path: root/ide/coqide.ml
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'ide/coqide.ml')
1 files changed, 124 insertions, 184 deletions
diff --git a/ide/coqide.ml b/ide/coqide.ml
index 36aab30e6..450bfcdfb 100644
--- a/ide/coqide.ml
+++ b/ide/coqide.ml
@@ -44,8 +44,6 @@ open Session
(** {2 Some static elements } *)
-let prefs = Preferences.current
(** The arguments that will be passed to coqtop. No quoting here, since
no /bin/sh when using create_process instead of open_process. *)
let custom_project_files = ref []
@@ -87,9 +85,9 @@ let make_coqtop_args = function
|None -> "", !sup_args
|Some the_file ->
let get_args f = Project_file.args_from_project f
- !custom_project_files prefs.project_file_name
+ !custom_project_files project_file_name#get
- match prefs.read_project with
+ match read_project#get with
|Ignore_args -> "", !sup_args
|Append_args ->
let fname, args = get_args the_file in fname, args @ !sup_args
@@ -164,7 +162,6 @@ let load_file ?(maycreate=false) f =
input_buffer#place_cursor ~where:input_buffer#start_iter;
Sentence.tag_all input_buffer;
session.script#clear_undo ();
- !refresh_editor_hook ();
Minilib.log "Loading: success";
with e -> flash_info ("Load failed: "^(Printexc.to_string e))
@@ -250,7 +247,6 @@ module File = struct
let newfile _ =
let session = create_session None in
let index = notebook#append_term session in
- !refresh_editor_hook ();
notebook#goto_page index
let load _ =
@@ -319,13 +315,13 @@ let export kind sn =
| _ -> assert false
let cmd =
- local_cd f ^ prefs.cmd_coqdoc ^ " --" ^ kind ^ " -o " ^
+ local_cd f ^ cmd_coqdoc#get ^ " --" ^ kind ^ " -o " ^
(Filename.quote output) ^ " " ^ (Filename.quote basef) ^ " 2>&1"
- sn.messages#set ("Running: "^cmd);
+ sn.messages#set (Richpp.richpp_of_string ("Running: "^cmd));
let finally st = flash_info (cmd ^ pr_exit_status st)
- run_command sn.messages#add finally cmd
+ run_command (fun msg -> sn.messages#add_string msg) finally cmd
let export kind = cb_on_current_term (export kind)
@@ -334,8 +330,8 @@ let print sn =
|None -> flash_info "Cannot print: this buffer has no name"
|Some f_name ->
let cmd =
- local_cd f_name ^ prefs.cmd_coqdoc ^ " -ps " ^
- Filename.quote (Filename.basename f_name) ^ " | " ^ prefs.cmd_print
+ local_cd f_name ^ cmd_coqdoc#get ^ " -ps " ^
+ Filename.quote (Filename.basename f_name) ^ " | " ^ cmd_print#get
let w = GWindow.window ~title:"Print" ~modal:true
~position:`CENTER ~wm_class:"CoqIDE" ~wm_name: "CoqIDE" ()
@@ -378,17 +374,17 @@ end
let reset_revert_timer () =
FileOps.revert_timer.kill ();
- if prefs.global_auto_revert then
+ if global_auto_revert#get then
- ~ms:prefs.global_auto_revert_delay
+ ~ms:global_auto_revert_delay#get
~callback:(fun () -> File.revert_all (); true)
let reset_autosave_timer () =
let autosave sn = try sn.fileops#auto_save with _ -> () in
let autosave_all () = List.iter autosave notebook#pages; true in
FileOps.autosave_timer.kill ();
- if prefs.auto_save then
- FileOps.autosave_timer.run ~ms:prefs.auto_save_delay ~callback:autosave_all
+ if auto_save#get then
+ FileOps.autosave_timer.run ~ms:auto_save_delay#get ~callback:autosave_all
(** Export of functions used in [coqide_main] : *)
@@ -408,8 +404,8 @@ let coq_makefile sn =
match sn.fileops#filename with
|None -> flash_info "Cannot make makefile: this buffer has no name"
