path: root/kernel/typeops.ml
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1 files changed, 63 insertions, 71 deletions
diff --git a/kernel/typeops.ml b/kernel/typeops.ml
index 927b33e8c..463eb37a6 100644
--- a/kernel/typeops.ml
+++ b/kernel/typeops.ml
@@ -19,14 +19,12 @@ let make_judge v tj =
{ uj_val = v;
uj_type = tj }
-let j_val_only j = j.uj_val
-let typed_type_of_judgment env sigma j = j.uj_type
+let j_val j = j.uj_val
(* This should be a type intended to be assumed *)
let assumption_of_judgment env sigma j =
match kind_of_term(whd_betadeltaiota env sigma (body_of_type j.uj_type)) with
- | IsSort s -> make_typed j.uj_val s
+ | IsSort s -> j.uj_val
| _ -> error_assumption CCI env j.uj_val
(* This should be a type (a priori without intension to be an assumption) *)
@@ -35,15 +33,13 @@ let type_judgment env sigma j =
| IsSort s -> {utj_val = j.uj_val; utj_type = s }
| _ -> error_not_type CCI env j
-let assumption_of_type_judgment j = make_typed j.utj_val j.utj_type
(* Type of a de Bruijn index. *)
let relative env sigma n =
let (_,typ) = lookup_rel_type n env in
{ uj_val = mkRel n;
- uj_type = typed_app (lift n) typ }
+ uj_type = type_app (lift n) typ }
with Not_found ->
error_unbound_rel CCI env sigma n
@@ -205,18 +201,18 @@ let type_of_case env sigma ci pj cj lfj =
type_case_branches env sigma indspec (body_of_type pj.uj_type) pj.uj_val cj.uj_val in
let kind = mysort_of_arity env sigma (body_of_type pj.uj_type) in
check_branches_message env sigma (cj.uj_val,body_of_type cj.uj_type) (bty,lft);
- { uj_val = mkMutCase (ci, pj.uj_val, cj.uj_val, Array.map j_val_only lfj);
- uj_type = make_typed rslty kind }
+ { uj_val = mkMutCase (ci, pj.uj_val, cj.uj_val, Array.map j_val lfj);
+ uj_type = rslty }
(* Prop and Set *)
let judge_of_prop =
{ uj_val = mkSort prop;
- uj_type = make_typed (mkSort type_0) type_1 }
+ uj_type = mkSort type_0 }
let judge_of_set =
{ uj_val = mkSort spec;
- uj_type = make_typed (mkSort type_0) type_1 }
+ uj_type = mkSort type_0 }
let judge_of_prop_contents = function
| Null -> judge_of_prop
@@ -227,7 +223,7 @@ let judge_of_prop_contents = function
let judge_of_type u =
let (uu,uuu,c) = super_super u in
{ uj_val = mkSort (Type u);
- uj_type = make_typed (mkSort (Type uu)) (Type uuu) },
+ uj_type = mkSort (Type uu) },
let type_of_sort c =
@@ -249,71 +245,67 @@ let sort_of_product domsort rangsort g =
(* Product rule (Type_i,Type_i,Type_i) *)
| Type u1 -> let (u12,cst) = sup u1 u2 g in Type u12, cst)
-let sort_of_product_without_univ domsort rangsort =
- match rangsort with
- | Prop _ -> rangsort
- | Type u2 ->
- (match domsort with
- | Prop _ -> rangsort
- | Type u1 -> Type dummy_univ)
-let generalize_without_universes (_,_,var as d) c =
- typed_combine
- (fun _ c -> mkNamedProd_or_LetIn d c)
- sort_of_product_without_univ
- var c
-let typed_product env name var c =
- (* Gros hack ! *)
- let rcst = ref Constraint.empty in
- let hacked_sort_of_product s1 s2 =
- let (s,cst) = sort_of_product s1 s2 (universes env) in (rcst:=cst; s) in
- typed_combine (fun c t -> mkProd (name,c,t)) hacked_sort_of_product var c,
- !rcst
+(* [abs_rel env sigma name var j] implements the rule
+ env, name:typ |- j.uj_val:j.uj_type env, |- (name:typ)j.uj_type : s
