First, checks on universe levels *)
+let check_equal g u v =
+ let arcu = repr g u and arcv = repr g v in
+ arcu == arcv
+let check_eq_level g u v = u == v || check_equal g u v
+let check_smaller g strict u v =
+ let arcu = repr g u and arcv = repr g v in
+ if strict then
+ search_path true arcu arcv g
+ else
+ is_prop_arc arcu
+ || (is_set_arc arcu && not (is_prop_arc arcv))
+ || search_path false arcu arcv g
+(** Then, checks on universes *)
+type 'a check_function = universes -> 'a -> 'a -> bool
+let check_equal_expr g x y =
+ x == y || (let (u, n) = x and (v, m) = y in
+ Int.equal n m && check_equal g u v)
+let check_eq_univs g l1 l2 =
+ let f x1 x2 = check_equal_expr g x1 x2 in
+ let exists x1 l = Universe.exists (fun x2 -> f x1 x2) l in
+ Universe.for_all (fun x1 -> exists x1 l2) l1
+ && Universe.for_all (fun x2 -> exists x2 l1) l2
+let check_eq g u v =
+ Universe.equal u v || check_eq_univs g u v
+let check_smaller_expr g (u,n) (v,m) =
+ let diff = n - m in
+ match diff with
+ | 0 -> check_smaller g false u v
+ | 1 -> check_smaller g true u v
+ | x when x < 0 -> check_smaller g false u v
+ | _ -> false
+let exists_bigger g ul l =
+ Universe.exists (fun ul' ->
+ check_smaller_expr g ul ul') l
+let real_check_leq g u v =
+ Universe.for_all (fun ul -> exists_bigger g ul v) u
+let check_leq g u v =
+ Universe.equal u v ||
+ is_type0m_univ u ||
+ check_eq_univs g u v || real_check_leq g u v
+(* enforce_univ_eq g u v will force u=v if possible, will fail otherwise *)
+let rec enforce_univ_eq u v g =
+ let ucan = repr g u in
+ let vcan = repr g v in
+ if topo_compare ucan vcan = 1 then enforce_univ_eq v u g
+ else
+ let g = insert_edge false ucan vcan g in (* Cannot fail *)
+ try insert_edge false vcan ucan g
+ with CycleDetected ->
+ error_inconsistency Eq v u (get_explanation true u v g)
+(* enforce_univ_leq g u v will force u<=v if possible, will fail otherwise *)
+let enforce_univ_leq u v g =
+ let ucan = repr g u in
+ let vcan = repr g v in
+ try insert_edge false ucan vcan g
+ with CycleDetected ->
+ error_inconsistency Le u v (get_explanation true v u g)
+(* enforce_univ_lt u v will force u<v if possible, will fail otherwise *)
+let enforce_univ_lt u v g =
+ let ucan = repr g u in
+ let vcan = repr g v in
+ try insert_edge true ucan vcan g
+ with CycleDetected ->
+ error_inconsistency Lt u v (get_explanation false v u g)
+let empty_universes =
+ let set_arc = Canonical {
+ univ = Level.set;
+ ltle = LMap.empty;
+ gtge = LSet.empty;
+ rank = big_rank;
+ klvl = 0;
+ ilvl = (-1);
+ status = NoMark;
+ } in
+ let prop_arc = Canonical {
+ univ = Level.prop;
+ ltle = LMap.empty;
+ gtge = LSet.empty;
+ rank = big_rank;
+ klvl = 0;
+ ilvl = 0;
+ status = NoMark;
+ } in
+ let entries = UMap.add Level.set set_arc (UMap.singleton Level.prop prop_arc) in
+ let empty = { entries; index = (-2); n_nodes = 2; n_edges = 0 } in
+ enforce_univ_lt Level.prop Level.set empty
+(* Prop = Set is forbidden here. *)
+let initial_universes = empty_universes
+let is_initial_universes g = UMap.equal (==) g.entries initial_universes.entries
+let enforce_constraint cst g =
+ match cst with
+ | (u,Lt,v) -> enforce_univ_lt u v g
+ | (u,Le,v) -> enforce_univ_leq u v g
+ | (u,Eq,v) -> enforce_univ_eq u v g
+let merge_constraints c g =
+ Constraint.fold enforce_constraint c g
+let check_constraint g (l,d,r) =
+ match d with
+ | Eq -> check_equal g l r
+ | Le -> check_smaller g false l r
+ | Lt -> check_smaller g true l r
+let check_constraints c g =
+ Constraint.for_all (check_constraint g) c
+(* Normalization *)
+(** [normalize_universes g] returns a graph where all edges point
+ directly to the canonical representent of their target. The output
+ graph should be equivalent to the input graph from a logical point
+ of view, but optimized. We maintain the invariant that the key of
+ a [Canonical] element is its own name, by keeping [Equiv] edges. *)
+let normalize_universes g =
+ let g =
+ { g with
+ entries = UMap.map (fun entry ->
+ match entry with
+ | Equiv u -> Equiv ((repr g u).univ)
+ | Canonical ucan -> Canonical { ucan with rank = 1 })
+ g.entries }
+ in
+ UMap.fold (fun _ u g ->
+ match u with
+ | Equiv u -> g
+ | Canonical u ->
+ let _, u, g = get_ltle g u in
+ let _, _, g = get_gtge g u in
+ g)
+ g.entries g
+let constraints_of_universes g =
+ let constraints_of u v acc =
+ match v with
+ | Canonical {univ=u; ltle} ->
+ UMap.fold (fun v strict acc->
+ let typ = if strict then Lt else Le in
+ Constraint.add (u,typ,v) acc) ltle acc
+ | Equiv v -> Constraint.add (u,Eq,v) acc
+ in
+ UMap.fold constraints_of g.entries Constraint.empty
+let constraints_of_universes g =
+ constraints_of_universes (normalize_universes g)
+(** [sort_universes g] builds a totally ordered universe graph. The
+ output graph should imply the input graph (and the implication
+ will be strict most of the time), but is not necessarily minimal.
