path: root/kernel/cClosure.ml
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Diffstat (limited to 'kernel/cClosure.ml')
1 files changed, 1071 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/kernel/cClosure.ml b/kernel/cClosure.ml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d475f097c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kernel/cClosure.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,1071 @@
+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * INRIA - CNRS - LIX - LRI - PPS - Copyright 1999-2016 *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+(* Created by Bruno Barras with Benjamin Werner's account to implement
+ a call-by-value conversion algorithm and a lazy reduction machine
+ with sharing, Nov 1996 *)
+(* Addition of zeta-reduction (let-in contraction) by Hugo Herbelin, Oct 2000 *)
+(* Call-by-value machine moved to cbv.ml, Mar 01 *)
+(* Additional tools for module subtyping by Jacek Chrzaszcz, Aug 2002 *)
+(* Extension with closure optimization by Bruno Barras, Aug 2003 *)
+(* Support for evar reduction by Bruno Barras, Feb 2009 *)
+(* Miscellaneous other improvements by Bruno Barras, 1997-2009 *)
+(* This file implements a lazy reduction for the Calculus of Inductive
+ Constructions *)
+open CErrors
+open Util
+open Pp
+open Names
+open Term
+open Vars
+open Environ
+open Esubst
+let stats = ref false
+let share = ref true
+(* Profiling *)
+let beta = ref 0
+let delta = ref 0
+let eta = ref 0
+let zeta = ref 0
+let evar = ref 0
+let nb_match = ref 0
+let fix = ref 0
+let cofix = ref 0
+let prune = ref 0
+let reset () =
+ beta := 0; delta := 0; zeta := 0; evar := 0; nb_match := 0; fix := 0;
+ cofix := 0; evar := 0; prune := 0
+let stop() =
+ Feedback.msg_debug (str "[Reds: beta=" ++ int !beta ++ str" delta=" ++ int !delta ++
+ str " eta=" ++ int !eta ++ str" zeta=" ++ int !zeta ++ str" evar=" ++
+ int !evar ++ str" match=" ++ int !nb_match ++ str" fix=" ++ int !fix ++
+ str " cofix=" ++ int !cofix ++ str" prune=" ++ int !prune ++
+ str"]")
+let incr_cnt red cnt =
+ if red then begin
+ if !stats then incr cnt;
+ true
+ end else
+ false
+let with_stats c =
+ if !stats then begin
+ reset();
+ let r = Lazy.force c in
+ stop();
+ r
+ end else
+ Lazy.force c
+let all_opaque = (Id.Pred.empty, Cpred.empty)
+let all_transparent = (Id.Pred.full, Cpred.full)
+let is_transparent_variable (ids, _) id = Id.Pred.mem id ids
+let is_transparent_constant (_, csts) cst = Cpred.mem cst csts
+module type RedFlagsSig = sig
+ type reds
+ type red_kind
+ val fBETA : red_kind
+ val fDELTA : red_kind
+ val fETA : red_kind
+ val fMATCH : red_kind
+ val fFIX : red_kind
+ val fCOFIX : red_kind
+ val fZETA : red_kind
+ val fCONST : constant -> red_kind
+ val fVAR : Id.t -> red_kind
+ val no_red : reds
+ val red_add : reds -> red_kind -> reds
+ val red_sub : reds -> red_kind -> reds
+ val red_add_transparent : reds -> transparent_state -> reds
+ val mkflags : red_kind list -> reds
+ val red_set : reds -> red_kind -> bool
+ val red_projection : reds -> projection -> bool
+module RedFlags = (struct
+ (* [r_const=(true,cl)] means all constants but those in [cl] *)
+ (* [r_const=(false,cl)] means only those in [cl] *)
+ (* [r_delta=true] just mean [r_const=(true,[])] *)
+ type reds = {
+ r_beta : bool;
+ r_delta : bool;
+ r_eta : bool;
+ r_const : transparent_state;
+ r_zeta : bool;
+ r_match : bool;
+ r_fix : bool;
+ r_cofix : bool }
+ type red_kind = BETA | DELTA | ETA | MATCH | FIX
+ | CONST of constant | VAR of Id.t
+ let fBETA = BETA
+ let fDELTA = DELTA
+ let fETA = ETA
+ let fMATCH = MATCH
+ let fFIX = FIX
+ let fCOFIX = COFIX
+ let fZETA = ZETA
+ let fCONST kn = CONST kn
+ let fVAR id = VAR id
+ let no_red = {
+ r_beta = false;
+ r_delta = false;
+ r_eta = false;
+ r_const = all_opaque;
+ r_zeta = false;
+ r_match = false;
+ r_fix = false;
+ r_cofix = false }
+ let red_add red = function
+ | BETA -> { red with r_beta = true }
+ | ETA -> { red with r_eta = true }
+ | DELTA -> { red with r_delta = true; r_const = all_transparent }
+ | CONST kn ->
+ let (l1,l2) = red.r_const in
+ { red with r_const = l1, Cpred.add kn l2 }
+ | MATCH -> { red with r_match = true }
+ | FIX -> { red with r_fix = true }
+ | COFIX -> { red with r_cofix = true }
+ | ZETA -> { red with r_zeta = true }
+ | VAR id ->
+ let (l1,l2) = red.r_const in
+ { red with r_const = Id.Pred.add id l1, l2 }
+ let red_sub red = function
+ | BETA -> { red with r_beta = false }
+ | ETA -> { red with r_eta = false }
+ | DELTA -> { red with r_delta = false }
+ | CONST kn ->
+ let (l1,l2) = red.r_const in
+ { red with r_const = l1, Cpred.remove kn l2 }
+ | MATCH -> { red with r_match = false }
+ | FIX -> { red with r_fix = false }
+ | COFIX -> { red with r_cofix = false }
+ | ZETA -> { red with r_zeta = false }
+ | VAR id ->
+ let (l1,l2) = red.r_const in
+ { red with r_const = Id.Pred.remove id l1, l2 }
+ let red_add_transparent red tr =
+ { red with r_const = tr }
