path: root/interp/constrintern.ml
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Diffstat (limited to 'interp/constrintern.ml')
1 files changed, 495 insertions, 315 deletions
diff --git a/interp/constrintern.ml b/interp/constrintern.ml
index f30d3cefa..e6340646f 100644
--- a/interp/constrintern.ml
+++ b/interp/constrintern.ml
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
open Pp
-open Errors
+open CErrors
open Util
open Names
open Nameops
@@ -29,13 +29,14 @@ open Nametab
open Notation
open Inductiveops
open Decl_kinds
+open Context.Rel.Declaration
(** constr_expr -> glob_constr translation:
- it adds holes for implicit arguments
- - it remplaces notations by their value (scopes stuff are here)
+ - it replaces notations by their value (scopes stuff are here)
- it recognizes global vars from local ones
- - it prepares pattern maching problems (a pattern becomes a tree where nodes
- are constructor/variable pairs and leafs are variables)
+ - it prepares pattern matching problems (a pattern becomes a tree
+ where nodes are constructor/variable pairs and leafs are variables)
All that at once, fasten your seatbelt!
@@ -101,7 +102,7 @@ let global_reference id =
let construct_reference ctx id =
- Term.mkVar (let _ = Context.lookup_named id ctx in id)
+ Term.mkVar (let _ = Context.Named.lookup id ctx in id)
with Not_found ->
global_reference id
@@ -274,7 +275,8 @@ let error_expect_binder_notation_type loc id =
let set_var_scope loc id istermvar env ntnvars =
- let idscopes,typ = Id.Map.find id ntnvars in
+ let isonlybinding,idscopes,typ = Id.Map.find id ntnvars in
+ if istermvar then isonlybinding := false;
let () = if istermvar then
(* scopes have no effect on the interpretation of identifiers *)
begin match !idscopes with
@@ -298,7 +300,7 @@ let set_var_scope loc id istermvar env ntnvars =
(* Not in a notation *)
-let set_type_scope env = {env with tmp_scope = Some Notation.type_scope}
+let set_type_scope env = {env with tmp_scope = Notation.current_type_scope_name ()}
let reset_tmp_scope env = {env with tmp_scope = None}
@@ -367,7 +369,7 @@ let check_hidden_implicit_parameters id impls =
errorlabstrm "" (strbrk "A parameter of an inductive type " ++
pr_id id ++ strbrk " is not allowed to be used as a bound variable in the type of its constructor.")
-let push_name_env ?(global_level=false) lvar implargs env =
+let push_name_env ?(global_level=false) ntnvars implargs env =
| loc,Anonymous ->
if global_level then
@@ -375,7 +377,6 @@ let push_name_env ?(global_level=false) lvar implargs env =
| loc,Name id ->
check_hidden_implicit_parameters id env.impls ;
- let (_,ntnvars) = lvar in
if Id.Map.is_empty ntnvars && Id.equal id ldots_var
then error_ldots_var loc;
set_var_scope loc id false env ntnvars;
@@ -431,14 +432,72 @@ let intern_assumption intern lvar env nal bk ty =
let env, b = intern_generalized_binder intern_type lvar env (List.hd nal) b b' t ty in
env, b
+let rec free_vars_of_pat il =
+ function
+ | CPatCstr (loc, c, l1, l2) ->
+ let il = List.fold_left free_vars_of_pat il (Option.default [] l1) in
+ List.fold_left free_vars_of_pat il l2
+ | CPatAtom (loc, ro) ->
+ begin match ro with
+ | Some (Ident (loc, i)) -> (loc, i) :: il
+ | Some _ | None -> il
+ end
+ | CPatNotation (loc, n, l1, l2) ->
+ let il = List.fold_left free_vars_of_pat il (fst l1) in
+ List.fold_left (List.fold_left free_vars_of_pat) il (snd l1)
+ | _ -> anomaly (str "free_vars_of_pat")
+let intern_local_pattern intern lvar env p =
+ List.fold_left
+ (fun env (loc, i) ->
+ let bk = Default Implicit in
+ let ty = CHole (loc, None, Misctypes.IntroAnonymous, None) in
+ let n = Name i in
+ let env, _ = intern_assumption intern lvar env [(loc, n)] bk ty in
+ env)
+ env (free_vars_of_pat [] p)
+type binder_data =
+ | BDRawDef of (Loc.t * glob_binder)
+ | BDPattern of
+ (Loc.t * (cases_pattern * Id.t list) *
+ (bool ref *
+ (Notation_term.tmp_scope_name option *
+ Notation_term.tmp_scope_name list)
+ option ref * Notation_term.notation_var_internalization_type)
+ Names.Id.Map.t *
+ intern_env * constr_expr)
+let intern_cases_pattern_fwd = ref (fun _ -> failwith "intern_cases_pattern_fwd")
let intern_local_binder_aux ?(global_level=false) intern lvar (env,bl) = function
| LocalRawAssum(nal,bk,ty) ->
let env, bl' = intern_assumption intern lvar env nal bk ty in
+ let bl' = List.map (fun a -> BDRawDef a) bl' in
env, bl' @ bl
| LocalRawDef((loc,na as locna),def) ->
- let indef = intern env def in
+ let indef = intern env def in
+ let term, ty =
+ match indef with
+ | GCast (loc, b, Misctypes.CastConv t) -> b, t
+ | _ -> indef, GHole(loc,Evar_kinds.BinderType na,Misctypes.IntroAnonymous,None)
+ in
(push_name_env lvar (impls_term_list indef) env locna,
- (loc,(na,Explicit,Some(indef),GHole(loc,Evar_kinds.BinderType na,Misctypes.IntroAnonymous,None)))::bl)
+ (BDRawDef ((loc,(na,Explicit,Some(term),ty))))::bl)
+ | LocalPattern (loc,p,ty) ->
+ let tyc =
+ match ty with
+ | Some ty -> ty
+ | None -> CHole(loc,None,Misctypes.IntroAnonymous,None)
+ in
+ let env = intern_local_pattern intern lvar env p in
+ let cp =
+ match !intern_cases_pattern_fwd (None,env.scopes) p with
+ | (_, [(_, cp)]) -> cp
+ | _ -> assert false
+ in
+ let il = List.map snd (free_vars_of_pat [] p) in
+ (env, BDPattern(loc,(cp,il),lvar,env,tyc) :: bl)
let intern_generalization intern env lvar loc bk ak c =
let c = intern {env with unb = true} c in
@@ -449,12 +508,15 @@ let intern_generalization intern env lvar loc bk ak c =
| Some AbsPi -> true
| Some _ -> false
| None ->
- let is_type_scope = match env.tmp_scope with
+ match Notation.current_type_scope_name () with
+ | Some type_scope ->
+ let is_type_scope = match env.tmp_scope with
+ | None -> false
+ | Some sc -> String.equal sc type_scope
+ in
+ is_type_scope ||
+ String.List.mem type_scope env.scopes
| None -> false
- | Some sc -> String.equal sc Notation.type_scope
- in
- is_type_scope ||
- String.List.mem Notation.type_scope env.scopes
if pi then
(fun (id, loc') acc ->
@@ -504,44 +566,85 @@ let traverse_binder (terms,_,_ as subst) avoid (renaming,env) = function
(renaming',env), Name id'
-let make_letins = List.fold_right (fun (loc,(na,b,t)) c -> GLetIn (loc,na,b,c))
-let rec subordinate_letins letins = function
+type letin_param =
+ | LPLetIn of Loc.t * (Name.t * glob_constr)
+ | LPCases of Loc.t * (cases_pattern * Id.t list) * Id.t
+let make_letins =
+ List.fold_right
+ (fun a c ->
+ match a with
+ | LPLetIn (loc,(na,b)) ->
+ GLetIn(loc,na,b,c)
+ | LPCases (loc,(cp,il),id) ->
+ let tt = (GVar(loc,id),(Name id,None)) in
+ GCases(loc,Misctypes.LetPatternStyle,None,[tt],[(loc,il,[cp],c)]))
+let rec subordinate_letins intern letins = function
(* binders come in reverse order; the non-let are returned in reverse order together *)
(* with the subordinated let-in in writing order *)
- | (loc,(na,_,Some b,t))::l ->
- subordinate_letins ((loc,(na,b,t))::letins) l
- | (loc,(na,bk,None,t))::l ->
- let letins',rest = subordinate_letins [] l in
+ | BDRawDef (loc,(na,_,Some b,t))::l ->
+ subordinate_letins intern (LPLetIn (loc,(na,b))::letins) l
+ | BDRawDef (loc,(na,bk,None,t))::l ->
+ let letins',rest = subordinate_letins intern [] l in
+ | BDPattern (loc,u,lvar,env,tyc) :: l ->
+ let ienv = Id.Set.elements env.ids in
+ let id = Namegen.next_ident_away (Id.of_string "pat") ienv in
+ let na = (loc, Name id) in
+ let bk = Default Explicit in
+ let _, bl' = intern_assumption intern lvar env [na] bk tyc in
+ let bl' = List.map (fun a -> BDRawDef a) bl' in
+ subordinate_letins intern (LPCases (loc,u,id)::letins) (bl'@ l)
| [] ->
-let rec subst_iterator y t = function
- | GVar (_,id) as x -> if Id.equal id y then t else x
- | x -> map_glob_constr (subst_iterator y t) x
-let subst_aconstr_in_glob_constr loc intern (_,ntnvars as lvar) subst infos c =
+let terms_of_binders bl =
+ let rec term_of_pat = function
+ | PatVar (loc,Name id) -> CRef (Ident (loc,id), None)
+ | PatVar (loc,Anonymous) -> error "Cannot turn \"_\" into a term."