|Some f ->
- let cmd = local_cd f ^ prefs.cmd_coqmakefile in
- let finally st = flash_info (current.cmd_coqmakefile ^ pr_exit_status st)
+ let cmd = local_cd f ^ cmd_coqmakefile#get in
+ let finally st = flash_info (cmd_coqmakefile#get ^ pr_exit_status st)
run_command ignore finally cmd
@@ -421,7 +417,7 @@ let editor sn =
|Some f ->
File.save ();
let f = Filename.quote f in
- let cmd = Util.subst_command_placeholder prefs.cmd_editor f in
+ let cmd = Util.subst_command_placeholder cmd_editor#get f in
run_command ignore (fun _ -> sn.fileops#revert) cmd
let editor = cb_on_current_term editor
@@ -431,13 +427,13 @@ let compile sn =
match sn.fileops#filename with
|None -> flash_info "Active buffer has no name"
|Some f ->
- let cmd = prefs.cmd_coqc ^ " -I " ^ (Filename.quote (Filename.dirname f))
+ let cmd = cmd_coqc#get ^ " -I " ^ (Filename.quote (Filename.dirname f))
^ " " ^ (Filename.quote f) ^ " 2>&1"
let buf = Buffer.create 1024 in
- sn.messages#set ("Running: "^cmd);
+ sn.messages#set (Richpp.richpp_of_string ("Running: "^cmd));
let display s =
- sn.messages#add s;
+ sn.messages#add_string s;
Buffer.add_string buf s
let finally st =
@@ -445,8 +441,8 @@ let compile sn =
flash_info (f ^ " successfully compiled")
else begin
flash_info (f ^ " failed to compile");
- sn.messages#set "Compilation output:\n";
- sn.messages#add (Buffer.contents buf);
+ sn.messages#set (Richpp.richpp_of_string "Compilation output:\n");
+ sn.messages#add (Richpp.richpp_of_string (Buffer.contents buf));
run_command display finally cmd
@@ -467,17 +463,17 @@ let make sn =
|None -> flash_info "Cannot make: this buffer has no name"
|Some f ->
File.saveall ();
- let cmd = local_cd f ^ prefs.cmd_make ^ " 2>&1" in
- sn.messages#set "Compilation output:\n";
+ let cmd = local_cd f ^ cmd_make#get ^ " 2>&1" in
+ sn.messages#set (Richpp.richpp_of_string "Compilation output:\n");
Buffer.reset last_make_buf;
last_make := "";
last_make_index := 0;
last_make_dir := Filename.dirname f;
let display s =
- sn.messages#add s;
+ sn.messages#add_string s;
Buffer.add_string last_make_buf s
- let finally st = flash_info (current.cmd_make ^ pr_exit_status st)
+ let finally st = flash_info (cmd_make#get ^ pr_exit_status st)
run_command display finally cmd
@@ -512,11 +508,11 @@ let next_error sn =
let stopi = b#get_iter_at_byte ~line:(line-1) stop in
b#apply_tag Tags.Script.error ~start:starti ~stop:stopi;
b#place_cursor ~where:starti;
- sn.messages#set error_msg;
+ sn.messages#set (Richpp.richpp_of_string error_msg);
sn.script#misc#grab_focus ()
with Not_found ->
last_make_index := 0;
- sn.messages#set "No more errors.\n"
+ sn.messages#set (Richpp.richpp_of_string "No more errors.\n")
let next_error = cb_on_current_term next_error
@@ -537,7 +533,7 @@ let update_status sn =
| None -> ""
| Some n -> ", proving " ^ n
- display ("Ready"^ (if current.nanoPG then ", [μPG]" else "") ^ path ^ name);
+ display ("Ready"^ (if nanoPG#get then ", [μPG]" else "") ^ path ^ name);
Coq.return ()
Coq.bind (Coq.status ~logger:sn.messages#push false) next
@@ -681,12 +677,18 @@ let searchabout sn =
let searchabout () = on_current_term searchabout
+let doquery query sn =
+ sn.messages#clear;
+ Coq.try_grab sn.coqtop (sn.coqops#raw_coq_query query) ignore
let otherquery command sn =
