path: root/kernel/names.ml
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'kernel/names.ml')
1 files changed, 187 insertions, 43 deletions
diff --git a/kernel/names.ml b/kernel/names.ml
index a92adc607..0209d1c33 100644
--- a/kernel/names.ml
+++ b/kernel/names.ml
@@ -61,55 +61,203 @@ module ModIdmap = Map.Make(ModIdOrdered)
let make_dirpath x = x
let repr_dirpath x = x
+let empty_dirpath = []
let string_of_dirpath = function
| [] -> "<empty>"
| sl ->
String.concat "." (List.map string_of_id (List.rev sl))
-(*s Section paths are absolute names *)
-type section_path = {
- dirpath : dir_path ;
- basename : identifier }
+let u_number = ref 0
+type uniq_ident = int * string * dir_path
+let make_uid dir s = incr u_number;(!u_number,s,dir)
+let string_of_uid (i,s,p) =
+ "<"(*^string_of_dirpath p ^"#"^*) ^ s ^"#"^ string_of_int i^">"
-let make_path pa id = { dirpath = pa; basename = id }
-let repr_path { dirpath = pa; basename = id } = (pa,id)
+module Umap = Map.Make(struct
+ type t = uniq_ident
+ let compare = Pervasives.compare
+ end)
-(* parsing and printing of section paths *)
-let string_of_path sp =
- let (sl,id) = repr_path sp in
- if sl = [] then string_of_id id
- else (string_of_dirpath sl) ^ "." ^ (string_of_id id)
-let sp_ord sp1 sp2 =
- let (p1,id1) = repr_path sp1
- and (p2,id2) = repr_path sp2 in
- let p_bit = compare p1 p2 in
- if p_bit = 0 then id_ord id1 id2 else p_bit
+type mod_self_id = uniq_ident
+let make_msid = make_uid
+let string_of_msid = string_of_uid
+type mod_bound_id = uniq_ident
+let make_mbid = make_uid
+let string_of_mbid = string_of_uid
+type label = string
+let mk_label l = l
+let string_of_label l = l
+let id_of_label l = l
+let label_of_id id = id
+module Labset = Idset
+module Labmap = Idmap
+type module_path =
+ | MPfile of dir_path
+ | MPbound of mod_bound_id
+ | MPself of mod_self_id
+ | MPdot of module_path * label
+let rec string_of_mp = function
+ | MPfile sl -> string_of_dirpath sl
+ | MPbound uid -> string_of_uid uid
+ | MPself uid -> string_of_uid uid
+ | MPdot (mp,l) -> string_of_mp mp ^ "." ^ string_of_label l
+(* we compare labels first if two MPdot's *)
+let rec mp_ord mp1 mp2 = match (mp1,mp2) with
+ MPdot(mp1,l1), MPdot(mp2,l2) ->
+ let c = Pervasives.compare l1 l2 in
+ if c<>0 then
+ c
+ else
+ mp_ord mp1 mp2
+ | _,_ -> Pervasives.compare mp1 mp2
+module MPord = struct
+ type t = module_path
+ let compare = mp_ord
+module MPmap = Map.Make(MPord)
+(* this is correct under the condition that bound and struct
+ identifiers can never be identical (i.e. get the same stamp)! *)
+type substitution = module_path Umap.t
+let empty_subst = Umap.empty
+let add_msid = Umap.add
+let add_mbid = Umap.add
+let map_msid msid mp = add_msid msid mp empty_subst
+let map_mbid mbid mp = add_msid mbid mp empty_subst
+let join subst =
+ Umap.fold Umap.add subst
+let list_contents sub =
+ let one_pair uid mp l =
+ (string_of_uid uid, string_of_mp mp)::l
+ in
+ Umap.fold one_pair sub []
+let debug_string_of_subst sub =
+ let l = List.map (fun (s1,s2) -> s1^"|->"^s2) (list_contents sub) in
+ "{" ^ String.concat "; " l ^ "}"
+let debug_pr_subst sub =
+ let l = list_contents sub in
+ let f (s1,s2) = hov 2 (str s1 ++ spc () ++ str "|-> " ++ str s2)
+ in
+ str "{" ++ hov 2 (prlist_with_sep pr_coma f l) ++ str "}"
+let rec subst_mp sub mp = (* 's like subst *)
+ match mp with
+ | MPself sid ->
+ (try Umap.find sid sub with Not_found -> mp)
