path: root/ide
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'ide')
6 files changed, 1043 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ide/.cvsignore b/ide/.cvsignore
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..98975db80
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ide/.cvsignore
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
diff --git a/ide/coq.ml b/ide/coq.ml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9dde20439
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ide/coq.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,156 @@
+open Vernac
+open Vernacexpr
+open Pfedit
+open Pp
+open Util
+open Names
+open Term
+open Printer
+open Environ
+open Evarutil
+open Evd
+let output = ref (Format.formatter_of_out_channel stdout)
+let msg x =
+ Format.fprintf !output "%s\n" x;
+ Format.pp_print_flush !output ();;
+let init () =
+ Options.make_silent true;
+ Coqtop.init ()
+let i = ref 0
+let interp s =
+ prerr_endline s;
+ flush stderr;
+ let po = Pcoq.Gram.parsable (Stream.of_string s) in
+ Vernac.raw_do_vernac po;
+ let po = Pcoq.Gram.parsable (Stream.of_string s) in
+ match Pcoq.Gram.Entry.parse Pcoq.main_entry po with
+ (* | Some (_, VernacDefinition _) *)
+ | Some (_,ast) ->
+ prerr_endline ("Done with "^s);
+ flush stderr;
+ ast
+ | None -> assert false
+let msg m =
+ let b = Buffer.create 103 in
+ Pp.msg_with (Format.formatter_of_buffer b) m;
+ Buffer.contents b
+let msgnl m =
+ (msg m)^"\n"
+let rec is_pervasive_exn = function
+ | Out_of_memory | Stack_overflow | Sys.Break -> true
+ | Error_in_file (_,_,e) -> is_pervasive_exn e
+ | Stdpp.Exc_located (_,e) -> is_pervasive_exn e
+ | DuringCommandInterp (_,e) -> is_pervasive_exn e
+ | _ -> false
+let print_toplevel_error exc =
+ let (dloc,exc) =
+ match exc with
+ | DuringCommandInterp (loc,ie) ->
+ if loc = dummy_loc then (None,ie) else (Some loc, ie)
+ | _ -> (None, exc)
+ in
+ let (loc,exc) =
+ match exc with
+ | Stdpp.Exc_located (loc, ie) -> (Some loc),ie
+ | Error_in_file (s, (fname, loc), ie) -> assert false
+ | _ -> dloc,exc
+ in
+ match exc with
+ | End_of_input -> str "Please report: End of input",None
+ | Vernacexpr.ProtectedLoop ->
+ str "ProtectedLoop not allowed by coqide!",None
+ | Vernacexpr.Drop -> str "Drop is not allowed by coqide!",None
+ | Vernacexpr.Quit -> str "Quit is not allowed by coqide! Use menus.",None
+ | _ ->
+ (Cerrors.explain_exn exc),
+ (if is_pervasive_exn exc then None else loc)
+let process_exn e = let s,loc=print_toplevel_error e in (msgnl s,loc)
+(* type hyp = (identifier * constr option * constr) * string*)
+type hyp = ((identifier * string) * constr option * constr) * (string * string)
+type concl = constr * string
+type goal = hyp list * concl
+let prepare_hyp env ((i,c,d) as a) =
+ ((i,string_of_id i),c,d), (msg (pr_var_decl env a),
+ msg (prterm_env_at_top env d))
+let prepare_hyps env =
+ assert (rel_context env = []);
+ let hyps =
+ fold_named_context
+ (fun env d acc -> let hyp = prepare_hyp env d in hyp :: acc)
+ env ~init:[]
+ in
+ List.rev hyps
+let prepare_goal g =
+ let env = evar_env g in
+ (prepare_hyps env,
+ (g.evar_concl, msg (prterm_env_at_top env g.evar_concl)))
+let get_curent_goals () =
+ let pfts = get_pftreestate () in
+ let gls = fst (Refiner.frontier (Tacmach.proof_of_pftreestate pfts)) in
+ List.map prepare_goal gls
+let print_no_goal () =
+ let pfts = get_pftreestate () in
+ let gls = fst (Refiner.frontier (Tacmach.proof_of_pftreestate pfts)) in
+ assert (gls = []);
+ let sigma = Tacmach.project (Tacmach.top_goal_of_pftreestate pfts) in
+ msg (Proof_trees.pr_subgoals_existential sigma gls)
+type word_class = Normal | Kwd | Reserved
+let kwd = [(* "Compile";"Inductive";"Qed";"Type";"end";"Axiom";
+ "Definition";"Load";"Quit";"Variable";"in";"Cases";"FixPoint";
+ "Parameter";"Set";"of";"CoFixpoint";"Grammar";"Proof";"Syntax";
+ "using";"CoInductive";"Hypothesis";"Prop";"Theorem";
+ *)
+ "Add"; "AddPath"; "Axiom"; "Chapter"; "CoFixpoint";
+ "CoInductive"; "Defined"; "Definition";
+ "End"; "Export"; "Fact"; "Fix"; "Fixpoint"; "Global"; "Grammar"; "Hint";
+ "Hints"; "Hypothesis"; "Immediate"; "Implicits"; "Import"; "Inductive";
+ "Infix"; "Lemma"; "Load"; "Local";