+ | PatCstr (loc,c,l,_) ->
+ let r = Qualid (loc,qualid_of_path (path_of_global (ConstructRef c))) in
+ let hole = CHole (loc,None,Misctypes.IntroAnonymous,None) in
+ let params = List.make (Inductiveops.inductive_nparams (fst c)) hole in
+ CAppExpl (loc,(None,r,None),params @ List.map term_of_pat l) in
+ let rec extract_variables = function
+ | BDRawDef (loc,(Name id,_,None,_))::l -> CRef (Ident (loc,id), None) :: extract_variables l
+ | BDRawDef (loc,(Name id,_,Some _,_))::l -> extract_variables l
+ | BDRawDef (loc,(Anonymous,_,_,_))::l -> error "Cannot turn \"_\" into a term."
+ | BDPattern (loc,(u,_),lvar,env,tyc) :: l -> term_of_pat u :: extract_variables l
+ | [] -> [] in
+ extract_variables bl
+let instantiate_notation_constr loc intern ntnvars subst infos c =
let (terms,termlists,binders) = subst in
(* when called while defining a notation, avoid capturing the private binders
of the expression by variables bound by the notation (see #3892) *)
let avoid = Id.Map.domain ntnvars in
- let rec aux (terms,binderopt as subst') (renaming,env) c =
+ let rec aux (terms,binderopt,terminopt as subst') (renaming,env) c =
let subinfos = renaming,{env with tmp_scope = None} in
match c with
+ | NVar id when Id.equal id ldots_var -> Option.get terminopt
| NVar id -> subst_var subst' (renaming, env) id
- | NList (x,_,iter,terminator,lassoc) ->
- (try
+ | NList (x,y,iter,terminator,lassoc) ->
+ let l,(scopt,subscopes) =
(* All elements of the list are in scopes (scopt,subscopes) *)
- let (l,(scopt,subscopes)) = Id.Map.find x termlists in
- let termin = aux subst' subinfos terminator in
- let fold a t =
- let nterms = Id.Map.add x (a, (scopt, subscopes)) terms in
- subst_iterator ldots_var t (aux (nterms, binderopt) subinfos iter)
- in
- List.fold_right fold (if lassoc then List.rev l else l) termin
- with Not_found ->
- anomaly (Pp.str "Inconsistent substitution of recursive notation"))
+ try
+ let l,scopes = Id.Map.find x termlists in
+ (if lassoc then List.rev l else l),scopes
+ with Not_found ->
+ try
+ let (bl,(scopt,subscopes)) = Id.Map.find x binders in
+ let env,bl' = List.fold_left (intern_local_binder_aux intern ntnvars) (env,[]) bl in
+ terms_of_binders (if lassoc then bl' else List.rev bl'),(None,[])
+ with Not_found ->
+ anomaly (Pp.str "Inconsistent substitution of recursive notation") in
+ let termin = aux (terms,None,None) subinfos terminator in
+ let fold a t =
+ let nterms = Id.Map.add y (a, (scopt, subscopes)) terms in
+ aux (nterms,None,Some t) subinfos iter
+ in
+ List.fold_right fold l termin
| NHole (knd, naming, arg) ->
let knd = match knd with
| Evar_kinds.BinderType (Name id as na) ->
@@ -576,26 +679,28 @@ let subst_aconstr_in_glob_constr loc intern (_,ntnvars as lvar) subst infos c =
Some arg
GHole (loc, knd, naming, arg)
- | NBinderList (x,_,iter,terminator) ->
+ | NBinderList (x,y,iter,terminator) ->
(* All elements of the list are in scopes (scopt,subscopes) *)
let (bl,(scopt,subscopes)) = Id.Map.find x binders in
- let env,bl = List.fold_left (intern_local_binder_aux intern lvar) (env,[]) bl in
- let letins,bl = subordinate_letins [] bl in
- let termin = aux subst' (renaming,env) terminator in
+ let env,bl = List.fold_left (intern_local_binder_aux intern ntnvars) (env,[]) bl in
+ let letins,bl = subordinate_letins intern [] bl in
+ let termin = aux (terms,None,None) (renaming,env) terminator in
let res = List.fold_left (fun t binder ->
- subst_iterator ldots_var t
- (aux (terms,Some(x,binder)) subinfos iter))
+ aux (terms,Some(y,binder),Some t) subinfos iter)
termin bl in
make_letins letins res
with Not_found ->
anomaly (Pp.str "Inconsistent substitution of recursive notation"))
| NProd (Name id, NHole _, c') when option_mem_assoc id binderopt ->
- let (loc,(na,bk,t)),letins = snd (Option.get binderopt) in
- GProd (loc,na,bk,t,make_letins letins (aux subst' infos c'))
+ let a,letins = snd (Option.get binderopt) in
+ let e = make_letins letins (aux subst' infos c') in
+ let (loc,(na,bk,t)) = a in
+ GProd (loc,na,bk,t,e)
| NLambda (Name id,NHole _,c') when option_mem_assoc id binderopt ->
- let (loc,(na,bk,t)),letins = snd (Option.get binderopt) in
- GLambda (loc,na,bk,t,make_letins letins (aux subst' infos c'))
+ let a,letins = snd (Option.get binderopt) in
+ let (loc,(na,bk,t)) = a in
+ GLambda (loc,na,bk,t,make_letins letins (aux subst' infos c'))
(* Two special cases to keep binder name synchronous with BinderType *)
| NProd (na,NHole(Evar_kinds.BinderType na',naming,arg),c')
when Name.equal na na' ->
@@ -610,7 +715,7 @@ let subst_aconstr_in_glob_constr loc intern (_,ntnvars as lvar) subst infos c =
| t ->
glob_constr_of_notation_constr_with_binders loc
(traverse_binder subst avoid) (aux subst') subinfos t
- and subst_var (terms, binderopt) (renaming, env) id =
+ and subst_var (terms, _binderopt, _terminopt) (renaming, env) id =
(* subst remembers the delimiters stack in the interpretation *)
(* of the notations *)
@@ -623,12 +728,12 @@ let subst_aconstr_in_glob_constr loc intern (_,ntnvars as lvar) subst infos c =
with Not_found ->
(* Happens for local notation joint with inductive/fixpoint defs *)
GVar (loc,id)
- in aux (terms,None) infos c
+ in aux (terms,None,None) infos c
let split_by_type ids =
List.fold_right (fun (x,(scl,typ)) (l1,l2,l3) ->
match typ with
- | NtnTypeConstr -> ((x,scl)::l1,l2,l3)
+ | NtnTypeConstr | NtnTypeOnlyBinder -> ((x,scl)::l1,l2,l3)
| NtnTypeConstrList -> (l1,(x,scl)::l2,l3)
| NtnTypeBinderList -> (l1,l2,(x,scl)::l3)) ids ([],[],[])
@@ -644,7 +749,7 @@ let intern_notation intern env lvar loc ntn fullargs =
let terms = make_subst ids args in
let termlists = make_subst idsl argslist in
let binders = make_subst idsbl bll in
- subst_aconstr_in_glob_constr loc intern lvar
+ instantiate_notation_constr loc intern lvar
(terms, termlists, binders) (Id.Map.empty, env) c
@@ -691,7 +796,7 @@ let intern_var genv (ltacvars,ntnvars) namedctx loc id us =
str "variable " ++ pr_id id ++ str " should be bound to a term.")
