path: root/kernel/clambda.ml
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'kernel/clambda.ml')
1 files changed, 853 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/kernel/clambda.ml b/kernel/clambda.ml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..636ed3510
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kernel/clambda.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,853 @@
+open Util
+open Names
+open Esubst
+open Term
+open Constr
+open Declarations
+open Cbytecodes
+open Cinstr
+open Pre_env
+open Pp
+let pr_con sp = str(Names.Label.to_string (Constant.label sp))
+(** Printing **)
+let pp_names ids =
+ prlist_with_sep (fun _ -> brk(1,1)) Name.print (Array.to_list ids)
+let pp_rel name n =
+ Name.print name ++ str "##" ++ int n
+let pp_sort s =
+ match Sorts.family s with
+ | InSet -> str "Set"
+ | InProp -> str "Prop"
+ | InType -> str "Type"
+let rec pp_lam lam =
+ match lam with
+ | Lrel (id,n) -> pp_rel id n
+ | Lvar id -> Id.print id
+ | Lprod(dom,codom) -> hov 1
+ (str "forall(" ++
+ pp_lam dom ++
+ str "," ++ spc() ++
+ pp_lam codom ++
+ str ")")
+ | Llam(ids,body) -> hov 1
+ (str "(fun " ++
+ pp_names ids ++
+ str " =>" ++
+ spc() ++
+ pp_lam body ++
+ str ")")
+ | Llet(id,def,body) -> hov 0
+ (str "let " ++
+ Name.print id ++
+ str ":=" ++
+ pp_lam def ++
+ str " in" ++
+ spc() ++
+ pp_lam body)
+ | Lapp(f, args) -> hov 1
+ (str "(" ++ pp_lam f ++ spc() ++
+ prlist_with_sep spc pp_lam (Array.to_list args) ++
+ str")")
+ | Lconst (kn,_) -> pr_con kn
+ | Lcase(_ci, _rtbl, t, a, branches) ->
+ let ic = ref (-1) in
+ let ib = ref 0 in
+ v 0 (str"<" ++ pp_lam t ++ str">" ++ cut() ++
+ str "Case" ++ spc () ++ pp_lam a ++ spc() ++ str "of" ++ cut() ++
+ v 0
+ ((prlist_with_sep (fun _ -> str "")
+ (fun c ->
+ cut () ++ str "| " ++
+ int (incr ic; !ic) ++ str " => " ++ pp_lam c)
+ (Array.to_list branches.constant_branches)) ++
+ (prlist_with_sep (fun _ -> str "")
+ (fun (ids,c) ->
+ cut () ++ str "| " ++
+ int (incr ib; !ib) ++ str " " ++
+ pp_names ids ++ str " => " ++ pp_lam c)
+ (Array.to_list branches.nonconstant_branches)))
+ ++ cut() ++ str "end")
+ | Lfix((t,i),(lna,tl,bl)) ->
+ let fixl = Array.mapi (fun i id -> (id,t.(i),tl.(i),bl.(i))) lna in
+ hov 1
+ (str"fix " ++ int i ++ spc() ++ str"{" ++
+ v 0
+ (prlist_with_sep spc
+ (fun (na,i,ty,bd) ->
+ Name.print na ++ str"/" ++ int i ++ str":" ++
+ pp_lam ty ++ cut() ++ str":=" ++
+ pp_lam bd) (Array.to_list fixl)) ++
+ str"}")
+ | Lcofix (i,(lna,tl,bl)) ->
+ let fixl = Array.mapi (fun i na -> (na,tl.(i),bl.(i))) lna in
+ hov 1
+ (str"cofix " ++ int i ++ spc() ++ str"{" ++
+ v 0
+ (prlist_with_sep spc
+ (fun (na,ty,bd) ->
+ Name.print na ++ str":" ++ pp_lam ty ++
+ cut() ++ str":=" ++ pp_lam bd) (Array.to_list fixl)) ++
+ str"}")
+ | Lmakeblock(tag, args) ->
+ hov 1
+ (str "(makeblock " ++ int tag ++ spc() ++
+ prlist_with_sep spc pp_lam (Array.to_list args) ++
+ str")")
+ | Lval _ -> str "values"
+ | Lsort s -> pp_sort s
+ | Lind ((mind,i), _) -> MutInd.print mind ++ str"#" ++ int i
+ | Lprim((kn,_u),ar,op,args) ->
+ hov 1
