path: root/kernel/modops.ml
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Diffstat (limited to 'kernel/modops.ml')
1 files changed, 1 insertions, 27 deletions
diff --git a/kernel/modops.ml b/kernel/modops.ml
index 76feb8498..6a0a952f7 100644
--- a/kernel/modops.ml
+++ b/kernel/modops.ml
@@ -592,7 +592,7 @@ let rec collect_mbid l sign = match sign with
let clean_bounded_mod_expr sign =
if is_functor sign then collect_mbid MBIset.empty sign else sign
-(** {6 Stm machinery : join and prune } *)
+(** {6 Stm machinery } *)
let rec join_module mb =
implem_iter join_signature join_expression mb.mod_expr;
@@ -610,29 +610,3 @@ and join_structure struc = List.iter join_field struc
and join_signature sign = functor_iter join_modtype join_structure sign
and join_expression me = functor_iter join_modtype (fun _ -> ()) me
-let rec prune_module mb =
- let me, mta, mt = mb.mod_expr, mb.mod_type_alg, mb.mod_type in
- let mt' = prune_signature mt in
- let me' = implem_smartmap prune_signature prune_expression me in
- let mta' = Option.smartmap prune_expression mta in
- if me' == me && mta' == mta && mt' == mt then mb
- else {mb with mod_expr = me'; mod_type_alg = mta'; mod_type = mt'}
-and prune_modtype mt =
- let te, ta = mt.typ_expr, mt.typ_expr_alg in
- let te' = prune_signature te in
- let ta' = Option.smartmap prune_expression ta in
- if te==te' && ta==ta' then mt else { mt with typ_expr=te'; typ_expr_alg=ta' }
-and prune_field (l,body as orig) = match body with
- |SFBconst sb ->
- let sb' = prune_constant_body sb in
- if sb == sb' then orig else (l, SFBconst sb')
- |SFBmind _ -> orig
- |SFBmodule m ->
- let m' = prune_module m in
- if m == m' then orig else (l, SFBmodule m')
- |SFBmodtype m ->
- let m' = prune_modtype m in
- if m == m' then orig else (l, SFBmodtype m')
-and prune_structure struc = List.smartmap prune_field struc
-and prune_signature sign = functor_smartmap prune_modtype prune_structure sign
-and prune_expression me = functor_smartmap prune_modtype (fun me -> me) me