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ env |- [name:typ]j.uj_val : (name:typ)j.uj_type
+ Since all products are defined in the Calculus of Inductive Constructions
+ and no upper constraint exists on the sort $s$, we don't need to compute $s$
let abs_rel env sigma name var j =
- let cvar = incast_type var in
- let typ,cst = typed_product env name var j.uj_type in
- { uj_val = mkLambda (name, cvar, j.uj_val);
- uj_type = typ },
- cst
+ { uj_val = mkLambda (name, var, j.uj_val);
+ uj_type = mkProd (name, var, j.uj_type) },
+ Constraint.empty
-(* Type of a product. *)
+(* [gen_rel env sigma name (typ1,s1) j] implements the rule
-let gen_rel env sigma name varj j =
- let var = assumption_of_type_judgment varj in
- match kind_of_term(whd_betadeltaiota env sigma (body_of_type j.uj_type)) with
+ env |- typ1:s1 env, name:typ |- j.uj_val : j.uj_type
+ -------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ s' >= (s1,s2), env |- (name:typ)j.uj_val : s'
+ where j.uj_type is convertible to a sort s2
+let gen_rel env sigma name {utj_val = t1; utj_type = s1} j =
+ match kind_of_term (whd_betadeltaiota env sigma j.uj_type) with
| IsSort s ->
- let (s',g) = sort_of_product varj.utj_type s (universes env) in
- let res_type = mkSort s' in
- let (res_kind,g') = type_of_sort res_type in
- { uj_val = mkProd (name, incast_type var, j.uj_val);
- uj_type = make_typed res_type res_kind },
- g'
+ let (s',g) = sort_of_product s1 s (universes env) in
+ { uj_val = mkProd (name, t1, j.uj_val);
+ uj_type = mkSort s' },
+ g
| _ ->
(* if is_small (level_of_type j.uj_type) then (* message historique ?? *)
error "Proof objects can only be abstracted"
- error_generalization CCI env sigma (name,var) j
+ error_generalization CCI env sigma (name,t1) j
-(* Type of a cast. *)
+(* [cast_rel env sigma (typ1,s1) j] implements the rule
+ env, sigma |- cj.uj_val:cj.uj_type cst, env, sigma |- cj.uj_type = t
+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+ cst, env, sigma |- cj.uj_val:t
-let cast_rel env sigma cj tj =
- let tj = assumption_of_judgment env sigma tj in
- if is_conv_leq env sigma (body_of_type cj.uj_type) (body_of_type tj) then
- { uj_val = j_val_only cj;
- uj_type = tj }
- else
- error_actual_type CCI env cj.uj_val (body_of_type cj.uj_type) (body_of_type tj)
+let cast_rel env sigma cj t =
+ try
+ let cst = conv_leq env sigma (body_of_type cj.uj_type) t in
+ { uj_val = j_val cj;
+ uj_type = t },
+ cst
+ with NotConvertible ->
+ error_actual_type CCI env cj.uj_val (body_of_type cj.uj_type) t
(* Type of an application. *)
let apply_rel_list env sigma nocheck argjl funj =
let rec apply_rec n typ cst = function
| [] ->
- { uj_val = applist (j_val_only funj, List.map j_val_only argjl);
- uj_type = typed_app (fun _ -> typ) funj.uj_type },
+ { uj_val = applist (j_val funj, List.map j_val argjl);
+ uj_type = type_app (fun _ -> typ) funj.uj_type },
| hj::restjl ->
match kind_of_term (whd_betadeltaiota env sigma typ) with
@@ -368,13 +360,13 @@ let check_term env mind_recvec f =
match lrec, kind_of_term (strip_outer_cast c) with
| (Param(_)::lr, IsLambda (x,a,b)) ->
let l' = map_lift_fst l in
- crec (push_rel_assum (x,outcast_type a) env) (n+1) l' (lr,b)
