path: root/grammar/argextend.mlp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'grammar/argextend.mlp')
1 files changed, 254 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/grammar/argextend.mlp b/grammar/argextend.mlp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d0ab5d803
--- /dev/null
+++ b/grammar/argextend.mlp
@@ -0,0 +1,254 @@
+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * INRIA - CNRS - LIX - LRI - PPS - Copyright 1999-2016 *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+open Q_util
+open GramCompat
+let loc = CompatLoc.ghost
+let default_loc = <:expr< Loc.ghost >>
+let mk_extraarg loc s = <:expr< $lid:"wit_"^s$ >>
+let rec make_wit loc = function
+ | ListArgType t -> <:expr< Genarg.wit_list $make_wit loc t$ >>
+ | OptArgType t -> <:expr< Genarg.wit_opt $make_wit loc t$ >>
+ | PairArgType (t1,t2) ->
+ <:expr< Genarg.wit_pair $make_wit loc t1$ $make_wit loc t2$ >>
+ | ExtraArgType s -> mk_extraarg loc s
+let is_self s = function
+| ExtraArgType s' -> s = s'
+| _ -> false
+let make_rawwit loc arg = <:expr< Genarg.rawwit $make_wit loc arg$ >>
+let make_globwit loc arg = <:expr< Genarg.glbwit $make_wit loc arg$ >>
+let make_topwit loc arg = <:expr< Genarg.topwit $make_wit loc arg$ >>
+let make_act loc act pil =
+ let rec make = function
+ | [] -> <:expr< (fun loc -> $act$) >>
+ | ExtNonTerminal (_, p) :: tl -> <:expr< (fun $lid:p$ -> $make tl$) >>
+ | ExtTerminal _ :: tl ->
+ <:expr< (fun _ -> $make tl$) >> in
+ make (List.rev pil)
+let make_prod_item = function
+ | ExtTerminal s -> <:expr< Extend.Atoken (CLexer.terminal $mlexpr_of_string s$) >>
+ | ExtNonTerminal (g, _) ->
+ let base s = <:expr< $lid:s$ >> in
+ mlexpr_of_prod_entry_key base g
+let rec make_prod = function
+| [] -> <:expr< Extend.Stop >>
+| item :: prods -> <:expr< Extend.Next $make_prod prods$ $make_prod_item item$ >>
+let make_rule loc (prods,act) =
+ <:expr< Extend.Rule $make_prod (List.rev prods)$ $make_act loc act prods$ >>
+let is_ident x = function
+| <:expr< $lid:s$ >> -> (s : string) = x
+| _ -> false
+let make_extend loc s cl wit = match cl with
+| [[ExtNonTerminal (Uentry e, id)], act] when is_ident id act ->
+ (** Special handling of identity arguments by not redeclaring an entry *)
+ <:str_item<
+ value $lid:s$ =
+ let () = Pcoq.register_grammar $wit$ $lid:e$ in
+ $lid:e$
+ >>
+| _ ->
+ let se = mlexpr_of_string s in
+ let rules = mlexpr_of_list (make_rule loc) (List.rev cl) in
+ <:str_item<
+ value $lid:s$ =
+ let $lid:s$ = Pcoq.create_generic_entry Pcoq.utactic $se$ (Genarg.rawwit $wit$) in
+ let () = Pcoq.grammar_extend $lid:s$ None (None, [(None, None, $rules$)]) in
+ $lid:s$ >>
+let warning_redundant prefix s =
+ Printf.eprintf "Redundant [%sTYPED AS] clause in [ARGUMENT EXTEND %s].\n%!" prefix s
+let get_type prefix s = function
+| None -> None
+| Some typ ->
+ if is_self s typ then