- let word = get_current_word sn in
- if word <> "" then
- let query = command ^ " " ^ word ^ "." in
- sn.messages#clear;
- Coq.try_grab sn.coqtop (sn.coqops#raw_coq_query query) ignore
+ Option.iter (fun query -> doquery (query ^ ".") sn)
+ begin try
+ let i = CString.string_index_from command 0 "..." in
+ let word = get_current_word sn in
+ if word = "" then None
+ else Some (CString.sub command 0 i ^ " " ^ word)
+ with Not_found -> Some command end
let otherquery command = cb_on_current_term (otherquery command)
@@ -722,7 +724,7 @@ let initial_about () =
else ""
let msg = initial_string ^ version_info ^ log_file_message () in
- on_current_term (fun term -> term.messages#add msg)
+ on_current_term (fun term -> term.messages#add_string msg)
let coq_icon () =
(* May raise Nof_found *)
@@ -787,7 +789,7 @@ let coqtop_arguments sn =
let args = String.concat " " args in
let msg = Printf.sprintf "Invalid arguments: %s" args in
let () = sn.messages#clear in
- sn.messages#push Pp.Error msg
+ sn.messages#push Feedback.Error (Richpp.richpp_of_string msg)
else dialog#destroy ()
let _ = entry#connect#activate ok_cb in
@@ -809,69 +811,19 @@ let zoom_fit sn =
let cols = script#right_margin_position in
let pango_ctx = script#misc#pango_context in
let layout = pango_ctx#create_layout in
- let fsize = Pango.Font.get_size current.text_font in
+ let fsize = Pango.Font.get_size (Pango.Font.from_string text_font#get) in
Pango.Layout.set_text layout (String.make cols 'X');
let tlen = fst (Pango.Layout.get_pixel_size layout) in
- Pango.Font.set_size current.text_font
+ Pango.Font.set_size (Pango.Font.from_string text_font#get)
(fsize * space / tlen / Pango.scale * Pango.scale);
- save_pref ();
- !refresh_editor_hook ()
+ save_pref ()
(** Refresh functions *)
-let refresh_editor_prefs () =
- let wrap_mode = if prefs.dynamic_word_wrap then `WORD else `NONE in
- let show_spaces =
- if prefs.show_spaces then 0b1001011 (* SPACE, TAB, NBSP, TRAILING *)
- else 0
- in
- let fd = prefs.text_font in
- let clr = Tags.color_of_string prefs.background_color
- in
- let iter_session sn =
- (* Editor settings *)
- sn.script#set_wrap_mode wrap_mode;
- sn.script#set_show_line_numbers prefs.show_line_number;
- sn.script#set_auto_indent prefs.auto_indent;
- sn.script#set_highlight_current_line prefs.highlight_current_line;
- (* Hack to handle missing binding in lablgtk *)
- let conv = { Gobject.name = "draw-spaces"; Gobject.conv = Gobject.Data.int }
- in
- Gobject.set conv sn.script#as_widget show_spaces;
- sn.script#set_show_right_margin prefs.show_right_margin;
- if prefs.show_progress_bar then sn.segment#misc#show () else sn.segment#misc#hide ();
- sn.script#set_insert_spaces_instead_of_tabs
- prefs.spaces_instead_of_tabs;
- sn.script#set_tab_width prefs.tab_length;
- sn.script#set_auto_complete prefs.auto_complete;
- (* Fonts *)
- sn.script#misc#modify_font fd;
- sn.proof#misc#modify_font fd;
- sn.messages#modify_font fd;
- sn.command#refresh_font ();
- (* Colors *)
- Tags.set_processing_color (Tags.color_of_string current.processing_color);
- Tags.set_processed_color (Tags.color_of_string current.processed_color);
- Tags.set_error_color (Tags.color_of_string current.error_color);
- Tags.set_error_fg_color (Tags.color_of_string current.error_fg_color);
