path: root/kernel/generic.ml
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Diffstat (limited to 'kernel/generic.ml')
1 files changed, 19 insertions, 231 deletions
diff --git a/kernel/generic.ml b/kernel/generic.ml
index 2a8af630d..70acca45d 100644
--- a/kernel/generic.ml
+++ b/kernel/generic.ml
@@ -23,9 +23,6 @@ type 'oper term =
exception FreeVar
exception Occur
-let isRel = function Rel _ -> true | _ -> false
-let isVAR = function VAR _ -> true | _ -> false
(* returns the list of free debruijn indices in a term *)
let free_rels m =
@@ -59,7 +56,7 @@ let closedn =
-(* (closed M) is true iff M is a (deBruijn) closed term *)
+(* [closed0 M] is true iff [M] is a (deBruijn) closed term *)
let closed0 term =
try closedn 0 term; true with FreeVar -> false
@@ -80,10 +77,10 @@ let noccurn n term =
try occur_rec n term; true with Occur -> false
-(* (noccur_bet n m M) returns true iff (Rel p) does NOT occur in term M
+(* (noccur_between n m M) returns true iff (Rel p) does NOT occur in term M
for n <= p < n+m *)
-let noccur_bet n m term =
+let noccur_between n m term =
let rec occur_rec n = function
| Rel(p) -> if n<=p && p<n+m then raise Occur
| VAR _ -> ()
@@ -146,7 +143,8 @@ let liftn k n =
| el -> exliftn el
let lift k = liftn k 1
-let lift1 c = exliftn (ELSHFT(ELID,1)) c
+let pop t = lift (-1) t
let lift_context n l =
let k = List.length l in
@@ -242,85 +240,11 @@ let substn_many lamv n =
substrec n
+let substnl laml k =
+ substn_many (Array.map make_substituend (Array.of_list laml)) k
let substl laml =
substn_many (Array.map make_substituend (Array.of_list laml)) 0
let subst1 lam = substl [lam]
-let pop t = lift (-1) t
-(* Various occurs checks *)
-let occur_opern s =
- let rec occur_rec = function
- | DOPN(oper,cl) -> s=oper or (array_exists occur_rec cl)
- | DOPL(oper,cl) -> s=oper or (List.exists occur_rec cl)
- | VAR _ -> false
- | DOP1(_,c) -> occur_rec c
- | DOP2(_,c1,c2) -> (occur_rec c1) or (occur_rec c2)
- | DLAM(_,c) -> occur_rec c
- | DLAMV(_,v) -> array_exists occur_rec v
- | _ -> false
- in
- occur_rec
-let occur_oper0 s =
- let rec occur_rec = function
- | DOPN(_,cl) -> (array_exists occur_rec cl)
- | DOPL(_,cl) -> (List.exists occur_rec cl)
- | DOP0 oper -> s=oper
- | VAR _ -> false
- | DOP1(_,c) -> occur_rec c
- | DOP2(_,c1,c2) -> (occur_rec c1) or (occur_rec c2)
- | DLAM(_,c) -> occur_rec c
- | DLAMV(_,v) -> array_exists occur_rec v
- | _ -> false
- in
- occur_rec
-let occur_var s =
- let rec occur_rec = function
- | DOPN(_,cl) -> array_exists occur_rec cl
- | DOPL(_,cl) -> List.exists occur_rec cl
- | VAR id -> s=id
- | DOP1(_,c) -> occur_rec c
- | DOP2(_,c1,c2) -> (occur_rec c1) or (occur_rec c2)
- | DLAM(_,c) -> occur_rec c
- | DLAMV(_,v) -> array_exists occur_rec v
- | _ -> false
- in
- occur_rec
-let occur_oper s =
- let rec occur_rec = function
- | DOPN(oper,cl) -> s=oper or (array_exists occur_rec cl)
- | DOPL(oper,cl) -> s=oper or (List.exists occur_rec cl)
- | VAR _ -> false
- | DOP0 oper -> s=oper
- | DOP1(oper,c) -> s=oper or occur_rec c
- | DOP2(oper,c1,c2) -> s=oper or (occur_rec c1) or (occur_rec c2)
- | DLAM(_,c) -> occur_rec c
- | DLAMV(_,v) -> array_exists occur_rec v
- | _ -> false
- in
- occur_rec
-let process_opers_of_term p f l constr =
- let rec filtrec acc = function
- | DOP0 oper -> if p oper then ((f oper)::acc) else acc
- | VAR _ -> acc