+ let mkflags = List.fold_left red_add no_red
+ let red_set red = function
+ | BETA -> incr_cnt red.r_beta beta
+ | ETA -> incr_cnt red.r_eta eta
+ | CONST kn ->
+ let (_,l) = red.r_const in
+ let c = Cpred.mem kn l in
+ incr_cnt c delta
+ | VAR id -> (* En attendant d'avoir des kn pour les Var *)
+ let (l,_) = red.r_const in
+ let c = Id.Pred.mem id l in
+ incr_cnt c delta
+ | ZETA -> incr_cnt red.r_zeta zeta
+ | MATCH -> incr_cnt red.r_match nb_match
+ | FIX -> incr_cnt red.r_fix fix
+ | COFIX -> incr_cnt red.r_cofix cofix
+ | DELTA -> (* Used for Rel/Var defined in context *)
+ incr_cnt red.r_delta delta
+ let red_projection red p =
+ if Projection.unfolded p then true
+ else red_set red (fCONST (Projection.constant p))
+end : RedFlagsSig)
+open RedFlags
+let all = mkflags [fBETA;fDELTA;fZETA;fMATCH;fFIX;fCOFIX]
+let allnolet = mkflags [fBETA;fDELTA;fMATCH;fFIX;fCOFIX]
+let beta = mkflags [fBETA]
+let betadeltazeta = mkflags [fBETA;fDELTA;fZETA]
+let betaiota = mkflags [fBETA;fMATCH;fFIX;fCOFIX]
+let betaiotazeta = mkflags [fBETA;fMATCH;fFIX;fCOFIX;fZETA]
+let betazeta = mkflags [fBETA;fZETA]
+let delta = mkflags [fDELTA]
+let zeta = mkflags [fZETA]
+let nored = no_red
+(* Removing fZETA for finer behaviour would break many developments *)
+let unfold_side_flags = [fBETA;fMATCH;fFIX;fCOFIX;fZETA]
+let unfold_side_red = mkflags [fBETA;fMATCH;fFIX;fCOFIX;fZETA]
+let unfold_red kn =
+ let flag = match kn with
+ | EvalVarRef id -> fVAR id
+ | EvalConstRef kn -> fCONST kn in
+ mkflags (flag::unfold_side_flags)
+(* Flags of reduction and cache of constants: 'a is a type that may be
+ * mapped to constr. 'a infos implements a cache for constants and
+ * abstractions, storing a representation (of type 'a) of the body of
+ * this constant or abstraction.
+ * * i_tab is the cache table of the results
+ * * i_repr is the function to get the representation from the current
+ * state of the cache and the body of the constant. The result
+ * is stored in the table.
+ * * i_rels is the array of free rel variables together with their optional
+ * body
+ *
+ * ref_value_cache searchs in the tab, otherwise uses i_repr to
+ * compute the result and store it in the table. If the constant can't
+ * be unfolded, returns None, but does not store this failure. * This
+ * doesn't take the RESET into account. You mustn't keep such a table
+ * after a Reset. * This type is not exported. Only its two
+ * instantiations (cbv or lazy) are.
+ *)
+type table_key = constant puniverses tableKey
+let eq_pconstant_key (c,u) (c',u') =
+ eq_constant_key c c' && Univ.Instance.equal u u'
+module IdKeyHash =
+ open Hashset.Combine
+ type t = table_key
+ let equal = Names.eq_table_key eq_pconstant_key
+ let hash = function
+ | ConstKey (c, _) -> combinesmall 1 (Constant.UserOrd.hash c)
+ | VarKey id -> combinesmall 2 (Id.hash id)
+ | RelKey i -> combinesmall 3 (Int.hash i)
+module KeyTable = Hashtbl.Make(IdKeyHash)
+let eq_table_key = IdKeyHash.equal
+type 'a infos_cache = {
+ i_repr : 'a infos -> constr -> 'a;
+ i_env : env;
+ i_sigma : existential -> constr option;
+ i_rels : constr option array;
+ i_tab : 'a KeyTable.t }
+and 'a infos = {
+ i_flags : reds;
+ i_cache : 'a infos_cache }
+let info_flags info = info.i_flags
+let info_env info = info.i_cache.i_env
+open Context.Named.Declaration
+let rec assoc_defined id = function
+| [] -> raise Not_found
+| LocalAssum _ :: ctxt -> assoc_defined id ctxt
+| LocalDef (id', c, _) :: ctxt ->
+ if Id.equal id id' then c else assoc_defined id ctxt
+let ref_value_cache ({i_cache = cache} as infos) ref =
+ try
+ Some (KeyTable.find cache.i_tab ref)
+ with Not_found ->
+ try
+ let body =
+ match ref with
+ | RelKey n ->
+ let len = Array.length cache.i_rels in
+ let i = n - 1 in
+ let () = if i < 0 || len <= i then raise Not_found in
+ begin match Array.unsafe_get cache.i_rels i with
+ | None -> raise Not_found
+ | Some t -> lift n t
+ end
+ | VarKey id -> assoc_defined id (named_context cache.i_env)
+ | ConstKey cst -> constant_value_in cache.i_env cst
+ in
+ let v = cache.i_repr infos body in
+ KeyTable.add cache.i_tab ref v;
+ Some v
+ with
+ | Not_found (* List.assoc *)
+ | NotEvaluableConst _ (* Const *)
+ -> None
+let evar_value cache ev =
+ cache.i_sigma ev
+let defined_rels flags env =
+(* if red_local_const (snd flags) then*)
+ let ctx = rel_context env in
+ let len = List.length ctx in
+ let ans = Array.make len None in
+ let open Context.Rel.Declaration in
+ let iter i = function
+ | LocalAssum _ -> ()
+ | LocalDef (_,b,_) -> Array.unsafe_set ans i (Some b)
+ in
+ let () = List.iteri iter ctx in
+ ans
+(* else (0,[])*)
+let create mk_cl flgs env evars =
+ let cache =
+ { i_repr = mk_cl;
+ i_env = env;
+ i_sigma = evars;
+ i_rels = defined_rels flgs env;
+ i_tab = KeyTable.create 17 }
+ in { i_flags = flgs; i_cache = cache }
+(* Lazy reduction: the one used in kernel operations *)
+(* type of shared terms. fconstr and frterm are mutually recursive.