+ let () = warning_redundant prefix s in None
+ else Some typ
+let check_type prefix s = function
+| None -> ()
+| Some _ -> warning_redundant prefix s
+let declare_tactic_argument loc s (typ, f, g, h) cl =
+ let se = mlexpr_of_string s in
+ let rawtyp, rawpr, globtyp, globpr, typ, pr = match typ with
+ | `Uniform (typ, pr) ->
+ let typ = get_type "" s typ in
+ typ, pr, typ, pr, typ, pr
+ | `Specialized (a, rpr, c, gpr, e, tpr) ->
+ (** Check that we actually need the TYPED AS arguments *)
+ let rawtyp = get_type "RAW_" s a in
+ let glbtyp = get_type "GLOB_" s c in
+ let toptyp = get_type "" s e in
+ let () = match g with None -> () | Some _ -> check_type "RAW_" s rawtyp in
+ let () = match f, h with Some _, Some _ -> check_type "GLOB_" s glbtyp | _ -> () in
+ rawtyp, rpr, glbtyp, gpr, toptyp, tpr
+ in
+ let glob = match g with
+ | None ->
+ begin match rawtyp with
+ | None -> <:expr< fun ist v -> (ist, v) >>
+ | Some rawtyp ->
+ <:expr< fun ist v ->
+ let ans = out_gen $make_globwit loc rawtyp$
+ (Tacintern.intern_genarg ist
+ (Genarg.in_gen $make_rawwit loc rawtyp$ v)) in
+ (ist, ans) >>
+ end
+ | Some f ->
+ <:expr< fun ist v -> (ist, $lid:f$ ist v) >>
+ in
+ let interp = match f with
+ | None ->
+ begin match globtyp with
+ | None ->
+ let typ = match globtyp with None -> ExtraArgType s | Some typ -> typ in
+ <:expr< fun ist v -> Ftactic.return (Geninterp.Val.inject (Geninterp.val_tag $make_topwit loc typ$) v) >>
+ | Some globtyp ->
+ <:expr< fun ist x ->
+ Tacinterp.interp_genarg ist (Genarg.in_gen $make_globwit loc globtyp$ x) >>
+ end
+ | Some f ->
+ (** Compatibility layer, TODO: remove me *)
+ let typ = match globtyp with None -> ExtraArgType s | Some typ -> typ in
+ <:expr<
+ let f = $lid:f$ in
+ fun ist v -> Ftactic.nf_s_enter { Proofview.Goal.s_enter = fun gl ->
+ let (sigma, v) = Tacmach.New.of_old (fun gl -> f ist gl v) gl in
+ let v = Geninterp.Val.inject (Geninterp.val_tag $make_topwit loc typ$) v in
+ Sigma.Unsafe.of_pair (Ftactic.return v, sigma)
+ }
+ >> in
+ let subst = match h with
+ | None ->
+ begin match globtyp with
+ | None -> <:expr< fun s v -> v >>
+ | Some globtyp ->
+ <:expr< fun s x ->
+ out_gen $make_globwit loc globtyp$
+ (Tacsubst.subst_genarg s
+ (Genarg.in_gen $make_globwit loc globtyp$ x)) >>
+ end
+ | Some f -> <:expr< $lid:f$>> in
+ let dyn = match typ with
+ | None -> <:expr< None >>
+ | Some typ -> <:expr< Some (Geninterp.val_tag $make_topwit loc typ$) >>
+ in
+ let wit = <:expr< $lid:"wit_"^s$ >> in
+ declare_str_items loc
+ [ <:str_item< value ($lid:"wit_"^s$) = Genarg.make0 $se$ >>;
+ <:str_item< Genintern.register_intern0 $wit$ $glob$ >>;
+ <:str_item< Genintern.register_subst0 $wit$ $subst$ >>;
+ <:str_item< Geninterp.register_interp0 $wit$ $interp$ >>;
+ <:str_item< Geninterp.register_val0 $wit$ $dyn$ >>;
+ make_extend loc s cl wit;
+ <:str_item< do {
+ Pptactic.declare_extra_genarg_pprule