+ (str "(PRIM " ++ pr_con kn ++ spc() ++
+ prlist_with_sep spc pp_lam (Array.to_list args) ++
+ str")")
+ | Lproj(i,kn,arg) ->
+ hov 1
+ (str "(proj#" ++ int i ++ spc() ++ pr_con kn ++ str "(" ++ pp_lam arg
+ ++ str ")")
+ | Luint _ ->
+ str "(uint)"
+(*s Constructors *)
+let mkLapp f args =
+ if Array.length args = 0 then f
+ else
+ match f with
+ | Lapp(f', args') -> Lapp (f', Array.append args' args)
+ | _ -> Lapp(f, args)
+let mkLlam ids body =
+ if Array.length ids = 0 then body
+ else
+ match body with
+ | Llam(ids', body) -> Llam(Array.append ids ids', body)
+ | _ -> Llam(ids, body)
+let decompose_Llam lam =
+ match lam with
+ | Llam(ids,body) -> ids, body
+ | _ -> [||], lam
+(*s Operators on substitution *)
+let subst_id = subs_id 0
+let lift = subs_lift
+let liftn = subs_liftn
+let cons v subst = subs_cons([|v|], subst)
+let shift subst = subs_shft (1, subst)
+(* A generic map function *)
+let rec map_lam_with_binders g f n lam =
+ match lam with
+ | Lrel _ | Lvar _ | Lconst _ | Lval _ | Lsort _ | Lind _ -> lam
+ | Lprod(dom,codom) ->
+ let dom' = f n dom in
+ let codom' = f n codom in
+ if dom == dom' && codom == codom' then lam else Lprod(dom',codom')
+ | Llam(ids,body) ->
+ let body' = f (g (Array.length ids) n) body in
+ if body == body' then lam else mkLlam ids body'
+ | Llet(id,def,body) ->
+ let def' = f n def in
+ let body' = f (g 1 n) body in
+ if body == body' && def == def' then lam else Llet(id,def',body')
+ | Lapp(fct,args) ->
+ let fct' = f n fct in
+ let args' = Array.smartmap (f n) args in
+ if fct == fct' && args == args' then lam else mkLapp fct' args'
+ | Lcase(ci,rtbl,t,a,branches) ->
+ let const = branches.constant_branches in
+ let nonconst = branches.nonconstant_branches in
+ let t' = f n t in
+ let a' = f n a in
+ let const' = Array.smartmap (f n) const in
+ let on_b b =
+ let (ids,body) = b in
+ let body' = f (g (Array.length ids) n) body in
+ if body == body' then b else (ids,body') in
+ let nonconst' = Array.smartmap on_b nonconst in
+ let branches' =
+ if const == const' && nonconst == nonconst' then
+ branches
+ else
+ { constant_branches = const';
+ nonconstant_branches = nonconst' }
+ in
+ if t == t' && a == a' && branches == branches' then lam else
+ Lcase(ci,rtbl,t',a',branches')
+ | Lfix(init,(ids,ltypes,lbodies)) ->
+ let ltypes' = Array.smartmap (f n) ltypes in
+ let lbodies' = Array.smartmap (f (g (Array.length ids) n)) lbodies in
+ if ltypes == ltypes' && lbodies == lbodies' then lam
+ else Lfix(init,(ids,ltypes',lbodies'))
+ | Lcofix(init,(ids,ltypes,lbodies)) ->
+ let ltypes' = Array.smartmap (f n) ltypes in
+ let lbodies' = Array.smartmap (f (g (Array.length ids) n)) lbodies in
+ if ltypes == ltypes' && lbodies == lbodies' then lam
+ else Lcofix(init,(ids,ltypes',lbodies'))
+ | Lmakeblock(tag,args) ->
+ let args' = Array.smartmap (f n) args in
+ if args == args' then lam else Lmakeblock(tag,args')
+ | Lprim(kn,ar,op,args) ->
+ let args' = Array.smartmap (f n) args in
+ if args == args' then lam else Lprim(kn,ar,op,args')
+ | Lproj(i,kn,arg) ->
+ let arg' = f n arg in