+ "Match"; "Module"; "Module Type";
+ "Mutual"; "Parameter"; "Print"; "Proof"; "Qed";
+ "Record"; "Recursive"; "Remark"; "Require"; "Save"; "Scheme";
+ "Section"; "Show"; "Syntactic"; "Syntax"; "Tactic"; "Theorem";
+ "Unset"; "Variable"; "Variables";
+let reserved = []
+module SHashtbl =
+ Hashtbl.Make
+ (struct
+ type t = string
+ let equal = ( = )
+ let hash = Hashtbl.hash
+ end)
+let word_tbl = SHashtbl.create 37
+let _ =
+ List.iter (fun w -> SHashtbl.add word_tbl w Kwd) kwd;
+ List.iter (fun w -> SHashtbl.add word_tbl w Reserved) reserved
+let word_class s =
+ try
+ SHashtbl.find word_tbl s
+ with Not_found -> Normal
diff --git a/ide/coq.mli b/ide/coq.mli
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3e81c1196
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ide/coq.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+open Names
+open Term
+val init : unit -> unit
+val interp : string -> Vernacexpr.vernac_expr
+(* type hyp = (identifier * constr option * constr) * string *)
+type hyp = ((identifier*string) * constr option * constr) * (string * string)
+type concl = constr * string
+type goal = hyp list * concl
+val get_curent_goals : unit -> goal list
+val print_no_goal : unit -> string
+val process_exn : exn -> string*((int*int) option)
+type word_class = Normal | Kwd | Reserved
+val word_class : string -> word_class
diff --git a/ide/coqide.ml b/ide/coqide.ml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b6ea38709
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ide/coqide.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,763 @@
+let window_width = 1280
+let window_height = 1024
+let monospace_font = ref (Pango.Font.from_string "Courier bold 14")
+let general_font = ref !monospace_font
+let lower_view_general_font = ref (Pango.Font.from_string "Courier bold 14")
+let upper_view_general_font = ref !general_font
+let statusbar_font = ref !general_font
+let proved_lemma_font = ref !monospace_font
+let to_prove_lemma_font = ref !monospace_font
+let discharged_lemma_font = ref !monospace_font
+let (load_m:GMenu.menu_item option ref) = ref None
+let (save_m:GMenu.menu_item option ref) = ref None
+let (rehighlight_m:GMenu.menu_item option ref) = ref None
+let (refresh_m:GMenu.menu_item option ref) = ref None
+let last_filename = ref None
+let status = ref None
+let push_info = ref (function s -> failwith "not ready")
+let pop_info = ref (function s -> failwith "not ready")
+let flash_info = ref (function s -> failwith "not ready")
+let out_some s = match s with | None -> assert false | Some f -> f
+let try_convert s =
+ try
+ if Glib.Utf8.validate s then s else
+ (prerr_endline
+ "Coqide warning: input is not UTF-8 encoded. Trying to convert from locale.";
+ Glib.Convert.locale_to_utf8 s)
+ with _ ->
+ "(* Fatal error: wrong encoding in input.
+Please set your locale according to your file encoding.*)"
+let try_export file_name s =
+ try
+ let s = Glib.Convert.locale_from_utf8 s in
+ let oc = open_out file_name in
+ output_string oc s;
+ close_out oc
+ with e -> prerr_endline (Printexc.to_string e)
+let input_channel b ic =
+ let buf = String.create 1024 and len = ref 0 in
+ while len := input ic buf 0 1024; !len > 0 do
+ Buffer.add_substring b buf 0 !len
+ done
+let with_file name ~f =
+ let ic = open_in name in
+ try f ic; close_in ic with exn -> close_in ic; raise exn
+type info = {start:GText.mark;
+ stop:GText.mark;
+ ast:Vernacexpr.vernac_expr}
+exception Size of int
+let (processed_stack:info Stack.t) = Stack.create ()
+let push x = Stack.push x processed_stack
+let pop () = try Stack.pop processed_stack with Stack.Empty -> raise (Size 0)
+let top () = try Stack.top processed_stack with Stack.Empty -> raise (Size 0)
+let top_top () =
+ let first = pop () in
+ let snd = try top () with Size 0 -> push first; raise (Size 1) in
+ push first;
+ snd
+(* For electric handlers *)
+exception Found
+(* For find_phrase_starting_at *)
+exception Stop of int
+let set_break () =
+ Sys.set_signal Sys.sigusr1 (Sys.Signal_handle (fun _ -> raise Sys.Break))
+let unset_break () =
+ Sys.set_signal Sys.sigusr1 Sys.Signal_ignore
+let pid = Unix.getpid ()
+let break () = Unix.kill pid Sys.sigusr1
+let can_break () = set_break ()