(* Is [id] a goal or section variable *)
- let _ = Context.lookup_named id namedctx in
+ let _ = Context.Named.lookup id namedctx in
(* [id] a section variable *)
(* Redundant: could be done in intern_qualid *)
@@ -700,23 +805,10 @@ let intern_var genv (ltacvars,ntnvars) namedctx loc id us =
let scopes = find_arguments_scope ref in
Dumpglob.dump_reference loc "<>" (string_of_qualid (Decls.variable_secpath id)) "var";
GRef (loc, ref, us), impls, scopes, []
- with e when Errors.noncritical e ->
+ with e when CErrors.noncritical e ->
(* [id] a goal variable *)
gvar (loc,id) us, [], [], []
-let proj_impls r impls =
- let env = Global.env () in
- let f (x, l) = x, projection_implicits env r l in
- List.map f impls
-let proj_scopes n scopes =
- List.skipn_at_least n scopes
-let proj_impls_scopes p impls scopes =
- match p with
- | Some (r, n) -> proj_impls r impls, proj_scopes n scopes
- | None -> impls, scopes
let find_appl_head_data c =
match c with
| GRef (loc,ref,_) as x ->
@@ -773,7 +865,7 @@ let intern_qualid loc qid intern env lvar us args =
let subst = (terms, Id.Map.empty, Id.Map.empty) in
let infos = (Id.Map.empty, env) in
let projapp = match c with NRef _ -> true | _ -> false in
- let c = subst_aconstr_in_glob_constr loc intern lvar subst infos c in
+ let c = instantiate_notation_constr loc intern lvar subst infos c in
let c = match us, c with
| None, _ -> c
| Some _, GRef (loc, ref, None) -> GRef (loc, ref, us)
@@ -792,10 +884,10 @@ let intern_non_secvar_qualid loc qid intern env lvar us args =
| GRef (_, VarRef _, _),_,_ -> raise Not_found
| r -> r
-let intern_applied_reference intern env namedctx lvar us args = function
+let intern_applied_reference intern env namedctx (_, ntnvars as lvar) us args = function
| Qualid (loc, qid) ->
let r,projapp,args2 =
- try intern_qualid loc qid intern env lvar us args
+ try intern_qualid loc qid intern env ntnvars us args
with Not_found -> error_global_not_found_loc loc qid
let x, imp, scopes, l = find_appl_head_data r in
@@ -805,7 +897,7 @@ let intern_applied_reference intern env namedctx lvar us args = function
with Not_found ->
let qid = qualid_of_ident id in
- let r, projapp, args2 = intern_non_secvar_qualid loc qid intern env lvar us args in
+ let r, projapp, args2 = intern_non_secvar_qualid loc qid intern env ntnvars us args in
let x, imp, scopes, l = find_appl_head_data r in
(x,imp,scopes,l), args2
with Not_found ->
@@ -946,7 +1038,7 @@ let chop_params_pattern loc ind args with_letin =
let find_constructor loc add_params ref =
- let cstr = match ref with
+ let (ind,_ as cstr) = match ref with
| ConstructRef cstr -> cstr
| IndRef _ ->
let error = str "There is an inductive name deep in a \"in\" clause." in
@@ -955,109 +1047,136 @@ let find_constructor loc add_params ref =
let error = str "This reference is not a constructor." in
user_err_loc (loc, "find_constructor", error)
- cstr, (function (ind,_ as c) -> match add_params with
- |Some nb_args ->
+ cstr, match add_params with
+ | Some nb_args ->
let nb =
- if Int.equal nb_args (Inductiveops.constructor_nrealdecls c)
+ if Int.equal nb_args (Inductiveops.constructor_nrealdecls cstr)
then Inductiveops.inductive_nparamdecls ind
else Inductiveops.inductive_nparams ind
List.make nb ([], [(Id.Map.empty, PatVar(Loc.ghost,Anonymous))])
- |None -> []) cstr
+ | None -> []
let find_pattern_variable = function
| Ident (loc,id) -> id
| Qualid (loc,_) as x -> raise (InternalizationError(loc,NotAConstructor x))
-let sort_fields mode loc l completer =
-(*mode=false if pattern and true if constructor*)
- match l with
+let check_duplicate loc fields =
+ let eq (ref1, _) (ref2, _) = eq_reference ref1 ref2 in
+ let dups = List.duplicates eq fields in
+ match dups with
+ | [] -> ()
+ | (r, _) :: _ ->
+ user_err_loc (loc, "", str "This record defines several times the field " ++
+ pr_reference r ++ str ".")
+(** [sort_fields ~complete loc fields completer] expects a list
+ [fields] of field assignments [f = e1; g = e2; ...], where [f, g]
+ are fields of a record and [e1] are "values" (either terms, when
+ interning a record construction, or patterns, when intering record
+ pattern-matching). It will sort the fields according to the record
+ declaration order (which is important when type-checking them in
+ presence of dependencies between fields). If the parameter
+ [complete] is true, we require the assignment to be complete: all
+ the fields of the record must be present in the
+ assignment. Otherwise the record assignment may be partial
+ (in a pattern, we may match on some fields only), and we call the
+ function [completer] to fill the missing fields; the returned
+ field assignment list is always complete. *)
+let sort_fields ~complete loc fields completer =
+ match fields with
| [] -> None
- | (refer, value)::rem ->
- let (nparams, (* the number of parameters *)
- base_constructor, (* the reference constructor of the record *)
- (max, (* number of params *)
- (first_index, (* index of the first field of the record *)
- list_proj))) (* list of projections *)
- =
- let record =
- try Recordops.find_projection
- (global_reference_of_reference refer)
- with Not_found ->
- user_err_loc (loc_of_reference refer, "intern", pr_reference refer ++ str": Not a projection")
- in
- (* elimination of the first field from the projections *)
- let rec build_patt l m i acc =
- match l with
- | [] -> (i, acc)
- | (Some name) :: b->
- (match m with
- | [] -> anomaly (Pp.str "Number of projections mismatch")
- | (_, regular)::tm ->
- let boolean = not regular in
- begin match global_reference_of_reference refer with
- | ConstRef name' when eq_constant name name' ->
- if boolean && mode then
- user_err_loc (loc, "", str"No local fields allowed in a record construction.")
- else build_patt b tm (i + 1) (i, snd acc) (* we found it *)
- | _ ->
- build_patt b tm (if boolean&&mode then i else i + 1)
- (if boolean && mode then acc
- else fst acc, (i, ConstRef name) :: snd acc)
- end)
- | None :: b-> (* we don't want anonymous fields *)
- if mode then
- user_err_loc (loc, "", str "This record contains anonymous fields.")
- else build_patt b m (i+1) acc
- (* anonymous arguments don't appear in m *)
- in
- let ind = record.Recordops.s_CONST in
- try (* insertion of Constextern.reference_global *)
- (record.Recordops.s_EXPECTEDPARAM,
- Qualid (loc, shortest_qualid_of_global Id.Set.empty (ConstructRef ind)),
- build_patt record.Recordops.s_PROJ record.Recordops.s_PROJKIND 1 (0,[]))
- with Not_found -> anomaly (Pp.str "Environment corruption for records.")
- in
- (* now we want to have all fields of the pattern indexed by their place in
- the constructor *)
- let rec sf patts accpatt =
- match patts with
- | [] -> accpatt
- | p::q->
- let refer, patt = p in
- let glob_refer = try global_reference_of_reference refer
- with |Not_found ->
- user_err_loc (loc_of_reference refer, "intern",
- str "The field \"" ++ pr_reference refer ++ str "\" does not exist.") in
- let rec add_patt l acc =
- match l with
- | [] ->
- user_err_loc
- (loc, "",
- str "This record contains fields of different records.")