+ * Clone of the constr structure, but completely mutable, and
+ * annotated with reduction state (reducible or not).
+ * - FLIFT is a delayed shift; allows sharing between 2 lifted copies
+ * of a given term.
+ * - FCLOS is a delayed substitution applied to a constr
+ * - FLOCKED is used to erase the content of a reference that must
+ * be updated. This is to allow the garbage collector to work
+ * before the term is computed.
+ *)
+(* Norm means the term is fully normalized and cannot create a redex
+ when substituted
+ Cstr means the term is in head normal form and that it can
+ create a redex when substituted (i.e. constructor, fix, lambda)
+ Whnf means we reached the head normal form and that it cannot
+ create a redex when substituted
+ Red is used for terms that might be reduced
+type red_state = Norm | Cstr | Whnf | Red
+let neutr = function
+ | (Whnf|Norm) -> Whnf
+ | (Red|Cstr) -> Red
+type fconstr = {
+ mutable norm: red_state;
+ mutable term: fterm }
+and fterm =
+ | FRel of int
+ | FAtom of constr (* Metas and Sorts *)
+ | FCast of fconstr * cast_kind * fconstr
+ | FFlex of table_key
+ | FInd of pinductive
+ | FConstruct of pconstructor
+ | FApp of fconstr * fconstr array
+ | FProj of projection * fconstr
+ | FFix of fixpoint * fconstr subs
+ | FCoFix of cofixpoint * fconstr subs
+ | FCaseT of case_info * constr * fconstr * constr array * fconstr subs (* predicate and branches are closures *)
+ | FLambda of int * (Name.t * constr) list * constr * fconstr subs
+ | FProd of Name.t * fconstr * fconstr
+ | FLetIn of Name.t * fconstr * fconstr * constr * fconstr subs
+ | FEvar of existential * fconstr subs
+ | FLIFT of int * fconstr
+ | FCLOS of constr * fconstr subs
+let fterm_of v = v.term
+let set_norm v = v.norm <- Norm
+let is_val v = match v.norm with Norm -> true | _ -> false
+let mk_atom c = {norm=Norm;term=FAtom c}
+let mk_red f = {norm=Red;term=f}
+(* Could issue a warning if no is still Red, pointing out that we loose
+ sharing. *)
+let update v1 no t =
+ if !share then
+ (v1.norm <- no;
+ v1.term <- t;
+ v1)
+ else {norm=no;term=t}
+(* The type of (machine) stacks (= lambda-bar-calculus' contexts) *)
+type stack_member =
+ | Zapp of fconstr array
+ | ZcaseT of case_info * constr * constr array * fconstr subs
+ | Zproj of int * int * constant
+ | Zfix of fconstr * stack
+ | Zshift of int
+ | Zupdate of fconstr
+and stack = stack_member list
+let empty_stack = []
+let append_stack v s =
+ if Int.equal (Array.length v) 0 then s else
+ match s with
+ | Zapp l :: s -> Zapp (Array.append v l) :: s
+ | _ -> Zapp v :: s
+(* Collapse the shifts in the stack *)
+let zshift n s =
+ match (n,s) with
+ (0,_) -> s
+ | (_,Zshift(k)::s) -> Zshift(n+k)::s
+ | _ -> Zshift(n)::s
+let rec stack_args_size = function
+ | Zapp v :: s -> Array.length v + stack_args_size s
+ | Zshift(_)::s -> stack_args_size s
+ | Zupdate(_)::s -> stack_args_size s
+ | _ -> 0
+(* When used as an argument stack (only Zapp can appear) *)
+let rec decomp_stack = function
+ | Zapp v :: s ->
+ (match Array.length v with
+ 0 -> decomp_stack s
+ | 1 -> Some (v.(0), s)
+ | _ ->
+ Some (v.(0), (Zapp (Array.sub v 1 (Array.length v - 1)) :: s)))
+ | _ -> None
+let array_of_stack s =
+ let rec stackrec = function
+ | [] -> []
+ | Zapp args :: s -> args :: (stackrec s)
+ | _ -> assert false
+ in Array.concat (stackrec s)
+let rec stack_assign s p c = match s with
+ | Zapp args :: s ->
+ let q = Array.length args in
+ if p >= q then
+ Zapp args :: stack_assign s (p-q) c
+ else
+ (let nargs = Array.copy args in
+ nargs.(p) <- c;
+ Zapp nargs :: s)
+ | _ -> s
+let rec stack_tail p s =
+ if Int.equal p 0 then s else
+ match s with
+ | Zapp args :: s ->
+ let q = Array.length args in
+ if p >= q then stack_tail (p-q) s
+ else Zapp (Array.sub args p (q-p)) :: s
+ | _ -> failwith "stack_tail"
+let rec stack_nth s p = match s with
+ | Zapp args :: s ->
+ let q = Array.length args in
+ if p >= q then stack_nth s (p-q)
+ else args.(p)
+ | _ -> raise Not_found
+(* Lifting. Preserves sharing (useful only for cell with norm=Red).
