path: root/interp/dumpglob.ml
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Diffstat (limited to 'interp/dumpglob.ml')
1 files changed, 30 insertions, 31 deletions
diff --git a/interp/dumpglob.ml b/interp/dumpglob.ml
index 9faea5406..519f902ba 100644
--- a/interp/dumpglob.ml
+++ b/interp/dumpglob.ml
@@ -47,23 +47,10 @@ let previous_state = ref MultFiles
let pause () = previous_state := !glob_output; glob_output := NoGlob
let continue () = glob_output := !previous_state
+type coqdoc_state = Lexer.location_table
-let token_number = ref 0
-let last_pos = ref 0
-type coqdoc_state = Lexer.location_table * int * int
-let coqdoc_freeze () =
- let lt = Lexer.location_table() in
- let state = (lt,!token_number,!last_pos) in
- token_number := 0;
- last_pos := 0;
- state
-let coqdoc_unfreeze (lt,tn,lp) =
- Lexer.restore_location_table lt;
- token_number := tn;
- last_pos := lp
+let coqdoc_freeze = Lexer.location_table
+let coqdoc_unfreeze = Lexer.restore_location_table
open Decl_kinds
@@ -200,19 +187,31 @@ let dump_libref loc dp ty =
dump_string (Printf.sprintf "R%d %s <> <> %s\n"
(fst (Util.unloc loc)) (Names.string_of_dirpath dp) ty)
-let dump_notation_location pos ((path,df),sc) =
+let cook_notation df sc =
+ let ntn = String.make (String.length df * 3) '_' in
+ let j = ref 0 in
+ let quoted = ref false in
+ for i = 0 to String.length df - 1 do
+ if df.[i] = '\'' then quoted := not !quoted;
+ if df.[i] = ' ' then (ntn.[!j] <- '_'; incr j) else
+ if df.[i] = '_' && not !quoted then (ntn.[!j] <- 'x'; incr j) else
+ if df.[i] = 'x' && not !quoted then (String.blit "'x'" 0 ntn !j 3; j := !j + 3) else
+ (ntn.[!j] <- df.[i]; incr j)
+ done;
+ let df = String.sub ntn 0 !j in
+ match sc with Some sc -> ":" ^ sc ^ ":" ^ df | _ -> "::" ^ df
+let dump_notation (loc,(df,_)) sc sec =
+ (* We dump the location of the opening '"' *)
+ dump_string (Printf.sprintf "not %d %s %s\n" (fst (Util.unloc loc))
+ (Names.string_of_dirpath (Lib.current_dirpath sec)) (cook_notation df sc))
+let dump_notation_location posl df (((path,secpath),_),sc) =
if dump () then
- let rec next growing =
- let loc = Lexer.location_function !token_number in
- let (bp,_) = Util.unloc loc in
- if growing then if bp >= pos then loc else (incr token_number; next true)
- else if bp = pos then loc
- else if bp > pos then (decr token_number;next false)
- else (incr token_number;next true) in
- let loc = next (pos >= !last_pos) in
- last_pos := pos;
- let path = Names.string_of_dirpath path in
- let _sc = match sc with Some sc -> " "^sc | _ -> "" in
- dump_string (Printf.sprintf "R%d %s \"%s\" not\n" (fst (Util.unloc loc)) path df)
+ let path = Names.string_of_dirpath path in
+ let secpath = Names.string_of_dirpath secpath in
+ let df = cook_notation df sc in
+ List.iter (fun (bl,el) ->
+ for pos=bl to el do
+ dump_string (Printf.sprintf "R%d %s %s %s not\n" pos path secpath df)
+ done) posl