path: root/kernel/inductive.ml
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Diffstat (limited to 'kernel/inductive.ml')
1 files changed, 107 insertions, 156 deletions
diff --git a/kernel/inductive.ml b/kernel/inductive.ml
index b4a74061f..b45e501eb 100644
--- a/kernel/inductive.ml
+++ b/kernel/inductive.ml
@@ -18,69 +18,45 @@ open Environ
open Reduction
open Type_errors
-exception Induc
-(* raise Induc if not an inductive type *)
+(* raise Not_found if not an inductive type *)
let lookup_mind_specif env (sp,tyi) =
- let mib =
- try Environ.lookup_mind sp env
- with Not_found -> raise Induc in
+ let mib = Environ.lookup_mind sp env in
if tyi >= Array.length mib.mind_packets then
error "Inductive.lookup_mind_specif: invalid inductive index";
(mib, mib.mind_packets.(tyi))
-let lookup_recargs env ind =
- let (mib,mip) = lookup_mind_specif env ind in
- Array.map (fun mip -> mip.mind_listrec) mib.mind_packets
-let lookup_subterms env (_,i as ind) =
- (lookup_recargs env ind).(i)
let find_rectype env c =
let (t, l) = decompose_app (whd_betadeltaiota env c) in
match kind_of_term t with
| Ind ind -> (ind, l)
- | _ -> raise Induc
+ | _ -> raise Not_found
let find_inductive env c =
let (t, l) = decompose_app (whd_betadeltaiota env c) in
match kind_of_term t with
| Ind ind
when (fst (lookup_mind_specif env ind)).mind_finite -> (ind, l)
- | _ -> raise Induc
+ | _ -> raise Not_found
let find_coinductive env c =
let (t, l) = decompose_app (whd_betadeltaiota env c) in
match kind_of_term t with
| Ind ind
when not (fst (lookup_mind_specif env ind)).mind_finite -> (ind, l)
- | _ -> raise Induc
+ | _ -> raise Not_found
-type inductive_instance = {
- mis_sp : section_path;
- mis_mib : mutual_inductive_body;
- mis_tyi : int;
- mis_mip : one_inductive_body }
-let mis_nconstr mis = Array.length (mis.mis_mip.mind_consnames)
-let mis_inductive mis = (mis.mis_sp,mis.mis_tyi)
-let lookup_mind_instance (sp,tyi) env =
- let (mib,mip) = lookup_mind_specif env (sp,tyi) in
- { mis_sp = sp; mis_mib = mib; mis_tyi = tyi; mis_mip = mip }
(* Build the substitution that replaces Rels by the appropriate *)
(* inductives *)
-let ind_subst mispec =
- let ntypes = mispec.mis_mib.mind_ntypes in
- let make_Ik k = mkInd (mispec.mis_sp,ntypes-k-1) in
+let ind_subst mind mib =
+ let ntypes = mib.mind_ntypes in
+ let make_Ik k = mkInd (mind,ntypes-k-1) in
list_tabulate make_Ik ntypes
-(* Instantiate both section variables and inductives *)
-let constructor_instantiate mispec c =
- let s = ind_subst mispec in
+(* Instantiate inductives in constructor type *)
+let constructor_instantiate mind mib c =
+ let s = ind_subst mind mib in
type_app (substl s) c
(* Instantiate the parameters of the inductive type *)
@@ -102,13 +78,13 @@ let instantiate_params t args sign =
if rem_args <> [] then fail();
type_app (substl subs) ty
-let full_inductive_instantiate (mispec,params) t =
- instantiate_params t params mispec.mis_mip.mind_params_ctxt
+let full_inductive_instantiate mip params t =
+ instantiate_params t params mip.mind_params_ctxt
-let full_constructor_instantiate (mispec,params) =
- let inst_ind = constructor_instantiate mispec in
+let full_constructor_instantiate (((mind,_),mib,mip),params) =
+ let inst_ind = constructor_instantiate mind mib in
(fun t ->
- instantiate_params (inst_ind t) params mispec.mis_mip.mind_params_ctxt)
+ instantiate_params (inst_ind t) params mip.mind_params_ctxt)