+(* ignore (Unix.sigprocmask Unix.SIG_UNBLOCK [Sys.sigusr1])*)
+let cant_break () = unset_break ()
+(* ignore (Unix.sigprocmask Unix.SIG_BLOCK [Sys.sigusr1])*)
+(* Get back the standard coq out channels *)
+let read_stdout,clear_stdout =
+ let out_buff = Buffer.create 100 in
+ Pp_control.std_ft := Format.formatter_of_buffer out_buff;
+ (fun () -> Format.pp_print_flush !Pp_control.std_ft ();
+ let r = Buffer.contents out_buff in
+ Buffer.clear out_buff; r),
+ (fun () ->
+ Format.pp_print_flush !Pp_control.std_ft (); Buffer.clear out_buff)
+let process_pending () =
+ while Glib.Main.pending () do
+ ignore (Glib.Main.iteration false)
+ done
+let find_tag_limits (tag :GText.tag) (it:GText.iter) =
+ let start_it = it#copy in
+ if not (start_it#begins_tag ~tag ())
+ then ignore (start_it#backward_to_tag_toggle ~tag ());
+ let end_it = it#copy in
+ if not (end_it#ends_tag ~tag ())
+ then ignore (end_it#forward_to_tag_toggle ~tag ());
+ start_it,end_it
+let analyze_all
+ (input_view:GText.view)
+ (proof_view:GText.view)
+ (message_view:GText.view)
+ =
+ let input_buffer = input_view#get_buffer in
+ let proof_buffer = proof_view#get_buffer in
+ let message_buffer = message_view#get_buffer in
+ let insert_message s =
+ message_buffer#insert s;
+ message_view#misc#draw None
+ in
+ let set_message s =
+ message_buffer#set_text s;
+ message_view#misc#draw None
+ in
+ let clear_message () =
+ message_buffer#set_text ""
+ in
+ ignore (message_view#get_buffer#connect#after#insert_text
+ ~callback:(fun it s -> ignore (message_view#scroll_to_mark
+ ~within_margin:0.49
+ (message_buffer#get_insert))));
+ let last_index = ref true in
+ let last_array = [|"";""|] in
+ let get_start_of_input () =
+ input_buffer#get_iter_at_mark
+ (input_buffer#get_mark ~name:"start_of_input")
+ in
+ ignore (input_buffer#connect#changed
+ ~callback:(fun () ->
+ input_buffer#remove_tag_by_name
+ ~start:(get_start_of_input())
+ ~stop:input_buffer#get_end_iter
+ "error"));
+ let get_insert () = input_buffer#get_iter_at_mark (input_buffer#get_insert) in
+ let highlight_slice start stop =
+ let offset = start#get_offset in
+ let s = Glib.Convert.locale_from_utf8 (input_buffer#get_slice ~start ~stop ()) in
+ let lb = Lexing.from_string s in
+ try
+ while true do
+ process_pending ();
+ let b,e,o=Highlight.next_order lb in
+ let start = input_buffer#get_iter_at ~char_offset:(offset + b) () in
+ let stop = input_buffer#get_iter_at ~char_offset:(offset + e) () in
+ input_buffer#apply_tag_by_name ~start ~stop o
+ done
+ with End_of_file -> ()
+ | _ -> ()
+ in
+ let highlight_current_line () =
+ let i = get_insert () in
+ ignore (i#set_line_offset 0);
+ highlight_slice i (get_insert ())
+ in
+ let highlight_all () =
+ highlight_slice input_buffer#get_start_iter input_buffer#get_end_iter in
+ let rec show_goals () =
+ proof_view#get_buffer#set_text "";
+ let s = Coq.get_curent_goals () in
+ let last_shown_area = proof_buffer#create_tag
+ ~properties:[`BACKGROUND "light blue"]
+ ()
+ in
+ match s with
+ | [] -> proof_buffer#insert (Coq.print_no_goal ())
+ | (hyps,(_,concl))::r ->
+ let goal_nb = List.length s in
+ proof_buffer#insert (Printf.sprintf "%d subgoal%s\n"
+ goal_nb
+ (if goal_nb<=1 then "" else "s"));
+ List.iter
+ (fun (((coqident,ident),_,ast),(s,pr_ast)) ->
+ let tag = proof_buffer#create_tag ()
+ in
+ ignore
+ (tag#connect#event
+ ~callback:
+ (fun ~origin ev it ->
+ match GdkEvent.get_type ev with
+ let ev = (GdkEvent.Button.cast ev) in
+ if (GdkEvent.Button.button ev) = 3
+ then begin
+ let loc_menu = GMenu.menu () in
+ let factory = new GMenu.factory loc_menu in
+ let add_coq_command cp ip =
+ ignore (factory#add_item cp
+ ~callback:
+ (fun () -> ignore
+ (insert_this_phrase_on_success
+ true
+ false
+ (ip^"\n")
+ (ip^"\n"))
+ )
+ )
+ in
+ add_coq_command
+ ("Clear "^ident^".")
+ ("Clear "^ident^".");
+ add_coq_command
+ ("Elim "^ident^".")
+ ("Elim "^ident^".");
+ add_coq_command
+ ("Apply "^ident^".")
+ ("Apply "^ident^".");
+ add_coq_command
+ ("Generalize "^ident^".")
+ ("Generalize "^ident^".");
+ add_coq_command
+ ("Assumption.")
+ ("Assumption.");
+ add_coq_command
+ ("Absurd <"^ident^">")
+ ("Absurd "^
+ pr_ast
+ ^".");
+ add_coq_command
+ ("Discriminate "^ident^".")
