path: root/kernel/retroknowledge.mli
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'kernel/retroknowledge.mli')
1 files changed, 10 insertions, 16 deletions
diff --git a/kernel/retroknowledge.mli b/kernel/retroknowledge.mli
index e4d78ba14..134b4b4f7 100644
--- a/kernel/retroknowledge.mli
+++ b/kernel/retroknowledge.mli
@@ -82,9 +82,8 @@ val initial_retroknowledge : retroknowledge
and the continuation cont of the bytecode compilation
returns the compilation of id in cont if it has a specific treatment
or raises Not_found if id should be compiled as usual *)
-val get_vm_compiling_info : retroknowledge -> entry -> Cbytecodes.comp_env ->
- constr array ->
- int -> Cbytecodes.bytecodes-> Cbytecodes.bytecodes
+val get_vm_compiling_info : retroknowledge -> entry ->
+ Cinstr.lambda array -> Cinstr.lambda
(*Given an identifier id (usually Construct _)
and its argument array, returns a function that tries an ad-hoc optimisated
compilation (in the case of the 31-bit integers it means compiling them
@@ -93,8 +92,7 @@ val get_vm_compiling_info : retroknowledge -> entry -> Cbytecodes.comp_env ->
CBytecodes.NotClosed if the term is not a closed constructor pattern
(a constant for the compiler) *)
val get_vm_constant_static_info : retroknowledge -> entry ->
- constr array ->
- Cbytecodes.structured_constant
+ constr array -> Cinstr.lambda
(*Given an identifier id (usually Construct _ )
its argument array and a continuation, returns the compiled version
@@ -102,16 +100,14 @@ val get_vm_constant_static_info : retroknowledge -> entry ->
31-bit integers, that would be the dynamic compilation into integers)
or raises Not_found if id should be compiled as usual *)
val get_vm_constant_dynamic_info : retroknowledge -> entry ->
- Cbytecodes.comp_env ->
- Cbytecodes.block array ->
- int -> Cbytecodes.bytecodes -> Cbytecodes.bytecodes
+ Cinstr.lambda array -> Cinstr.lambda
(** Given a type identifier, this function is used before compiling a match
over this type. In the case of 31-bit integers for instance, it is used
to add the instruction sequence which would perform a dynamic decompilation
in case the argument of the match is not in coq representation *)
-val get_vm_before_match_info : retroknowledge -> entry -> Cbytecodes.bytecodes
- -> Cbytecodes.bytecodes
+val get_vm_before_match_info : retroknowledge -> entry -> Cinstr.lambda
+ -> Cinstr.lambda
(** Given a type identifier, this function is used by pretyping/vnorm.ml to
recover the elements of that type from their compiled form if it's non
@@ -148,20 +144,18 @@ val find : retroknowledge -> field -> entry
type reactive_info = {(*information required by the compiler of the VM *)
vm_compiling :
(*fastcomputation flag -> continuation -> result *)
- (bool->Cbytecodes.comp_env->constr array ->
- int->Cbytecodes.bytecodes->Cbytecodes.bytecodes)
+ (bool -> Cinstr.lambda array -> Cinstr.lambda)
vm_constant_static :
(*fastcomputation flag -> constructor -> args -> result*)
- (bool->constr array->Cbytecodes.structured_constant)
+ (bool -> constr array -> Cinstr.lambda)
vm_constant_dynamic :
(*fastcomputation flag -> constructor -> reloc -> args -> sz -> cont -> result *)
- (bool->Cbytecodes.comp_env->Cbytecodes.block array->int->
- Cbytecodes.bytecodes->Cbytecodes.bytecodes)
+ (bool -> Cinstr.lambda array -> Cinstr.lambda)
(* fastcomputation flag -> cont -> result *)
- vm_before_match : (bool -> Cbytecodes.bytecodes -> Cbytecodes.bytecodes) option;
+ vm_before_match : (bool -> Cinstr.lambda -> Cinstr.lambda) option;
(* tag (= compiled int for instance) -> result *)
vm_decompile_const : (int -> constr) option;