path: root/interp/constrexpr.ml
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1 files changed, 160 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/interp/constrexpr.ml b/interp/constrexpr.ml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d725f5afa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/interp/constrexpr.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,160 @@
+(* * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* v * INRIA, CNRS and contributors - Copyright 1999-2018 *)
+(* <O___,, * (see CREDITS file for the list of authors) *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+(* * (see LICENSE file for the text of the license) *)
+open Names
+open Libnames
+open Decl_kinds
+(** {6 Concrete syntax for terms } *)
+(** [constr_expr] is the abstract syntax tree produced by the parser *)
+type universe_decl_expr = (lident list, Glob_term.glob_constraint list) UState.gen_universe_decl
+type ident_decl = lident * universe_decl_expr option
+type name_decl = lname * universe_decl_expr option
+type notation = string
+type 'a or_by_notation_r =
+ | AN of 'a
+ | ByNotation of (string * string option)
+type 'a or_by_notation = 'a or_by_notation_r CAst.t
+(* NB: the last string in [ByNotation] is actually a [Notation.delimiters],
+ but this formulation avoids a useless dependency. *)
+type explicitation =
+ | ExplByPos of int * Id.t option (* a reference to the n-th product starting from left *)
+ | ExplByName of Id.t
+type binder_kind =
+ | Default of binding_kind
+ | Generalized of binding_kind * binding_kind * bool
+ (** Inner binding, outer bindings, typeclass-specific flag
+ for implicit generalization of superclasses *)
+type abstraction_kind = AbsLambda | AbsPi
+type proj_flag = int option (** [Some n] = proj of the n-th visible argument *)
+(** Representation of integer literals that appear in Coq scripts.
+ We now use raw strings of digits in base 10 (big-endian), and a separate
+ sign flag. Note that this representation is not unique, due to possible
+ multiple leading zeros, and -0 = +0 *)
+type sign = bool
+type raw_natural_number = string
+type prim_token =
+ | Numeral of raw_natural_number * sign
+ | String of string
+type instance_expr = Glob_term.glob_level list
+type cases_pattern_expr_r =
+ | CPatAlias of cases_pattern_expr * lname
+ | CPatCstr of reference
+ * cases_pattern_expr list option * cases_pattern_expr list
+ (** [CPatCstr (_, c, Some l1, l2)] represents [(@ c l1) l2] *)
+ | CPatAtom of reference option
+ | CPatOr of cases_pattern_expr list
+ | CPatNotation of notation * cases_pattern_notation_substitution
+ * cases_pattern_expr list (** CPatNotation (_, n, l1 ,l2) represents
+ (notation n applied with substitution l1)
+ applied to arguments l2 *)
+ | CPatPrim of prim_token
+ | CPatRecord of (reference * cases_pattern_expr) list
+ | CPatDelimiters of string * cases_pattern_expr
+ | CPatCast of cases_pattern_expr * constr_expr
+and cases_pattern_expr = cases_pattern_expr_r CAst.t
+and cases_pattern_notation_substitution =
+ cases_pattern_expr list * (** for constr subterms *)
+ cases_pattern_expr list list (** for recursive notations *)
+and constr_expr_r =
+ | CRef of reference * instance_expr option
+ | CFix of lident * fix_expr list
+ | CCoFix of lident * cofix_expr list
+ | CProdN of local_binder_expr list * constr_expr
+ | CLambdaN of local_binder_expr list * constr_expr
+ | CLetIn of lname * constr_expr * constr_expr option * constr_expr
+ | CAppExpl of (proj_flag * reference * instance_expr option) * constr_expr list
+ | CApp of (proj_flag * constr_expr) *
+ (constr_expr * explicitation CAst.t option) list
+ | CRecord of (reference * constr_expr) list
+ (* representation of the "let" and "match" constructs *)
+ | CCases of Constr.case_style (* determines whether this value represents "let" or "match" construct *)
+ * constr_expr option (* return-clause *)
+ * case_expr list
+ * branch_expr list (* branches *)
+ | CLetTuple of lname list * (lname option * constr_expr option) *
+ constr_expr * constr_expr
+ | CIf of constr_expr * (lname option * constr_expr option)
+ * constr_expr * constr_expr
+ | CHole of Evar_kinds.t option * Namegen.intro_pattern_naming_expr * Genarg.raw_generic_argument option
+ | CPatVar of Pattern.patvar
+ | CEvar of Glob_term.existential_name * (Id.t * constr_expr) list
+ | CSort of Glob_term.glob_sort
+ | CCast of constr_expr * constr_expr Glob_term.cast_type
+ | CNotation of notation * constr_notation_substitution
+ | CGeneralization of binding_kind * abstraction_kind option * constr_expr
+ | CPrim of prim_token
+ | CDelimiters of string * constr_expr
+ | CProj of reference * constr_expr
+and constr_expr = constr_expr_r CAst.t
+and case_expr = constr_expr (* expression that is being matched *)
+ * lname option (* as-clause *)
+ * cases_pattern_expr option (* in-clause *)
+and branch_expr =
+ (cases_pattern_expr list list * constr_expr) CAst.t
+and fix_expr =
+ lident * (lident option * recursion_order_expr) *
+ local_binder_expr list * constr_expr * constr_expr
+and cofix_expr =
+ lident * local_binder_expr list * constr_expr * constr_expr
+and recursion_order_expr =
+ | CStructRec
+ | CWfRec of constr_expr
+ | CMeasureRec of constr_expr * constr_expr option (** measure, relation *)
+(* Anonymous defs allowed ?? *)
+and local_binder_expr =
+ | CLocalAssum of lname list * binder_kind * constr_expr
+ | CLocalDef of lname * constr_expr * constr_expr option
+ | CLocalPattern of (cases_pattern_expr * constr_expr option) CAst.t
+and constr_notation_substitution =
+ constr_expr list * (** for constr subterms *)
+ constr_expr list list * (** for recursive notations *)
+ cases_pattern_expr list * (** for binders *)
+ local_binder_expr list list (** for binder lists (recursive notations) *)
+type constr_pattern_expr = constr_expr
+(** Concrete syntax for modules and module types *)
+type with_declaration_ast =
+ | CWith_Module of Id.t list CAst.t * qualid CAst.t
+ | CWith_Definition of Id.t list CAst.t * universe_decl_expr option * constr_expr
+type module_ast_r =
+ | CMident of qualid
+ | CMapply of module_ast * module_ast
+ | CMwith of module_ast * with_declaration_ast
+and module_ast = module_ast_r CAst.t