+ lft_fconstr always create a new cell, while lift_fconstr avoids it
+ when the lift is 0. *)
+let rec lft_fconstr n ft =
+ match ft.term with
+ | (FInd _|FConstruct _|FFlex(ConstKey _|VarKey _)) -> ft
+ | FRel i -> {norm=Norm;term=FRel(i+n)}
+ | FLambda(k,tys,f,e) -> {norm=Cstr; term=FLambda(k,tys,f,subs_shft(n,e))}
+ | FFix(fx,e) -> {norm=Cstr; term=FFix(fx,subs_shft(n,e))}
+ | FCoFix(cfx,e) -> {norm=Cstr; term=FCoFix(cfx,subs_shft(n,e))}
+ | FLIFT(k,m) -> lft_fconstr (n+k) m
+ | FLOCKED -> assert false
+ | _ -> {norm=ft.norm; term=FLIFT(n,ft)}
+let lift_fconstr k f =
+ if Int.equal k 0 then f else lft_fconstr k f
+let lift_fconstr_vect k v =
+ if Int.equal k 0 then v else CArray.Fun1.map lft_fconstr k v
+let clos_rel e i =
+ match expand_rel i e with
+ | Inl(n,mt) -> lift_fconstr n mt
+ | Inr(k,None) -> {norm=Norm; term= FRel k}
+ | Inr(k,Some p) ->
+ lift_fconstr (k-p) {norm=Red;term=FFlex(RelKey p)}
+(* since the head may be reducible, we might introduce lifts of 0 *)
+let compact_stack head stk =
+ let rec strip_rec depth = function
+ | Zshift(k)::s -> strip_rec (depth+k) s
+ | Zupdate(m)::s ->
+ (* Be sure to create a new cell otherwise sharing would be
+ lost by the update operation *)
+ let h' = lft_fconstr depth head in
+ let _ = update m h'.norm h'.term in
+ strip_rec depth s
+ | stk -> zshift depth stk in
+ strip_rec 0 stk
+(* Put an update mark in the stack, only if needed *)
+let zupdate m s =
+ if !share && begin match m.norm with Red -> true | _ -> false end
+ then
+ let s' = compact_stack m s in
+ let _ = m.term <- FLOCKED in
+ Zupdate(m)::s'
+ else s
+let mk_lambda env t =
+ let (rvars,t') = decompose_lam t in
+ FLambda(List.length rvars, List.rev rvars, t', env)
+let destFLambda clos_fun t =
+ match t.term with
+ FLambda(_,[(na,ty)],b,e) -> (na,clos_fun e ty,clos_fun (subs_lift e) b)
+ | FLambda(n,(na,ty)::tys,b,e) ->
+ (na,clos_fun e ty,{norm=Cstr;term=FLambda(n-1,tys,b,subs_lift e)})
+ | _ -> assert false
+ (* t must be a FLambda and binding list cannot be empty *)
+(* Optimization: do not enclose variables in a closure.
+ Makes variable access much faster *)
+let mk_clos e t =
+ match kind_of_term t with
+ | Rel i -> clos_rel e i
+ | Var x -> { norm = Red; term = FFlex (VarKey x) }
+ | Const c -> { norm = Red; term = FFlex (ConstKey c) }
+ | Meta _ | Sort _ -> { norm = Norm; term = FAtom t }
+ | Ind kn -> { norm = Norm; term = FInd kn }
+ | Construct kn -> { norm = Cstr; term = FConstruct kn }
+ | (CoFix _|Lambda _|Fix _|Prod _|Evar _|App _|Case _|Cast _|LetIn _|Proj _) ->
+ {norm = Red; term = FCLOS(t,e)}
+let mk_clos_vect env v = CArray.Fun1.map mk_clos env v
+(* Translate the head constructor of t from constr to fconstr. This
+ function is parameterized by the function to apply on the direct
+ subterms.
