path: root/kernel/term.ml
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1 files changed, 238 insertions, 66 deletions
diff --git a/kernel/term.ml b/kernel/term.ml
index eaa326613..cca5c4c9b 100644
--- a/kernel/term.ml
+++ b/kernel/term.ml
@@ -130,81 +130,253 @@ type fixpoint = (int array * int) * rec_declaration
type cofixpoint = int * rec_declaration
-(* hash-consing functions *)
+(* Hash-consing functions *)
+(* Hash-consing of [constr] does not use the module [Hashcons] because
+ [Hashcons] is not efficient on deep tree-like data
+ structures. Indeed, [Hashcons] is based the (very efficient)
+ generic hash function [Hashtbl.hash], which computes the hash key
+ through a depth bounded traversal of the data structure to be
+ hashed. As a consequence, for a deep [constr] like the natural
+ number 1000 (S (S (... (S O)))), the same hash is assigned to all
+ the sub [constr]s greater than the maximal depth handled by
+ [Hashtbl.hash]. This entails a huge number of collisions in the
+ hash table and leads to cubic hash-consing in this worst-case.
+ In order to compute a hash key that is independent of the data
+ structure depth while being constant-time, an incremental hashing
+ function must be devised. A standard implementation creates a cache
+ of the hashing function by decorating each node of the hash-consed
+ data structure with its hash key. In that case, the hash function
+ can deduce the hash key of a toplevel data structure by a local
+ computation based on the cache held on its substructures.
+ Unfortunately, this simple implementation introduces a space
+ overhead that is damageable for the hash-consing of small [constr]s
+ (the most common case). One can think of an heterogeneous
+ distribution of caches on smartly chosen nodes, but this is forbidden
+ by the use of generic equality in Coq source code. (Indeed, this forces
+ each [constr] to have a unique canonical representation.)
+ Given that hash-consing proceeds inductively, we can nonetheless
+ computes the hash key incrementally during hash-consing by changing
+ a little the signature of the hash-consing function: it now returns
+ both the hash-consed term and its hash key. This simple solution is
+ implemented in the following code: it does not introduce a space
+ overhead in [constr], that's why the efficiency is unchanged for
+ small [constr]s. Besides, it does handle deep [constr]s without
+ introducing an unreasonable number of collisions in the hash table.
+ Some benchmarks make us think that this implementation of
+ hash-consing is linear in the size of the hash-consed data
+ structure for our daily use of Coq.
+let array_eqeq t1 t2 =
+ Array.length t1 = Array.length t2 &&
+ let rec aux i =
+ (i = Array.length t1) || (t1.(i) == t2.(i) && aux (i + 1))
+ in aux 0
let comp_term t1 t2 =
match t1, t2 with
- | Rel n1, Rel n2 -> n1 = n2
- | Meta m1, Meta m2 -> m1 == m2
- | Var id1, Var id2 -> id1 == id2
- | Sort s1, Sort s2 -> s1 == s2
- | Cast (c1,_,t1), Cast (c2,_,t2) -> c1 == c2 & t1 == t2
- | Prod (n1,t1,c1), Prod (n2,t2,c2) -> n1 == n2 & t1 == t2 & c1 == c2
- | Lambda (n1,t1,c1), Lambda (n2,t2,c2) -> n1 == n2 & t1 == t2 & c1 == c2
- | LetIn (n1,b1,t1,c1), LetIn (n2,b2,t2,c2) ->
+ | Rel n1, Rel n2 -> n1 == n2
+ | Meta m1, Meta m2 -> m1 == m2
+ | Var id1, Var id2 -> id1 == id2
+ | Sort s1, Sort s2 -> s1 == s2