+ ("Discriminate "^ident^".");
+ add_coq_command
+ ("Injection "^ident^".")
+ ("Injection "^ident^".");
+ add_coq_command
+ ("Rewrite "^ident^".")
+ ("Rewrite "^ident^".");
+ add_coq_command
+ ("Rewrite <- "^ident^".")
+ ("Rewrite <- "^ident^".");
+ add_coq_command
+ ("Inversion "^ident^".")
+ ("Inversion "^ident^".");
+ add_coq_command
+ ("Inversion_clear "^ident^".")
+ ("Inversion_clear "^ident^".");
+ loc_menu#popup
+ ~button:3
+ ~time:(GdkEvent.Button.time ev);
+ end
+ proof_buffer#remove_tag
+ ~start:proof_buffer#get_start_iter
+ ~stop:proof_buffer#get_end_iter
+ last_shown_area;
+ let s,e = find_tag_limits tag
+ (new GText.iter it)
+ in
+ proof_buffer#apply_tag
+ ~start:s
+ ~stop:e
+ last_shown_area;
+ ()
+ | _ -> ())
+ );
+ proof_buffer#insert ~tags:[tag] (s^"\n"))
+ hyps;
+ proof_buffer#insert ("--------------------------------------(1/"^
+ (string_of_int goal_nb)^
+ ")\n")
+ ;
+ proof_buffer#insert concl;
+ proof_buffer#insert "\n";
+ let my_mark = proof_buffer#get_mark ~name:"end_of_conclusion" in
+ proof_buffer#move_mark
+ ~where:((proof_buffer#get_iter_at_mark proof_buffer#get_insert))
+ my_mark;
+ proof_buffer#insert "\n\n";
+ let i = ref 1 in
+ List.iter
+ (function (_,(_,concl)) ->
+ incr i;
+ proof_buffer#insert ("----------------------------------------("^
+ (string_of_int !i)^
+ "/"^
+ (string_of_int goal_nb)^
+ ")\n");
+ proof_buffer#insert concl;
+ proof_buffer#insert "\n\n";
+ )
+ r;
+ ignore (proof_view#scroll_to_mark my_mark)
+ and send_to_coq phrase show_error localize =
+ try
+ !push_info "Coq is computing";
+ (out_some !status)#misc#draw None;
+ input_view#set_editable false;
+ can_break ();
+ let r = Some (Coq.interp phrase) in
+ cant_break ();
+ input_view#set_editable true;
+ !pop_info ();
+ (out_some !status)#misc#draw None;
+ insert_message (read_stdout ());
+ r
+ with e ->
+ input_view#set_editable true;
+ !pop_info ();
+ (if show_error then
+ let (s,loc) = Coq.process_exn e in
+ assert (Glib.Utf8.validate s);
+ set_message s;
+ message_view#misc#draw None;
+ if localize then
+ (match loc with
+ | None -> ()
+ | Some (start,stop) ->
+ let i = get_start_of_input() in
+ let starti = i#copy in
+ ignore (starti#forward_chars start);
+ let stopi = i#copy in
+ ignore (stopi#forward_chars stop);
+ input_buffer#apply_tag_by_name "error"
+ ~start:starti
+ ~stop:stopi
+ ));
+ None
+ and find_phrase_starting_at (start:GText.iter) =
+ let end_iter = start#copy in
+ let lexbuf_function s count =
+ try for i = 0 to (count-1) do
+ let c = end_iter#get_char in
+ if c='\000' then raise (Stop 0);
+ s.[i] <- c;
+ if not (end_iter#forward_char ()) then
+ raise (Stop (i+1))
+ done;
+ count
+ with Stop x -> x
+ in
+ try
+ Find_phrase.length := 0;
+ let phrase = Find_phrase.next_phrase (Lexing.from_function lexbuf_function) in
+ end_iter#set_offset (start#get_offset + !Find_phrase.length);
+ Some (start,end_iter)
+ with _ -> None
+ and process_next_phrase display_goals =
+ clear_message ();
+ match (find_phrase_starting_at (get_start_of_input ()))
+ with None -> false
+ | Some(start,stop) ->
+ let b = input_buffer in
+ let phrase = b#get_slice ~start ~stop () in
+ match send_to_coq phrase true true with
+ | Some ast ->
+ begin
+ b#move_mark_by_name ~where:stop "start_of_input";
+ b#apply_tag_by_name "processed" ~start ~stop;
+ if ((get_insert())#compare) stop <= 0 then
+ (b#place_cursor stop;
+ ignore (input_view#scroll_to_iter
+ ~within_margin:0.2 (get_insert())));
+ let start_of_phrase_mark = b#create_mark start in
+ let end_of_phrase_mark = b#create_mark stop in
+ push
+ {start = start_of_phrase_mark;
+ stop = end_of_phrase_mark;
+ ast= ast};
+ if display_goals then
+ (try show_goals () with e -> ());
+ true;
+ end
+ | None -> false
+ and insert_this_phrase_on_success show_msg localize coqphrase insertphrase =
+ match send_to_coq coqphrase show_msg localize with