+ Could be used insted of mk_clos. *)
+let mk_clos_deep clos_fun env t =
+ match kind_of_term t with
+ | (Rel _|Ind _|Const _|Construct _|Var _|Meta _ | Sort _) ->
+ mk_clos env t
+ | Cast (a,k,b) ->
+ { norm = Red;
+ term = FCast (clos_fun env a, k, clos_fun env b)}
+ | App (f,v) ->
+ { norm = Red;
+ term = FApp (clos_fun env f, CArray.Fun1.map clos_fun env v) }
+ | Proj (p,c) ->
+ { norm = Red;
+ term = FProj (p, clos_fun env c) }
+ | Case (ci,p,c,v) ->
+ { norm = Red;
+ term = FCaseT (ci, p, clos_fun env c, v, env) }
+ | Fix fx ->
+ { norm = Cstr; term = FFix (fx, env) }
+ | CoFix cfx ->
+ { norm = Cstr; term = FCoFix(cfx,env) }
+ | Lambda _ ->
+ { norm = Cstr; term = mk_lambda env t }
+ | Prod (n,t,c) ->
+ { norm = Whnf;
+ term = FProd (n, clos_fun env t, clos_fun (subs_lift env) c) }
+ | LetIn (n,b,t,c) ->
+ { norm = Red;
+ term = FLetIn (n, clos_fun env b, clos_fun env t, c, env) }
+ | Evar ev ->
+ { norm = Red; term = FEvar(ev,env) }
+(* A better mk_clos? *)
+let mk_clos2 = mk_clos_deep mk_clos
+(* The inverse of mk_clos_deep: move back to constr *)
+let rec to_constr constr_fun lfts v =
+ match v.term with
+ | FRel i -> mkRel (reloc_rel i lfts)
+ | FFlex (RelKey p) -> mkRel (reloc_rel p lfts)
+ | FFlex (VarKey x) -> mkVar x
+ | FAtom c -> exliftn lfts c
+ | FCast (a,k,b) ->
+ mkCast (constr_fun lfts a, k, constr_fun lfts b)
+ | FFlex (ConstKey op) -> mkConstU op
+ | FInd op -> mkIndU op
+ | FConstruct op -> mkConstructU op
+ | FCaseT (ci,p,c,ve,env) ->
+ mkCase (ci, constr_fun lfts (mk_clos env p),
+ constr_fun lfts c,
+ Array.map (fun b -> constr_fun lfts (mk_clos env b)) ve)
+ | FFix ((op,(lna,tys,bds)),e) ->
+ let n = Array.length bds in
+ let ftys = CArray.Fun1.map mk_clos e tys in
+ let fbds = CArray.Fun1.map mk_clos (subs_liftn n e) bds in
+ let lfts' = el_liftn n lfts in
+ mkFix (op, (lna, CArray.Fun1.map constr_fun lfts ftys,
+ CArray.Fun1.map constr_fun lfts' fbds))
+ | FCoFix ((op,(lna,tys,bds)),e) ->
+ let n = Array.length bds in
+ let ftys = CArray.Fun1.map mk_clos e tys in
+ let fbds = CArray.Fun1.map mk_clos (subs_liftn n e) bds in
+ let lfts' = el_liftn (Array.length bds) lfts in
+ mkCoFix (op, (lna, CArray.Fun1.map constr_fun lfts ftys,
+ CArray.Fun1.map constr_fun lfts' fbds))
+ | FApp (f,ve) ->
+ mkApp (constr_fun lfts f,
+ CArray.Fun1.map constr_fun lfts ve)
+ | FProj (p,c) ->
+ mkProj (p,constr_fun lfts c)
+ | FLambda _ ->
+ let (na,ty,bd) = destFLambda mk_clos2 v in
+ mkLambda (na, constr_fun lfts ty,
+ constr_fun (el_lift lfts) bd)
+ | FProd (n,t,c) ->
+ mkProd (n, constr_fun lfts t,
+ constr_fun (el_lift lfts) c)
+ | FLetIn (n,b,t,f,e) ->
+ let fc = mk_clos2 (subs_lift e) f in
+ mkLetIn (n, constr_fun lfts b,
+ constr_fun lfts t,
+ constr_fun (el_lift lfts) fc)
+ | FEvar ((ev,args),env) ->
+ mkEvar(ev,Array.map (fun a -> constr_fun lfts (mk_clos2 env a)) args)
+ | FLIFT (k,a) -> to_constr constr_fun (el_shft k lfts) a
+ | FCLOS (t,env) ->
+ let fr = mk_clos2 env t in
+ let unfv = update v fr.norm fr.term in
+ to_constr constr_fun lfts unfv
+ | FLOCKED -> assert false (*mkVar(Id.of_string"_LOCK_")*)
+(* This function defines the correspondance between constr and
+ fconstr. When we find a closure whose substitution is the identity,
+ then we directly return the constr to avoid possibly huge
+ reallocation. *)
+let term_of_fconstr =
+ let rec term_of_fconstr_lift lfts v =
+ match v.term with
+ | FCLOS(t,env) when is_subs_id env && is_lift_id lfts -> t
+ | FLambda(_,tys,f,e) when is_subs_id e && is_lift_id lfts ->
+ compose_lam (List.rev tys) f
+ | FFix(fx,e) when is_subs_id e && is_lift_id lfts -> mkFix fx
+ | FCoFix(cfx,e) when is_subs_id e && is_lift_id lfts -> mkCoFix cfx
+ | _ -> to_constr term_of_fconstr_lift lfts v in
+ term_of_fconstr_lift el_id
+(* fstrong applies unfreeze_fun recursively on the (freeze) term and
+ * yields a term. Assumes that the unfreeze_fun never returns a
+ * FCLOS term.
+let rec fstrong unfreeze_fun lfts v =
+ to_constr (fstrong unfreeze_fun) lfts (unfreeze_fun v)
+let rec zip m stk =
+ match stk with
+ | [] -> m
+ | Zapp args :: s -> zip {norm=neutr m.norm; term=FApp(m, args)} s
+ | ZcaseT(ci,p,br,e)::s ->
+ let t = FCaseT(ci, p, m, br, e) in
+ zip {norm=neutr m.norm; term=t} s
+ | Zproj (i,j,cst) :: s ->
+ zip {norm=neutr m.norm; term=FProj(Projection.make cst true,m)} s
+ | Zfix(fx,par)::s ->
+ zip fx (par @ append_stack [|m|] s)
+ | Zshift(n)::s ->
+ zip (lift_fconstr n m) s
+ | Zupdate(rf)::s ->
+ zip (update rf m.norm m.term) s
+let fapp_stack (m,stk) = zip m stk
+(* The assertions in the functions below are granted because they are
+ called only when m is a constructor, a cofix
+ (strip_update_shift_app), a fix (get_nth_arg) or an abstraction
+ (strip_update_shift, through get_arg). *)
+(* optimised for the case where there are no shifts... *)
+let strip_update_shift_app_red head stk =
+ let rec strip_rec rstk h depth = function
+ | Zshift(k) as e :: s ->
+ strip_rec (e::rstk) (lift_fconstr k h) (depth+k) s
+ | (Zapp args :: s) ->
+ strip_rec (Zapp args :: rstk)
+ {norm=h.norm;term=FApp(h,args)} depth s
+ | Zupdate(m)::s ->
+ strip_rec rstk (update m h.norm h.term) depth s
+ | stk -> (depth,List.rev rstk, stk) in
+ strip_rec [] head 0 stk
+let strip_update_shift_app head stack =
+ assert (match head.norm with Red -> false | _ -> true);
+ strip_update_shift_app_red head stack
+let get_nth_arg head n stk =
+ assert (match head.norm with Red -> false | _ -> true);
+ let rec strip_rec rstk h n = function
+ | Zshift(k) as e :: s ->
+ strip_rec (e::rstk) (lift_fconstr k h) n s
+ | Zapp args::s' ->
+ let q = Array.length args in
+ if n >= q
+ then
+ strip_rec (Zapp args::rstk) {norm=h.norm;term=FApp(h,args)} (n-q) s'
+ else
+ let bef = Array.sub args 0 n in
+ let aft = Array.sub args (n+1) (q-n-1) in
+ let stk' =
+ List.rev (if Int.equal n 0 then rstk else (Zapp bef :: rstk)) in
+ (Some (stk', args.(n)), append_stack aft s')
+ | Zupdate(m)::s ->
+ strip_rec rstk (update m h.norm h.term) n s
+ | s -> (None, List.rev rstk @ s) in
+ strip_rec [] head n stk
+(* Beta reduction: look for an applied argument in the stack.