- sn.script#misc#modify_base [`NORMAL, `COLOR clr];
- sn.proof#misc#modify_base [`NORMAL, `COLOR clr];
- sn.messages#refresh_color ();
- sn.command#refresh_color ();
- sn.errpage#refresh_color ();
- sn.jobpage#refresh_color ();
- in
- List.iter iter_session notebook#pages
let refresh_notebook_pos () =
- let pos = match prefs.vertical_tabs, prefs.opposite_tabs with
+ let pos = match vertical_tabs#get, opposite_tabs#get with
| false, false -> `TOP
| false, true -> `BOTTOM
| true , false -> `LEFT
@@ -906,19 +858,19 @@ let toggle_items menu_name l =
let f d =
let label = d.Opt.label in
let k, name = get_shortcut label in
- let accel = Option.map ((^) prefs.modifier_for_display) k in
+ let accel = Option.map ((^) modifier_for_display#get) k in
toggle_item name ~label ?accel ~active:d.Opt.init
~callback:(printopts_callback d.Opt.opts)
List.iter f l
+let no_under = Util.String.map (fun x -> if x = '_' then '-' else x)
(** Create alphabetical menu items with elements in sub-items.
[l] is a list of lists, one per initial letter *)
let alpha_items menu_name item_name l =
- let no_under = Util.String.map (fun x -> if x = '_' then '-' else x)
- in
let mk_item text =
let text' =
let last = String.length text - 1 in
@@ -948,7 +900,7 @@ let alpha_items menu_name item_name l =
Caveat: the offset is now from the start of the text. *)
let template_item (text, offset, len, key) =
- let modifier = prefs.modifier_for_templates in
+ let modifier = modifier_for_templates#get in
let idx = String.index text ' ' in
let name = String.sub text 0 idx in
let label = "_"^name^" __" in
@@ -965,6 +917,16 @@ let template_item (text, offset, len, key) =
item name ~label ~callback:(cb_on_current_term callback) ~accel:(modifier^key)
+(** Create menu items for pairs (query, shortcut key). *)
+let user_queries_items menu_name item_name l =
+ let mk_item (query, key) =
+ let callback = Query.query query in
+ let accel = if not (CString.is_empty key) then
+ Some (modifier_for_queries#get^key) else None in
+ item (item_name^" "^(no_under query)) ~label:query ?accel ~callback menu_name
+ in
+ List.iter mk_item l
let emit_to_focus window sgn =
let focussed_widget = GtkWindow.Window.get_focus window#as_window in
let obj = Gobject.unsafe_cast focussed_widget in
@@ -975,8 +937,7 @@ let emit_to_focus window sgn =
let build_ui () =
let w = GWindow.window
~wm_class:"CoqIde" ~wm_name:"CoqIde"
- ~allow_grow:true ~allow_shrink:true
- ~width:prefs.window_width ~height:prefs.window_height
+ ~width:window_width#get ~height:window_height#get
~title:"CoqIde" ()
let () =
@@ -1074,77 +1035,60 @@ let build_ui () =
~callback:(fun _ -> notebook#next_page ());
item "Zoom in" ~label:"_Zoom in" ~accel:("<Control>plus")
~stock:`ZOOM_IN ~callback:(fun _ ->
- Pango.Font.set_size current.text_font
- (Pango.Font.get_size current.text_font + Pango.scale);
- save_pref ();
- !refresh_editor_hook ());
+ let ft = Pango.Font.from_string text_font#get in
+ Pango.Font.set_size ft (Pango.Font.get_size ft + Pango.scale);
+ text_font#set (Pango.Font.to_string ft);
+ save_pref ());
item "Zoom out" ~label:"_Zoom out" ~accel:("<Control>minus")
~stock:`ZOOM_OUT ~callback:(fun _ ->
- Pango.Font.set_size current.text_font
- (Pango.Font.get_size current.text_font - Pango.scale);
- save_pref ();
- !refresh_editor_hook ());
