path: root/kernel/cbytecodes.ml
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Diffstat (limited to 'kernel/cbytecodes.ml')
1 files changed, 4 insertions, 9 deletions
diff --git a/kernel/cbytecodes.ml b/kernel/cbytecodes.ml
index 5ed9b6c67..521f540d2 100644
--- a/kernel/cbytecodes.ml
+++ b/kernel/cbytecodes.ml
@@ -36,7 +36,6 @@ let last_variant_tag = 245
type structured_constant =
| Const_sort of Sorts.t
| Const_ind of inductive
- | Const_proj of Constant.t
| Const_b0 of tag
| Const_bn of tag * structured_constant array
| Const_univ_level of Univ.Level.t
@@ -51,8 +50,6 @@ let rec eq_structured_constant c1 c2 = match c1, c2 with
| Const_sort _, _ -> false
| Const_ind i1, Const_ind i2 -> eq_ind i1 i2
| Const_ind _, _ -> false
-| Const_proj p1, Const_proj p2 -> Constant.equal p1 p2
-| Const_proj _, _ -> false
| Const_b0 t1, Const_b0 t2 -> Int.equal t1 t2
| Const_b0 _, _ -> false
| Const_bn (t1, a1), Const_bn (t2, a2) ->
@@ -66,13 +63,12 @@ let rec hash_structured_constant c =
match c with
| Const_sort s -> combinesmall 1 (Sorts.hash s)
| Const_ind i -> combinesmall 2 (ind_hash i)
- | Const_proj p -> combinesmall 3 (Constant.hash p)
- | Const_b0 t -> combinesmall 4 (Int.hash t)
+ | Const_b0 t -> combinesmall 3 (Int.hash t)
| Const_bn (t, a) ->
let fold h c = combine h (hash_structured_constant c) in
let h = Array.fold_left fold 0 a in
- combinesmall 5 (combine (Int.hash t) h)
- | Const_univ_level l -> combinesmall 6 (Univ.Level.hash l)
+ combinesmall 4 (combine (Int.hash t) h)
+ | Const_univ_level l -> combinesmall 5 (Univ.Level.hash l)
let eq_annot_switch asw1 asw2 =
let eq_ci ci1 ci2 =
@@ -246,7 +242,6 @@ let pp_sort s =
let rec pp_struct_const = function
| Const_sort s -> pp_sort s
| Const_ind (mind, i) -> MutInd.print mind ++ str"#" ++ int i
- | Const_proj p -> Constant.print p
| Const_b0 i -> int i
| Const_bn (i,t) ->
int i ++ surround (prvect_with_sep pr_comma pp_struct_const t)
@@ -309,7 +304,7 @@ let rec pp_instr i =
prlist_with_sep spc pp_lbl (Array.to_list lblb))
| Kpushfields n -> str "pushfields " ++ int n
| Kfield n -> str "field " ++ int n
- | Ksetfield n -> str "set field" ++ int n
+ | Ksetfield n -> str "setfield " ++ int n
| Kstop -> str "stop"