path: root/engine
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Diffstat (limited to 'engine')
5 files changed, 29 insertions, 8 deletions
diff --git a/engine/evarutil.ml b/engine/evarutil.ml
index 9cf81ecce..45760c6b4 100644
--- a/engine/evarutil.ml
+++ b/engine/evarutil.ml
@@ -807,11 +807,11 @@ let judge_of_new_Type evd =
let (evd', s) = new_univ_variable univ_rigid evd in
(evd', { uj_val = mkSort (Type s); uj_type = mkSort (Type (Univ.super s)) })
-let subterm_source evk (loc,k) =
+let subterm_source evk ?where (loc,k) =
let evk = match k with
- | Evar_kinds.SubEvar (evk) -> evk
+ | Evar_kinds.SubEvar (None,evk) when where = None -> evk
| _ -> evk in
- (loc,Evar_kinds.SubEvar evk)
+ (loc,Evar_kinds.SubEvar (where,evk))
(* Add equality constraints for covariant/invariant positions. For
irrelevant positions, unify universes when flexible. *)
diff --git a/engine/evarutil.mli b/engine/evarutil.mli
index e289ca169..972b0b9e1 100644
--- a/engine/evarutil.mli
+++ b/engine/evarutil.mli
@@ -254,7 +254,7 @@ val evd_comb0 : (evar_map -> evar_map * 'a) -> evar_map ref -> 'a
val evd_comb1 : (evar_map -> 'b -> evar_map * 'a) -> evar_map ref -> 'b -> 'a
val evd_comb2 : (evar_map -> 'b -> 'c -> evar_map * 'a) -> evar_map ref -> 'b -> 'c -> 'a
-val subterm_source : Evar.t -> Evar_kinds.t Loc.located ->
+val subterm_source : Evar.t -> ?where:Evar_kinds.subevar_kind -> Evar_kinds.t Loc.located ->
Evar_kinds.t Loc.located
val meta_counter_summary_tag : int Summary.Dyn.tag
diff --git a/engine/proofview.ml b/engine/proofview.ml
index 22271dd02..639f48e77 100644
--- a/engine/proofview.ml
+++ b/engine/proofview.ml
@@ -710,13 +710,19 @@ let partition_unifiable sigma l =
(** Shelves the unifiable goals under focus, i.e. the goals which
appear in other goals under focus (the unfocused goals are not
considered). *)
-let shelve_unifiable =
+let shelve_unifiable_informative =
let open Proof in
Pv.get >>= fun initial ->
let (u,n) = partition_unifiable initial.solution initial.comb in
Comb.set n >>
InfoL.leaf (Info.Tactic (fun () -> Pp.str"shelve_unifiable")) >>
- Shelf.modify (fun gls -> gls @ CList.map drop_state u)
+ let u = CList.map drop_state u in
+ Shelf.modify (fun gls -> gls @ u) >>
+ tclUNIT u
+let shelve_unifiable =
+ let open Proof in
+ shelve_unifiable_informative >>= fun _ -> tclUNIT ()
(** [guard_no_unifiable] returns the list of unifiable goals if some
goals are unifiable (see {!shelve_unifiable}) in the current focus. *)
@@ -1035,6 +1041,8 @@ module Unsafe = struct
let advance = Evarutil.advance
+ let undefined = undefined
let mark_as_unresolvable p gl =
{ p with solution = mark_in_evm ~goal:false p.solution gl }
diff --git a/engine/proofview.mli b/engine/proofview.mli
index e7be66552..1905686fe 100644
--- a/engine/proofview.mli
+++ b/engine/proofview.mli
@@ -326,6 +326,9 @@ val unifiable : Evd.evar_map -> Evar.t -> Evar.t list -> bool
considered). *)
val shelve_unifiable : unit tactic
+(** Idem but also returns the list of shelved variables *)
+val shelve_unifiable_informative : Evar.t list tactic
(** [guard_no_unifiable] returns the list of unifiable goals if some
goals are unifiable (see {!shelve_unifiable}) in the current focus. *)
val guard_no_unifiable : Names.Name.t list option tactic
@@ -466,6 +469,12 @@ module Unsafe : sig
solved. *)
val advance : Evd.evar_map -> Evar.t -> Evar.t option
+ (** [undefined sigma l] applies [advance] to the goals of [l], then
+ returns the subset of resulting goals which have not yet been
+ defined *)
+ val undefined : Evd.evar_map -> Proofview_monad.goal_with_state list ->
+ Proofview_monad.goal_with_state list
val typeclass_resolvable : unit Evd.Store.field
diff --git a/engine/termops.ml b/engine/termops.ml
index 3dfb0c34f..b7531f6fc 100644
--- a/engine/termops.ml
+++ b/engine/termops.ml
@@ -206,8 +206,12 @@ let pr_evar_source = function
| Evar_kinds.ImpossibleCase -> str "type of impossible pattern-matching clause"
| Evar_kinds.MatchingVar _ -> str "matching variable"
| Evar_kinds.VarInstance id -> str "instance of " ++ Id.print id
- | Evar_kinds.SubEvar evk ->
- str "subterm of " ++ Evar.print evk
+ | Evar_kinds.SubEvar (where,evk) ->
+ (match where with
+ | None -> str "subterm of "
+ | Some Evar_kinds.Body -> str "body of "
+ | Some Evar_kinds.Domain -> str "domain of "
+ | Some Evar_kinds.Codomain -> str "codomain of ") ++ Evar.print evk
let pr_evar_info evi =
let open Evd in