+ if arg == arg' then lam else Lproj(i,kn,arg')
+ | Luint u ->
+ let u' = map_uint g f n u in
+ if u == u' then lam else Luint u'
+and map_uint g f n u =
+ match u with
+ | UintVal _ -> u
+ | UintDigits(args) ->
+ let args' = Array.smartmap (f n) args in
+ if args == args' then u else UintDigits(args')
+ | UintDecomp(a) ->
+ let a' = f n a in
+ if a == a' then u else UintDecomp(a')
+(*s Lift and substitution *)
+let rec lam_exlift el lam =
+ match lam with
+ | Lrel(id,i) ->
+ let i' = reloc_rel i el in
+ if i == i' then lam else Lrel(id,i')
+ | _ -> map_lam_with_binders el_liftn lam_exlift el lam
+let lam_lift k lam =
+ if k = 0 then lam
+ else lam_exlift (el_shft k el_id) lam
+let lam_subst_rel lam id n subst =
+ match expand_rel n subst with
+ | Inl(k,v) -> lam_lift k v
+ | Inr(n',_) ->
+ if n == n' then lam
+ else Lrel(id, n')
+let rec lam_exsubst subst lam =
+ match lam with
+ | Lrel(id,i) -> lam_subst_rel lam id i subst
+ | _ -> map_lam_with_binders liftn lam_exsubst subst lam
+let lam_subst_args subst args =
+ if is_subs_id subst then args
+ else Array.smartmap (lam_exsubst subst) args
+(** Simplification of lambda expression *)
+(* [simplify subst lam] simplify the expression [lam_subst subst lam] *)
+(* that is : *)
+(* - Reduce [let] is the definition can be substituted i.e: *)
+(* - a variable (rel or identifier) *)
+(* - a constant *)
+(* - a structured constant *)
+(* - a function *)
+(* - Transform beta redex into [let] expression *)
+(* - Move arguments under [let] *)
+(* Invariant : Terms in [subst] are already simplified and can be *)
+(* substituted *)
+let can_subst lam =
+ match lam with
+ | Lrel _ | Lvar _ | Lconst _
+ | Lval _ | Lsort _ | Lind _ | Llam _ -> true
+ | _ -> false
+let rec simplify subst lam =
+ match lam with
+ | Lrel(id,i) -> lam_subst_rel lam id i subst
+ | Llet(id,def,body) ->
+ let def' = simplify subst def in
+ if can_subst def' then simplify (cons def' subst) body
+ else
+ let body' = simplify (lift subst) body in
+ if def == def' && body == body' then lam
+ else Llet(id,def',body')
+ | Lapp(f,args) ->
+ begin match simplify_app subst f subst args with
+ | Lapp(f',args') when f == f' && args == args' -> lam
+ | lam' -> lam'
+ end
+ | _ -> map_lam_with_binders liftn simplify subst lam
+and simplify_app substf f substa args =
+ match f with
+ | Lrel(id, i) ->
+ begin match lam_subst_rel f id i substf with
+ | Llam(ids, body) ->
+ reduce_lapp
+ subst_id (Array.to_list ids) body
+ substa (Array.to_list args)
+ | f' -> mkLapp f' (simplify_args substa args)
+ end
+ | Llam(ids, body) ->
+ reduce_lapp substf (Array.to_list ids) body substa (Array.to_list args)
+ | Llet(id, def, body) ->
+ let def' = simplify substf def in
+ if can_subst def' then
+ simplify_app (cons def' substf) body substa args
+ else
+ Llet(id, def', simplify_app (lift substf) body (shift substa) args)
+ | Lapp(f, args') ->
+ let args = Array.append
+ (lam_subst_args substf args') (lam_subst_args substa args) in
+ simplify_app substf f subst_id args
+ | _ -> mkLapp (simplify substf f) (simplify_args substa args)