+ | Cast (c1,_,t1), Cast (c2,_,t2) -> c1 == c2 & t1 == t2
+ | Prod (n1,t1,c1), Prod (n2,t2,c2) -> n1 == n2 & t1 == t2 & c1 == c2
+ | Lambda (n1,t1,c1), Lambda (n2,t2,c2) -> n1 == n2 & t1 == t2 & c1 == c2
+ | LetIn (n1,b1,t1,c1), LetIn (n2,b2,t2,c2) ->
n1 == n2 & b1 == b2 & t1 == t2 & c1 == c2
- | App (c1,l1), App (c2,l2) -> c1 == c2 & array_for_all2 (==) l1 l2
- | Evar (e1,l1), Evar (e2,l2) -> e1 = e2 & array_for_all2 (==) l1 l2
- | Const c1, Const c2 -> c1 == c2
- | Ind (sp1,i1), Ind (sp2,i2) -> sp1 == sp2 & i1 = i2
- | Construct ((sp1,i1),j1), Construct ((sp2,i2),j2) ->
+ | App (c1,l1), App (c2,l2) -> c1 == c2 & array_eqeq l1 l2
+ | Evar (e1,l1), Evar (e2,l2) -> e1 = e2 & array_eqeq l1 l2
+ | Const c1, Const c2 -> c1 == c2
+ | Ind (sp1,i1), Ind (sp2,i2) -> sp1 == sp2 & i1 = i2
+ | Construct ((sp1,i1),j1), Construct ((sp2,i2),j2) ->
sp1 == sp2 & i1 = i2 & j1 = j2
- | Case (ci1,p1,c1,bl1), Case (ci2,p2,c2,bl2) ->
- ci1 == ci2 & p1 == p2 & c1 == c2 & array_for_all2 (==) bl1 bl2
- | Fix (ln1,(lna1,tl1,bl1)), Fix (ln2,(lna2,tl2,bl2)) ->
+ | Case (ci1,p1,c1,bl1), Case (ci2,p2,c2,bl2) ->
+ ci1 == ci2 & p1 == p2 & c1 == c2 & array_eqeq bl1 bl2
+ | Fix (ln1,(lna1,tl1,bl1)), Fix (ln2,(lna2,tl2,bl2)) ->
ln1 = ln2
- & array_for_all2 (==) lna1 lna2
- & array_for_all2 (==) tl1 tl2
- & array_for_all2 (==) bl1 bl2
- | CoFix(ln1,(lna1,tl1,bl1)), CoFix(ln2,(lna2,tl2,bl2)) ->
+ & array_eqeq lna1 lna2
+ & array_eqeq tl1 tl2
+ & array_eqeq bl1 bl2
+ | CoFix(ln1,(lna1,tl1,bl1)), CoFix(ln2,(lna2,tl2,bl2)) ->
ln1 = ln2
- & array_for_all2 (==) lna1 lna2
- & array_for_all2 (==) tl1 tl2
- & array_for_all2 (==) bl1 bl2
- | _ -> false
-let hash_term (sh_rec,(sh_sort,sh_con,sh_kn,sh_na,sh_id)) t =
- match t with
- | Rel _ -> t
- | Meta x -> Meta x
- | Var x -> Var (sh_id x)
- | Sort s -> Sort (sh_sort s)
- | Cast (c, k, t) -> Cast (sh_rec c, k, (sh_rec t))
- | Prod (na,t,c) -> Prod (sh_na na, sh_rec t, sh_rec c)
- | Lambda (na,t,c) -> Lambda (sh_na na, sh_rec t, sh_rec c)
- | LetIn (na,b,t,c) -> LetIn (sh_na na, sh_rec b, sh_rec t, sh_rec c)
- | App (c,l) -> App (sh_rec c, Array.map sh_rec l)
- | Evar (e,l) -> Evar (e, Array.map sh_rec l)
- | Const c -> Const (sh_con c)
- | Ind (kn,i) -> Ind (sh_kn kn,i)
- | Construct ((kn,i),j) -> Construct ((sh_kn kn,i),j)
- | Case (ci,p,c,bl) -> (* TO DO: extract ind_kn *)
- Case (ci, sh_rec p, sh_rec c, Array.map sh_rec bl)
- | Fix (ln,(lna,tl,bl)) ->
- Fix (ln,(Array.map sh_na lna,
- Array.map sh_rec tl,
- Array.map sh_rec bl))
- | CoFix(ln,(lna,tl,bl)) ->
- CoFix (ln,(Array.map sh_na lna,
- Array.map sh_rec tl,
- Array.map sh_rec bl))
-module Hconstr =
- Hashcons.Make(
- struct
- type t = constr
- type u = (constr -> constr) *
- ((sorts -> sorts) * (constant -> constant) *
- (mutual_inductive -> mutual_inductive) * (name -> name) *
- (identifier -> identifier))
- let hash_sub = hash_term
- let equal = comp_term
- let hash = Hashtbl.hash
- end)
+ & array_eqeq lna1 lna2
+ & array_eqeq tl1 tl2
+ & array_eqeq bl1 bl2
+ | _ -> false
+(* The following module is a specialized version of [Hashtbl] that is
+ a better space saver. Actually, [Hashcons] instanciates [Hashtbl.t]
+ with [constr] used both as a key and as an image. Thus, in each
+ cell of the internal bucketlist, there are two representations of
+ the same value. In this implementation, there is only one.
