path: root/kernel/safe_typing.ml
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Diffstat (limited to 'kernel/safe_typing.ml')
1 files changed, 125 insertions, 6 deletions
diff --git a/kernel/safe_typing.ml b/kernel/safe_typing.ml
index de2a890fb..12c82e20d 100644
--- a/kernel/safe_typing.ml
+++ b/kernel/safe_typing.ml
@@ -59,6 +59,7 @@
+open CErrors
open Util
open Names
open Declarations
@@ -914,16 +915,12 @@ let register field value by_clause senv =
but it is meant to become a replacement for environ.register *)
let register_inline kn senv =
let open Environ in
- let open Pre_env in
if not (evaluable_constant kn senv.env) then
CErrors.user_err Pp.(str "Register inline: an evaluable constant is expected");
- let env = pre_env senv.env in
+ let env = senv.env in
let (cb,r) = Cmap_env.find kn env.env_globals.env_constants in
let cb = {cb with const_inline_code = true} in
- let new_constants = Cmap_env.add kn (cb,r) env.env_globals.env_constants in
- let new_globals = { env.env_globals with env_constants = new_constants } in
- let env = { env with env_globals = new_globals } in
- { senv with env = env_of_pre_env env }
+ let env = add_constant kn cb env in { senv with env}
let add_constraints c =
@@ -953,3 +950,125 @@ Would this be correct with respect to undo's and stuff ?
let set_strategy e k l = { e with env =
(Environ.set_oracle e.env
(Conv_oracle.set_strategy (Environ.oracle e.env) k l)) }
+(** Register retroknowledge hooks *)
+open Retroknowledge
+(* the Environ.register function synchronizes the proactive and reactive
+ retroknowledge. *)
+let dispatch =
+ (* subfunction used for static decompilation of int31 (after a vm_compute,
+ see pretyping/vnorm.ml for more information) *)
+ let constr_of_int31 =
+ let nth_digit_plus_one i n = (* calculates the nth (starting with 0)
+ digit of i and adds 1 to it
+ (nth_digit_plus_one 1 3 = 2) *)
+ if Int.equal (i land (1 lsl n)) 0 then
+ 1
+ else
+ 2
+ in
+ fun ind -> fun digit_ind -> fun tag ->
+ let array_of_int i =
+ Array.init 31 (fun n -> Constr.mkConstruct
+ (digit_ind, nth_digit_plus_one i (30-n)))
+ in
+ (* We check that no bit above 31 is set to one. This assertion used to
+ fail in the VM, and led to conversion tests failing at Qed. *)
+ assert (Int.equal (tag lsr 31) 0);
+ Constr.mkApp(Constr.mkConstruct(ind, 1), array_of_int tag)
+ in
+ (* subfunction which dispatches the compiling information of an
+ int31 operation which has a specific vm instruction (associates
+ it to the name of the coq definition in the reactive retroknowledge) *)
+ let int31_op n op prim kn =
+ { empty_reactive_info with
+ vm_compiling = Some (Clambda.compile_prim n op kn);
+ native_compiling = Some (Nativelambda.compile_prim prim (Univ.out_punivs kn));
+ }
+ in
+fun rk value field ->
+ (* subfunction which shortens the (very common) dispatch of operations *)
+ let int31_op_from_const n op prim =
+ match Constr.kind value with
+ | Constr.Const kn -> int31_op n op prim kn
+ | _ -> anomaly ~label:"Environ.register" (Pp.str "should be a constant.")
+ in
+ let int31_binop_from_const op prim = int31_op_from_const 2 op prim in
+ let int31_unop_from_const op prim = int31_op_from_const 1 op prim in
+ match field with
+ | KInt31 (grp, Int31Type) ->
+ let int31bit =
+ (* invariant : the type of bits is registered, otherwise the function
+ would raise Not_found. The invariant is enforced in safe_typing.ml *)
+ match field with
+ | KInt31 (grp, Int31Type) -> Retroknowledge.find rk (KInt31 (grp,Int31Bits))
+ | _ -> anomaly ~label:"Environ.register"
+ (Pp.str "add_int31_decompilation_from_type called with an abnormal field.")