+ let ft = Pango.Font.from_string text_font#get in
+ Pango.Font.set_size ft (Pango.Font.get_size ft - Pango.scale);
+ text_font#set (Pango.Font.to_string ft);
+ save_pref ());
item "Zoom fit" ~label:"_Zoom fit" ~accel:("<Control>0")
~stock:`ZOOM_FIT ~callback:(cb_on_current_term MiscMenu.zoom_fit);
toggle_item "Show Toolbar" ~label:"Show _Toolbar"
- ~active:(prefs.show_toolbar)
- ~callback:(fun _ ->
- prefs.show_toolbar <- not prefs.show_toolbar;
- !refresh_toolbar_hook ());
+ ~active:(show_toolbar#get)
+ ~callback:(fun _ -> show_toolbar#set (not show_toolbar#get));
item "Query Pane" ~label:"_Query Pane"
~callback:(cb_on_current_term MiscMenu.show_hide_query_pane)
toggle_items view_menu Coq.PrintOpt.bool_items;
- menu navigation_menu [
- item "Navigation" ~label:"_Navigation";
- item "Forward" ~label:"_Forward" ~stock:`GO_DOWN ~callback:Nav.forward_one
- ~tooltip:"Forward one command"
- ~accel:(prefs.modifier_for_navigation^"Down");
- item "Backward" ~label:"_Backward" ~stock:`GO_UP ~callback:Nav.backward_one
- ~tooltip:"Backward one command"
- ~accel:(prefs.modifier_for_navigation^"Up");
- item "Go to" ~label:"_Go to" ~stock:`JUMP_TO ~callback:Nav.goto
- ~tooltip:"Go to cursor"
- ~accel:(prefs.modifier_for_navigation^"Right");
- item "Start" ~label:"_Start" ~stock:`GOTO_TOP ~callback:Nav.restart
- ~tooltip:"Restart coq"
- ~accel:(prefs.modifier_for_navigation^"Home");
- item "End" ~label:"_End" ~stock:`GOTO_BOTTOM ~callback:Nav.goto_end
- ~tooltip:"Go to end"
- ~accel:(prefs.modifier_for_navigation^"End");
- item "Interrupt" ~label:"_Interrupt" ~stock:`STOP ~callback:Nav.interrupt
- ~tooltip:"Interrupt computations"
- ~accel:(prefs.modifier_for_navigation^"Break");
-(* wait for this available in GtkSourceView !
- item "Hide" ~label:"_Hide" ~stock:`MISSING_IMAGE
- ~callback:(fun _ -> let sess = notebook#current_term in
- toggle_proof_visibility sess.buffer
- sess.analyzed_view#get_insert) ~tooltip:"Hide proof"
- ~accel:(prefs.modifier_for_navigation^"h");*)
- item "Previous" ~label:"_Previous" ~stock:`GO_BACK
- ~callback:Nav.previous_occ
- ~tooltip:"Previous occurrence"
- ~accel:(prefs.modifier_for_navigation^"less");
- item "Next" ~label:"_Next" ~stock:`GO_FORWARD ~callback:Nav.next_occ
- ~tooltip:"Next occurrence"
- ~accel:(prefs.modifier_for_navigation^"greater");
- item "Force" ~label:"_Force" ~stock:`EXECUTE ~callback:Nav.join_document
- ~tooltip:"Fully check the document"
- ~accel:(current.modifier_for_navigation^"f");
- ];
+ let navitem (text, label, stock, callback, tooltip, accel) =
+ let accel = modifier_for_navigation#get ^ accel in
+ item text ~label ~stock ~callback ~tooltip ~accel
+ in
+ menu navigation_menu begin
+ [
+ (fun e -> item "Navigation" ~label:"_Navigation" e);
+ ] @ List.map navitem [
+ ("Forward", "_Forward", `GO_DOWN, Nav.forward_one, "Forward one command", "Down");
+ ("Backward", "_Backward", `GO_UP, Nav.backward_one, "Backward one command", "Up");
+ ("Go to", "_Go to", `JUMP_TO, Nav.goto, "Go to cursor", "Right");
+ ("Start", "_Start", `GOTO_TOP, Nav.restart, "Restart coq", "Home");
+ ("End", "_End", `GOTO_BOTTOM, Nav.goto_end, "Go to end", "End");
+ ("Interrupt", "_Interrupt", `STOP, Nav.interrupt, "Interrupt computations", "Break");
+ (* wait for this available in GtkSourceView !