- | (i, a) :: b->
- if eq_gr glob_refer a
- then (i,List.rev_append acc l)
- else add_patt b ((i,a)::acc)
- in
- let (index, projs) = add_patt (snd accpatt) [] in
- sf q ((index, patt)::fst accpatt, projs) in
- let (unsorted_indexed_pattern, remainings) =
- sf rem ([first_index, value], list_proj) in
- (* we sort them *)
- let sorted_indexed_pattern =
- List.sort (fun (i, _) (j, _) -> compare i j) unsorted_indexed_pattern in
- (* a function to complete with wildcards *)
- let rec complete_list n l =
- if n <= 1 then l else complete_list (n-1) (completer n l) in
- (* a function to remove indice *)
- let rec clean_list l i acc =
- match l with
- | [] -> complete_list (max - i) acc
- | (k, p)::q-> clean_list q k (p::(complete_list (k - i) acc))
- in
- Some (nparams, base_constructor,
- List.rev (clean_list sorted_indexed_pattern 0 []))
+ | (first_field_ref, first_field_value):: other_fields ->
+ let (first_field_glob_ref, record) =
+ try
+ let gr = global_reference_of_reference first_field_ref in
+ (gr, Recordops.find_projection gr)
+ with Not_found ->
+ user_err_loc (loc_of_reference first_field_ref, "intern",
+ pr_reference first_field_ref ++ str": Not a projection")
+ in
+ (* the number of parameters *)
+ let nparams = record.Recordops.s_EXPECTEDPARAM in
+ (* the reference constructor of the record *)
+ let base_constructor =
+ let global_record_id = ConstructRef record.Recordops.s_CONST in
+ try Qualid (loc, shortest_qualid_of_global Id.Set.empty global_record_id)
+ with Not_found ->
+ anomaly (str "Environment corruption for records") in
+ let () = check_duplicate loc fields in
+ let (end_index, (* one past the last field index *)
+ first_field_index, (* index of the first field of the record *)
+ proj_list) (* list of projections *)
+ =
+ (* elimitate the first field from the projections,
+ but keep its index *)
+ let rec build_proj_list projs proj_kinds idx ~acc_first_idx acc =
+ match projs with
+ | [] -> (idx, acc_first_idx, acc)
+ | (Some name) :: projs ->
+ let field_glob_ref = ConstRef name in
+ let first_field = eq_gr field_glob_ref first_field_glob_ref in
+ begin match proj_kinds with
+ | [] -> anomaly (Pp.str "Number of projections mismatch")
+ | (_, regular) :: proj_kinds ->
+ (* "regular" is false when the field is defined
+ by a let-in in the record declaration
+ (its value is fixed from other fields). *)
+ if first_field && not regular && complete then
+ user_err_loc (loc, "", str "No local fields allowed in a record construction.")
+ else if first_field then
+ build_proj_list projs proj_kinds (idx+1) ~acc_first_idx:idx acc
+ else if not regular && complete then
+ (* skip non-regular fields *)
+ build_proj_list projs proj_kinds idx ~acc_first_idx acc
+ else
+ build_proj_list projs proj_kinds (idx+1) ~acc_first_idx
+ ((idx, field_glob_ref) :: acc)
+ end
+ | None :: projs ->
+ if complete then
+ (* we don't want anonymous fields *)
+ user_err_loc (loc, "", str "This record contains anonymous fields.")
+ else
+ (* anonymous arguments don't appear in proj_kinds *)
+ build_proj_list projs proj_kinds (idx+1) ~acc_first_idx acc
+ in
+ build_proj_list record.Recordops.s_PROJ record.Recordops.s_PROJKIND 1 ~acc_first_idx:0 []
+ in
+ (* now we want to have all fields assignments indexed by their place in
+ the constructor *)
+ let rec index_fields fields remaining_projs acc =
+ match fields with
+ | (field_ref, field_value) :: fields ->
+ let field_glob_ref = try global_reference_of_reference field_ref
+ with Not_found ->
+ user_err_loc (loc_of_reference field_ref, "intern",
+ str "The field \"" ++ pr_reference field_ref ++ str "\" does not exist.") in
+ let remaining_projs, (field_index, _) =
+ let the_proj (idx, glob_ref) = eq_gr field_glob_ref glob_ref in
+ try CList.extract_first the_proj remaining_projs
+ with Not_found ->
+ user_err_loc
+ (loc, "",
+ str "This record contains fields of different records.")
+ in
+ index_fields fields remaining_projs ((field_index, field_value) :: acc)
+ | [] ->
+ (* the order does not matter as we sort them next,
+ List.rev_* is just for efficiency *)
+ let remaining_fields =
+ let complete_field (idx, _field_ref) = (idx, completer idx) in
+ List.rev_map complete_field remaining_projs in
+ List.rev_append remaining_fields acc
+ in
+ let unsorted_indexed_fields =
+ index_fields other_fields proj_list
+ [(first_field_index, first_field_value)] in
+ let sorted_indexed_fields =
+ let cmp_by_index (i, _) (j, _) = Int.compare i j in
+ List.sort cmp_by_index unsorted_indexed_fields in
+ let sorted_fields = List.map snd sorted_indexed_fields in
+ Some (nparams, base_constructor, sorted_fields)
(** {6 Manage multiple aliases} *)
@@ -1085,10 +1204,6 @@ let alias_of als = match als.alias_ids with
| [] -> Anonymous
| id :: _ -> Name id
-let message_redundant_alias id1 id2 =
- msg_warning
- (str "Alias variable " ++ pr_id id1 ++ str " is merged with " ++ pr_id id2)
(** {6 Expanding notations }
@returns a raw_case_pattern_expr :
@@ -1119,98 +1234,103 @@ let drop_notations_pattern looked_for =
let test_kind top =
if top then looked_for else function ConstructRef _ -> () | _ -> raise Not_found
- let rec drop_syndef top env re pats =
+ let rec drop_syndef top scopes re pats =
let (loc,qid) = qualid_of_reference re in
match locate_extended qid with
- |SynDef sp ->
+ | SynDef sp ->
let (vars,a) = Syntax_def.search_syntactic_definition sp in
(match a with
| NRef g ->
+ (* Convention: do not deactivate implicit arguments and scopes for further arguments *)
test_kind top g;
let () = assert (List.is_empty vars) in
let (_,argscs) = find_remaining_scopes [] pats g in
- Some (g, [], List.map2 (in_pat_sc env) argscs pats)
- | NApp (NRef g,[]) -> (* special case : Syndef for @Cstr *)
+ Some (g, [], List.map2 (in_pat_sc scopes) argscs pats)
+ | NApp (NRef g,[]) -> (* special case: Syndef for @Cstr, this deactivates *)
test_kind top g;
let () = assert (List.is_empty vars) in
- let (argscs,_) = find_remaining_scopes pats [] g in
- Some (g, List.map2 (in_pat_sc env) argscs pats, [])
+ Some (g, List.map (in_pat false scopes) pats, [])
| NApp (NRef g,args) ->
+ (* Convention: do not deactivate implicit arguments and scopes for further arguments *)
test_kind top g;
let nvars = List.length vars in
if List.length pats < nvars then error_not_enough_arguments loc;
let pats1,pats2 = List.chop nvars pats in
let subst = make_subst vars pats1 in
- let idspl1 = List.map (in_not false loc env (subst, Id.Map.empty) []) args in
+ let idspl1 = List.map (in_not false loc scopes (subst, Id.Map.empty) []) args in
let (_,argscs) = find_remaining_scopes pats1 pats2 g in
- Some (g, idspl1, List.map2 (in_pat_sc env) argscs pats2)
+ Some (g, idspl1, List.map2 (in_pat_sc scopes) argscs pats2)
| _ -> raise Not_found)
- |TrueGlobal g ->
+ | TrueGlobal g ->
test_kind top g;
Dumpglob.add_glob loc g;
let (_,argscs) = find_remaining_scopes [] pats g in
- Some (g,[],List.map2 (fun x -> in_pat false {env with tmp_scope = x}) argscs pats)
+ Some (g,[],List.map2 (fun x -> in_pat false (x,snd scopes)) argscs pats)
with Not_found -> None
- and in_pat top env = function
- | CPatAlias (loc, p, id) -> RCPatAlias (loc, in_pat top env p, id)
+ and in_pat top scopes = function
+ | CPatAlias (loc, p, id) -> RCPatAlias (loc, in_pat top scopes p, id)
