path: root/kernel/cemitcodes.ml
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'kernel/cemitcodes.ml')
1 files changed, 170 insertions, 170 deletions
diff --git a/kernel/cemitcodes.ml b/kernel/cemitcodes.ml
index f6b9f34ee..fbba47eda 100644
--- a/kernel/cemitcodes.ml
+++ b/kernel/cemitcodes.ml
@@ -57,13 +57,26 @@ let patch buff pl f =
(* Buffering of bytecode *)
-let out_buffer = ref(Bytes.create 1024)
-and out_position = ref 0
+type label_definition =
+ Label_defined of int
+ | Label_undefined of (int * int) list
-let out_word b1 b2 b3 b4 =
- let p = !out_position in
- if p >= Bytes.length !out_buffer then begin
- let len = Bytes.length !out_buffer in
+type env = {
+ mutable out_buffer : Bytes.t;
+ mutable out_position : int;
+ mutable label_table : label_definition array;
+ (* le ieme element de la table = Label_defined n signifie que l'on a
+ deja rencontrer le label i et qu'il est a l'offset n.
+ = Label_undefined l signifie que l'on a
+ pas encore rencontrer ce label, le premier entier indique ou est l'entier
+ a patcher dans la string, le deuxieme son origine *)
+ mutable reloc_info : (reloc_info * int) list;
+let out_word env b1 b2 b3 b4 =
+ let p = env.out_position in
+ if p >= Bytes.length env.out_buffer then begin
+ let len = Bytes.length env.out_buffer in
let new_len =
if len <= Sys.max_string_length / 2
then 2 * len
@@ -72,255 +85,237 @@ let out_word b1 b2 b3 b4 =
then invalid_arg "String.create" (* Pas la bonne exception .... *)
else Sys.max_string_length in
let new_buffer = Bytes.create new_len in
- Bytes.blit !out_buffer 0 new_buffer 0 len;
- out_buffer := new_buffer
+ Bytes.blit env.out_buffer 0 new_buffer 0 len;
+ env.out_buffer <- new_buffer
- patch_char4 !out_buffer p (Char.unsafe_chr b1)
+ patch_char4 env.out_buffer p (Char.unsafe_chr b1)
(Char.unsafe_chr b2) (Char.unsafe_chr b3) (Char.unsafe_chr b4);
- out_position := p + 4
+ env.out_position <- p + 4
-let out opcode =
- out_word opcode 0 0 0
+let out env opcode =
+ out_word env opcode 0 0 0
-let out_int n =
- out_word n (n asr 8) (n asr 16) (n asr 24)
+let out_int env n =
+ out_word env n (n asr 8) (n asr 16) (n asr 24)
(* Handling of local labels and backpatching *)
-type label_definition =
- Label_defined of int
- | Label_undefined of (int * int) list
-let label_table = ref ([| |] : label_definition array)
-(* le ieme element de la table = Label_defined n signifie que l'on a
- deja rencontrer le label i et qu'il est a l'offset n.