+and simplify_args subst args = Array.smartmap (simplify subst) args
+and reduce_lapp substf lids body substa largs =
+ match lids, largs with
+ | id::lids, a::largs ->
+ let a = simplify substa a in
+ if can_subst a then
+ reduce_lapp (cons a substf) lids body substa largs
+ else
+ let body = reduce_lapp (lift substf) lids body (shift substa) largs in
+ Llet(id, a, body)
+ | [], [] -> simplify substf body
+ | _::_, _ ->
+ Llam(Array.of_list lids, simplify (liftn (List.length lids) substf) body)
+ | [], _::_ -> simplify_app substf body substa (Array.of_list largs)
+(* [occurrence kind k lam]:
+ If [kind] is [true] return [true] if the variable [k] does not appear in
+ [lam], return [false] if the variable appear one time and not
+ under a lambda, a fixpoint, a cofixpoint; else raise Not_found.
+ If [kind] is [false] return [false] if the variable does not appear in [lam]
+ else raise [Not_found]
+let rec occurrence k kind lam =
+ match lam with
+ | Lrel (_,n) ->
+ if n = k then
+ if kind then false else raise Not_found
+ else kind
+ | Lvar _ | Lconst _ | Lval _ | Lsort _ | Lind _ -> kind
+ | Lprod(dom, codom) ->
+ occurrence k (occurrence k kind dom) codom
+ | Llam(ids,body) ->
+ let _ = occurrence (k+Array.length ids) false body in kind
+ | Llet(_,def,body) ->
+ occurrence (k+1) (occurrence k kind def) body
+ | Lapp(f, args) ->
+ occurrence_args k (occurrence k kind f) args
+ | Lprim(_,_,_,args) | Lmakeblock(_,args) ->
+ occurrence_args k kind args
+ | Lcase(_ci,_rtbl,t,a,branches) ->
+ let kind = occurrence k (occurrence k kind t) a in
+ let r = ref kind in
+ Array.iter (fun c -> r := occurrence k kind c && !r) branches.constant_branches;
+ let on_b (ids,c) =
+ r := occurrence (k+Array.length ids) kind c && !r
+ in
+ Array.iter on_b branches.nonconstant_branches;
+ !r
+ | Lfix(_,(ids,ltypes,lbodies))
+ | Lcofix(_,(ids,ltypes,lbodies)) ->
+ let kind = occurrence_args k kind ltypes in
+ let _ = occurrence_args (k+Array.length ids) false lbodies in
+ kind
+ | Lproj(_,_,arg) ->
+ occurrence k kind arg
+ | Luint u -> occurrence_uint k kind u
+and occurrence_args k kind args =
+ Array.fold_left (occurrence k) kind args
+and occurrence_uint k kind u =
+ match u with
+ | UintVal _ -> kind
+ | UintDigits args -> occurrence_args k kind args
+ | UintDecomp t -> occurrence k kind t
+let occur_once lam =
+ try let _ = occurrence 1 true lam in true
+ with Not_found -> false
+(* [remove_let lam] remove let expression in [lam] if the variable is *)
+(* used at most once time in the body, and does not appear under *)
+(* a lambda or a fix or a cofix *)
+let rec remove_let subst lam =
+ match lam with
+ | Lrel(id,i) -> lam_subst_rel lam id i subst
+ | Llet(id,def,body) ->
+ let def' = remove_let subst def in
+ if occur_once body then remove_let (cons def' subst) body
+ else
+ let body' = remove_let (lift subst) body in
+ if def == def' && body == body' then lam else Llet(id,def',body')
+ | _ -> map_lam_with_binders liftn remove_let subst lam
+(*s Translation from [constr] to [lambda] *)
+(* Translation of constructor *)
+(* Limitation due to OCaml's representation of non-constant