+ Since the encountered update marks are removed, h must be a whnf *)
+let rec get_args n tys f e stk =
+ match stk with
+ Zupdate r :: s ->
+ let _hd = update r Cstr (FLambda(n,tys,f,e)) in
+ get_args n tys f e s
+ | Zshift k :: s ->
+ get_args n tys f (subs_shft (k,e)) s
+ | Zapp l :: s ->
+ let na = Array.length l in
+ if n == na then (Inl (subs_cons(l,e)),s)
+ else if n < na then (* more arguments *)
+ let args = Array.sub l 0 n in
+ let eargs = Array.sub l n (na-n) in
+ (Inl (subs_cons(args,e)), Zapp eargs :: s)
+ else (* more lambdas *)
+ let etys = List.skipn na tys in
+ get_args (n-na) etys f (subs_cons(l,e)) s
+ | _ -> (Inr {norm=Cstr;term=FLambda(n,tys,f,e)}, stk)
+(* Eta expansion: add a reference to implicit surrounding lambda at end of stack *)
+let rec eta_expand_stack = function
+ | (Zapp _ | Zfix _ | ZcaseT _ | Zproj _
+ | Zshift _ | Zupdate _ as e) :: s ->
+ e :: eta_expand_stack s
+ | [] ->
+ [Zshift 1; Zapp [|{norm=Norm; term= FRel 1}|]]
+(* Iota reduction: extract the arguments to be passed to the Case
+ branches *)
+let rec reloc_rargs_rec depth stk =
+ match stk with
+ Zapp args :: s ->
+ Zapp (lift_fconstr_vect depth args) :: reloc_rargs_rec depth s
+ | Zshift(k)::s -> if Int.equal k depth then s else reloc_rargs_rec (depth-k) s
+ | _ -> stk
+let reloc_rargs depth stk =
+ if Int.equal depth 0 then stk else reloc_rargs_rec depth stk
+let rec try_drop_parameters depth n argstk =
+ match argstk with
+ Zapp args::s ->
+ let q = Array.length args in
+ if n > q then try_drop_parameters depth (n-q) s
+ else if Int.equal n q then reloc_rargs depth s
+ else
+ let aft = Array.sub args n (q-n) in
+ reloc_rargs depth (append_stack aft s)
+ | Zshift(k)::s -> try_drop_parameters (depth-k) n s
+ | [] ->
+ if Int.equal n 0 then []
+ else raise Not_found
+ | _ -> assert false
+ (* strip_update_shift_app only produces Zapp and Zshift items *)
+let drop_parameters depth n argstk =
+ try try_drop_parameters depth n argstk
+ with Not_found ->
+ (* we know that n < stack_args_size(argstk) (if well-typed term) *)
+ anomaly (Pp.str "ill-typed term: found a match on a partially applied constructor")
+(** [eta_expand_ind_stack env ind c s t] computes stacks corresponding
+ to the conversion of the eta expansion of t, considered as an inhabitant
+ of ind, and the Constructor c of this inductive type applied to arguments
+ s.
+ @assumes [t] is an irreducible term, and not a constructor. [ind] is the inductive
+ of the constructor term [c]
+ @raises Not_found if the inductive is not a primitive record, or if the
+ constructor is partially applied.
+ *)
+let eta_expand_ind_stack env ind m s (f, s') =
+ let mib = lookup_mind (fst ind) env in
+ match mib.Declarations.mind_record with
+ | Some (Some (_,projs,pbs)) when
+ mib.Declarations.mind_finite == Decl_kinds.BiFinite ->
+ (* (Construct, pars1 .. parsm :: arg1...argn :: []) ~= (f, s') ->
+ arg1..argn ~= (proj1 t...projn t) where t = zip (f,s') *)
+ let pars = mib.Declarations.mind_nparams in
+ let right = fapp_stack (f, s') in
+ let (depth, args, s) = strip_update_shift_app m s in
+ (** Try to drop the params, might fail on partially applied constructors. *)
+ let argss = try_drop_parameters depth pars args in
+ let hstack = Array.map (fun p -> { norm = Red; (* right can't be a constructor though *)
+ term = FProj (Projection.make p true, right) }) projs in
+ argss, [Zapp hstack]
+ | _ -> raise Not_found (* disallow eta-exp for non-primitive records *)
+let rec project_nth_arg n argstk =
+ match argstk with
+ | Zapp args :: s ->
+ let q = Array.length args in
+ if n >= q then project_nth_arg (n - q) s
+ else (* n < q *) args.(n)
+ | _ -> assert false
+ (* After drop_parameters we have a purely applicative stack *)
+(* Iota reduction: expansion of a fixpoint.