+ ("Hide", "_Hide", `MISSING_IMAGE,
+ ~callback:(fun _ -> let sess = notebook#current_term in
+ toggle_proof_visibility sess.buffer sess.analyzed_view#get_insert), "Hide proof", "h"); *)
+ ("Previous", "_Previous", `GO_BACK, Nav.previous_occ, "Previous occurrence", "less");
+ ("Next", "_Next", `GO_FORWARD, Nav.next_occ, "Next occurrence", "greater");
+ ("Force", "_Force", `EXECUTE, Nav.join_document, "Fully check the document", "f");
+ ] end;
let tacitem s sc =
item s ~label:("_"^s)
- ~accel:(prefs.modifier_for_tactics^sc)
+ ~accel:(modifier_for_tactics#get^sc)
~callback:(tactic_wizard_callback [s])
menu tactics_menu [
item "Try Tactics" ~label:"_Try Tactics";
item "Wizard" ~label:"<Proof Wizard>" ~stock:`DIALOG_INFO
- ~tooltip:"Proof Wizard" ~accel:(prefs.modifier_for_tactics^"dollar")
- ~callback:(tactic_wizard_callback prefs.automatic_tactics);
+ ~tooltip:"Proof Wizard" ~accel:(modifier_for_tactics#get^"dollar")
+ ~callback:(tactic_wizard_callback automatic_tactics#get);
tacitem "auto" "a";
tacitem "auto with *" "asterisk";
tacitem "eauto" "e";
@@ -1166,21 +1110,27 @@ let build_ui () =
template_item ("Fixpoint ident (_ : _) {struct _} : _ :=\n.\n", 9,5, "F");
template_item ("Scheme new_scheme := Induction for _ Sort _\n" ^
"with _ := Induction for _ Sort _.\n", 7,10, "S");
- item "match" ~label:"match ..." ~accel:(prefs.modifier_for_templates^"M")
+ item "match" ~label:"match ..." ~accel:(modifier_for_templates#get^"M")
alpha_items templates_menu "Template" Coq_commands.commands;
- let qitem s accel = item s ~label:("_"^s) ?accel ~callback:(Query.query s) in
+ let qitem s sc ?(dots = true) =
+ let query = if dots then s ^ "..." else s in
+ item s ~label:("_"^s)
+ ~accel:(modifier_for_queries#get^sc)
+ ~callback:(Query.query query)
+ in
menu queries_menu [
item "Queries" ~label:"_Queries";
- qitem "Search" (Some "<Ctrl><Shift>K");
- qitem "Check" (Some "<Ctrl><Shift>C");
- qitem "Print" (Some "<Ctrl><Shift>P");
- qitem "About" (Some "<Ctrl><Shift>A");
- qitem "Locate" (Some "<Ctrl><Shift>L");
- qitem "Print Assumptions" (Some "<Ctrl><Shift>N");
+ qitem "Search" "K" ~dots:false;
+ qitem "Check" "C";
+ qitem "Print" "P";
+ qitem "About" "A";
+ qitem "Locate" "L";
+ qitem "Print Assumptions" "N";
+ user_queries_items queries_menu "User-Query" user_queries#get;
menu tools_menu [
item "Tools" ~label:"_Tools";
@@ -1211,17 +1161,17 @@ let build_ui () =
item "Help" ~label:"_Help";
item "Browse Coq Manual" ~label:"Browse Coq _Manual"
~callback:(fun _ ->
- browse notebook#current_term.messages#add (doc_url ()));
+ browse notebook#current_term.messages#add_string (doc_url ()));
item "Browse Coq Library" ~label:"Browse Coq _Library"
~callback:(fun _ ->
- browse notebook#current_term.messages#add prefs.library_url);
+ browse notebook#current_term.messages#add_string library_url#get);
item "Help for keyword" ~label:"Help for _keyword" ~stock:`HELP
~callback:(fun _ -> on_current_term (fun sn ->
