path: root/kernel/nativevalues.ml
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Diffstat (limited to 'kernel/nativevalues.ml')
1 files changed, 259 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/kernel/nativevalues.ml b/kernel/nativevalues.ml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..fc4255aaf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kernel/nativevalues.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,259 @@
+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * INRIA - CNRS - LIX - LRI - PPS - Copyright 1999-2013 *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+open Term
+open Names
+open Errors
+(** This modules defines the representation of values internally used by
+the native compiler *)
+type t = t -> t
+type accumulator (* = t (* a block [0:code;atom;arguments] *) *)
+type tag = int
+type arity = int
+type reloc_table = (tag * arity) array
+type annot_sw = {
+ asw_ind : inductive;
+ asw_ci : case_info;
+ asw_reloc : reloc_table;
+ asw_finite : bool;
+ asw_prefix : string
+ }
+type sort_annot = string * int
+type rec_pos = int array
+type atom =
+ | Arel of int
+ | Aconstant of constant
+ | Aind of inductive
+ | Asort of sorts
+ | Avar of identifier
+ | Acase of annot_sw * accumulator * t * (t -> t)
+ | Afix of t array * t array * rec_pos * int
+ | Acofix of t array * t array * int * t
+ | Acofixe of t array * t array * int * t
+ | Aprod of name * t * (t -> t)
+let accumulate_tag = 0
+let accumulate_code (k:accumulator) (x:t) =
+ let o = Obj.repr k in
+ let osize = Obj.size o in
+ let r = Obj.new_block accumulate_tag (osize + 1) in
+ for i = 0 to osize - 1 do
+ Obj.set_field r i (Obj.field o i)
+ done;
+ Obj.set_field r osize (Obj.repr x);
+ (Obj.obj r:t)
+let rec accumulate (x:t) =
+ accumulate_code (Obj.magic accumulate) x
+let raccumulate = ref accumulate
+let mk_accu_gen rcode (a:atom) =
+(* Format.eprintf "size rcode =%i\n" (Obj.size (Obj.magic rcode)); *)
+ let r = Obj.new_block 0 3 in
+ Obj.set_field r 0 (Obj.field (Obj.magic rcode) 0);
+ Obj.set_field r 1 (Obj.field (Obj.magic rcode) 1);
+ Obj.set_field r 2 (Obj.magic a);
+ (Obj.magic r:t);;
+let mk_accu (a:atom) = mk_accu_gen accumulate a
+let mk_rel_accu i =
+ mk_accu (Arel i)
+let rel_tbl_size = 100
+let rel_tbl = Array.init rel_tbl_size mk_rel_accu
+let mk_rel_accu i =
+ if i < rel_tbl_size then rel_tbl.(i)
+ else mk_rel_accu i
+let mk_rels_accu lvl len =
+ Array.init len (fun i -> mk_rel_accu (lvl + i))
+let napply (f:t) (args: t array) =
+ Array.fold_left (fun f a -> f a) f args
+let mk_constant_accu kn =
+ mk_accu (Aconstant kn)
+let mk_ind_accu s =
+ mk_accu (Aind s)
+let mk_sort_accu s =
+ mk_accu (Asort s)
+let mk_var_accu id =
+ mk_accu (Avar id)
+let mk_sw_accu annot c p ac =
+ mk_accu (Acase(annot,c,p,ac))
+let mk_prod_accu s dom codom =
+ mk_accu (Aprod (s,dom,codom))
+let atom_of_accu (k:accumulator) =
+ (Obj.magic (Obj.field (Obj.magic k) 2) : atom)
+let set_atom_of_accu (k:accumulator) (a:atom) =
+ Obj.set_field (Obj.magic k) 2 (Obj.magic a)
+let accu_nargs (k:accumulator) =
+ let nargs = Obj.size (Obj.magic k) - 3 in
+(* if nargs < 0 then Format.eprintf "nargs = %i\n" nargs; *)
+ assert (nargs >= 0);
+ nargs
+let args_of_accu (k:accumulator) =
+ let nargs = accu_nargs k in
+ let f i = (Obj.magic (Obj.field (Obj.magic k) (nargs-i+2)) : t) in
+ let t = Array.init nargs f in
+ Array.to_list t
+let is_accu x =
+ let o = Obj.repr x in
+ Obj.is_block o && Obj.tag o = accumulate_tag