- = Label_undefined l signifie que l'on a
- pas encore rencontrer ce label, le premier entier indique ou est l'entier
- a patcher dans la string, le deuxieme son origine *)
-let extend_label_table needed =
- let new_size = ref(Array.length !label_table) in
+let extend_label_table env needed =
+ let new_size = ref(Array.length env.label_table) in
while needed >= !new_size do new_size := 2 * !new_size done;
let new_table = Array.make !new_size (Label_undefined []) in
- Array.blit !label_table 0 new_table 0 (Array.length !label_table);
- label_table := new_table
-let backpatch (pos, orig) =
- let displ = (!out_position - orig) asr 2 in
- Bytes.set !out_buffer pos @@ Char.unsafe_chr displ;
- Bytes.set !out_buffer (pos+1) @@ Char.unsafe_chr (displ asr 8);
- Bytes.set !out_buffer (pos+2) @@ Char.unsafe_chr (displ asr 16);
- Bytes.set !out_buffer (pos+3) @@ Char.unsafe_chr (displ asr 24)
-let define_label lbl =
- if lbl >= Array.length !label_table then extend_label_table lbl;
- match (!label_table).(lbl) with
+ Array.blit env.label_table 0 new_table 0 (Array.length env.label_table);
+ env.label_table <- new_table
+let backpatch env (pos, orig) =
+ let displ = (env.out_position - orig) asr 2 in
+ Bytes.set env.out_buffer pos @@ Char.unsafe_chr displ;
+ Bytes.set env.out_buffer (pos+1) @@ Char.unsafe_chr (displ asr 8);
+ Bytes.set env.out_buffer (pos+2) @@ Char.unsafe_chr (displ asr 16);
+ Bytes.set env.out_buffer (pos+3) @@ Char.unsafe_chr (displ asr 24)
+let define_label env lbl =
+ if lbl >= Array.length env.label_table then extend_label_table env lbl;
+ match (env.label_table).(lbl) with
Label_defined _ ->
raise(Failure "CEmitcode.define_label")
| Label_undefined patchlist ->
- List.iter backpatch patchlist;
- (!label_table).(lbl) <- Label_defined !out_position
+ List.iter (fun p -> backpatch env p) patchlist;
+ (env.label_table).(lbl) <- Label_defined env.out_position
-let out_label_with_orig orig lbl =
- if lbl >= Array.length !label_table then extend_label_table lbl;
- match (!label_table).(lbl) with
+let out_label_with_orig env orig lbl =
+ if lbl >= Array.length env.label_table then extend_label_table env lbl;
+ match (env.label_table).(lbl) with
Label_defined def ->
- out_int((def - orig) asr 2)
+ out_int env ((def - orig) asr 2)
| Label_undefined patchlist ->
(* spiwack: patchlist is supposed to be non-empty all the time
thus I commented that out. If there is no problem I suggest
removing it for next release (cur: 8.1) *)
(*if patchlist = [] then *)
- (!label_table).(lbl) <-
- Label_undefined((!out_position, orig) :: patchlist);
- out_int 0
+ (env.label_table).(lbl) <-
+ Label_undefined((env.out_position, orig) :: patchlist);
+ out_int env 0
-let out_label l = out_label_with_orig !out_position l
+let out_label env l = out_label_with_orig env env.out_position l
(* Relocation information *)
-let reloc_info = ref ([] : (reloc_info * int) list)
+let enter env info =
+ env.reloc_info <- (info, env.out_position) :: env.reloc_info
-let enter info =
- reloc_info := (info, !out_position) :: !reloc_info
+let slot_for_const env c =
+ enter env (Reloc_const c);
+ out_int env 0
-let slot_for_const c =
- enter (Reloc_const c);
- out_int 0
+let slot_for_annot env a =
+ enter env (Reloc_annot a);
+ out_int env 0
-let slot_for_annot a =
- enter (Reloc_annot a);
- out_int 0
-let slot_for_getglobal p =
- enter (Reloc_getglobal p);
- out_int 0
+let slot_for_getglobal env p =
+ enter env (Reloc_getglobal p);
+ out_int env 0