+ Besides, the responsibility of computing the hash function is now
+ given to the caller, which makes possible the interleaving of the
+ hash key computation and the hash-consing. *)
+module H : sig
+ (* [may_add_and_get key constr] uses [key] to look for [constr]
+ in the hash table [H]. If [constr] is [H], returns the
+ specific representation that is stored in [H]. Otherwise,
+ [constr] is stored in [H] and will be used as the canonical
+ representation of this value in the future. *)
+ val may_add_and_get : int -> constr -> constr
+end = struct
+ type bucketlist = Empty | Cons of constr * int * bucketlist
+ let initial_size = 19991
+ let table_data = ref (Array.make initial_size Empty)
+ let table_size = ref 0
+ let resize () =
+ let odata = !table_data in
+ let osize = Array.length odata in
+ let nsize = min (2 * osize + 1) Sys.max_array_length in
+ if nsize <> osize then begin
+ let ndata = Array.create nsize Empty in
+ let rec insert_bucket = function
+ | Empty -> ()
+ | Cons (key, hash, rest) ->
+ let nidx = hash mod nsize in
+ ndata.(nidx) <- Cons (key, hash, ndata.(nidx));
+ insert_bucket rest
+ in
+ for i = 0 to osize - 1 do insert_bucket odata.(i) done;
+ table_data := ndata
+ end
+ let add hash key =
+ let odata = !table_data in
+ let osize = Array.length odata in
+ let i = hash mod osize in
+ odata.(i) <- Cons (key, hash, odata.(i));
+ incr table_size;
+ if !table_size > osize lsl 1 then resize ()
+ let find_rec hash key bucket =
+ let rec aux = function
+ | Empty -> add hash key; key
+ | Cons (k, _, rest) -> if comp_term key k then k else aux rest
+ in
+ aux bucket
+ let may_add_and_get hash key =
+ let odata = !table_data in
+ match odata.(hash mod (Array.length odata)) with
+ | Empty -> add hash key; key
+ | Cons (k1, _, rest1) ->
+ if comp_term key k1 then k1 else
+ match rest1 with
+ | Empty -> add hash key; key
+ | Cons (k2, _, rest2) ->
+ if comp_term key k2 then k2 else
+ match rest2 with
+ | Empty -> add hash key; key
+ | Cons (k3, _, rest3) ->
+ if comp_term key k3 then k3 else find_rec hash key rest3
+(* These are helper functions to combine the hash keys in a similar
+ way as [Hashtbl.hash] does. The constants [alpha] and [beta] must
+ be prime numbers. There were chosen empirically. Notice that the
+ problem of hashing trees is hard and there are plenty of study on
+ this topic. Therefore, there must be room for improvement here. *)
+let ghash = Hashtbl.hash
+let alpha = 65599
+let beta = 7
+let combine2 x y = x * alpha + y
+let combine3 x y z = combine2 x (combine2 y z)
+let combine4 x y z t = combine2 x (combine3 y z t)
+let combine = combine2
+let combinesmall x y = beta * x + y
+(* [hcons_term hash_consing_functions constr] computes an hash-consed