| CPatRecord (loc, l) ->
let sorted_fields =
- sort_fields false loc l (fun _ l -> (CPatAtom (loc, None))::l) in
+ sort_fields ~complete:false loc l (fun _idx -> (CPatAtom (loc, None))) in
begin match sorted_fields with
| None -> RCPatAtom (loc, None)
| Some (n, head, pl) ->
let pl =
- if !oldfashion_patterns then pl else
+ if !asymmetric_patterns then pl else
let pars = List.make n (CPatAtom (loc, None)) in
List.rev_append pars pl in
- match drop_syndef top env head pl with
+ match drop_syndef top scopes head pl with
|Some (a,b,c) -> RCPatCstr(loc, a, b, c)
|None -> raise (InternalizationError (loc,NotAConstructor head))
- | CPatCstr (loc, head, [], pl) ->
+ | CPatCstr (loc, head, None, pl) ->
- match drop_syndef top env head pl with
+ match drop_syndef top scopes head pl with
| Some (a,b,c) -> RCPatCstr(loc, a, b, c)
| None -> raise (InternalizationError (loc,NotAConstructor head))
- | CPatCstr (loc, r, expl_pl, pl) ->
- let g = try
- (locate (snd (qualid_of_reference r)))
- with Not_found ->
+ | CPatCstr (loc, r, Some expl_pl, pl) ->
+ let g = try locate (snd (qualid_of_reference r))
+ with Not_found ->
raise (InternalizationError (loc,NotAConstructor r)) in
- let (argscs1,argscs2) = find_remaining_scopes expl_pl pl g in
- RCPatCstr (loc, g, List.map2 (in_pat_sc env) argscs1 expl_pl, List.map2 (in_pat_sc env) argscs2 pl)
+ if expl_pl == [] then
+ (* Convention: (@r) deactivates all further implicit arguments and scopes *)
+ RCPatCstr (loc, g, List.map (in_pat false scopes) pl, [])
+ else
+ (* Convention: (@r expl_pl) deactivates implicit arguments in expl_pl and in pl *)
+ (* but not scopes in expl_pl *)
+ let (argscs1,_) = find_remaining_scopes expl_pl pl g in
+ RCPatCstr (loc, g, List.map2 (in_pat_sc scopes) argscs1 expl_pl @ List.map (in_pat false scopes) pl, [])
| CPatNotation (loc,"- _",([CPatPrim(_,Numeral p)],[]),[])
when Bigint.is_strictly_pos p ->
- fst (Notation.interp_prim_token_cases_pattern_expr loc (ensure_kind false loc) (Numeral (Bigint.neg p))
- (env.tmp_scope,env.scopes))
+ fst (Notation.interp_prim_token_cases_pattern_expr loc (ensure_kind false loc) (Numeral (Bigint.neg p)) scopes)
| CPatNotation (_,"( _ )",([a],[]),[]) ->
- in_pat top env a
+ in_pat top scopes a
| CPatNotation (loc, ntn, fullargs,extrargs) ->
let ntn,(args,argsl as fullargs) = contract_pat_notation ntn fullargs in
- let ((ids',c),df) = Notation.interp_notation loc ntn (env.tmp_scope,env.scopes) in
+ let ((ids',c),df) = Notation.interp_notation loc ntn scopes in
let (ids',idsl',_) = split_by_type ids' in
Dumpglob.dump_notation_location (patntn_loc loc fullargs ntn) ntn df;
let substlist = make_subst idsl' argsl in
let subst = make_subst ids' args in
- in_not top loc env (subst,substlist) extrargs c
+ in_not top loc scopes (subst,substlist) extrargs c
| CPatDelimiters (loc, key, e) ->
- in_pat top {env with scopes=find_delimiters_scope loc key::env.scopes;
- tmp_scope = None} e
- | CPatPrim (loc,p) -> fst (Notation.interp_prim_token_cases_pattern_expr loc (test_kind false) p
- (env.tmp_scope,env.scopes))
+ in_pat top (None,find_delimiters_scope loc key::snd scopes) e
+ | CPatPrim (loc,p) -> fst (Notation.interp_prim_token_cases_pattern_expr loc (test_kind false) p scopes)
| CPatAtom (loc, Some id) ->
- match drop_syndef top env id [] with
+ match drop_syndef top scopes id [] with
|Some (a,b,c) -> RCPatCstr (loc, a, b, c)
|None -> RCPatAtom (loc, Some (find_pattern_variable id))
| CPatAtom (loc,None) -> RCPatAtom (loc,None)
| CPatOr (loc, pl) ->
- RCPatOr (loc,List.map (in_pat top env) pl)
- and in_pat_sc env x = in_pat false {env with tmp_scope = x}
- and in_not top loc env (subst,substlist as fullsubst) args = function
+ RCPatOr (loc,List.map (in_pat top scopes) pl)
+ | CPatCast _ ->
+ assert false
+ and in_pat_sc scopes x = in_pat false (x,snd scopes)
+ and in_not top loc scopes (subst,substlist as fullsubst) args = function
| NVar id ->
let () = assert (List.is_empty args) in
@@ -1218,8 +1338,7 @@ let drop_notations_pattern looked_for =
(* of the notations *)
let (a,(scopt,subscopes)) = Id.Map.find id subst in
- in_pat top {env with scopes=subscopes@env.scopes;
- tmp_scope = scopt} a
+ in_pat top (scopt,subscopes@snd scopes) a
with Not_found ->
if Id.equal id ldots_var then RCPatAtom (loc,Some id) else
anomaly (str "Unbound pattern notation variable: " ++ Id.print id)
@@ -1227,23 +1346,23 @@ let drop_notations_pattern looked_for =
| NRef g ->
ensure_kind top loc g;
let (_,argscs) = find_remaining_scopes [] args g in
- RCPatCstr (loc, g, [], List.map2 (in_pat_sc env) argscs args)
+ RCPatCstr (loc, g, [], List.map2 (in_pat_sc scopes) argscs args)
| NApp (NRef g,pl) ->
ensure_kind top loc g;
let (argscs1,argscs2) = find_remaining_scopes pl args g in
RCPatCstr (loc, g,
- List.map2 (fun x -> in_not false loc {env with tmp_scope = x} fullsubst []) argscs1 pl,
- List.map2 (in_pat_sc env) argscs2 args)
- | NList (x,_,iter,terminator,lassoc) ->
+ List.map2 (fun x -> in_not false loc (x,snd scopes) fullsubst []) argscs1 pl @
+ List.map (in_pat false scopes) args, [])
+ | NList (x,y,iter,terminator,lassoc) ->
if not (List.is_empty args) then user_err_loc
(loc,"",strbrk "Application of arguments to a recursive notation not supported in patterns.");
(* All elements of the list are in scopes (scopt,subscopes) *)
let (l,(scopt,subscopes)) = Id.Map.find x substlist in
- let termin = in_not top loc env fullsubst [] terminator in
+ let termin = in_not top loc scopes fullsubst [] terminator in
List.fold_right (fun a t ->
- let nsubst = Id.Map.add x (a, (scopt, subscopes)) subst in
- let u = in_not false loc env (nsubst, substlist) [] iter in
+ let nsubst = Id.Map.add y (a, (scopt, subscopes)) subst in
+ let u = in_not false loc scopes (nsubst, substlist) [] iter in
subst_pat_iterator ldots_var t u)
(if lassoc then List.rev l else l) termin
with Not_found ->
@@ -1266,7 +1385,7 @@ let rec intern_pat genv aliases pat =
let aliases' = merge_aliases aliases id in
intern_pat genv aliases' p
| RCPatCstr (loc, head, expl_pl, pl) ->
- if !oldfashion_patterns then
+ if !asymmetric_patterns then
let len = if List.is_empty expl_pl then Some (List.length pl) else None in
let c,idslpl1 = find_constructor loc len head in
let with_letin =
@@ -1291,29 +1410,65 @@ let rec intern_pat genv aliases pat =
check_or_pat_variables loc ids (List.tl idsl);
(ids,List.flatten pl')
-let intern_cases_pattern genv env aliases pat =
+(* [check_no_patcast p] raises an error if [p] contains a cast. This code is a
+ bit ad-hoc, and is due to current restrictions on casts in patterns. We
+ support them only in local binders and only at top level. In fact, they are
+ currently eliminated by the parser. The only reason why they are in the
+ [cases_pattern_expr] type is that the parser needs to factor the "(c : t)"
+ notation with user defined notations (such as the pair). In the long term, we
+ will try to support such casts everywhere, and use them to print the domains
+ of lambdas in the encoding of match in constr. We put this check here and not
+ in the parser because it would require to duplicate the levels of the
+ [pattern] rule. *)
+let rec check_no_patcast = function
+ | CPatCast (loc,_,_) ->
+ CErrors.user_err_loc (loc, "check_no_patcast",
+ Pp.strbrk "Casts are not supported here.")