(* Emission of one instruction *)
-let emit_instr = function
- | Klabel lbl -> define_label lbl
+let emit_instr env = function
+ | Klabel lbl -> define_label env lbl
| Kacc n ->
- if n < 8 then out(opACC0 + n) else (out opACC; out_int n)
+ if n < 8 then out env(opACC0 + n) else (out env opACC; out_int env n)
| Kenvacc n ->
if n >= 1 && n <= 4
- then out(opENVACC1 + n - 1)
- else (out opENVACC; out_int n)
+ then out env(opENVACC1 + n - 1)
+ else (out env opENVACC; out_int env n)
| Koffsetclosure ofs ->
if Int.equal ofs (-2) || Int.equal ofs 0 || Int.equal ofs 2
- then out (opOFFSETCLOSURE0 + ofs / 2)
- else (out opOFFSETCLOSURE; out_int ofs)
+ then out env (opOFFSETCLOSURE0 + ofs / 2)
+ else (out env opOFFSETCLOSURE; out_int env ofs)
| Kpush ->
- out opPUSH
+ out env opPUSH
| Kpop n ->
- out opPOP; out_int n
+ out env opPOP; out_int env n
| Kpush_retaddr lbl ->
- out opPUSH_RETADDR; out_label lbl
+ out env opPUSH_RETADDR; out_label env lbl
| Kapply n ->
- if n < 4 then out(opAPPLY1 + n - 1) else (out opAPPLY; out_int n)
+ if n < 4 then out env(opAPPLY1 + n - 1) else (out env opAPPLY; out_int env n)
| Kappterm(n, sz) ->
- if n < 4 then (out(opAPPTERM1 + n - 1); out_int sz)
- else (out opAPPTERM; out_int n; out_int sz)
+ if n < 4 then (out env(opAPPTERM1 + n - 1); out_int env sz)
+ else (out env opAPPTERM; out_int env n; out_int env sz)
| Kreturn n ->
- out opRETURN; out_int n
+ out env opRETURN; out_int env n
| Kjump ->
- out opRETURN; out_int 0
+ out env opRETURN; out_int env 0
| Krestart ->
- out opRESTART
+ out env opRESTART
| Kgrab n ->
- out opGRAB; out_int n
+ out env opGRAB; out_int env n
| Kgrabrec(rec_arg) ->
- out opGRABREC; out_int rec_arg
+ out env opGRABREC; out_int env rec_arg
| Kclosure(lbl, n) ->
- out opCLOSURE; out_int n; out_label lbl
+ out env opCLOSURE; out_int env n; out_label env lbl
| Kclosurerec(nfv,init,lbl_types,lbl_bodies) ->
- out opCLOSUREREC;out_int (Array.length lbl_bodies);
- out_int nfv; out_int init;
- let org = !out_position in
- Array.iter (out_label_with_orig org) lbl_types;
- let org = !out_position in
- Array.iter (out_label_with_orig org) lbl_bodies
+ out env opCLOSUREREC;out_int env (Array.length lbl_bodies);
+ out_int env nfv; out_int env init;
+ let org = env.out_position in
+ Array.iter (out_label_with_orig env org) lbl_types;
+ let org = env.out_position in
+ Array.iter (out_label_with_orig env org) lbl_bodies
| Kclosurecofix(nfv,init,lbl_types,lbl_bodies) ->
- out opCLOSURECOFIX;out_int (Array.length lbl_bodies);
- out_int nfv; out_int init;
- let org = !out_position in
- Array.iter (out_label_with_orig org) lbl_types;
- let org = !out_position in
- Array.iter (out_label_with_orig org) lbl_bodies
+ out env opCLOSURECOFIX;out_int env (Array.length lbl_bodies);
+ out_int env nfv; out_int env init;
+ let org = env.out_position in
+ Array.iter (out_label_with_orig env org) lbl_types;
+ let org = env.out_position in
+ Array.iter (out_label_with_orig env org) lbl_bodies
| Kgetglobal q ->
- out opGETGLOBAL; slot_for_getglobal q
+ out env opGETGLOBAL; slot_for_getglobal env q
| Kconst (Const_b0 i) ->
if i >= 0 && i <= 3
- then out (opCONST0 + i)
- else (out opCONSTINT; out_int i)
+ then out env (opCONST0 + i)
+ else (out env opCONSTINT; out_int env i)
| Kconst c ->
- out opGETGLOBAL; slot_for_const c
+ out env opGETGLOBAL; slot_for_const env c
| Kmakeblock(n, t) ->
if Int.equal n 0 then invalid_arg "emit_instr : block size = 0"
- else if n < 4 then (out(opMAKEBLOCK1 + n - 1); out_int t)
