path: root/ide/coqide.ml
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Diffstat (limited to 'ide/coqide.ml')
1 files changed, 102 insertions, 55 deletions
diff --git a/ide/coqide.ml b/ide/coqide.ml
index 719a8fcbe..dd975db27 100644
--- a/ide/coqide.ml
+++ b/ide/coqide.ml
@@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ type 'a viewable_script =
-class type analyzed_views =
+class type analyzed_views=
val mutable act_id : GtkSignal.id option
val current_all : 'self viewable_script
@@ -234,33 +234,6 @@ let coq_computing = Mutex.create ()
(* To prevent Coq from interrupting during undoing...*)
let coq_may_stop = Mutex.create ()
-let full_do_if_not_computing f x =
- if Mutex.try_lock coq_computing then
- ignore (Thread.create
- (async (fun () ->
- prerr_endline "Launching thread";
- let idle =
- Glib.Timeout.add ~ms:300
- ~callback:(fun () -> !pulse ();true) in
- begin
- prerr_endline "Getting lock";
- try
- f x;
- Glib.Timeout.remove idle;
- prerr_endline "Releasing lock";
- Mutex.unlock coq_computing;
- with e ->
- Glib.Timeout.remove idle;
- prerr_endline "Releasing lock (on error)";
- Mutex.unlock coq_computing;
- raise e
- end))
- ())
- else prerr_endline "Discarded order (computations are ongoing)"
-let do_if_not_computing f x =
- ignore (full_do_if_not_computing f x)
let break () =
if not (Mutex.try_lock coq_computing) then
@@ -275,6 +248,48 @@ let break () =
prerr_endline "Break received and discarded (not computing)"
+let full_do_if_not_computing f x =
+ ignore (Thread.create
+ (async (fun () ->
+ if Mutex.try_lock coq_computing then begin
+ prerr_endline "Launching thread";
+ let w = Blaster_window.blaster_window () in
+ if not (Mutex.try_lock w#lock) then begin
+ break ();
+ let lck = Mutex.create () in
+ Mutex.lock lck;
+ prerr_endline "Waiting on blaster...";
+ Condition.wait w#blaster_killed lck;
+ prerr_endline "Waiting on blaster ok";
+ Mutex.unlock lck
+ end else Mutex.unlock w#lock;
+ let idle =
+ Glib.Timeout.add ~ms:300
+ ~callback:(fun () -> !pulse ();true) in
+ begin
+ prerr_endline "Getting lock";
+ try
+ f x;
+ Glib.Timeout.remove idle;
+ prerr_endline "Releasing lock";
+ Mutex.unlock w#lock;
+ Mutex.unlock coq_computing;
+ with e ->
+ Glib.Timeout.remove idle;
+ prerr_endline "Releasing lock (on error)";
+ Mutex.unlock w#lock;
+ Mutex.unlock coq_computing;
+ raise e
+ end
+ end else
+ prerr_endline
+ "Discarded order (computations are ongoing)"))
+ ())
+let do_if_not_computing f x =
+ ignore (full_do_if_not_computing f x)
let add_input_view tv =
Vector.append input_views tv
@@ -1050,7 +1065,9 @@ object(self)
method process_until_iter_or_error stop =
+ let stop' = `OFFSET stop#offset in
let start = self#get_start_of_input#copy in
+ let start' = `OFFSET start#offset in
@@ -1065,6 +1082,9 @@ object(self)
with Sys.Break ->
prerr_endline "Interrupted during process_until_iter_or_error");
+ (* Start and stop might be invalid if an eol was added at eof *)
+ let start = input_buffer#get_iter start' in
+ let stop = input_buffer#get_iter stop' in
input_buffer#remove_tag_by_name ~start ~stop "to_process" ;
input_view#set_editable true;
@@ -1226,30 +1246,55 @@ Please restart and report NOW.";
else prerr_endline "undo_last_step discarded"
- method blaster () =
- prerr_endline "Blaster called";
- let c = Blaster_window.blaster_window () in
- c#clear ();
- let set i s =
- c#set
- i
- s
- (fun () -> try_interptac (s ^ ". "))
- (fun () -> self#insert_command (s^".\n") (s^".\n"))
- in
- set "Goal" "Assumption" ;
- set "Goal" "Reflexivity" ;
- set "Goal" "Trivial";
- set "Goal" "Auto" ;
- set "Goal" "EAuto";
- set "Goal" "Auto with *" ;
- set "Goal" "EAuto with *" ;
- set "Goal" "Intuition";
- set "Goal" "Ground";
- let _ = Thread.create c#blaster () in
- ()
+ method blaster () =
+ ignore (Thread.create
+ (fun () ->
+ prerr_endline "Blaster called";
+ let c = Blaster_window.present_blaster_window () in
+ if Mutex.try_lock c#lock then begin
+ c#clear ();
+ let current_gls = try get_current_goals () with _ -> [] in
+ let gls_nb = List.length current_gls in
+ let set_goal i (s,t) =
+ let gnb = string_of_int i in
+ let s = gnb ^":"^s in
+ let t' = gnb ^": Progress "^t in
+ let t'' = gnb ^": "^t in
+ c#set
+ ("Goal "^gnb)
+ s
+ (fun () -> try_interptac t')
+ (fun () -> self#insert_command t'' t'')
+ in
+ let set_current_goal (s,t) =
+ c#set
+ "Goal 1"
+ s
+ (fun () -> try_interptac ("Progress "^t))
+ (fun () -> self#insert_command t t)
+ in
+ begin match current_gls with
+ | [] -> ()
+ | (hyp_l,current_gl)::r ->
+ List.iter set_current_goal (concl_menu current_gl);
+ List.iter
+ (fun hyp ->
+ List.iter set_current_goal (hyp_menu hyp))
+ hyp_l;
+ let i = ref 2 in
+ List.iter
+ (fun (hyp_l,gl) ->
+ List.iter (set_goal !i) (concl_menu gl);
+ incr i)
+ r
+ end;
+ let _ = c#blaster () in
+ Mutex.unlock c#lock
+ end else prerr_endline "Blaster discarded")
+ ())
method insert_command cp ip =
ignore (self#insert_this_phrase_on_success true false false cp ip)
@@ -1908,7 +1953,8 @@ let main files =
!flash_info "New proof started";
- activate_input (notebook ())#current_page
+ activate_input (notebook ())#current_page;
+ ignore (f analyzed_view)
@@ -1973,16 +2019,17 @@ let main files =
- let do_if_active f () =
+ let do_if_active_raw f () =
let current = get_current_view () in
let analyzed_view = out_some current.analyzed_view in
if analyzed_view#is_active then ignore (f analyzed_view)
- let do_if_active f = do_if_not_computing (do_if_active f) in
+ let do_if_active f = do_if_not_computing (do_if_active_raw f) in
ignore (tactics_factory#add_item "_Blaster"
- ~callback:(do_if_active (fun a -> a#blaster ()))
+ ~callback: (do_if_active_raw (fun a -> a#blaster ()))
+ (* Custom locking mechanism! *)