+ | CPatDelimiters(_,_,p)
+ | CPatAlias(_,p,_) -> check_no_patcast p
+ | CPatCstr(_,_,opl,pl) ->
+ Option.iter (List.iter check_no_patcast) opl;
+ List.iter check_no_patcast pl
+ | CPatOr(_,pl) ->
+ List.iter check_no_patcast pl
+ | CPatNotation(_,_,subst,pl) ->
+ check_no_patcast_subst subst;
+ List.iter check_no_patcast pl
+ | CPatRecord(_,prl) ->
+ List.iter (fun (_,p) -> check_no_patcast p) prl
+ | CPatAtom _ | CPatPrim _ -> ()
+and check_no_patcast_subst (pl,pll) =
+ List.iter check_no_patcast pl;
+ List.iter (List.iter check_no_patcast) pll
+let intern_cases_pattern genv scopes aliases pat =
+ check_no_patcast pat;
intern_pat genv aliases
- (drop_notations_pattern (function ConstructRef _ -> () | _ -> raise Not_found) env pat)
+ (drop_notations_pattern (function ConstructRef _ -> () | _ -> raise Not_found) scopes pat)
+let _ =
+ intern_cases_pattern_fwd :=
+ fun scopes p -> intern_cases_pattern (Global.env ()) scopes empty_alias p
-let intern_ind_pattern genv env pat =
+let intern_ind_pattern genv scopes pat =
+ check_no_patcast pat;
let no_not =
- drop_notations_pattern (function (IndRef _ | ConstructRef _) -> () | _ -> raise Not_found) env pat
+ drop_notations_pattern (function (IndRef _ | ConstructRef _) -> () | _ -> raise Not_found) scopes pat
with InternalizationError(loc,NotAConstructor _) -> error_bad_inductive_type loc
- in
+ in
match no_not with
- | RCPatCstr (loc, head,expl_pl, pl) ->
- let c = (function IndRef ind -> ind
- |_ -> error_bad_inductive_type loc) head in
+ | RCPatCstr (loc, head, expl_pl, pl) ->
+ let c = (function IndRef ind -> ind | _ -> error_bad_inductive_type loc) head in
let with_letin, pl2 = add_implicits_check_ind_length genv loc c
(List.length expl_pl) pl in
let idslpl1 = List.rev_map (intern_pat genv empty_alias) expl_pl in
let idslpl2 = List.map (intern_pat genv empty_alias) pl2 in
match product_of_cases_patterns [] (List.rev_append idslpl1 idslpl2) with
- |_,[_,pl] ->
- (c,chop_params_pattern loc c pl with_letin)
- |_ -> error_bad_inductive_type loc)
+ | _,[_,pl] -> (c,chop_params_pattern loc c pl with_letin)
+ | _ -> error_bad_inductive_type loc)
| x -> error_bad_inductive_type (raw_cases_pattern_expr_loc x)
@@ -1379,7 +1534,7 @@ let extract_explicit_arg imps args =
(* Main loop *)
-let internalize globalenv env allow_patvar lvar c =
+let internalize globalenv env allow_patvar (_, ntnvars as lvar) c =
let rec intern env = function
| CRef (ref,us) as x ->
let (c,imp,subscopes,l),_ =
@@ -1400,10 +1555,11 @@ let internalize globalenv env allow_patvar lvar c =
(fun (id,(n,order),bl,ty,_) ->
let intern_ro_arg f =
let before, after = split_at_annot bl n in
- let (env',rbefore) =
- List.fold_left intern_local_binder (env,[]) before in
+ let (env',rbefore) = List.fold_left intern_local_binder (env,[]) before in
+ let rbefore = List.map (function BDRawDef a -> a | BDPattern _ -> assert false) rbefore in
let ro = f (intern env') in
- let n' = Option.map (fun _ -> List.length (List.filter (fun (_,(_,_,b,_)) -> (* remove let-ins *) b = None) rbefore)) n in
+ let n' = Option.map (fun _ -> List.count (fun (_,(_,_,b,_)) -> (* remove let-ins *) b = None) rbefore) n in
+ let rbefore = List.map (fun a -> BDRawDef a) rbefore in
n', ro, List.fold_left intern_local_binder (env',rbefore) after
let n, ro, (env',rbl) =
@@ -1415,12 +1571,18 @@ let internalize globalenv env allow_patvar lvar c =
| CMeasureRec (m,r) ->
intern_ro_arg (fun f -> GMeasureRec (f m, Option.map f r))
- ((n, ro), List.rev rbl, intern_type env' ty, env')) dl in
+ let bl =
+ List.rev_map
+ (function
+ | BDRawDef a -> a
+ | BDPattern (loc,_,_,_,_) ->
+ Loc.raise loc (Stream.Error "pattern with quote not allowed after fix")) rbl in
+ ((n, ro), bl, intern_type env' ty, env')) dl in
let idl = Array.map2 (fun (_,_,_,_,bd) (a,b,c,env') ->
let env'' = List.fold_left_i (fun i en name ->
let (_,bli,tyi,_) = idl_temp.(i) in
let fix_args = (List.map (fun (_,(na, bk, _, _)) -> (build_impls bk na)) bli) in
- push_name_env lvar (impls_type_list ~args:fix_args tyi)
+ push_name_env ntnvars (impls_type_list ~args:fix_args tyi)
en (Loc.ghost, Name name)) 0 env' lf in
(a,b,c,intern {env'' with tmp_scope = None} bd)) dl idl_temp in
GRec (loc,GFix
@@ -1439,15 +1601,15 @@ let internalize globalenv env allow_patvar lvar c =
let idl_tmp = Array.map
(fun ((loc,id),bl,ty,_) ->
- let (env',rbl) =
- List.fold_left intern_local_binder (env,[]) bl in
+ let (env',rbl) = List.fold_left intern_local_binder (env,[]) bl in
+ let rbl = List.map (function BDRawDef a -> a | BDPattern _ -> assert false) rbl in
(List.rev rbl,
intern_type env' ty,env')) dl in
let idl = Array.map2 (fun (_,_,_,bd) (b,c,env') ->
let env'' = List.fold_left_i (fun i en name ->
let (bli,tyi,_) = idl_tmp.(i) in
let cofix_args = List.map (fun (_, (na, bk, _, _)) -> (build_impls bk na)) bli in
- push_name_env lvar (impls_type_list ~args:cofix_args tyi)
+ push_name_env ntnvars (impls_type_list ~args:cofix_args tyi)
en (Loc.ghost, Name name)) 0 env' lf in
(b,c,intern {env'' with tmp_scope = None} bd)) dl idl_tmp in
GRec (loc,GCoFix n,
@@ -1466,15 +1628,15 @@ let internalize globalenv env allow_patvar lvar c =
| CLetIn (loc,na,c1,c2) ->
let inc1 = intern (reset_tmp_scope env) c1 in
GLetIn (loc, snd na, inc1,
- intern (push_name_env lvar (impls_term_list inc1) env na) c2)
+ intern (push_name_env ntnvars (impls_term_list inc1) env na) c2)
| CNotation (loc,"- _",([CPrim (_,Numeral p)],[],[]))
when Bigint.is_strictly_pos p ->
intern env (CPrim (loc,Numeral (Bigint.neg p)))
| CNotation (_,"( _ )",([a],[],[])) -> intern env a
| CNotation (loc,ntn,args) ->
- intern_notation intern env lvar loc ntn args
+ intern_notation intern env ntnvars loc ntn args
| CGeneralization (loc,b,a,c) ->
- intern_generalization intern env lvar loc b a c
+ intern_generalization intern env ntnvars loc b a c
| CPrim (loc, p) ->
fst (Notation.interp_prim_token loc p (env.tmp_scope,env.scopes))
| CDelimiters (loc, key, e) ->
@@ -1502,20 +1664,22 @@ let internalize globalenv env allow_patvar lvar c =
intern_applied_reference intern env
(Environ.named_context globalenv) lvar us args ref
| CNotation (loc,ntn,([],[],[])) ->
- let c = intern_notation intern env lvar loc ntn ([],[],[]) in
+ let c = intern_notation intern env ntnvars loc ntn ([],[],[]) in
let x, impl, scopes, l = find_appl_head_data c in
(x,impl,scopes,l), args
| x -> (intern env f,[],[],[]), args in
apply_impargs c env impargs args_scopes
(merge_impargs l args) loc
- | CRecord (loc, _, fs) ->
- let cargs =
- sort_fields true loc fs
- (fun k l -> CHole (loc, Some (Evar_kinds.QuestionMark (Evar_kinds.Define true)), Misctypes.IntroAnonymous, None) :: l)
- in
- begin
- match cargs with
+ | CRecord (loc, fs) ->
+ let st = Evar_kinds.Define (not (Program.get_proofs_transparency ())) in
+ let fields =
+ sort_fields ~complete:true loc fs
+ (fun _idx -> CHole (loc, Some (Evar_kinds.QuestionMark st),
+ Misctypes.IntroAnonymous, None))
+ in
+ begin
+ match fields with
| None -> user_err_loc (loc, "intern", str"No constructor inference.")