- else (out opMAKEBLOCK; out_int n; out_int t)
+ else if n < 4 then (out env(opMAKEBLOCK1 + n - 1); out_int env t)
+ else (out env opMAKEBLOCK; out_int env n; out_int env t)
| Kmakeprod ->
- out opMAKEPROD
+ out env opMAKEPROD
| Kmakeswitchblock(typlbl,swlbl,annot,sz) ->
- out_label typlbl; out_label swlbl;
- slot_for_annot annot;out_int sz
+ out_label env typlbl; out_label env swlbl;
+ slot_for_annot env annot;out_int env sz
| Kswitch (tbl_const, tbl_block) ->
let lenb = Array.length tbl_block in
let lenc = Array.length tbl_const in
assert (lenb < 0x100 && lenc < 0x1000000);
- out opSWITCH;
- out_word lenc (lenc asr 8) (lenc asr 16) (lenb);
-(* out_int (Array.length tbl_const + (Array.length tbl_block lsl 23)); *)
- let org = !out_position in
- Array.iter (out_label_with_orig org) tbl_const;
- Array.iter (out_label_with_orig org) tbl_block
+ out env opSWITCH;
+ out_word env lenc (lenc asr 8) (lenc asr 16) (lenb);
+(* out_int env (Array.length tbl_const + (Array.length tbl_block lsl 23)); *)
+ let org = env.out_position in
+ Array.iter (out_label_with_orig env org) tbl_const;
+ Array.iter (out_label_with_orig env org) tbl_block
| Kpushfields n ->
- out opPUSHFIELDS;out_int n
+ out env opPUSHFIELDS;out_int env n
| Kfield n ->
- if n <= 1 then out (opGETFIELD0+n)
- else (out opGETFIELD;out_int n)
+ if n <= 1 then out env (opGETFIELD0+n)
+ else (out env opGETFIELD;out_int env n)
| Ksetfield n ->
- if n <= 1 then out (opSETFIELD0+n)
- else (out opSETFIELD;out_int n)
+ if n <= 1 then out env (opSETFIELD0+n)
+ else (out env opSETFIELD;out_int env n)
| Ksequence _ -> invalid_arg "Cemitcodes.emit_instr"
- | Kproj (n,p) -> out opPROJ; out_int n; slot_for_const (Const_proj p)
- | Kensurestackcapacity size -> out opENSURESTACKCAPACITY; out_int size
+ | Kproj (n,p) -> out env opPROJ; out_int env n; slot_for_const env (Const_proj p)
+ | Kensurestackcapacity size -> out env opENSURESTACKCAPACITY; out_int env size
(* spiwack *)
- | Kbranch lbl -> out opBRANCH; out_label lbl
- | Kaddint31 -> out opADDINT31
- | Kaddcint31 -> out opADDCINT31
- | Kaddcarrycint31 -> out opADDCARRYCINT31
- | Ksubint31 -> out opSUBINT31
- | Ksubcint31 -> out opSUBCINT31
- | Ksubcarrycint31 -> out opSUBCARRYCINT31
- | Kmulint31 -> out opMULINT31
- | Kmulcint31 -> out opMULCINT31
- | Kdiv21int31 -> out opDIV21INT31
- | Kdivint31 -> out opDIVINT31
- | Kaddmuldivint31 -> out opADDMULDIVINT31
- | Kcompareint31 -> out opCOMPAREINT31
- | Khead0int31 -> out opHEAD0INT31
- | Ktail0int31 -> out opTAIL0INT31
- | Kisconst lbl -> out opISCONST; out_label lbl
- | Kareconst(n,lbl) -> out opARECONST; out_int n; out_label lbl
- | Kcompint31 -> out opCOMPINT31
- | Kdecompint31 -> out opDECOMPINT31
- | Klorint31 -> out opORINT31
- | Klandint31 -> out opANDINT31
- | Klxorint31 -> out opXORINT31
+ | Kbranch lbl -> out env opBRANCH; out_label env lbl
+ | Kaddint31 -> out env opADDINT31
+ | Kaddcint31 -> out env opADDCINT31
+ | Kaddcarrycint31 -> out env opADDCARRYCINT31
+ | Ksubint31 -> out env opSUBINT31
+ | Ksubcint31 -> out env opSUBCINT31
+ | Ksubcarrycint31 -> out env opSUBCARRYCINT31
+ | Kmulint31 -> out env opMULINT31
+ | Kmulcint31 -> out env opMULCINT31
+ | Kdiv21int31 -> out env opDIV21INT31
+ | Kdivint31 -> out env opDIVINT31
+ | Kaddmuldivint31 -> out env opADDMULDIVINT31
+ | Kcompareint31 -> out env opCOMPAREINT31
+ | Khead0int31 -> out env opHEAD0INT31
+ | Ktail0int31 -> out env opTAIL0INT31
+ | Kisconst lbl -> out env opISCONST; out_label env lbl