+ crec (push_rel_assum (x,a) env) (n+1) l' (lr,b)
| (Norec::lr, IsLambda (x,a,b)) ->
let l' = map_lift_fst l in
- crec (push_rel_assum (x,outcast_type a) env) (n+1) l' (lr,b)
+ crec (push_rel_assum (x,a) env) (n+1) l' (lr,b)
| (Mrec(i)::lr, IsLambda (x,a,b)) ->
let l' = map_lift_fst l in
- crec (push_rel_assum (x,outcast_type a) env) (n+1)
+ crec (push_rel_assum (x, a) env) (n+1)
((1,mind_recvec.(i))::l') (lr,b)
| (Imbr((sp,i) as ind_sp,lrc)::lr, IsLambda (x,a,b)) ->
let l' = map_lift_fst l in
@@ -383,7 +375,7 @@ let check_term env mind_recvec f =
let lc =
Array.map (List.map (instantiate_recarg sp lrc)) sprecargs.(i)
- crec (push_rel_assum (x,outcast_type a) env) (n+1) ((1,lc)::l') (lr,b)
+ crec (push_rel_assum (x, a) env) (n+1) ((1,lc)::l') (lr,b)
| _,_ -> f env n l (strip_outer_cast c)
crec env
@@ -444,7 +436,7 @@ let is_subterm_specif env sigma lcx mind_recvec =
| IsLambda (x,a,b) when l=[] ->
let lst' = map_lift_fst lst in
- crec (push_rel_assum (x,outcast_type a) env) (n+1) lst' b
+ crec (push_rel_assum (x, a) env) (n+1) lst' b
(*** Experimental change *************************)
| IsMeta _ -> [||]
@@ -473,7 +465,7 @@ let rec check_subterm_rec_meta env sigma vectn k def =
match kind_of_term (strip_outer_cast def) with
| IsLambda (x,a,b) ->
if noccur_with_meta n nfi a then
- let env' = push_rel_assum (x,outcast_type a) env in
+ let env' = push_rel_assum (x, a) env in
if n = k+1 then (env',a,b)
else check_occur env' (n+1) b
@@ -581,20 +573,20 @@ let rec check_subterm_rec_meta env sigma vectn k def =
| IsLambda (x,a,b) ->
(check_rec_call env n lst a) &&
- (check_rec_call (push_rel_assum (x,outcast_type a) env)
+ (check_rec_call (push_rel_assum (x, a) env)
(n+1) (map_lift_fst lst) b) &&
(List.for_all (check_rec_call env n lst) l)
| IsProd (x,a,b) ->
(check_rec_call env n lst a) &&
- (check_rec_call (push_rel_assum (x,outcast_type a) env)
+ (check_rec_call (push_rel_assum (x, a) env)
(n+1) (map_lift_fst lst) b) &&
(List.for_all (check_rec_call env n lst) l)
| IsLetIn (x,a,b,c) ->
(check_rec_call env n lst a) &&
(check_rec_call env n lst b) &&
- (check_rec_call (push_rel_def (x,a,outcast_type b) env)
+ (check_rec_call (push_rel_def (x,a, b) env)
(n+1) (map_lift_fst lst) c) &&
(List.for_all (check_rec_call env n lst) l)
@@ -643,7 +635,7 @@ let rec check_subterm_rec_meta env sigma vectn k def =
| IsLambda (x,a,b) ->
(check_rec_call env n lst a) &
- (push_rel_assum (x,outcast_type a) env) (n+1)
+ (push_rel_assum (x, a) env) (n+1)
(map_lift_fst lst) (decr-1) recArgsDecrArg b)
| _ -> anomaly "Not enough abstractions in fix body"
@@ -683,7 +675,7 @@ let check_guard_rec_meta env sigma nbfix def deftype =
let b = whd_betadeltaiota env sigma (strip_outer_cast c) in
match kind_of_term b with
| IsProd (x,a,b) ->
- codomain_is_coind (push_rel_assum (x,outcast_type a) env) b
+ codomain_is_coind (push_rel_assum (x, a) env) b
| _ ->
find_coinductive env sigma b
@@ -756,7 +748,7 @@ let check_guard_rec_meta env sigma nbfix def deftype =
| IsLambda (x,a,b) ->
assert (args = []);
if (noccur_with_meta n nbfix a) then
- check_rec_call (push_rel_assum (x,outcast_type a) env)
+ check_rec_call (push_rel_assum (x, a) env)
alreadygrd (n+1) vlra b
raise (CoFixGuardError (RecCallInTypeOfAbstraction t))