- | DOP1(oper,c) -> let newacc = filtrec acc c in
- if p oper then ((f oper)::newacc) else newacc
- | DOP2(oper,c1,c2) -> let newacc = filtrec (filtrec acc c1) c2 in
- if p oper then ((f oper)::newacc) else newacc
- | DOPN(oper,cl) -> let newacc = (Array.fold_left filtrec acc cl) in
- if p oper then ((f oper)::newacc) else newacc
- | DOPL(oper,cl) -> let newacc = (List.fold_left filtrec acc cl) in
- if p oper then ((f oper)::newacc) else newacc
- | DLAM(_,c) -> filtrec acc c
- | DLAMV(_,v) -> Array.fold_left filtrec acc v
- | _ -> acc
- in
- filtrec l constr
(* Returns the list of global variables in a term *)
@@ -352,42 +276,6 @@ let global_vars_set constr =
filtrec Idset.empty constr
-(* alpha equality for generic terms : checks first if M and M' are equal,
- otherwise checks equality forgetting the name annotation of DLAM and DLAMV*)
-let rec eq_term m m' =
- (m == m')
- or (m = m')
- or (match (m,m') with
- | (DOP1(oper1,c1),DOP1(oper2,c2)) ->
- oper1 = oper2 & eq_term c1 c2
- | (DOP2(oper1,c1,t1),DOP2(oper2,c2,t2)) ->
- oper1 = oper2 & eq_term c1 c2 & eq_term t1 t2
- | (DOPN(oper1,cl1),DOPN(oper2,cl2)) ->
- oper1 = oper2 & array_for_all2 eq_term cl1 cl2
- | (DOPL(oper1,cl1),DOPL(oper2,cl2)) ->
- oper1 = oper2 & List.for_all2 eq_term cl1 cl2
- | (DLAM(_,c1),DLAM(_,c2)) -> eq_term c1 c2
- | (DLAMV(_,cl1),DLAMV(_,cl2)) -> array_for_all2 eq_term cl1 cl2
- | _ -> false)
-(* (dependent M N) is true iff M is eq_term with a subterm of N
- M is appropriately lifted through abstractions of N *)
-let dependent =
- let rec deprec m = function t ->
- (eq_term m t)
- or (match t with
- | VAR _ -> false
- | DOP1(_,c) -> deprec m c
- | DOP2(_,c,t) -> deprec m c or deprec m t
- | DOPN(_,cl) -> array_exists (deprec m) cl
- | DOPL(_,cl) -> List.exists (deprec m) cl
- | DLAM(_,c) -> deprec (lift1 m) c
- | DLAMV(_,v) -> array_exists (deprec (lift1 m)) v
- | _ -> false)
- in
- deprec
(* (thin_val sigma) removes identity substitutions from sigma *)
let rec thin_val = function
@@ -398,6 +286,8 @@ let rec thin_val = function
(* (replace_vars sigma M) applies substitution sigma to term M *)
let replace_vars var_alist =
+ let var_alist =
+ List.map (fun (str,c) -> (str,make_substituend c)) var_alist in
let var_alist = thin_val var_alist in
let rec substrec n = function
| (VAR(x) as c) ->
@@ -414,54 +304,22 @@ let replace_vars var_alist =
if var_alist = [] then (function x -> x) else substrec 0
-let subst_varn str n = replace_vars [(str,make_substituend (Rel n))]
+let subst_varn str n = replace_vars [(str, (Rel n))]
(* (subst_var str t) substitute (VAR str) by (Rel 1) in t *)
let subst_var str = subst_varn str 1
+(* [Rel (n+m);...;Rel(n+1)] *)
-(* renames different ocurrences of (VAR id) in t with a fresh identifier
- wrt. acc *)
-let rename_diff_occ id acc t =
- let rec rename_occ acc = function
- | (VAR(x) as c) ->
- if x <> id then
- acc,c
- else
- let nid = next_ident_away id acc in (nid::acc), (VAR nid)
- | DOPN(oper,cl) ->
- let nacc,ncl = vrename_occ acc cl in nacc,DOPN(oper, ncl)
- | DOPL(oper,cl) ->
- let nacc,ncl = lrename_occ acc cl in nacc, DOPL(oper,ncl)
- | DOP1(oper,c) ->
- let nacc,nc = rename_occ acc c in nacc, DOP1(oper,nc)
- | DOP2(oper,c1,c2) ->
- let nacc,nc1 = rename_occ acc c1 in
- let nacc2,nc2 = rename_occ nacc c2 in
- nacc2, DOP2(oper,nc1,nc2)
- | DLAM(na,c) ->
