path: root/kernel/nativecode.ml
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Diffstat (limited to 'kernel/nativecode.ml')
1 files changed, 20 insertions, 8 deletions
diff --git a/kernel/nativecode.ml b/kernel/nativecode.ml
index b09cd3f79..ec6c5b297 100644
--- a/kernel/nativecode.ml
+++ b/kernel/nativecode.ml
@@ -278,7 +278,6 @@ type primitive =
| Mk_rel of int
| Mk_var of Id.t
| Mk_proj
- | Is_accu
| Is_int
| Cast_accu
| Upd_cofix
@@ -319,7 +318,6 @@ let eq_primitive p1 p2 =
| Mk_cofix i1, Mk_cofix i2 -> Int.equal i1 i2
| Mk_rel i1, Mk_rel i2 -> Int.equal i1 i2
| Mk_var id1, Mk_var id2 -> Id.equal id1 id2
- | Is_accu, Is_accu -> true
| Cast_accu, Cast_accu -> true
| Upd_cofix, Upd_cofix -> true
| Force_cofix, Force_cofix -> true
@@ -345,7 +343,6 @@ let primitive_hash = function
combinesmall 8 (Int.hash i)
| Mk_var id ->
combinesmall 9 (Id.hash id)
- | Is_accu -> 10
| Is_int -> 11
| Cast_accu -> 12
| Upd_cofix -> 13
@@ -396,6 +393,7 @@ type mllambda =
| MLsetref of string * mllambda
| MLsequence of mllambda * mllambda
| MLarray of mllambda array
+ | MLisaccu of string * inductive * mllambda
and mllam_branches = ((constructor * lname option array) list * mllambda) array
@@ -467,7 +465,12 @@ let rec eq_mllambda gn1 gn2 n env1 env2 t1 t2 =
| MLarray arr1, MLarray arr2 ->
Array.equal (eq_mllambda gn1 gn2 n env1 env2) arr1 arr2
- | _, _ -> false
+ | MLisaccu (s1, ind1, ml1), MLisaccu (s2, ind2, ml2) ->
+ String.equal s1 s2 && eq_ind ind1 ind2 &&
+ eq_mllambda gn1 gn2 n env1 env2 ml1 ml2
+ | (MLlocal _ | MLglobal _ | MLprimitive _ | MLlam _ | MLletrec _ | MLlet _ |
+ MLapp _ | MLif _ | MLmatch _ | MLconstruct _ | MLint _ | MLuint _ |
+ MLsetref _ | MLsequence _ | MLarray _ | MLisaccu _), _ -> false
and eq_letrec gn1 gn2 n env1 env2 defs1 defs2 =
let eq_def (_,args1,ml1) (_,args2,ml2) =
@@ -542,6 +545,8 @@ let rec hash_mllambda gn n env t =
combinesmall 14 (combine hml hml')
| MLarray arr ->
combinesmall 15 (hash_mllambda_array gn n env 1 arr)
+ | MLisaccu (s, ind, c) ->
+ combinesmall 16 (combine (String.hash s) (combine (ind_hash ind) (hash_mllambda gn n env c)))
and hash_mllambda_letrec gn n env init defs =
let hash_def (_,args,ml) =
@@ -608,6 +613,7 @@ let fv_lam l =
| MLsetref(_,l) -> aux l bind fv
| MLsequence(l1,l2) -> aux l1 bind (aux l2 bind fv)
| MLarray arr -> Array.fold_right (fun a fv -> aux a bind fv) arr fv
+ | MLisaccu (_, _, body) -> aux body bind fv
aux l LNset.empty LNset.empty
@@ -1211,8 +1217,9 @@ let ml_of_instance instance u =
let paramsi = t_params.(i) in
let reci = MLlocal (paramsi.(rec_pos.(i))) in
let pargsi = Array.map (fun id -> MLlocal id) paramsi in
+ let (prefix, ind) = inds.(i) in
let body =
- MLif(MLapp(MLprimitive Is_accu,[|reci|]),
+ MLif(MLisaccu (prefix, ind, reci),
(MLapp(MLprimitive (Mk_fix(rec_pos,i)),
[|mk_type; mk_norm|]))
@@ -1374,6 +1381,7 @@ let subst s l =
| MLsetref(s,l1) -> MLsetref(s,aux l1)
| MLsequence(l1,l2) -> MLsequence(aux l1, aux l2)
| MLarray arr -> MLarray (Array.map aux arr)
+ | MLisaccu (s, ind, l) -> MLisaccu (s, ind, aux l)
aux l
@@ -1471,7 +1479,7 @@ let optimize gdef l =
let b1 = optimize s b1 in
let b2 = optimize s b2 in
begin match t, b2 with
- | MLapp(MLprimitive Is_accu,[| l1 |]), MLmatch(annot, l2, _, bs)
+ | MLisaccu (_, _, l1), MLmatch(annot, l2, _, bs)
when eq_mllambda l1 l2 -> MLmatch(annot, l1, b1, bs)
| _, _ -> MLif(t, b1, b2)
@@ -1483,6 +1491,7 @@ let optimize gdef l =
| MLsetref(r,l) -> MLsetref(r, optimize s l)
| MLsequence(l1,l2) -> MLsequence(optimize s l1, optimize s l2)
| MLarray arr -> MLarray (Array.map (optimize s) arr)
+ | MLisaccu (pf, ind, l) -> MLisaccu (pf, ind, optimize s l)
optimize LNmap.empty l
@@ -1645,7 +1654,11 @@ let pp_mllam fmt l =
pp_mllam fmt arr.(len-1)
Format.fprintf fmt "|]@]"
+ | MLisaccu (prefix, (mind, i), c) ->
+ let accu = Format.sprintf "%sAccu_%s_%i" prefix (string_of_mind mind) i in
+ Format.fprintf fmt
+ "@[begin match Obj.magic (%a) with@\n| %s _ ->@\n true@\n| _ ->@\n false@\nend@]"
+ pp_mllam c accu
and pp_letrec fmt defs =
let len = Array.length defs in
@@ -1738,7 +1751,6 @@ let pp_mllam fmt l =
| Mk_var id ->
Format.fprintf fmt "mk_var_accu (Names.id_of_string \"%s\")" (string_of_id id)
| Mk_proj -> Format.fprintf fmt "mk_proj_accu"
- | Is_accu -> Format.fprintf fmt "is_accu"
| Is_int -> Format.fprintf fmt "is_int"
| Cast_accu -> Format.fprintf fmt "cast_accu"
| Upd_cofix -> Format.fprintf fmt "upd_cofix"