+ | Some ast ->
+ begin
+ let stop = get_start_of_input () in
+ if stop#starts_line then
+ input_buffer#insert ~iter:stop insertphrase
+ else input_buffer#insert ~iter:stop ("\n"^insertphrase);
+ let start = get_start_of_input () in
+ input_buffer#move_mark_by_name ~where:stop "start_of_input";
+ input_buffer#apply_tag_by_name "processed" ~start ~stop;
+ if ((get_insert())#compare) stop <= 0 then
+ input_buffer#place_cursor stop;
+ let start_of_phrase_mark = input_buffer#create_mark start in
+ let end_of_phrase_mark = input_buffer#create_mark stop in
+ push
+ {start = start_of_phrase_mark;
+ stop = end_of_phrase_mark;
+ ast= ast};
+ (try show_goals () with e -> ());
+ true
+ end
+ | None -> insert_message ("Unsuccesfully tried: "^coqphrase);
+ false
+ in
+ let process_until_iter_or_error stop =
+ let start = (get_start_of_input ())#copy in
+ input_buffer#apply_tag_by_name
+ ~start
+ ~stop
+ "to_process";
+ while ((stop#compare (get_start_of_input ())>=0) && process_next_phrase false)
+ do () done;
+ (try show_goals () with _ -> ());
+ input_buffer#remove_tag_by_name ~start ~stop "to_process" ;
+ in
+ let process_until_insert_or_error () =
+ let stop = get_insert () in
+ process_until_iter_or_error stop
+ in
+ let reset_initial () =
+ Stack.iter
+ (function inf ->
+ let start = input_buffer#get_iter_at_mark inf.start in
+ let stop = input_buffer#get_iter_at_mark inf.stop in
+ input_buffer#move_mark_by_name ~where:start "start_of_input";
+ input_buffer#remove_tag_by_name "processed" ~start ~stop;
+ input_buffer#delete_mark inf.start;
+ input_buffer#delete_mark inf.stop;
+ )
+ processed_stack;
+ Stack.clear processed_stack;
+ clear_message ();
+ send_to_coq "\nReset Initial.\n" true true
+ in
+ let undo_last_step () =
+ try
+ let come_back_iter = input_buffer#get_iter_at_mark (top_top ()).start in
+ ignore (reset_initial ());
+ (* message_buffer#insert "(* Replaying to undo *)\n" ();*)
+ process_until_iter_or_error come_back_iter;
+ input_buffer#place_cursor
+ (input_buffer#get_iter_at_mark
+ (input_buffer#get_mark ~name:"start_of_input"));
+ (* message_buffer#insert "\n(* End of replay *)\n" ();*)
+ with
+ | Size 0 -> !flash_info "Nothing to Undo"
+ | Size 1 -> ignore (reset_initial ())
+ in
+ let (* TODO *) undo_just_before (i:GText.iter) =
+ while (i#get_marks<>[] && (i#backward_char ())) do () done;
+ ()
+ in
+ let undo_until_pointer () =
+ undo_just_before
+ (let win = match input_view#get_window `WIDGET with
+ | None -> assert false
+ | Some w -> w
+ in
+ let x,y = Gdk.Window.get_pointer_location win in
+ let b_x,b_y = input_view#window_to_buffer_coords
+ ~tag:`WIDGET
+ ~x
+ ~y
+ in
+ input_view#get_iter_at_location ~x:b_x ~y:b_y)
+ in
+ let insert_command cp ip =
+ clear_message ();
+ ignore (insert_this_phrase_on_success false false cp ip) in
+ let insert_commands l =
+ clear_message ();
+ ignore (List.exists (fun (cp,ip) ->
+ insert_this_phrase_on_success false false cp ip) l)
+ in
+ let _ = input_view#event#connect#key_press
+ (function k ->
+ match GdkEvent.Key.state k with
+ | [`MOD1] | [`CONTROL;`MOD1] | [`MOD1;`CONTROL]->
+ let k = GdkEvent.Key.keyval k in
+ if GdkKeysyms._Down=k
+ then ignore (process_next_phrase true)
+ else if GdkKeysyms._Right=k
+ then process_until_insert_or_error ()
+ else if GdkKeysyms._Left=k
+ then (
+ ignore(reset_initial ());
+ process_until_insert_or_error ())
+ else if GdkKeysyms._r=k
+ then ignore (reset_initial ())
+ else if GdkKeysyms._Up=k
+ then ignore (undo_last_step ())
+ else if GdkKeysyms._Return=k
+ then ignore(
+ if (input_buffer#insert_interactive "\n") then
+ begin
+ let i= get_insert() in
+ ignore (i#backward_word_start ());
+ input_buffer#place_cursor i;
+ process_until_insert_or_error ()
+ end)
+ else if GdkKeysyms._a=k
+ then insert_command "Progress Auto.\n" "Auto.\n"
+ else if GdkKeysyms._i=k