+ representation for [constr] using [hash_consing_functions] on
+ leaves. *)
+let hcons_term (sh_sort,sh_con,sh_kn,sh_na,sh_id) =
+ let accu = ref 0 in
+ let rec hash_term_array t =
+ accu := 0;
+ for i = 0 to Array.length t - 1 do
+ let x, h = sh_rec t.(i) in
+ accu := combine !accu h;
+ t.(i) <- x
+ done;
+ (t, !accu)
+ and hash_term t =
+ match t with
+ | Var i ->
+ (Var (sh_id i), combinesmall 1 (ghash i))
+ | Sort s ->
+ (Sort (sh_sort s), combinesmall 2 (ghash s))
+ | Cast (c, k, t) ->
+ let c, hc = sh_rec c in
+ let t, ht = sh_rec t in
+ (Cast (c, k, t), combinesmall 3 (combine3 hc (ghash k) ht))
+ | Prod (na,t,c) ->
+ let t, ht = sh_rec t
+ and c, hc = sh_rec c in
+ (Prod (sh_na na, t, c), combinesmall 4 (combine3 (ghash na) ht hc))
+ | Lambda (na,t,c) ->
+ let t, ht = sh_rec t
+ and c, hc = sh_rec c in
+ (Lambda (sh_na na, t, c), combinesmall 5 (combine3 (ghash na) ht hc))
+ | LetIn (na,b,t,c) ->
+ let b, hb = sh_rec b in
+ let t, ht = sh_rec t in
+ let c, hc = sh_rec c in
+ (LetIn (sh_na na, b, t, c), combinesmall 6 (combine4 (ghash na) hb ht hc))
+ | App (c,l) ->
+ let c, hc = sh_rec c in
+ let l, hl = hash_term_array l in
+ (App (c, l), combinesmall 7 (combine hl hc))
+ | Evar (e,l) ->
+ let l, hl = hash_term_array l in
+ (Evar (e, l), combinesmall 8 (combine (ghash e) hl))
+ | Const c ->
+ (Const (sh_con c), combinesmall 9 (ghash c))
+ | Ind (kn,i) ->
+ (Ind (sh_kn kn, i), combinesmall 9 (combine (ghash kn) i))
+ | Construct ((kn,i),j) ->
+ (Construct ((sh_kn kn, i), j), combinesmall 10 (combine3 (ghash kn) i j))
+ | Case (ci,p,c,bl) -> (* TO DO: extract ind_kn *)
+ let p, hp = sh_rec p
+ and c, hc = sh_rec c in
+ let bl, hbl = hash_term_array bl in
+ let hbl = combine (combine hc hp) hbl in
+ (Case (ci, p, c, bl), combinesmall 11 hbl)
+ | Fix (ln,(lna,tl,bl)) ->
+ let bl, hbl = hash_term_array bl in
+ let tl, htl = hash_term_array tl in
+ let h = combine hbl htl in
+ Array.iteri (fun i x -> lna.(i) <- sh_na x) lna;
+ (Fix (ln,(lna, tl, bl)),
+ combinesmall 13 (combine (ghash lna) h))
+ | CoFix(ln,(lna,tl,bl)) ->
+ let bl, hbl = hash_term_array bl in
+ let tl, htl = hash_term_array tl in
+ let h = combine hbl htl in
+ Array.iteri (fun i x -> lna.(i) <- sh_na x) lna;
+ (CoFix (ln, (lna, tl, bl)),
+ combinesmall 14 (combine (ghash lna) h))
+ | Meta n ->
+ (Meta n, combinesmall 15 n)
+ | Rel n ->
+ (Rel n, combinesmall 16 n)
+ and sh_rec t =
+ let (y, h) = hash_term t in
+ (* [h] must be positive. *)
+ let h = h land 0x3FFFFFFF in
+ (H.may_add_and_get h y, h)
-let hcons_term (hsorts,hcon,hkn,hname,hident) =
- Hashcons.recursive_hcons Hconstr.f (hsorts,hcon,hkn,hname,hident)
+ in
+ fun t -> fst (sh_rec t)
(* Constructs a DeBrujin index with number n *)
let rels =