@@ -118,71 +94,47 @@ let full_constructor_instantiate (mispec,params) =
(* Type of an inductive type *)
let type_of_inductive env i =
- let mis = lookup_mind_instance i env in
- let hyps = mis.mis_mib.mind_hyps in
- mis.mis_mip.mind_user_arity
-(* The same, with parameters instantiated *)
-let get_arity (mispec,params as indf) =
- let arity = mispec.mis_mip.mind_nf_arity in
- destArity (full_inductive_instantiate indf arity)
+ let (_,mip) = lookup_mind_specif env i in
+ mip.mind_user_arity
(* Type of a constructor *)
let type_of_constructor env cstr =
let ind = inductive_of_constructor cstr in
- let mispec = lookup_mind_instance ind env in
- let specif = mispec.mis_mip.mind_user_lc in
+ let (mib,mip) = lookup_mind_specif env ind in
+ let specif = mip.mind_user_lc in
let i = index_of_constructor cstr in
- let nconstr = mis_nconstr mispec in
+ let nconstr = Array.length mip.mind_consnames in
if i > nconstr then error "Not enough constructors in the type";
- constructor_instantiate mispec specif.(i-1)
+ constructor_instantiate (fst ind) mib specif.(i-1)
let arities_of_constructors env ind =
- let mispec = lookup_mind_instance ind env in
- let specif = mispec.mis_mip.mind_user_lc in
- Array.map (constructor_instantiate mispec) specif
+ let (mib,mip) = lookup_mind_specif env ind in
+ let specif = mip.mind_nf_lc in
+ Array.map (constructor_instantiate (fst ind) mib) specif
-(* gives the vector of constructors and of
- types of constructors of an inductive definition
- correctly instanciated *)
-let mis_nf_constructor_type i mispec =
- let nconstr = mis_nconstr mispec in
- if i > nconstr then error "Not enough constructors in the type";
- constructor_instantiate mispec mispec.mis_mip.mind_nf_lc.(i-1)
-(*s Useful functions *)
-type constructor_summary = {
- cs_cstr : constructor;
- cs_params : constr list;
- cs_nargs : int;
- cs_args : rel_context;
- cs_concl_realargs : constr array
-let process_constructor ((mispec,params) as indf) j typi =
- let typi = full_constructor_instantiate indf typi in
- let (args,ccl) = decompose_prod_assum typi in
- let (_,allargs) = decompose_app ccl in
- let (_,vargs) = list_chop mispec.mis_mip.mind_nparams allargs in
- { cs_cstr = ith_constructor_of_inductive (mis_inductive mispec) (j+1);
- cs_params = params;
- cs_nargs = rel_context_length args;
- cs_args = args;
- cs_concl_realargs = Array.of_list vargs }
-let get_constructors ((mispec,params) as indf) =
- let constr_tys = mispec.mis_mip.mind_nf_lc in
- Array.mapi (process_constructor indf) constr_tys
+let is_info_arity env c =
+ match dest_arity env c with
+ | (_,Prop Null) -> false
+ | (_,Prop Pos) -> true
+ | (_,Type _) -> true
+let error_elim_expln env kp ki =
+ if is_info_arity env kp && not (is_info_arity env ki) then
+ NonInformativeToInformative
+ else
+ match (kind_of_term kp,kind_of_term ki) with
+ | Sort (Type _), Sort (Prop _) -> StrongEliminationOnNonSmallType
+ | _ -> WrongArity
-(* Type of case branches *)
+exception Arity of (constr * constr * arity_error) option
+(* Type of case predicates *)
let local_rels ctxt =
let (rels,_) =
@@ -196,48 +148,23 @@ let local_rels ctxt =
-let build_dependent_constructor cs =
- applist
- (mkConstruct cs.cs_cstr,
- (List.map (lift cs.cs_nargs) cs.cs_params)@(local_rels cs.cs_args))
+(* Get type of inductive, with parameters instantiated *)
+let get_arity mip params =
+ let arity = mip.mind_nf_arity in
+ destArity (full_inductive_instantiate mip params arity)
-let build_dependent_inductive ((mis, params) as indf) =