+ constructors: limited to 245 + 1 (0 tag) cases. *)
+exception TooLargeInductive of Pp.t
+let max_nb_const = 0x1000000
+let max_nb_block = 0x1000000 + last_variant_tag - 1
+let str_max_constructors =
+ Format.sprintf
+ " which has more than %i constant constructors or more than %i non-constant constructors" max_nb_const max_nb_block
+let check_compilable ib =
+ if not (ib.mind_nb_args <= max_nb_block && ib.mind_nb_constant <= max_nb_const) then
+ let msg =
+ Pp.(str "Cannot compile code for virtual machine as it uses inductive "
+ ++ Id.print ib.mind_typename ++ str str_max_constructors)
+ in
+ raise (TooLargeInductive msg)
+let is_value lc =
+ match lc with
+ | Lval _ -> true
+ | _ -> false
+let get_value lc =
+ match lc with
+ | Lval v -> v
+ | _ -> raise Not_found
+let mkConst_b0 n = Lval (Cbytecodes.Const_b0 n)
+let make_args start _end =
+ Array.init (start - _end + 1) (fun i -> Lrel (Anonymous, start - i))
+(* Translation of constructors *)
+let expand_constructor tag nparams arity =
+ let ids = Array.make (nparams + arity) Anonymous in
+ if arity = 0 then mkLlam ids (mkConst_b0 tag)
+ else
+ let args = make_args arity 1 in
+ Llam(ids, Lmakeblock (tag, args))
+let makeblock tag nparams arity args =
+ let nargs = Array.length args in
+ if nparams > 0 || nargs < arity then
+ mkLapp (expand_constructor tag nparams arity) args
+ else
+ (* The constructor is fully applied *)
+ if arity = 0 then mkConst_b0 tag
+ else
+ if Array.for_all is_value args then
+ if tag < last_variant_tag then
+ Lval(Cbytecodes.Const_bn(tag, Array.map get_value args))
+ else
+ let args = Array.map get_value args in
+ let args = Array.append [|Cbytecodes.Const_b0 (tag - last_variant_tag) |] args in
+ Lval(Cbytecodes.Const_bn(last_variant_tag, args))
+ else Lmakeblock(tag, args)
+(* Compiling constants *)
+let rec get_alias env kn =
+ let cb = lookup_constant kn env in
+ let tps = cb.const_body_code in
+ match tps with
+ | None -> kn
+ | Some tps ->
+ (match Cemitcodes.force tps with
+ | Cemitcodes.BCalias kn' -> get_alias env kn'
+ | _ -> kn)
+(* Compilation of primitive *)
+let _h = Name(Id.of_string "f")
+let expand_prim kn op arity =
+ let ids = Array.make arity Anonymous in
+ let args = make_args arity 1 in
+ Llam(ids, prim kn op args)
+let compile_prim n op kn fc args =
+ if not fc then raise Not_found
+ else
+ Lprim(kn, n, op, args)
+ (*
+ let (nparams, arity) = CPrimitives.arity op in
+ let expected = nparams + arity in
+ if Array.length args >= expected then prim kn op args
+ else mkLapp (expand_prim kn op expected) args
+(*i Global environment *)
+let get_names decl =
+ let decl = Array.of_list decl in
+ Array.map fst decl
+(* Rel Environment *)
+module Vect =
+ type 'a t = {
+ mutable elems : 'a array;
+ mutable size : int;
+ }
+ let make n a = {
+ elems = Array.make n a;
+ size = 0;
+ }
+ let extend v =
+ if v.size = Array.length v.elems then
+ let new_size = min (2*v.size) Sys.max_array_length in
+ if new_size <= v.size then raise (Invalid_argument "Vect.extend");
+ let new_elems = Array.make new_size v.elems.(0) in