+ in
+ let i31bit_type =
+ match Constr.kind int31bit with
+ | Constr.Ind (i31bit_type,_) -> i31bit_type
+ | _ -> anomaly ~label:"Environ.register"
+ (Pp.str "Int31Bits should be an inductive type.")
+ in
+ let int31_decompilation =
+ match Constr.kind value with
+ | Constr.Ind (i31t,_) ->
+ constr_of_int31 i31t i31bit_type
+ | _ -> anomaly ~label:"Environ.register"
+ (Pp.str "should be an inductive type.")
+ in
+ { empty_reactive_info with
+ vm_decompile_const = Some int31_decompilation;
+ vm_before_match = Some Clambda.int31_escape_before_match;
+ native_before_match = Some (Nativelambda.before_match_int31 i31bit_type);
+ }
+ | KInt31 (_, Int31Constructor) ->
+ { empty_reactive_info with
+ vm_constant_static = Some Clambda.compile_structured_int31;
+ vm_constant_dynamic = Some Clambda.dynamic_int31_compilation;
+ native_constant_static = Some Nativelambda.compile_static_int31;
+ native_constant_dynamic = Some Nativelambda.compile_dynamic_int31;
+ }
+ | KInt31 (_, Int31Plus) -> int31_binop_from_const Cbytecodes.Kaddint31
+ CPrimitives.Int31add
+ | KInt31 (_, Int31PlusC) -> int31_binop_from_const Cbytecodes.Kaddcint31
+ CPrimitives.Int31addc
+ | KInt31 (_, Int31PlusCarryC) -> int31_binop_from_const Cbytecodes.Kaddcarrycint31
+ CPrimitives.Int31addcarryc
+ | KInt31 (_, Int31Minus) -> int31_binop_from_const Cbytecodes.Ksubint31
+ CPrimitives.Int31sub
+ | KInt31 (_, Int31MinusC) -> int31_binop_from_const Cbytecodes.Ksubcint31
+ CPrimitives.Int31subc
+ | KInt31 (_, Int31MinusCarryC) -> int31_binop_from_const
+ Cbytecodes.Ksubcarrycint31 CPrimitives.Int31subcarryc
+ | KInt31 (_, Int31Times) -> int31_binop_from_const Cbytecodes.Kmulint31
+ CPrimitives.Int31mul
+ | KInt31 (_, Int31TimesC) -> int31_binop_from_const Cbytecodes.Kmulcint31
+ CPrimitives.Int31mulc
+ | KInt31 (_, Int31Div21) -> int31_op_from_const 3 Cbytecodes.Kdiv21int31
+ CPrimitives.Int31div21
+ | KInt31 (_, Int31Diveucl) -> int31_binop_from_const Cbytecodes.Kdivint31
+ CPrimitives.Int31diveucl
+ | KInt31 (_, Int31AddMulDiv) -> int31_op_from_const 3 Cbytecodes.Kaddmuldivint31
+ CPrimitives.Int31addmuldiv
+ | KInt31 (_, Int31Compare) -> int31_binop_from_const Cbytecodes.Kcompareint31
+ CPrimitives.Int31compare
+ | KInt31 (_, Int31Head0) -> int31_unop_from_const Cbytecodes.Khead0int31
+ CPrimitives.Int31head0
+ | KInt31 (_, Int31Tail0) -> int31_unop_from_const Cbytecodes.Ktail0int31
+ CPrimitives.Int31tail0
+ | KInt31 (_, Int31Lor) -> int31_binop_from_const Cbytecodes.Klorint31
+ CPrimitives.Int31lor
+ | KInt31 (_, Int31Land) -> int31_binop_from_const Cbytecodes.Klandint31
+ CPrimitives.Int31land
+ | KInt31 (_, Int31Lxor) -> int31_binop_from_const Cbytecodes.Klxorint31
+ CPrimitives.Int31lxor
+ | _ -> empty_reactive_info
+let _ = Hook.set Retroknowledge.dispatch_hook dispatch