+ * Given a fixpoint and a substitution, returns the corresponding
+ * fixpoint body, and the substitution in which it should be
+ * evaluated: its first variables are the fixpoint bodies
+ *
+ * FCLOS(fix Fi {F0 := T0 .. Fn-1 := Tn-1}, S)
+ * -> (S. FCLOS(F0,S) . ... . FCLOS(Fn-1,S), Ti)
+ *)
+(* does not deal with FLIFT *)
+let contract_fix_vect fix =
+ let (thisbody, make_body, env, nfix) =
+ match fix with
+ | FFix (((reci,i),(_,_,bds as rdcl)),env) ->
+ (bds.(i),
+ (fun j -> { norm = Cstr; term = FFix (((reci,j),rdcl),env) }),
+ env, Array.length bds)
+ | FCoFix ((i,(_,_,bds as rdcl)),env) ->
+ (bds.(i),
+ (fun j -> { norm = Cstr; term = FCoFix ((j,rdcl),env) }),
+ env, Array.length bds)
+ | _ -> assert false
+ in
+ (subs_cons(Array.init nfix make_body, env), thisbody)
+(* A machine that inspects the head of a term until it finds an
+ atom or a subterm that may produce a redex (abstraction,
+ constructor, cofix, letin, constant), or a neutral term (product,
+ inductive) *)
+let rec knh info m stk =
+ match m.term with
+ | FLIFT(k,a) -> knh info a (zshift k stk)
+ | FCLOS(t,e) -> knht info e t (zupdate m stk)
+ | FLOCKED -> assert false
+ | FApp(a,b) -> knh info a (append_stack b (zupdate m stk))
+ | FCaseT(ci,p,t,br,e) -> knh info t (ZcaseT(ci,p,br,e)::zupdate m stk)
+ | FFix(((ri,n),(_,_,_)),_) ->
+ (match get_nth_arg m ri.(n) stk with
+ (Some(pars,arg),stk') -> knh info arg (Zfix(m,pars)::stk')
+ | (None, stk') -> (m,stk'))
+ | FCast(t,_,_) -> knh info t stk
+ | FProj (p,c) ->
+ let unf = Projection.unfolded p in
+ if unf || red_set info.i_flags (fCONST (Projection.constant p)) then
+ (match try Some (lookup_projection p (info_env info)) with Not_found -> None with
+ | None -> (m, stk)
+ | Some pb ->
+ knh info c (Zproj (pb.Declarations.proj_npars, pb.Declarations.proj_arg,
+ Projection.constant p)
+ :: zupdate m stk))
+ else (m,stk)
+(* cases where knh stops *)
+ | (FFlex _|FLetIn _|FConstruct _|FEvar _|
+ FCoFix _|FLambda _|FRel _|FAtom _|FInd _|FProd _) ->
+ (m, stk)
+(* The same for pure terms *)
+and knht info e t stk =
+ match kind_of_term t with
+ | App(a,b) ->
+ knht info e a (append_stack (mk_clos_vect e b) stk)
+ | Case(ci,p,t,br) ->
+ knht info e t (ZcaseT(ci, p, br, e)::stk)
+ | Fix _ -> knh info (mk_clos2 e t) stk
+ | Cast(a,_,_) -> knht info e a stk
+ | Rel n -> knh info (clos_rel e n) stk
+ | Proj (p,c) -> knh info (mk_clos2 e t) stk
+ | (Lambda _|Prod _|Construct _|CoFix _|Ind _|
+ LetIn _|Const _|Var _|Evar _|Meta _|Sort _) ->
+ (mk_clos2 e t, stk)
+(* Computes a weak head normal form from the result of knh. *)
+let rec knr info m stk =
+ match m.term with
+ | FLambda(n,tys,f,e) when red_set info.i_flags fBETA ->
+ (match get_args n tys f e stk with
+ Inl e', s -> knit info e' f s
+ | Inr lam, s -> (lam,s))
+ | FFlex(ConstKey (kn,_ as c)) when red_set info.i_flags (fCONST kn) ->
+ (match ref_value_cache info (ConstKey c) with
+ Some v -> kni info v stk
+ | None -> (set_norm m; (m,stk)))
+ | FFlex(VarKey id) when red_set info.i_flags (fVAR id) ->
+ (match ref_value_cache info (VarKey id) with
+ Some v -> kni info v stk
+ | None -> (set_norm m; (m,stk)))
+ | FFlex(RelKey k) when red_set info.i_flags fDELTA ->
+ (match ref_value_cache info (RelKey k) with
+ Some v -> kni info v stk
+ | None -> (set_norm m; (m,stk)))
+ | FConstruct((ind,c),u) ->
+ let use_match = red_set info.i_flags fMATCH in
+ let use_fix = red_set info.i_flags fFIX in
+ if use_match || use_fix then
+ (match strip_update_shift_app m stk with
+ | (depth, args, ZcaseT(ci,_,br,e)::s) when use_match ->
+ assert (ci.ci_npar>=0);
+ let rargs = drop_parameters depth ci.ci_npar args in
+ knit info e br.(c-1) (rargs@s)
+ | (_, cargs, Zfix(fx,par)::s) when use_fix ->
+ let rarg = fapp_stack(m,cargs) in
+ let stk' = par @ append_stack [|rarg|] s in
+ let (fxe,fxbd) = contract_fix_vect fx.term in
+ knit info fxe fxbd stk'
+ | (depth, args, Zproj (n, m, cst)::s) when use_match ->
+ let rargs = drop_parameters depth n args in
+ let rarg = project_nth_arg m rargs in