+ Array.blit v.elems 0 new_elems 0 (v.size);
+ v.elems <- new_elems
+ let push v a =
+ extend v;
+ v.elems.(v.size) <- a;
+ v.size <- v.size + 1
+ let popn v n =
+ v.size <- max 0 (v.size - n)
+ let pop v = popn v 1
+ let get_last v n =
+ if v.size <= n then raise
+ (Invalid_argument "Vect.get:index out of bounds");
+ v.elems.(v.size - n - 1)
+let dummy_lambda = Lrel(Anonymous, 0)
+let empty_args = [||]
+module Renv =
+ type constructor_info = tag * int * int (* nparam nrealargs *)
+ type t = {
+ global_env : env;
+ name_rel : Name.t Vect.t;
+ construct_tbl : (constructor, constructor_info) Hashtbl.t;
+ }
+ let make env = {
+ global_env = env;
+ name_rel = Vect.make 16 Anonymous;
+ construct_tbl = Hashtbl.create 111
+ }
+ let push_rel env id = Vect.push env.name_rel id
+ let push_rels env ids =
+ Array.iter (push_rel env) ids
+ let pop env = Vect.pop env.name_rel
+ let popn env n =
+ for _i = 1 to n do pop env done
+ let get env n =
+ Lrel (Vect.get_last env.name_rel (n-1), n)
+ let get_construct_info env c =
+ try Hashtbl.find env.construct_tbl c
+ with Not_found ->
+ let ((mind,j), i) = c in
+ let oib = lookup_mind mind env.global_env in
+ let oip = oib.mind_packets.(j) in
+ check_compilable oip;
+ let tag,arity = oip.mind_reloc_tbl.(i-1) in
+ let nparams = oib.mind_nparams in
+ let r = (tag, nparams, arity) in
+ Hashtbl.add env.construct_tbl c r;
+ r
+open Renv
+let rec lambda_of_constr env c =
+ match Constr.kind c with
+ | Meta _ -> raise (Invalid_argument "Cbytegen.lambda_of_constr: Meta")
+ | Evar _ -> raise (Invalid_argument "Cbytegen.lambda_of_constr : Evar")
+ | Cast (c, _, _) -> lambda_of_constr env c
+ | Rel i -> Renv.get env i
+ | Var id -> Lvar id
+ | Sort s -> Lsort s
+ | Ind ind -> Lind ind
+ | Prod(id, dom, codom) ->
+ let ld = lambda_of_constr env dom in
+ Renv.push_rel env id;
+ let lc = lambda_of_constr env codom in
+ Renv.pop env;
+ Lprod(ld, Llam([|id|], lc))
+ | Lambda _ ->
+ let params, body = decompose_lam c in
+ let ids = get_names (List.rev params) in
+ Renv.push_rels env ids;
+ let lb = lambda_of_constr env body in
+ Renv.popn env (Array.length ids);
+ mkLlam ids lb
+ | LetIn(id, def, _, body) ->
+ let ld = lambda_of_constr env def in
+ Renv.push_rel env id;
+ let lb = lambda_of_constr env body in
+ Renv.pop env;
+ Llet(id, ld, lb)
+ | App(f, args) -> lambda_of_app env f args
+ | Const _ -> lambda_of_app env c empty_args
+ | Construct _ -> lambda_of_app env c empty_args
+ | Case(ci,t,a,branches) ->
+ let ind = ci.ci_ind in
+ let mib = lookup_mind (fst ind) env.global_env in
+ let oib = mib.mind_packets.(snd ind) in
+ let () = check_compilable oib in
+ let rtbl = oib.mind_reloc_tbl in
+ (* translation of the argument *)
+ let la = lambda_of_constr env a in
+ let entry = mkInd ind in
+ let la =
+ try
+ Retroknowledge.get_vm_before_match_info env.global_env.retroknowledge
+ entry la
+ with Not_found -> la
+ in
+ (* translation of the type *)
+ let lt = lambda_of_constr env t in
+ (* translation of branches *)
+ let consts = Array.make oib.mind_nb_constant dummy_lambda in
+ let blocks = Array.make oib.mind_nb_args ([||],dummy_lambda) in