+ then insert_command "Progress Intuition.\n" "Intuition.\n"
+ else if GdkKeysyms._t=k
+ then insert_command "Progress Trivial.\n" "Trivial.\n"
+ else if GdkKeysyms._o=k
+ then insert_command "Omega.\n" "Omega.\n"
+ else if GdkKeysyms._s=k
+ then insert_command "Progress Simpl.\n" "Simpl.\n"
+ else if GdkKeysyms._e=k
+ then insert_command
+ "Progress EAuto with *.\n"
+ "EAuto with *.\n"
+ else if GdkKeysyms._asterisk=k
+ then insert_command
+ "Progress Auto with *.\n"
+ "Auto with *.\n"
+ else if GdkKeysyms._dollar=k
+ then insert_commands
+ ["Progress Trivial.\n","Trivial.\n";
+ "Progress Auto.\n","Auto.\n";
+ "Tauto.\n","Tauto.\n";
+ "Omega.\n","Omega.\n";
+ "Progress Auto with *.\n","Auto with *.\n";
+ "Progress EAuto with *.\n","EAuto with *.\n";
+ "Progress Intuition.\n","Intuition.\n";
+ ];
+ true
+ | [] ->
+ let k = GdkEvent.Key.keyval k in
+ if GdkKeysyms._Return=k
+ then
+ highlight_current_line ();
+ false
+ | [`CONTROL] ->
+ let k = GdkEvent.Key.keyval k in
+ if GdkKeysyms._c=k
+ then break ();
+ false
+ | l -> false)
+ in
+ ignore
+ ((out_some !load_m)#connect#activate
+ (fun () ->
+ match GToolbox.select_file ~title:"Load file" () with
+ | None -> ()
+ | Some f ->
+ try
+ let b = Buffer.create 1024 in
+ with_file f ~f:(input_channel b);
+ let s = try_convert (Buffer.contents b)
+ in
+ ignore (reset_initial ());
+ input_buffer#set_text s;
+ input_buffer#place_cursor input_buffer#get_start_iter;
+ highlight_all ();
+ last_filename := Some f;
+ with e -> !flash_info "Load failed"
+ ));
+ ignore
+ ((out_some !save_m)#connect#activate
+ (fun () ->
+ try match !last_filename with
+ | None ->
+ begin match GToolbox.select_file ~title:"Save file" ()
+ with
+ | None -> ()
+ | Some f ->
+ try_export f (input_buffer#get_text ());
+ last_filename := Some f;
+ end
+ | Some f -> try_export f (input_buffer#get_text ())
+ with e -> !flash_info "Save failed"
+ ));
+ ignore
+ ((out_some !rehighlight_m)#connect#activate
+ highlight_all);
+ let electric_handler () =
+ input_buffer#connect#insert_text ~callback:
+ (fun it x ->
+ begin try
+ if !last_index then begin
+ last_array.(0)<-x;
+ if (last_array.(1) ^ last_array.(0) = ".\n") then raise Found
+ end else begin
+ last_array.(1)<-x;
+ if (last_array.(0) ^ last_array.(1) = ".\n") then raise Found
+ end
+ with Found ->
+ begin
+ ignore (process_next_phrase true)
+ end;
+ end;
+ last_index := not !last_index;)
+ in
+ ()
+let main () =
+ let w = GWindow.window
+ ~allow_grow:true ~allow_shrink:true ~width:window_width ~height:window_height ~title:"CoqIde" ()
+ in
+ w#misc#modify_font !general_font;
+ let accel_group = GtkData.AccelGroup.create () in
+ let _ = w#connect#destroy ~callback:(fun () -> exit 0) in
+ let vbox = GPack.vbox ~homogeneous:false ~packing:w#add () in
+ let menubar = GMenu.menu_bar ~packing:vbox#pack () in
+ let factory = new GMenu.factory menubar in
+ let accel_group = factory#accel_group in
+ let file_menu = factory#add_submenu "File" in
+ let file_factory = new GMenu.factory file_menu ~accel_group in
+ load_m := Some (file_factory#add_item "Open" ~key:GdkKeysyms._O);
+ save_m := Some (file_factory#add_item "Save" ~key:GdkKeysyms._S);
+ rehighlight_m := Some (file_factory#add_item "Rehighlight"
+ ~key:GdkKeysyms._L);
+ refresh_m := Some (file_factory#add_item "Restart all" ~key:GdkKeysyms._R);
+ let quit_m = file_factory#add_item "Quit" ~key:GdkKeysyms._Q
+ ~callback:(fun () -> exit 0) in
+ let configuration_menu = factory#add_submenu "Configuration" in
+ let configuration_factory = new GMenu.factory configuration_menu ~accel_group
+ in
+(* let show_discharged_m = configuration_factory#add_check_item
+ "Show discharged proof"
+ ~key:GdkKeysyms._D
+ ~callback:(fun b -> () (*show_discharged := b*))
+ in*)
+ let customize_colors_m =
+ configuration_factory#add_item "Customize colors"
+ ~callback:(fun () -> !flash_info "Not implemented")