+ | Kareconst(n,lbl) -> out env opARECONST; out_int env n; out_label env lbl
+ | Kcompint31 -> out env opCOMPINT31
+ | Kdecompint31 -> out env opDECOMPINT31
+ | Klorint31 -> out env opORINT31
+ | Klandint31 -> out env opANDINT31
+ | Klxorint31 -> out env opXORINT31
(*/spiwack *)
| Kstop ->
- out opSTOP
+ out env opSTOP
(* Emission of a current list and remaining lists of instructions. Include some peephole optimization. *)
-let rec emit insns remaining = match insns with
+let rec emit env insns remaining = match insns with
| [] ->
(match remaining with
[] -> ()
- | (first::rest) -> emit first rest)
+ | (first::rest) -> emit env first rest)
(* Peephole optimizations *)
| Kpush :: Kacc n :: c ->
- if n < 8 then out(opPUSHACC0 + n) else (out opPUSHACC; out_int n);
- emit c remaining
+ if n < 8 then out env(opPUSHACC0 + n) else (out env opPUSHACC; out_int env n);
+ emit env c remaining
| Kpush :: Kenvacc n :: c ->
if n >= 1 && n <= 4
- then out(opPUSHENVACC1 + n - 1)
- else (out opPUSHENVACC; out_int n);
- emit c remaining
+ then out env(opPUSHENVACC1 + n - 1)
+ else (out env opPUSHENVACC; out_int env n);
+ emit env c remaining
| Kpush :: Koffsetclosure ofs :: c ->
if Int.equal ofs (-2) || Int.equal ofs 0 || Int.equal ofs 2
- then out(opPUSHOFFSETCLOSURE0 + ofs / 2)
- else (out opPUSHOFFSETCLOSURE; out_int ofs);
- emit c remaining
+ then out env(opPUSHOFFSETCLOSURE0 + ofs / 2)
+ else (out env opPUSHOFFSETCLOSURE; out_int env ofs);
+ emit env c remaining
| Kpush :: Kgetglobal id :: c ->
- out opPUSHGETGLOBAL; slot_for_getglobal id; emit c remaining
+ out env opPUSHGETGLOBAL; slot_for_getglobal env id; emit env c remaining
| Kpush :: Kconst (Const_b0 i) :: c ->
if i >= 0 && i <= 3
- then out (opPUSHCONST0 + i)
- else (out opPUSHCONSTINT; out_int i);
- emit c remaining
+ then out env (opPUSHCONST0 + i)
+ else (out env opPUSHCONSTINT; out_int env i);
+ emit env c remaining
| Kpush :: Kconst const :: c ->
- out opPUSHGETGLOBAL; slot_for_const const;
- emit c remaining
+ out env opPUSHGETGLOBAL; slot_for_const env const;
+ emit env c remaining
| Kpop n :: Kjump :: c ->
- out opRETURN; out_int n; emit c remaining
+ out env opRETURN; out_int env n; emit env c remaining
| Ksequence(c1,c2)::c ->
- emit c1 (c2::c::remaining)
+ emit env c1 (c2::c::remaining)
(* Default case *)
| instr :: c ->
- emit_instr instr; emit c remaining
+ emit_instr env instr; emit env c remaining
(* Initialization *)
-let init () =
- out_position := 0;
- label_table := Array.make 16 (Label_undefined []);
- reloc_info := []
type to_patch = emitcodes * (patch list) * fv
(* Substitution *)
@@ -378,16 +373,21 @@ let repr_body_code = function
| PBCconstant -> (None, BCconstant)
let to_memory (init_code, fun_code, fv) =
- init();
- emit init_code [];
- emit fun_code [];
+ let env = {
+ out_buffer = Bytes.create 1024;
+ out_position = 0;
+ label_table = Array.make 16 (Label_undefined []);
+ reloc_info = [];
+ } in
+ emit env init_code [];
+ emit env fun_code [];
(** Later uses of this string are all purely functional *)
- let code = Bytes.sub_string !out_buffer 0 !out_position in
+ let code = Bytes.sub_string env.out_buffer 0 env.out_position in
let code = CString.hcons code in
- let reloc = List.rev !reloc_info in
+ let reloc = List.rev env.reloc_info in
Array.iter (fun lbl ->
(match lbl with
Label_defined _ -> assert true
| Label_undefined patchlist ->
- assert (patchlist = []))) !label_table;
+ assert (patchlist = []))) env.label_table;
(code, reloc, fv)