+ for i = 0 to Array.length rtbl - 1 do
+ let tag, arity = rtbl.(i) in
+ let b = lambda_of_constr env branches.(i) in
+ if arity = 0 then consts.(tag) <- b
+ else
+ let b =
+ match b with
+ | Llam(ids, body) when Array.length ids = arity -> (ids, body)
+ | _ ->
+ let ids = Array.make arity Anonymous in
+ let args = make_args arity 1 in
+ let ll = lam_lift arity b in
+ (ids, mkLapp ll args)
+ in blocks.(tag-1) <- b
+ done;
+ let branches =
+ { constant_branches = consts;
+ nonconstant_branches = blocks }
+ in
+ Lcase(ci, rtbl, lt, la, branches)
+ | Fix(rec_init,(names,type_bodies,rec_bodies)) ->
+ let ltypes = lambda_of_args env 0 type_bodies in
+ Renv.push_rels env names;
+ let lbodies = lambda_of_args env 0 rec_bodies in
+ Renv.popn env (Array.length names);
+ Lfix(rec_init, (names, ltypes, lbodies))
+ | CoFix(init,(names,type_bodies,rec_bodies)) ->
+ let ltypes = lambda_of_args env 0 type_bodies in
+ Renv.push_rels env names;
+ let lbodies = lambda_of_args env 0 rec_bodies in
+ Renv.popn env (Array.length names);
+ Lcofix(init, (names, ltypes, lbodies))
+ | Proj (p,c) ->
+ let kn = Projection.constant p in
+ let cb = lookup_constant kn env.global_env in
+ let pb = Option.get cb.const_proj in
+ let n = pb.proj_arg in
+ let lc = lambda_of_constr env c in
+ Lproj (n,kn,lc)
+and lambda_of_app env f args =
+ match Constr.kind f with
+ | Const (kn,u as c) ->
+ let kn = get_alias env.global_env kn in
+ (* spiwack: checks if there is a specific way to compile the constant
+ if there is not, Not_found is raised, and the function
+ falls back on its normal behavior *)
+ (try
+ (* We delay the compilation of arguments to avoid an exponential behavior *)
+ let f = Retroknowledge.get_vm_compiling_info env.global_env.retroknowledge
+ (mkConstU (kn,u)) in
+ let args = lambda_of_args env 0 args in
+ f args
+ with Not_found ->
+ let cb = lookup_constant kn env.global_env in
+ begin match cb.const_body with
+ | Def csubst when cb.const_inline_code ->
+ lambda_of_app env (Mod_subst.force_constr csubst) args
+ | Def _ | OpaqueDef _ | Undef _ -> mkLapp (Lconst c) (lambda_of_args env 0 args)
+ end)
+ | Construct (c,_) ->
+ let tag, nparams, arity = Renv.get_construct_info env c in
+ let nargs = Array.length args in
+ if Int.equal (nparams + arity) nargs then (* fully applied *)
+ (* spiwack: *)
+ (* 1/ tries to compile the constructor in an optimal way,
+ it is supposed to work only if the arguments are
+ all fully constructed, fails with Cbytecodes.NotClosed.
+ it can also raise Not_found when there is no special
+ treatment for this constructor
+ for instance: tries to to compile an integer of the
+ form I31 D1 D2 ... D31 to [D1D2...D31] as
+ a processor number (a caml number actually) *)
+ try
+ try
+ Retroknowledge.get_vm_constant_static_info
+ env.global_env.retroknowledge
+ f args
+ with NotClosed ->
+ (* 2/ if the arguments are not all closed (this is
+ expectingly (and it is currently the case) the only
+ reason why this exception is raised) tries to
+ give a clever, run-time behavior to the constructor.