- browse_keyword sn.messages#add (get_current_word sn)));
+ browse_keyword sn.messages#add_string (get_current_word sn)));
item "Help for μPG mode" ~label:"Help for μPG mode"
~callback:(fun _ -> on_current_term (fun sn ->
- sn.messages#add (NanoPG.get_documentation ())));
+ sn.messages#add_string (NanoPG.get_documentation ())));
item "About Coq" ~label:"_About" ~stock:`ABOUT
@@ -1259,7 +1209,7 @@ let build_ui () =
(* Reset on tab switch *)
let _ = notebook#connect#switch_page ~callback:(fun _ ->
- if prefs.reset_on_tab_switch then Nav.restart ())
+ if reset_on_tab_switch#get then Nav.restart ())
(* Vertical Separator between Scripts and Goals *)
@@ -1267,7 +1217,7 @@ let build_ui () =
let () = refresh_notebook_pos () in
let lower_hbox = GPack.hbox ~homogeneous:false ~packing:vbox#pack () in
let () = lower_hbox#pack ~expand:true status#coerce in
- let () = push_info ("Ready"^ if current.nanoPG then ", [μPG]" else "") in
+ let () = push_info ("Ready"^ if nanoPG#get then ", [μPG]" else "") in
(* Location display *)
let l = GMisc.label
@@ -1310,43 +1260,33 @@ let build_ui () =
let _ = Glib.Timeout.add ~ms:300 ~callback in
(* Initializing hooks *)
- let refresh_toolbar () =
- if prefs.show_toolbar
- then toolbar#misc#show ()
- else toolbar#misc#hide ()
- in
- let refresh_style () =
- let style = style_manager#style_scheme prefs.source_style in
+ let refresh_style style =
+ let style = style_manager#style_scheme style in
let iter_session v = v.script#source_buffer#set_style_scheme style in
List.iter iter_session notebook#pages
- let refresh_language () =
- let lang = lang_manager#language prefs.source_language in
+ let refresh_language lang =
+ let lang = lang_manager#language lang in
let iter_session v = v.script#source_buffer#set_language lang in
List.iter iter_session notebook#pages
- let resize_window () =
- w#resize ~width:prefs.window_width ~height:prefs.window_height
+ let refresh_toolbar b =
+ if b then toolbar#misc#show () else toolbar#misc#hide ()
- refresh_toolbar ();
- refresh_toolbar_hook := refresh_toolbar;
- refresh_style_hook := refresh_style;
- refresh_language_hook := refresh_language;
- refresh_editor_hook := refresh_editor_prefs;
- resize_window_hook := resize_window;
- refresh_tabs_hook := refresh_notebook_pos;
+ stick show_toolbar toolbar refresh_toolbar;
+ let _ = source_style#connect#changed refresh_style in
+ let _ = source_language#connect#changed refresh_language in
(* Color configuration *)
(Gdk.Bitmap.create_from_data ~width:2 ~height:2 "\x01\x02"));
- Tags.Script.incomplete#set_property
- (`BACKGROUND_GDK (Tags.get_processed_color ()));
(* Showtime ! *)
w#show ()
(** {2 Coqide main function } *)
let make_file_buffer f =
@@ -1356,7 +1296,7 @@ let make_file_buffer f =
let make_scratch_buffer () =
let session = create_session None in
let _ = notebook#append_term session in
- !refresh_editor_hook ()
+ ()
let main files =
build_ui ();