- let nacc,nc = rename_occ acc c in (nacc, DLAM(na,nc))
- | DLAMV(na,v) ->
- let nacc,nv = vrename_occ acc v in (nacc, DLAMV(na, nv))
- | x -> acc,x
- and lrename_occ acc = function
- | [] -> acc,[]
- | (t::lt) ->
- let nacc,nt = rename_occ acc t in
- let nacc2,nlt = lrename_occ nacc lt
- in nacc2,(nt::nlt)
- and vrename_occ acc v =
- let nacc,nl = lrename_occ acc (Array.to_list v)
- in nacc, Array.of_list nl
- in
- rename_occ acc t
+let rel_vect n m = Array.init m (fun i -> Rel(n+m-i))
+let rel_list n m =
+ let rec reln l p =
+ if p>m then l else reln (Rel(n+p)::l) (p+1)
+ in
+ reln [] 1
-let sAPP c n =
- match c with
- | DLAM(na,m) -> subst1 n m
- | _ -> invalid_arg "SAPP"
+(* Obsolète
let sAPPV c n =
match c with
| DLAMV(na,mV) -> Array.map (subst1 n) mV
@@ -480,22 +338,6 @@ let sAPPList constr cl =
srec [] (constr,cl)
-let sAPPVList constr cl =
- let rec srec stack = function
- | (DLAM(_,c), (h::t)) -> srec (h::stack) (c,t)
- | (DLAMV(_,c), [h]) -> Array.map (substl (h::stack)) c
- | (_, _) -> failwith "SAPPVList"
- in
- srec [] (constr,cl)
-let sAPPViList i constr cl=
- let rec srec stack = function
- | (DLAM(_,c), (h::t)) -> srec (h::stack) (c,t)
- | (DLAMV(_,c), [h]) -> substl (h::stack) c.(i)
- | (_, _) -> failwith "SAPPViList"
- in
- srec [] (constr,cl)
let under_dlams f =
let rec apprec = function
| DLAMV(na,c) -> DLAMV(na,Array.map f c)
@@ -504,19 +346,11 @@ let under_dlams f =
let put_DLAMSV lna lc =
match lna with
| [] -> anomaly "put_DLAM"
| na::lrest -> List.fold_left (fun c na -> DLAM(na,c)) (DLAMV(na,lc)) lrest
-let put_DLAMSV_subst lid lc =
- match lid with
- | [] -> anomaly "put_DLAM"
- | id::lrest ->
- List.fold_left (fun c id' -> DLAM(Name id',subst_var id' c))
- (DLAMV(Name id,Array.map (subst_var id) lc)) lrest
let rec decomp_DLAMV n = function
| DLAM(_,lc) -> decomp_DLAMV (n-1) lc
| DLAMV(_,lc) -> if n = 1 then lc else error "decomp_DLAMV 0"
@@ -537,50 +371,4 @@ let decomp_all_DLAMV_name constr =
| _ -> assert false
decomprec [] constr
-(* [Rel (n+m);...;Rel(n+1)] *)
-let rel_vect n m = Array.init m (fun i -> Rel(n+m-i))
-let rel_list n m =
- let rec reln l p =
- if p>m then l else reln (Rel(n+p)::l) (p+1)
- in
- reln [] 1
-let rec count_dlam = function
- | DLAM (_,c) -> 1 + (count_dlam c)
- | _ -> 0
-(* Hash-consing *)
-let comp_term t1 t2 =
- match (t1,t2) with
- | (DOP0 o1, DOP0 o2) -> o1==o2
- | (DOP1(o1,t1), DOP1(o2,t2)) -> o1==o2 & t1==t2
- | (DOP2(o1,t1,u1), DOP2(o2,t2,u2)) -> o1==o2 & t1==t2 & u1==u2
- | (DOPN(o1,v1), DOPN(o2,v2)) ->
- (o1==o2) & (Array.length v1 = Array.length v2)
- & array_for_all2 (==) v1 v2
- | (DOPL(o1,l1), DOPL(o2,l2)) ->
- (o1==o2) & (List.length l1 = List.length l2)
- & List.for_all2 (==) l1 l2
- | (DLAM(x1,t1), DLAM(x2,t2)) -> x1==x2 & t1==t2
- | (DLAMV(x1,v1), DLAMV(x2,v2)) ->
- (x1==x2) & (Array.length v1 = Array.length v2)
- & array_for_all2 (==) v1 v2
- | (Rel i, Rel j) -> i=j
- | (VAR x, VAR y) -> x==y
- | _ -> false
-let hash_term (sh_rec,(sh_op,sh_na,sh_id)) t =
- match t with
- | DOP0 o -> DOP0 (sh_op o)
- | DOP1(o,t) -> DOP1(sh_op o, sh_rec t)
- | DOP2(o,t1,t2) -> DOP2(sh_op o, sh_rec t1, sh_rec t2)
- | DOPN(o,v) -> DOPN(sh_op o, Array.map sh_rec v)
- | DOPL(o,l) -> DOPL(sh_op o, List.map sh_rec l)
- | DLAM(n,t) -> DLAM(sh_na n, sh_rec t)
- | DLAMV(n,v) -> DLAMV(sh_na n, Array.map sh_rec v)
- | Rel i -> t
- | VAR x -> VAR (sh_id x)