+ Moreover, it adds levels [Type.n] to identify universes at level
+ n. An artificial constraint Set < Type.2 is added to ensure that
+ Type.n and small universes are not merged. Note: the result is
+ unspecified if the input graph already contains [Type.n] nodes
+ (calling a module Type is probably a bad idea anyway). *)
+let sort_universes g =
+ let cans =
+ UMap.fold (fun _ u l ->
+ match u with
+ | Equiv _ -> l
+ | Canonical can -> can :: l
+ ) g.entries []
+ in
+ let cans = List.sort topo_compare cans in
+ let lowest_levels =
+ UMap.mapi (fun u _ -> if Level.is_small u then 0 else 2)
+ (UMap.filter
+ (fun _ u -> match u with Equiv _ -> false | Canonical _ -> true)
+ g.entries)
+ in
+ let lowest_levels =
+ List.fold_left (fun lowest_levels can ->
+ let lvl = UMap.find can.univ lowest_levels in
+ UMap.fold (fun u' strict lowest_levels ->
+ let cost = if strict then 1 else 0 in
+ let u' = (repr g u').univ in
+ UMap.modify u' (fun _ lvl0 -> max lvl0 (lvl+cost)) lowest_levels)
+ can.ltle lowest_levels)
+ lowest_levels cans
+ in
+ let max_lvl = UMap.fold (fun _ a b -> max a b) lowest_levels 0 in
+ let mp = Names.DirPath.make [Names.Id.of_string "Type"] in
+ let types = Array.init (max_lvl + 1) (function
+ | 0 -> Level.prop
+ | 1 -> Level.set
+ | n -> Level.make mp (n-2))
+ in
+ let g = Array.fold_left (fun g u ->
+ let g, u = safe_repr g u in
+ change_node g { u with rank = big_rank }) g types
+ in
+ let g = if max_lvl >= 2 then enforce_univ_lt Level.set types.(2) g else g in
+ let g =
+ UMap.fold (fun u lvl g -> enforce_univ_eq u (types.(lvl)) g)
+ lowest_levels g
+ in
+ normalize_universes g
+(** Instances *)
+let check_eq_instances g t1 t2 =
+ let t1 = Instance.to_array t1 in
+ let t2 = Instance.to_array t2 in
+ t1 == t2 ||
+ (Int.equal (Array.length t1) (Array.length t2) &&
+ let rec aux i =
+ (Int.equal i (Array.length t1)) || (check_eq_level g t1.(i) t2.(i) && aux (i + 1))
+ in aux 0)
+(** Pretty-printing *)
+let pr_arc prl = function
+ | _, Canonical {univ=u; ltle} ->
+ if UMap.is_empty ltle then mt ()
+ else
+ prl u ++ str " " ++
+ v 0
+ (pr_sequence (fun (v, strict) ->
+ (if strict then str "< " else str "<= ") ++ prl v)
+ (UMap.bindings ltle)) ++
+ fnl ()
+ | u, Equiv v ->
+ prl u ++ str " = " ++ prl v ++ fnl ()
+let pr_universes prl g =
+ let graph = UMap.fold (fun u a l -> (u,a)::l) g.entries [] in
+ prlist (pr_arc prl) graph
+(* Dumping constraints to a file *)
+let dump_universes output g =
+ let dump_arc u = function
+ | Canonical {univ=u; ltle} ->
+ let u_str = Level.to_string u in
+ UMap.iter (fun v strict ->
+ let typ = if strict then Lt else Le in
+ output typ u_str (Level.to_string v)) ltle;
+ | Equiv v ->
+ output Eq (Level.to_string u) (Level.to_string v)
+ in
+ UMap.iter dump_arc g.entries
+(** Profiling *)
+let merge_constraints =
+ if Flags.profile then
+ let key = Profile.declare_profile "merge_constraints" in
+ Profile.profile2 key merge_constraints
+ else merge_constraints
+let check_constraints =
+ if Flags.profile then
+ let key = Profile.declare_profile "check_constraints" in
+ Profile.profile2 key check_constraints
+ else check_constraints
+let check_eq =
+ if Flags.profile then
+ let check_eq_key = Profile.declare_profile "check_eq" in
+ Profile.profile3 check_eq_key check_eq
+ else check_eq
+let check_leq =
+ if Flags.profile then
+ let check_leq_key = Profile.declare_profile "check_leq" in
+ Profile.profile3 check_leq_key check_leq
+ else check_leq