- let arsign,_ = get_arity indf in
- let nrealargs = mis.mis_mip.mind_nrealargs in
+let build_dependent_inductive ind mip params =
+ let arsign,_ = get_arity mip params in
+ let nrealargs = mip.mind_nrealargs in
- (mkInd (mis_inductive mis),
- (List.map (lift nrealargs) params)@(local_rels arsign))
-(* [p] is the predicate and [cs] a constructor summary *)
-let build_branch_type dep p cs =
- let args =
- if dep then
- Array.append cs.cs_concl_realargs [|build_dependent_constructor cs|]
- else
- cs.cs_concl_realargs in
- let base = beta_appvect (lift cs.cs_nargs p) args in
- it_mkProd_or_LetIn base cs.cs_args
-let is_info_arity env c =
- match dest_arity env c with
- | (_,Prop Null) -> false
- | (_,Prop Pos) -> true
- | (_,Type _) -> true
+ (mkInd ind, (List.map (lift nrealargs) params)@(local_rels arsign))
-let error_elim_expln env kp ki =
- if is_info_arity env kp && not (is_info_arity env ki) then
- NonInformativeToInformative
- else
- match (kind_of_term kp,kind_of_term ki) with
- | Sort (Type _), Sort (Prop _) -> StrongEliminationOnNonSmallType
- | _ -> WrongArity
-exception Arity of (constr * constr * arity_error) option
-let is_correct_arity env kelim (c,pj) indf t =
- let rec srec (pt,t) u =
+let is_correct_arity env c pj ind mip params =
+ let kelim = mip.mind_kelim in
+ let arsign,s = get_arity mip params in
+ let nodep_ar = it_mkProd_or_LetIn (mkSort s) arsign in
+ let rec srec pt t u =
let pt' = whd_betadeltaiota env pt in
let t' = whd_betadeltaiota env t in
match kind_of_term pt', kind_of_term t' with
@@ -245,18 +172,18 @@ let is_correct_arity env kelim (c,pj) indf t =
let univ =
try conv env a1 a1'
with NotConvertible -> raise (Arity None) in
- srec (a2,a2') (Constraint.union u univ)
+ srec a2 a2' (Constraint.union u univ)
| Prod (_,a1,a2), _ ->
let k = whd_betadeltaiota env a2 in
let ksort = match kind_of_term k with
| Sort s -> family_of_sort s
| _ -> raise (Arity None) in
- let ind = build_dependent_inductive indf in
+ let dep_ind = build_dependent_inductive ind mip params in
let univ =
- try conv env a1 ind
+ try conv env a1 dep_ind
with NotConvertible -> raise (Arity None) in
if List.exists ((=) ksort) kelim then
- ((true,k), Constraint.union u univ)
+ (true, Constraint.union u univ)
raise (Arity (Some(k,t',error_elim_expln env k t')))
| k, Prod (_,_,_) ->
@@ -266,11 +193,11 @@ let is_correct_arity env kelim (c,pj) indf t =
| Sort s -> family_of_sort s
| _ -> raise (Arity None) in
if List.exists ((=) ksort) kelim then
- (false, pt'), u
+ (false, u)
raise (Arity (Some(pt',t',error_elim_expln env pt' t')))
- try srec (pj.uj_type,t) Constraint.empty
+ try srec pj.uj_type nodep_ar Constraint.empty
with Arity kinds ->
let create_sort = function
| InProp -> mkProp
@@ -281,33 +208,52 @@ let is_correct_arity env kelim (c,pj) indf t =
(List.map (fun s -> make_arity env true indf (create_sort s)) kelim)
@(List.map (fun s -> make_arity env false indf (create_sort s)) kelim)*)
- let ind = mis_inductive (fst indf) in
error_elim_arity env ind listarity c pj kinds
-let find_case_dep_nparams env (c,pj) (ind,params) =
- let indf = lookup_mind_instance ind env in
- let kelim = indf.mis_mip.mind_kelim in
- let arsign,s = get_arity (indf,params) in
- let glob_t = it_mkProd_or_LetIn (mkSort s) arsign in
- let ((dep,_),univ) =
- is_correct_arity env kelim (c,pj) (indf,params) glob_t in
- (dep,univ)
+(* Type of case branches *)