+ in
+ let customize_fonts_m =
+ configuration_factory#add_item "Customize fonts"
+ ~callback:(fun () -> !flash_info "Not implemented")
+ in
+ let hb = GPack.paned `HORIZONTAL ~border_width:3 ~packing:vbox#add () in
+ let _ = hb#set_position (window_width*6/10 ) in
+ let fr1 = GBin.frame ~shadow_type:`ETCHED_OUT ~packing:hb#add1 () in
+ let sw1 = GBin.scrolled_window
+ ~vpolicy:`AUTOMATIC
+ ~hpolicy:`AUTOMATIC
+ ~packing:fr1#add () in
+ let fr2 = GBin.frame ~shadow_type:`ETCHED_OUT ~packing:hb#add2 () in
+ let hb2 = GPack.paned `VERTICAL ~border_width:3 ~packing:fr2#add () in
+ hb2#set_position (window_height*7/10);
+ let sw2 = GBin.scrolled_window
+ ~vpolicy:`AUTOMATIC
+ ~hpolicy:`AUTOMATIC
+ ~packing:(hb2#add) () in
+ let sw3 = GBin.scrolled_window
+ ~vpolicy:`AUTOMATIC
+ ~hpolicy:`AUTOMATIC
+ ~packing:(hb2#add) () in
+ let status_bar = GMisc.statusbar ~packing:vbox#pack () in
+ status_bar#misc#modify_font !statusbar_font ;
+ let status_context = status_bar#new_context "Messages" in
+ ignore (status_context#push "Ready");
+ status := Some status_bar;
+ push_info := (fun s -> ignore (status_context#push s));
+ pop_info := (fun () -> status_context#pop ());
+ flash_info := (fun s -> status_context#flash ~delay:5000 s);
+ let tv2 = GText.view ~packing:(sw2#add) () in
+ let _ = tv2#misc#modify_font !lower_view_general_font in
+ let _ = tv2#set_editable false in
+ let b = GText.buffer () in
+ let tb2 = tv2#get_buffer in
+ let tv1 = GText.view ~buffer:b ~packing:(sw1#add) () in
+ let _ = tv1#misc#modify_font !upper_view_general_font in
+ let _ = tv1#set_editable true in
+ let tv3 = GText.view ~packing:(sw3#add) () in
+ let _ = tv3#set_wrap_mode `WORD in
+ let _ = tv3#misc#modify_font !lower_view_general_font in
+ let _ = tv3#set_editable false in
+ let _ = GtkBase.Widget.add_events tv2#as_widget [`POINTER_MOTION] in
+ let _ = tv2#event#connect#motion_notify
+ ~callback:(fun e ->
+ let win = match tv2#get_window `WIDGET with
+ | None -> assert false
+ | Some w -> w
+ in
+ let x,y = Gdk.Window.get_pointer_location win in
+ let b_x,b_y = tv2#window_to_buffer_coords
+ ~tag:`WIDGET
+ ~x
+ ~y
+ in
+ let it = tv2#get_iter_at_location ~x:b_x ~y:b_y in
+ let tags = it#get_tags in
+ List.iter
+ ( fun t ->
+ ignore (GtkText.Tag.event
+ t#as_tag
+ tv2#as_widget
+ e
+ it#as_textiter))
+ tags;
+ false)
+ in
+ b#place_cursor ~where:(b#get_start_iter);
+ (* let _ = refresh_m#connect#activate
+ ~callback:(fun () -> analyze_all tv1 tv2 tv3)
+ in
+ *)
+ w#add_accel_group accel_group;
+ (* Remove default pango menu for textviews *)
+ ignore (tv1#event#connect#button_press ~callback:
+ (fun ev -> GdkEvent.Button.button ev = 3));
+ ignore (tv2#event#connect#button_press ~callback:
+ (fun ev -> GdkEvent.Button.button ev = 3));
+ ignore (tv3#event#connect#button_press ~callback:
+ (fun ev -> GdkEvent.Button.button ev = 3));
+ tv1#misc#grab_focus ();
+ tv2#misc#set_can_focus false;
+ tv3#misc#set_can_focus false;
+ ignore (tv1#get_buffer#create_mark
+ ~name:"start_of_input"
+ tv1#get_buffer#get_start_iter);
+ ignore (tv2#get_buffer#create_mark
+ ~name:"end_of_conclusion"
+ tv2#get_buffer#get_start_iter);
+ ignore (tv1#get_buffer#create_tag
+ ~name:"to_process"
+ ~properties:[`BACKGROUND "light green" ;`EDITABLE false] ());
+ ignore (tv1#get_buffer#create_tag
+ ~name:"processed"
+ ~properties:[`BACKGROUND "green" ;`EDITABLE false] ());
+ ignore (tv1#get_buffer#create_tag
+ ~name:"error"
+ ~properties:[`UNDERLINE `DOUBLE ; `FOREGROUND "red"] ());
+ ignore (tv1#get_buffer#create_tag
+ ~name:"kwd"
+ ~properties:[`FOREGROUND "blue"] ());
+ ignore (tv1#get_buffer#create_tag
+ ~name:"decl"
+ ~properties:[`FOREGROUND "orange red"] ());
+ ignore (tv1#get_buffer#create_tag
+ ~name:"comment"
+ ~properties:[`FOREGROUND "brown"] ());
+ ignore (tv1#get_buffer#create_tag
+ ~name:"reserved"