+ | MPbound bid ->
+ (try Umap.find bid sub with Not_found -> mp)
+ | MPdot (mp1,l) ->
+ let mp1' = subst_mp sub mp1 in
+ if mp1==mp1' then
+ mp
+ else
+ MPdot (mp1',l)
+ | _ -> mp
+let rec occur_in_path uid = function
+ | MPself sid -> sid = uid
+ | MPbound bid -> bid = uid
+ | MPdot (mp1,_) -> occur_in_path uid mp1
+ | _ -> false
+let occur_uid uid sub =
+ let check_one uid' mp =
+ if uid = uid' || occur_in_path uid mp then raise Exit
+ in
+ try
+ Umap.iter check_one sub;
+ false
+ with Exit -> true
+let occur_msid = occur_uid
+let occur_mbid = occur_uid
+(* Kernel names *)
+type kernel_name = module_path * dir_path * label
+let make_kn mp dir l = (mp,dir,l)
+let repr_kn kn = kn
+let modpath kn =
+ let mp,_,_ = repr_kn kn in mp
+let label kn =
+ let _,_,l = repr_kn kn in l
+let string_of_kn (mp,dir,l) =
+ string_of_mp mp ^ "#" ^ string_of_dirpath dir ^ "#" ^ string_of_label l
+let pr_kn kn = str (string_of_kn kn)
+let subst_kn sub (mp,dir,l as kn) =
+ let mp' = subst_mp sub mp in
+ if mp==mp' then kn else (mp',dir,l)
+let kn_ord kn1 kn2 =
+ let mp1,dir1,l1 = kn1 in
+ let mp2,dir2,l2 = kn2 in
+ let c = Pervasives.compare l1 l2 in
+ if c <> 0 then
+ c
+ else
+ let c = Pervasives.compare dir1 dir2 in
+ if c<>0 then
+ c
+ else
+ MPord.compare mp1 mp2
+module KNord = struct
+ type t = kernel_name
+ let compare =kn_ord
+module KNmap = Map.Make(KNord)
+module KNpred = Predicate.Make(KNord)
+module KNset = Set.Make(KNord)
-module SpOrdered =
- struct
- type t = section_path
- let compare = sp_ord
- end
-module Spset = Set.Make(SpOrdered)
-module Sppred = Predicate.Make(SpOrdered)
-module Spmap = Map.Make(SpOrdered)
+let initial_msid = (make_msid [] "TOP")
+let initial_path = MPself initial_msid
-(* type of global reference *)
type variable = identifier
-type constant = section_path
-type inductive = section_path * int
+type constant = kernel_name
+type mutual_inductive = kernel_name
+type inductive = mutual_inductive * int
type constructor = inductive * int
-type mutual_inductive = section_path
-let ith_mutual_inductive (sp,_) i = (sp,i)
-let ith_constructor_of_inductive ind_sp i = (ind_sp,i)
-let inductive_of_constructor (ind_sp,i) = ind_sp
-let index_of_constructor (ind_sp,i) = i
+let ith_mutual_inductive (kn,_) i = (kn,i)
+let ith_constructor_of_inductive ind i = (ind,i)
+let inductive_of_constructor (ind,i) = ind
+let index_of_constructor (ind,i) = i
(* Hash-consing of name objects *)
module Hname = Hashcons.Make(
@@ -136,16 +284,12 @@ module Hdir = Hashcons.Make(
let hash = Hashtbl.hash
-module Hsp = Hashcons.Make(
+module Hkn = Hashcons.Make(
- type t = section_path
+ type t = kernel_name
type u = identifier -> identifier
- let hash_sub hident sp =
- { dirpath = List.map hident sp.dirpath;
- basename = hident sp.basename }
- let equal sp1 sp2 =
- (List.length sp1.dirpath = List.length sp2.dirpath) &&
- (List.for_all2 (==) sp1.dirpath sp2.dirpath)
+ let hash_sub hident kn = Util.todo "hash_cons"; kn
+ let equal kn1 kn2 = kn1==kn2
let hash = Hashtbl.hash
@@ -154,5 +298,5 @@ let hcons_names () =
let hident = Hashcons.simple_hcons Hident.f hstring in
let hname = Hashcons.simple_hcons Hname.f hident in
let hdir = Hashcons.simple_hcons Hdir.f hident in
- let hspcci = Hashcons.simple_hcons Hsp.f hident in
- (hspcci,hdir,hname,hident,hstring)
+ let hkn = Hashcons.simple_hcons Hkn.f hident in
+ (hkn,hdir,hname,hident,hstring)