+ $wit$ $lid:rawpr$ $lid:globpr$ $lid:pr$;
+ Tacentries.create_ltac_quotation $se$
+ (fun (loc, v) -> Tacexpr.TacGeneric (Genarg.in_gen (Genarg.rawwit $wit$) v))
+ ($lid:s$, None)
+ } >> ]
+let declare_vernac_argument loc s pr cl =
+ let se = mlexpr_of_string s in
+ let wit = <:expr< $lid:"wit_"^s$ >> in
+ let pr_rules = match pr with
+ | None -> <:expr< fun _ _ _ _ -> str $str:"[No printer for "^s^"]"$ >>
+ | Some pr -> <:expr< fun _ _ _ -> $lid:pr$ >> in
+ declare_str_items loc
+ [ <:str_item<
+ value ($lid:"wit_"^s$ : Genarg.genarg_type 'a unit unit) =
+ Genarg.create_arg $se$ >>;
+ make_extend loc s cl wit;
+ <:str_item< do {
+ Pptactic.declare_extra_genarg_pprule $wit$
+ $pr_rules$
+ (fun _ _ _ _ -> CErrors.anomaly (Pp.str "vernac argument needs not globwit printer"))
+ (fun _ _ _ _ -> CErrors.anomaly (Pp.str "vernac argument needs not wit printer")) }
+ >> ]
+open Pcaml
+open PcamlSig (* necessary for camlp4 *)
+ GLOBAL: str_item;
+ str_item:
+ [ [ "ARGUMENT"; "EXTEND"; s = entry_name;
+ header = argextend_header;
+ OPT "|"; l = LIST1 argrule SEP "|";
+ "END" ->
+ declare_tactic_argument loc s header l
+ | "VERNAC"; "ARGUMENT"; "EXTEND"; s = entry_name;
+ pr = OPT ["PRINTED"; "BY"; pr = LIDENT -> pr];
+ OPT "|"; l = LIST1 argrule SEP "|";
+ "END" ->
+ declare_vernac_argument loc s pr l ] ]
+ ;
+ argextend_specialized:
+ [ [ rawtyp = OPT [ "RAW_TYPED"; "AS"; rawtyp = argtype -> rawtyp ];
+ "RAW_PRINTED"; "BY"; rawpr = LIDENT;
+ globtyp = OPT [ "GLOB_TYPED"; "AS"; globtyp = argtype -> globtyp ];
+ "GLOB_PRINTED"; "BY"; globpr = LIDENT ->
+ (rawtyp, rawpr, globtyp, globpr) ] ]
+ ;
+ argextend_header:
+ [ [ typ = OPT [ "TYPED"; "AS"; typ = argtype -> typ ];
+ "PRINTED"; "BY"; pr = LIDENT;
+ f = OPT [ "INTERPRETED"; "BY"; f = LIDENT -> f ];
+ g = OPT [ "GLOBALIZED"; "BY"; f = LIDENT -> f ];
+ h = OPT [ "SUBSTITUTED"; "BY"; f = LIDENT -> f ];
+ special = OPT argextend_specialized ->
+ let repr = match special with
+ | None -> `Uniform (typ, pr)
+ | Some (rtyp, rpr, gtyp, gpr) -> `Specialized (rtyp, rpr, gtyp, gpr, typ, pr)
+ in
+ (repr, f, g, h) ] ]
+ ;
+ argtype:
+ [ "2"
+ [ e1 = argtype; "*"; e2 = argtype -> PairArgType (e1, e2) ]
+ | "1"
+ [ e = argtype; LIDENT "list" -> ListArgType e
+ | e = argtype; LIDENT "option" -> OptArgType e ]
+ | "0"
+ [ e = LIDENT ->
+ let e = parse_user_entry e "" in
+ type_of_user_symbol e
+ | "("; e = argtype; ")" -> e ] ]
+ ;
+ argrule:
+ [ [ "["; l = LIST0 genarg; "]"; "->"; "["; e = Pcaml.expr; "]" -> (l,e) ] ]
+ ;
+ genarg:
+ [ [ e = LIDENT; "("; s = LIDENT; ")" ->
+ let e = parse_user_entry e "" in
+ ExtNonTerminal (e, s)
+ | e = LIDENT; "("; s = LIDENT; ","; sep = STRING; ")" ->
+ let e = parse_user_entry e sep in
+ ExtNonTerminal (e, s)
+ | s = STRING -> ExtTerminal s
+ ] ]
+ ;
+ entry_name:
+ [ [ s = LIDENT -> s
+ | UIDENT -> failwith "Argument entry names must be lowercase"
+ ] ]
+ ;