| Some (n, constrname, args) ->
let pars = List.make n (CHole (loc, None, Misctypes.IntroAnonymous, None)) in
@@ -1523,60 +1687,70 @@ let internalize globalenv env allow_patvar lvar c =
intern env app
| CCases (loc, sty, rtnpo, tms, eqns) ->
- let as_in_vars = List.fold_left (fun acc (_,(na,inb)) ->
- Option.fold_left (fun x tt -> List.fold_right Id.Set.add (ids_of_cases_indtype tt) x)
- (Option.fold_left (fun x (_,y) -> match y with | Name y' -> Id.Set.add y' x |_ -> x) acc na)
- inb) Id.Set.empty tms in
- (* as, in & return vars *)
- let forbidden_vars = Option.cata free_vars_of_constr_expr as_in_vars rtnpo in
- let tms,ex_ids,match_from_in = List.fold_right
- (fun citm (inds,ex_ids,matchs) ->
- let ((tm,ind),extra_id,match_td) = intern_case_item env forbidden_vars citm in
- (tm,ind)::inds, Option.fold_right Id.Set.add extra_id ex_ids, List.rev_append match_td matchs)
- tms ([],Id.Set.empty,[]) in
- let env' = Id.Set.fold
- (fun var bli -> push_name_env lvar (Variable,[],[],[]) bli (Loc.ghost,Name var))
- (Id.Set.union ex_ids as_in_vars) (reset_hidden_inductive_implicit_test env) in
- (* PatVars before a real pattern do not need to be matched *)
- let stripped_match_from_in = let rec aux = function
- |[] -> []
- |(_,PatVar _) :: q -> aux q
- |l -> l
- in aux match_from_in in
+ let as_in_vars = List.fold_left (fun acc (_,na,inb) ->
+ Option.fold_left (fun acc tt -> Id.Set.union (ids_of_cases_indtype tt) acc)
+ (Option.fold_left (fun acc (_,y) -> name_fold Id.Set.add y acc) acc na)
+ inb) Id.Set.empty tms in
+ (* as, in & return vars *)
+ let forbidden_vars = Option.cata free_vars_of_constr_expr as_in_vars rtnpo in
+ let tms,ex_ids,match_from_in = List.fold_right
+ (fun citm (inds,ex_ids,matchs) ->
+ let ((tm,ind),extra_id,match_td) = intern_case_item env forbidden_vars citm in
+ (tm,ind)::inds, Option.fold_right Id.Set.add extra_id ex_ids, List.rev_append match_td matchs)
+ tms ([],Id.Set.empty,[]) in
+ let env' = Id.Set.fold
+ (fun var bli -> push_name_env ntnvars (Variable,[],[],[]) bli (Loc.ghost,Name var))
+ (Id.Set.union ex_ids as_in_vars) (reset_hidden_inductive_implicit_test env) in
+ (* PatVars before a real pattern do not need to be matched *)
+ let stripped_match_from_in =
+ let rec aux = function
+ | [] -> []
+ | (_,PatVar _) :: q -> aux q
+ | l -> l
+ in aux match_from_in in
let rtnpo = match stripped_match_from_in with
| [] -> Option.map (intern_type env') rtnpo (* Only PatVar in "in" clauses *)
- | l -> let thevars,thepats=List.split l in
- Some (
- GCases(Loc.ghost,Term.RegularStyle,(* Some (GSort (Loc.ghost,GType None)) *)None, (* "return Type" *)
- List.map (fun id -> GVar (Loc.ghost,id),(Name id,None)) thevars, (* "match v1,..,vn" *)
- [Loc.ghost,[],thepats, (* "|p1,..,pn" *)
- Option.cata (intern_type env') (GHole(Loc.ghost,Evar_kinds.CasesType false,Misctypes.IntroAnonymous,None)) rtnpo; (* "=> P" is there were a P "=> _" else *)
- Loc.ghost,[],List.make (List.length thepats) (PatVar(Loc.ghost,Anonymous)), (* "|_,..,_" *)
- GHole(Loc.ghost,Evar_kinds.ImpossibleCase,Misctypes.IntroAnonymous,None) (* "=> _" *)]))
+ | l ->
+ (* Build a return predicate by expansion of the patterns of the "in" clause *)
+ let thevars,thepats = List.split l in
+ let sub_rtn = (* Some (GSort (Loc.ghost,GType None)) *) None in
+ let sub_tms = List.map (fun id -> GVar (Loc.ghost,id),(Name id,None)) thevars (* "match v1,..,vn" *) in
+ let main_sub_eqn =
+ (Loc.ghost,[],thepats, (* "|p1,..,pn" *)
+ Option.cata (intern_type env')
+ (GHole(Loc.ghost,Evar_kinds.CasesType false,Misctypes.IntroAnonymous,None))
+ rtnpo) (* "=> P" if there were a return predicate P, and "=> _" otherwise *) in
+ let catch_all_sub_eqn =
+ if List.for_all (irrefutable globalenv) thepats then [] else
+ [Loc.ghost,[],List.make (List.length thepats) (PatVar(Loc.ghost,Anonymous)), (* "|_,..,_" *)
+ GHole(Loc.ghost,Evar_kinds.ImpossibleCase,Misctypes.IntroAnonymous,None)] (* "=> _" *) in
+ Some (GCases(Loc.ghost,Term.RegularStyle,sub_rtn,sub_tms,main_sub_eqn::catch_all_sub_eqn))
let eqns' = List.map (intern_eqn (List.length tms) env) eqns in
GCases (loc, sty, rtnpo, tms, List.flatten eqns')
| CLetTuple (loc, nal, (na,po), b, c) ->
let env' = reset_tmp_scope env in
(* "in" is None so no match to add *)
- let ((b',(na',_)),_,_) = intern_case_item env' Id.Set.empty (b,(na,None)) in
+ let ((b',(na',_)),_,_) = intern_case_item env' Id.Set.empty (b,na,None) in
let p' = Option.map (fun u ->
- let env'' = push_name_env lvar (Variable,[],[],[]) (reset_hidden_inductive_implicit_test env')
+ let env'' = push_name_env ntnvars (Variable,[],[],[]) (reset_hidden_inductive_implicit_test env')
(Loc.ghost,na') in
intern_type env'' u) po in
GLetTuple (loc, List.map snd nal, (na', p'), b',
- intern (List.fold_left (push_name_env lvar (Variable,[],[],[])) (reset_hidden_inductive_implicit_test env) nal) c)
+ intern (List.fold_left (push_name_env ntnvars (Variable,[],[],[])) (reset_hidden_inductive_implicit_test env) nal) c)
| CIf (loc, c, (na,po), b1, b2) ->
let env' = reset_tmp_scope env in
- let ((c',(na',_)),_,_) = intern_case_item env' Id.Set.empty (c,(na,None)) in (* no "in" no match to ad too *)
+ let ((c',(na',_)),_,_) = intern_case_item env' Id.Set.empty (c,na,None) in (* no "in" no match to ad too *)
let p' = Option.map (fun p ->
- let env'' = push_name_env lvar (Variable,[],[],[]) (reset_hidden_inductive_implicit_test env)
+ let env'' = push_name_env ntnvars (Variable,[],[],[]) (reset_hidden_inductive_implicit_test env)
(Loc.ghost,na') in
intern_type env'' p) po in
GIf (loc, c', (na', p'), intern env b1, intern env b2)
| CHole (loc, k, naming, solve) ->
let k = match k with
- | None -> Evar_kinds.QuestionMark (Evar_kinds.Define true)
+ | None ->
+ let st = Evar_kinds.Define (not (Program.get_proofs_transparency ())) in
+ Evar_kinds.QuestionMark st
| Some k -> k
let solve = match solve with
@@ -1615,12 +1789,11 @@ let internalize globalenv env allow_patvar lvar c =
and intern_type env = intern (set_type_scope env)
and intern_local_binder env bind =
- intern_local_binder_aux intern lvar env bind
+ intern_local_binder_aux intern ntnvars env bind
(* Expands a multiple pattern into a disjunction of multiple patterns *)
and intern_multiple_pattern env n (loc,pl) =
- let idsl_pll =
- List.map (intern_cases_pattern globalenv {env with tmp_scope = None} empty_alias) pl in
+ let idsl_pll = List.map (intern_cases_pattern globalenv (None,env.scopes) empty_alias) pl in
check_number_of_pattern loc n pl;
product_of_cases_patterns [] idsl_pll
@@ -1641,12 +1814,11 @@ let internalize globalenv env allow_patvar lvar c =
let env_ids = List.fold_right Id.Set.add eqn_ids env.ids in
List.map (fun (asubst,pl) ->
let rhs = replace_vars_constr_expr asubst rhs in
- Id.Map.iter message_redundant_alias asubst;
let rhs' = intern {env with ids = env_ids} rhs in