+ kni info rarg s
+ | (_,args,s) -> (m,args@s))
+ else (m,stk)
+ | FCoFix _ when red_set info.i_flags fCOFIX ->
+ (match strip_update_shift_app m stk with
+ (_, args, (((ZcaseT _|Zproj _)::_) as stk')) ->
+ let (fxe,fxbd) = contract_fix_vect m.term in
+ knit info fxe fxbd (args@stk')
+ | (_,args,s) -> (m,args@s))
+ | FLetIn (_,v,_,bd,e) when red_set info.i_flags fZETA ->
+ knit info (subs_cons([|v|],e)) bd stk
+ | FEvar(ev,env) ->
+ (match evar_value info.i_cache ev with
+ Some c -> knit info env c stk
+ | None -> (m,stk))
+ | _ -> (m,stk)
+(* Computes the weak head normal form of a term *)
+and kni info m stk =
+ let (hm,s) = knh info m stk in
+ knr info hm s
+and knit info e t stk =
+ let (ht,s) = knht info e t stk in
+ knr info ht s
+let kh info v stk = fapp_stack(kni info v stk)
+let rec zip_term zfun m stk =
+ match stk with
+ | [] -> m
+ | Zapp args :: s ->
+ zip_term zfun (mkApp(m, Array.map zfun args)) s
+ | ZcaseT(ci,p,br,e)::s ->
+ let t = mkCase(ci, zfun (mk_clos e p), m,
+ Array.map (fun b -> zfun (mk_clos e b)) br) in
+ zip_term zfun t s
+ | Zproj(_,_,p)::s ->
+ let t = mkProj (Projection.make p true, m) in
+ zip_term zfun t s
+ | Zfix(fx,par)::s ->
+ let h = mkApp(zip_term zfun (zfun fx) par,[|m|]) in
+ zip_term zfun h s
+ | Zshift(n)::s ->
+ zip_term zfun (lift n m) s
+ | Zupdate(rf)::s ->
+ zip_term zfun m s
+(* Computes the strong normal form of a term.
+ 1- Calls kni
+ 2- tries to rebuild the term. If a closure still has to be computed,
+ calls itself recursively. *)
+let rec kl info m =
+ if is_val m then (incr prune; term_of_fconstr m)
+ else
+ let (nm,s) = kni info m [] in
+ let _ = fapp_stack(nm,s) in (* to unlock Zupdates! *)
+ zip_term (kl info) (norm_head info nm) s
+(* no redex: go up for atoms and already normalized terms, go down
+ otherwise. *)
+and norm_head info m =
+ if is_val m then (incr prune; term_of_fconstr m) else
+ match m.term with
+ | FLambda(n,tys,f,e) ->
+ let (e',rvtys) =
+ List.fold_left (fun (e,ctxt) (na,ty) ->
+ (subs_lift e, (na,kl info (mk_clos e ty))::ctxt))
+ (e,[]) tys in
+ let bd = kl info (mk_clos e' f) in
+ List.fold_left (fun b (na,ty) -> mkLambda(na,ty,b)) bd rvtys
+ | FLetIn(na,a,b,f,e) ->
+ let c = mk_clos (subs_lift e) f in
+ mkLetIn(na, kl info a, kl info b, kl info c)
+ | FProd(na,dom,rng) ->
+ mkProd(na, kl info dom, kl info rng)
+ | FCoFix((n,(na,tys,bds)),e) ->
+ let ftys = CArray.Fun1.map mk_clos e tys in
+ let fbds =
+ CArray.Fun1.map mk_clos (subs_liftn (Array.length na) e) bds in
+ mkCoFix(n,(na, CArray.Fun1.map kl info ftys, CArray.Fun1.map kl info fbds))
+ | FFix((n,(na,tys,bds)),e) ->
+ let ftys = CArray.Fun1.map mk_clos e tys in
+ let fbds =
+ CArray.Fun1.map mk_clos (subs_liftn (Array.length na) e) bds in
+ mkFix(n,(na, CArray.Fun1.map kl info ftys, CArray.Fun1.map kl info fbds))
+ | FEvar((i,args),env) ->
+ mkEvar(i, Array.map (fun a -> kl info (mk_clos env a)) args)
+ | FProj (p,c) ->
+ mkProj (p, kl info c)
+ | t -> term_of_fconstr m
+(* Initialization and then normalization *)
+(* weak reduction *)
+let whd_val info v =
+ with_stats (lazy (term_of_fconstr (kh info v [])))
+(* strong reduction *)
+let norm_val info v =
+ with_stats (lazy (kl info v))
+let inject c = mk_clos (subs_id 0) c
+let whd_stack infos m stk =
+ let k = kni infos m stk in
+ let _ = fapp_stack k in (* to unlock Zupdates! *)
+ k
+(* cache of constants: the body is computed only when needed. *)
+type clos_infos = fconstr infos
+let create_clos_infos ?(evars=fun _ -> None) flgs env =
+ create (fun _ -> inject) flgs env evars
+let oracle_of_infos infos = Environ.oracle infos.i_cache.i_env
+let env_of_infos infos = infos.i_cache.i_env
+let infos_with_reds infos reds =
+ { infos with i_flags = reds }
+let unfold_reference info key =
+ match key with
+ | ConstKey (kn,_) ->
+ if red_set info.i_flags (fCONST kn) then
+ ref_value_cache info key
+ else None
+ | VarKey i ->
+ if red_set info.i_flags (fVAR i) then
+ ref_value_cache info key
+ else None
+ | _ -> ref_value_cache info key