path: root/kernel/cbytecodes.ml
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Diffstat (limited to 'kernel/cbytecodes.ml')
1 files changed, 49 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/kernel/cbytecodes.ml b/kernel/cbytecodes.ml
index 9febc6449..6d91c3ec9 100644
--- a/kernel/cbytecodes.ml
+++ b/kernel/cbytecodes.ml
@@ -45,6 +45,55 @@ type reloc_table = (tag * int) array
type annot_switch =
{ci : case_info; rtbl : reloc_table; tailcall : bool; max_stack_size : int}
+let rec eq_structured_constant c1 c2 = match c1, c2 with
+| Const_sorts s1, Const_sorts s2 -> Sorts.equal s1 s2
+| Const_sorts _, _ -> false
+| Const_ind i1, Const_ind i2 -> eq_ind i1 i2
+| Const_ind _, _ -> false
+| Const_proj p1, Const_proj p2 -> Constant.equal p1 p2
+| Const_proj _, _ -> false
+| Const_b0 t1, Const_b0 t2 -> Int.equal t1 t2
+| Const_b0 _, _ -> false
+| Const_bn (t1, a1), Const_bn (t2, a2) ->
+ Int.equal t1 t2 && CArray.equal eq_structured_constant a1 a2
+| Const_bn _, _ -> false
+| Const_univ_level l1 , Const_univ_level l2 -> Univ.Level.equal l1 l2
+| Const_univ_level _ , _ -> false
+| Const_type u1 , Const_type u2 -> Univ.Universe.equal u1 u2
+| Const_type _ , _ -> false
+let rec hash_structured_constant c =
+ let open Hashset.Combine in
+ match c with
+ | Const_sorts s -> combinesmall 1 (Sorts.hash s)
+ | Const_ind i -> combinesmall 2 (ind_hash i)
+ | Const_proj p -> combinesmall 3 (Constant.hash p)
+ | Const_b0 t -> combinesmall 4 (Int.hash t)
+ | Const_bn (t, a) ->
+ let fold h c = combine h (hash_structured_constant c) in
+ let h = Array.fold_left fold 0 a in
+ combinesmall 5 (combine (Int.hash t) h)
+ | Const_univ_level l -> combinesmall 6 (Univ.Level.hash l)
+ | Const_type u -> combinesmall 7 (Univ.Universe.hash u)
+let eq_annot_switch asw1 asw2 =
+ let eq_ci ci1 ci2 =
+ eq_ind ci1.ci_ind ci2.ci_ind &&
+ Int.equal ci1.ci_npar ci2.ci_npar &&
+ CArray.equal Int.equal ci1.ci_cstr_ndecls ci2.ci_cstr_ndecls
+ in
+ let eq_rlc (i1, j1) (i2, j2) = Int.equal i1 i2 && Int.equal j1 j2 in
+ eq_ci asw1.ci asw2.ci &&
+ CArray.equal eq_rlc asw1.rtbl asw2.rtbl &&
+ (asw1.tailcall : bool) == asw2.tailcall
+let hash_annot_switch asw =
+ let open Hashset.Combine in
+ let h1 = Constr.case_info_hash asw.ci in
+ let h2 = Array.fold_left (fun h (t, i) -> combine3 h t i) 0 asw.rtbl in
+ let h3 = if asw.tailcall then 1 else 0 in
+ combine3 h1 h2 h3
module Label =
type t = int