+ Raises Not_found if there is no special treatment
+ for this integer.
+ this is done in a lazy fashion, using the constructor
+ Bspecial because it needs to know the continuation
+ and such, which can't be done at this time.
+ for instance, for int31: if one of the digit is
+ not closed, it's not impossible that the number
+ gets fully instanciated at run-time, thus to ensure
+ uniqueness of the representation in the vm
+ it is necessary to try and build a caml integer
+ during the execution *)
+ let rargs = Array.sub args nparams arity in
+ let args = lambda_of_args env nparams rargs in
+ Retroknowledge.get_vm_constant_dynamic_info
+ env.global_env.retroknowledge
+ f args
+ with Not_found ->
+ (* 3/ if no special behavior is available, then the compiler
+ falls back to the normal behavior *)
+ let args = lambda_of_args env nparams args in
+ makeblock tag 0 arity args
+ else
+ let args = lambda_of_args env nparams args in
+ (* spiwack: tries first to apply the run-time compilation
+ behavior of the constructor, as in 2/ above *)
+ (try
+ (Retroknowledge.get_vm_constant_dynamic_info
+ env.global_env.retroknowledge
+ f) args
+ with Not_found ->
+ if nparams <= nargs then (* got all parameters *)
+ makeblock tag 0 arity args
+ else (* still expecting some parameters *)
+ makeblock tag (nparams - nargs) arity empty_args)
+ | _ ->
+ let f = lambda_of_constr env f in
+ let args = lambda_of_args env 0 args in
+ mkLapp f args
+and lambda_of_args env start args =
+ let nargs = Array.length args in
+ if start < nargs then
+ Array.init (nargs - start)
+ (fun i -> lambda_of_constr env args.(start + i))
+ else empty_args
+let optimize_lambda lam =
+ let lam = simplify subst_id lam in
+ remove_let subst_id lam
+let lambda_of_constr ~optimize genv c =
+ let env = Renv.make genv in
+ let ids = List.rev_map Context.Rel.Declaration.get_name genv.env_rel_context.env_rel_ctx in
+ Renv.push_rels env (Array.of_list ids);
+ let lam = lambda_of_constr env c in
+ let lam = if optimize then optimize_lambda lam else lam in
+ if !Flags.dump_lambda then
+ Feedback.msg_debug (pp_lam lam);
+ lam
+(** Retroknowledge, to be removed once we move to primitive machine integers *)
+let compile_structured_int31 fc args =
+ if not fc then raise Not_found else
+ Luint (UintVal
+ (Uint31.of_int (Array.fold_left
+ (fun temp_i -> fun t -> match kind t with
+ | Construct ((_,d),_) -> 2*temp_i+d-1
+ | _ -> raise NotClosed)
+ 0 args)))
+let dynamic_int31_compilation fc args =
+ if not fc then raise Not_found else
+ Luint (UintDigits args)
+(* We are relying here on the tags of digits constructors *)
+let digits_from_uint i =
+ let d0 = mkConst_b0 0 in
+ let d1 = mkConst_b0 1 in
+ let digits = Array.make 31 d0 in
+ for k = 0 to 30 do
+ if Int.equal ((Uint31.to_int i lsr k) land 1) 1 then
+ digits.(30-k) <- d1
+ done;
+ digits
+let int31_escape_before_match fc t =
+ if not fc then
+ raise Not_found
+ else
+ match t with
+ | Luint (UintVal i) ->
+ let digits = digits_from_uint i in
+ Lmakeblock (1, digits)
+ | Luint (UintDigits args) ->
+ Lmakeblock (1,args)
+ | Luint (UintDecomp _) ->
+ assert false
+ | _ -> Luint (UintDecomp t)