+ ~properties:[`FOREGROUND "dark red"] ());
+ ignore (tv3#get_buffer#create_tag
+ ~name:"error"
+ ~properties:[`FOREGROUND "red"] ());
+ w#show ();
+ analyze_all tv1 tv2 tv3
+let start () =
+ cant_break ();
+ Coq.init ();
+ ignore (GtkMain.Main.init ());
+ Glib.Message.set_log_handler ~domain:"Gtk" ~levels:[`ERROR;`FLAG_FATAL;
+ (fun ~level msg ->
+ failwith ("Coqide internal error: " ^ msg)
+ );
+ main ();
+ Sys.catch_break true;
+ try
+ GMain.Main.main ()
+ with
+ Sys.Break -> prerr_endline "Interrupted." ; ()
diff --git a/ide/find_phrase.mll b/ide/find_phrase.mll
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..de19db4c3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ide/find_phrase.mll
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+ exception Lex_error of string
+ let length = ref 0
+rule next_phrase = parse
+ | "(*" { incr length; incr length;
+ skip_comment lexbuf;
+ next_phrase lexbuf}
+ | '.'[' ''\n''\t''\r'] {incr length; incr length; Lexing.lexeme lexbuf}
+ | _
+ { incr length;
+ let c = Lexing.lexeme lexbuf in c^(next_phrase lexbuf)
+ }
+ | eof { raise (Lex_error "no phrase") }
+and skip_comment = parse
+ | "*)" {incr length; incr length; ()}
+ | "(*" {incr length; incr length;
+ skip_comment lexbuf;
+ skip_comment lexbuf}
+ | _ { incr length; skip_comment lexbuf}
+ | eof { raise (Lex_error "No closing *)") }
diff --git a/ide/highlight.mll b/ide/highlight.mll
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5421e183c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ide/highlight.mll
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+ open Lexing
+ type color = string
+ type highlight_order = int * int * color
+ let comment_start = ref 0
+ let kwd = [
+ "Add"; "AddPath"; "Axiom"; "Chapter"; "CoFixpoint";
+ "CoInductive"; "Compile"; "Defined"; "Definition";
+ "End"; "Export"; "Fact"; "Fix"; "Fixpoint"; "Global"; "Grammar"; "Hint";
+ "Hints"; "Hypothesis"; "Immediate"; "Implicits"; "Import"; "Inductive";
+ "Infix"; "Lemma"; "Load"; "Local";
+ "Match"; "Module"; "Module Type";
+ "Mutual"; "Parameter"; "Print"; "Proof"; "Qed";
+ "Record"; "Recursive"; "Remark"; "Require"; "Save"; "Scheme";
+ "Section"; "Show"; "Syntactic"; "Syntax"; "Tactic"; "Theorem";
+ "Unset"; "Variable"; "Variables";
+ ]
+module SHashtbl =
+ Hashtbl.Make
+ (struct
+ type t = string
+ let equal = ( = )
+ let hash = Hashtbl.hash
+ end)
+let word_tbl = SHashtbl.create 37
+let _ = List.iter (fun w -> SHashtbl.add word_tbl w "kwd") kwd
+let keyword =
+ "Add" | "AddPath" | "Chapter" |
+ "CoInductive" | "Compile" | "Defined" |
+ "End" | "Export" | "Fact" | "Fix" | "Global" |
+ "Grammar" | "Hint" |
+ "Hints" | "Immediate" | "Implicits" | "Import" |
+ "Infix" | "Load" | "Local" |
+ "Match" | "Module" | "Module Type" |
+ "Mutual" | "Print" | "Proof" | "Qed" |
+ "Record" | "Recursive" | "Require" | "Save" | "Scheme" |
+ "Section" | "Show" | "Syntactic" | "Syntax" | "Tactic" |
+ "Unset"
+let space =
+ [' ' '\010' '\013' '\009' '\012']
+let firstchar =
+ ['$' 'A'-'Z' 'a'-'z' '_' '\192'-'\214' '\216'-'\246' '\248'-'\255']
+let identchar =
+ ['$' 'A'-'Z' 'a'-'z' '_' '\192'-'\214' '\216'-'\246' '\248'-'\255' '\'' '0'-'9']
+let ident = firstchar identchar*
+let declaration =
+ "Lemma" | "Axiom" | "CoFixpoint" |"Definition" |
+ "Fixpoint" | "Hypothesis" |
+ "Inductive" | "Parameter" | "Remark" | "Theorem" |
+ "Variable" | "Variables"
+rule next_order = parse
+ | "(*" { comment_start := lexeme_start lexbuf; comment lexbuf }
+ | keyword { lexeme_start lexbuf,lexeme_end lexbuf, "kwd" }
+ | declaration space+ ident
+ { lexeme_start lexbuf, lexeme_end lexbuf, "decl" }
+ | _ { next_order lexbuf}
+ | eof { raise End_of_file }
+and comment = parse
+ | "*)" { !comment_start,lexeme_end lexbuf,"comment" }
+ | "(*" { ignore (comment lexbuf); comment lexbuf }
+ | _ { comment lexbuf }
+ | eof { raise End_of_file }