+(* [p] is the predicate, [i] is the constructor number (starting from 0),
+ and [cty] is the type of the constructor (params not instantiated) *)
+let build_branches_type ind mib mip params dep p =
+ let build_one_branch i cty =
+ let typi = full_constructor_instantiate ((ind,mib,mip),params) cty in
+ let (args,ccl) = decompose_prod_assum typi in
+ let nargs = rel_context_length args in
+ let (_,allargs) = decompose_app ccl in
+ let (lparams,vargs) = list_chop mip.mind_nparams allargs in
+ let cargs =
+ if dep then
+ let cstr = ith_constructor_of_inductive ind (i+1) in
+ let dep_cstr = applist (mkConstruct cstr,lparams@(local_rels args)) in
+ vargs @ [dep_cstr]
+ else
+ vargs in
+ let base = beta_appvect (lift nargs p) (Array.of_list cargs) in
+ it_mkProd_or_LetIn base args in
+ Array.mapi build_one_branch mip.mind_nf_lc
+(* [p] is the predicate, [c] is the match object, [realargs] is the
+ list of real args of the inductive type *)
+let build_case_type dep p c realargs =
+ let args = if dep then realargs@[c] else realargs in
+ beta_appvect p (Array.of_list args)
-let type_case_branches env (mind,largs) pj c =
- let mispec = lookup_mind_instance mind env in
- let nparams = mispec.mis_mip.mind_nparams in
+let type_case_branches env (ind,largs) pj c =
+ let (mib,mip) = lookup_mind_specif env ind in
+ let nparams = mip.mind_nparams in
let (params,realargs) = list_chop nparams largs in
- let indf = (mispec,params) in
let p = pj.uj_val in
- let (dep,univ) = find_case_dep_nparams env (c,pj) (mind,params) in
- let constructs = get_constructors indf in
- let lc = Array.map (build_branch_type dep p) constructs in
- let args = if dep then realargs@[c] else realargs in
- (lc, beta_appvect p (Array.of_list args), univ)
+ let (dep,univ) = is_correct_arity env c pj ind mip params in
+ let lc = build_branches_type ind mib mip params dep p in
+ let ty = build_case_type dep p c realargs in
+ (lc, ty, univ)
+(* Checking the case annotation is relevent *)
let check_case_info env indsp ci =
let (mib,mip) = lookup_mind_specif env indsp in
@@ -363,6 +309,10 @@ type guard_env =
lst : (int * (size * recarg list array)) list;
+let lookup_recargs env ind =
+ let (mib,mip) = lookup_mind_specif env ind in
+ Array.map (fun mip -> mip.mind_listrec) mib.mind_packets
let make_renv env minds recarg (_,tyi as ind) =
let mind_recvec = lookup_recargs env ind in
let lcx = mind_recvec.(tyi) in
@@ -423,6 +373,8 @@ let subterm_var p renv =
correct envs and decreasing args.
+let lookup_subterms env (_,i as ind) =
+ (lookup_recargs env ind).(i)
let imbr_recarg_expand env (sp,i as ind_sp) lrc =
let recargs = lookup_subterms env ind_sp in
@@ -719,7 +671,7 @@ let inductive_of_mutfix env ((nvect,bodynum),(names,types,bodies as recdef)) =
(* get the inductive type of the fixpoint *)
let (mind, _) =
try find_inductive env a
- with Induc -> raise_err i RecursionNotOnInductiveType in
+ with Not_found -> raise_err i RecursionNotOnInductiveType in
(mind, (env', b))
else check_occur env' (n+1) b
else anomaly "check_one_fix: Bad occurrence of recursive call"
@@ -763,10 +715,9 @@ let check_one_cofix env nbfix def deftype =
| Prod (x,a,b) ->
codomain_is_coind (push_rel (x, None, a) env) b
| _ ->
- try
- find_coinductive env b
- with Induc ->
- raise (CoFixGuardError (CodomainNotInductiveType b))
+ (try find_coinductive env b
+ with Not_found ->
+ raise (CoFixGuardError (CodomainNotInductiveType b)))
let (mind, _) = codomain_is_coind env deftype in
let (sp,tyi) = mind in