+(*let accumulate_fix_code (k:accumulator) (a:t) =
+ match atom_of_accu k with
+ | Afix(frec,_,rec_pos,_,_) ->
+ let nargs = accu_nargs k in
+ if nargs <> rec_pos || is_accu a then
+ accumulate_code k a
+ else
+ let r = ref frec in
+ for i = 0 to nargs - 1 do
+ r := !r (arg_of_accu k i)
+ done;
+ !r a
+ | _ -> assert false
+let rec accumulate_fix (x:t) =
+ accumulate_fix_code (Obj.magic accumulate_fix) x
+let raccumulate_fix = ref accumulate_fix *)
+let is_atom_fix (a:atom) =
+ match a with
+ | Afix _ -> true
+ | _ -> false
+let mk_fix_accu rec_pos pos types bodies =
+ mk_accu_gen accumulate (Afix(types,bodies,rec_pos, pos))
+let mk_cofix_accu pos types norm =
+ mk_accu_gen accumulate (Acofix(types,norm,pos,(Obj.magic 0 : t)))
+let upd_cofix (cofix :t) (cofix_fun : t) =
+ let atom = atom_of_accu (Obj.magic cofix) in
+ match atom with
+ | Acofix (typ,norm,pos,_) ->
+ set_atom_of_accu (Obj.magic cofix) (Acofix(typ,norm,pos,cofix_fun))
+ | _ -> assert false
+let force_cofix (cofix : t) =
+ if is_accu cofix then
+ let accu = (Obj.magic cofix : accumulator) in
+ let atom = atom_of_accu accu in
+ match atom with
+ | Acofix(typ,norm,pos,f) ->
+ let f = ref f in
+ let args = List.rev (args_of_accu accu) in
+ List.iter (fun x -> f := !f x) args;
+ let v = !f (Obj.magic ()) in
+ set_atom_of_accu accu (Acofixe(typ,norm,pos,v));
+ v
+ | Acofixe(_,_,_,v) -> v
+ | _ -> cofix
+ else cofix
+let mk_const tag = Obj.magic tag
+let mk_block tag args =
+ let nargs = Array.length args in
+ let r = Obj.new_block tag nargs in
+ for i = 0 to nargs - 1 do
+ Obj.set_field r i (Obj.magic args.(i))
+ done;
+ (Obj.magic r : t)
+(* Two instances of dummy_value should not be pointer equal, otherwise
+ comparing them as terms would succeed *)
+let dummy_value : unit -> t = fun () _ -> anomaly "Evaluation failed"
+let cast_accu v = (Obj.magic v:accumulator)
+let mk_int x = Obj.magic x
+type block
+let block_size (b:block) =
+ Obj.size (Obj.magic b)
+let block_field (b:block) i = (Obj.magic (Obj.field (Obj.magic b) i) : t)
+let block_tag (b:block) =
+ Obj.tag (Obj.magic b)
+type kind_of_value =
+ | Vaccu of accumulator
+ | Vfun of (t -> t)
+ | Vconst of int
+ | Vblock of block
+let kind_of_value (v:t) =
+ let o = Obj.repr v in
+ if Obj.is_int o then Vconst (Obj.magic v)
+ else
+ let tag = Obj.tag o in
+ if tag = accumulate_tag then
+ Vaccu (Obj.magic v)
+ else
+ if (tag < Obj.lazy_tag) then Vblock (Obj.magic v)
+ else
+ (* assert (tag = Obj.closure_tag || tag = Obj.infix_tag);
+ or ??? what is 1002*)
+ Vfun v
+let hobcnv = Array.init 256 (fun i -> Printf.sprintf "%.2x" i)
+let bohcnv = Array.init 256 (fun i -> i -
+ (if 0x30 <= i then 0x30 else 0) -
+ (if 0x41 <= i then 0x7 else 0) -
+ (if 0x61 <= i then 0x20 else 0))
+let hex_of_bin ch = hobcnv.(int_of_char ch)
+let bin_of_hex s = char_of_int (bohcnv.(int_of_char s.[0]) * 16 + bohcnv.(int_of_char s.[1]))
+let str_encode expr =
+ let mshl_expr = Marshal.to_string expr [] in
+ let payload = Buffer.create (String.length mshl_expr * 2) in
+ String.iter (fun c -> Buffer.add_string payload (hex_of_bin c)) mshl_expr;
+ Buffer.contents payload
+let str_decode s =
+ let mshl_expr_len = String.length s / 2 in
+ let mshl_expr = Buffer.create mshl_expr_len in
+ let buf = String.create 2 in
+ for i = 0 to mshl_expr_len - 1 do
+ String.blit s (2*i) buf 0 2;
+ Buffer.add_char mshl_expr (bin_of_hex buf)
+ done;
+ Marshal.from_string (Buffer.contents mshl_expr) 0