(loc,eqn_ids,pl,rhs')) pll
- and intern_case_item env forbidden_names_for_gen (tm,(na,t)) =
- (*the "match" part *)
+ and intern_case_item env forbidden_names_for_gen (tm,na,t) =
+ (* the "match" part *)
let tm' = intern env tm in
(* the "as" part *)
let extra_id,na = match tm', na with
@@ -1657,9 +1829,7 @@ let internalize globalenv env allow_patvar lvar c =
(* the "in" part *)
let match_td,typ = match t with
| Some t ->
- let tids = ids_of_cases_indtype t in
- let tids = List.fold_right Id.Set.add tids Id.Set.empty in
- let with_letin,(ind,l) = intern_ind_pattern globalenv {env with ids = tids; tmp_scope = None} t in
+ let with_letin,(ind,l) = intern_ind_pattern globalenv (None,env.scopes) t in
let (mib,mip) = Inductive.lookup_mind_specif globalenv ind in
let nparams = (List.length (mib.Declarations.mind_params_ctxt)) in
(* for "in Vect n", we answer (["n","n"],[(loc,"n")])
@@ -1671,23 +1841,23 @@ let internalize globalenv env allow_patvar lvar c =
let (match_to_do,nal) =
let rec canonize_args case_rel_ctxt arg_pats forbidden_names match_acc var_acc =
let add_name l = function
- |_,Anonymous -> l
- |loc,(Name y as x) -> (y,PatVar(loc,x)) :: l in
+ | _,Anonymous -> l
+ | loc,(Name y as x) -> (y,PatVar(loc,x)) :: l in
match case_rel_ctxt,arg_pats with
(* LetIn in the rel_context *)
- |(_,Some _,_)::t, l when not with_letin ->
+ | LocalDef _ :: t, l when not with_letin ->
canonize_args t l forbidden_names match_acc ((Loc.ghost,Anonymous)::var_acc)
- |[],[] ->
+ | [],[] ->
(add_name match_acc na, var_acc)
- |_::t,PatVar (loc,x)::tt ->
+ | _::t,PatVar (loc,x)::tt ->
canonize_args t tt forbidden_names
(add_name match_acc (loc,x)) ((loc,x)::var_acc)
- |(cano_name,_,ty)::t,c::tt ->
+ | (LocalAssum (cano_name,ty) | LocalDef (cano_name,_,ty)) :: t, c::tt ->
let fresh =
Namegen.next_name_away_with_default_using_types "iV" cano_name forbidden_names ty in
canonize_args t tt (fresh::forbidden_names)
((fresh,c)::match_acc) ((cases_pattern_loc c,Name fresh)::var_acc)
- |_ -> assert false in
+ | _ -> assert false in
let _,args_rel =
List.chop nparams (List.rev mip.Declarations.mind_arity_ctxt) in
canonize_args args_rel l (Id.Set.elements forbidden_names_for_gen) [] [] in
@@ -1697,11 +1867,11 @@ let internalize globalenv env allow_patvar lvar c =
(tm',(snd na,typ)), extra_id, match_td
and iterate_prod loc2 env bk ty body nal =
- let env, bl = intern_assumption intern lvar env nal bk ty in
+ let env, bl = intern_assumption intern ntnvars env nal bk ty in
it_mkGProd loc2 bl (intern_type env body)
and iterate_lam loc2 env bk ty body nal =
- let env, bl = intern_assumption intern lvar env nal bk ty in
+ let env, bl = intern_assumption intern ntnvars env nal bk ty in
it_mkGLambda loc2 bl (intern env body)
and intern_impargs c env l subscopes args =
@@ -1743,7 +1913,7 @@ let internalize globalenv env allow_patvar lvar c =
in aux 1 l subscopes eargs rargs
and apply_impargs c env imp subscopes l loc =
- let imp = select_impargs_size (List.length l) imp in
+ let imp = select_impargs_size (List.length (List.filter (fun (_,x) -> x == None) l)) imp in
let l = intern_impargs c env imp subscopes l in
smart_gapp c loc l
@@ -1777,7 +1947,7 @@ let extract_ids env =
let scope_of_type_kind = function
- | IsType -> Some Notation.type_scope
+ | IsType -> Notation.current_type_scope_name ()
| OfType typ -> compute_type_scope typ
| WithoutTypeConstraint -> None
@@ -1801,9 +1971,7 @@ let intern_type env c = intern_gen IsType env c
let intern_pattern globalenv patt =
- intern_cases_pattern globalenv {ids = extract_ids globalenv; unb = false;
- tmp_scope = None; scopes = [];
- impls = empty_internalization_env} empty_alias patt
+ intern_cases_pattern globalenv (None,[]) empty_alias patt
InternalizationError (loc,e) ->
user_err_loc (loc,"internalize",explain_internalization_error e)
@@ -1874,18 +2042,19 @@ let intern_constr_pattern env ?(as_type=false) ?(ltacvars=empty_ltac_sign) c =
let interp_notation_constr ?(impls=empty_internalization_env) nenv a =
let env = Global.env () in
(* [vl] is intended to remember the scope of the free variables of [a] *)
- let vl = Id.Map.map (fun typ -> (ref None, typ)) nenv.ninterp_var_type in
+ let vl = Id.Map.map (fun typ -> (ref true, ref None, typ)) nenv.ninterp_var_type in
let c = internalize (Global.env()) {ids = extract_ids env; unb = false;
tmp_scope = None; scopes = []; impls = impls}
false (empty_ltac_sign, vl) a in
(* Translate and check that [c] has all its free variables bound in [vars] *)
- let a = notation_constr_of_glob_constr nenv c in
+ let a, reversible = notation_constr_of_glob_constr nenv c in
(* Splits variables into those that are binding, bound, or both *)
(* binding and bound *)
let out_scope = function None -> None,[] | Some (a,l) -> a,l in
- let vars = Id.Map.map (fun (sc, typ) -> (out_scope !sc, typ)) vl in
+ let vars = Id.Map.map (fun (isonlybinding, sc, typ) ->
+ (!isonlybinding, out_scope !sc, typ)) vl in
(* Returns [a] and the ordered list of variables with their scopes *)
- vars, a
+ vars, a, reversible
(* Interpret binders and contexts *)
@@ -1908,7 +2077,16 @@ let intern_context global_level env impl_env binders =
let lvar = (empty_ltac_sign, Id.Map.empty) in
let lenv, bl = List.fold_left
- (intern_local_binder_aux ~global_level (my_intern_constr env lvar) lvar)
+ (fun (lenv, bl) b ->
+ let bl = List.map (fun a -> BDRawDef a) bl in
+ let (env, bl) = intern_local_binder_aux ~global_level (my_intern_constr env lvar) Id.Map.empty (lenv, bl) b in
+ let bl =
+ List.map
+ (function
+ | BDRawDef a -> a
+ | BDPattern (loc,_,_,_,_) ->
+ Loc.raise loc (Stream.Error "pattern with quote not allowed here")) bl in
+ (env, bl))
({ids = extract_ids env; unb = false;
tmp_scope = None; scopes = []; impls = impl_env}, []) binders in
(lenv.impls, List.map snd bl)
@@ -1919,12 +2097,14 @@ let interp_rawcontext_evars env evdref k bl =
let (env, par, _, impls) =
(fun (env,params,n,impls) (na, k, b, t) ->
+ let t' =
+ if Option.is_empty b then locate_if_hole (loc_of_glob_constr t) na t
+ else t
+ in
+ let t = understand_tcc_evars env evdref ~expected_type:IsType t' in
match b with
None ->
- let t' = locate_if_hole (loc_of_glob_constr t) na t in
- let t =
- understand_tcc_evars env evdref ~expected_type:IsType t' in
- let d = (na,None,t) in
+ let d = LocalAssum (na,t) in
let impls =
if k == Implicit then
let na = match na with Name n -> Some n | Anonymous -> None in
@@ -1933,8 +2113,8 @@ let interp_rawcontext_evars env evdref k bl =
(push_rel d env, d::params, succ n, impls)
| Some b ->
- let c = understand_judgment_tcc env evdref b in
- let d = (na, Some c.uj_val, c.uj_type) in
+ let c = understand_tcc_evars env evdref ~expected_type:(OfType t) b in
+ let d = LocalDef (na, c, t) in
(push_rel d env, d::params, n, impls))
(env,[],k+1,[]) (List.rev bl)
in (env, par), impls