path: root/engine/nameops.ml
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'engine/nameops.ml')
1 files changed, 216 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/engine/nameops.ml b/engine/nameops.ml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5105d7bec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/engine/nameops.ml
@@ -0,0 +1,216 @@
+(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
+(* <O___,, * INRIA - CNRS - LIX - LRI - PPS - Copyright 1999-2017 *)
+(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
+(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
+(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
+open Util
+open Names
+(* Identifiers *)
+let pr_id id = Id.print id
+(* Utilities *)
+let code_of_0 = Char.code '0'
+let code_of_9 = Char.code '9'
+let cut_ident skip_quote s =
+ let s = Id.to_string s in
+ let slen = String.length s in
+ (* [n'] is the position of the first non nullary digit *)
+ let rec numpart n n' =
+ if Int.equal n 0 then
+ (* ident made of _ and digits only [and ' if skip_quote]: don't cut it *)
+ slen
+ else
+ let c = Char.code (String.get s (n-1)) in
+ if Int.equal c code_of_0 && not (Int.equal n slen) then
+ numpart (n-1) n'
+ else if code_of_0 <= c && c <= code_of_9 then
+ numpart (n-1) (n-1)
+ else if skip_quote && (Int.equal c (Char.code '\'') || Int.equal c (Char.code '_')) then
+ numpart (n-1) (n-1)
+ else
+ n'
+ in
+ numpart slen slen
+let repr_ident s =
+ let numstart = cut_ident false s in
+ let s = Id.to_string s in
+ let slen = String.length s in
+ if Int.equal numstart slen then
+ (s, None)
+ else
+ (String.sub s 0 numstart,
+ Some (int_of_string (String.sub s numstart (slen - numstart))))
+let make_ident sa = function
+ | Some n ->
+ let c = Char.code (String.get sa (String.length sa -1)) in
+ let s =
+ if c < code_of_0 || c > code_of_9 then sa ^ (string_of_int n)
+ else sa ^ "_" ^ (string_of_int n) in
+ Id.of_string s
+ | None -> Id.of_string sa
+let root_of_id id =
+ let suffixstart = cut_ident true id in
+ Id.of_string (String.sub (Id.to_string id) 0 suffixstart)
+(* Return the same identifier as the original one but whose {i subscript} is incremented.
+ If the original identifier does not have a suffix, [0] is appended to it.
+ Example mappings:
+ [bar] ↦ [bar0]
+ [bar0] ↦ [bar1]
+ [bar00] ↦ [bar01]
+ [bar1] ↦ [bar2]
+ [bar01] ↦ [bar01]
+ [bar9] ↦ [bar10]
+ [bar09] ↦ [bar10]
+ [bar99] ↦ [bar100]
+let increment_subscript id =
+ let id = Id.to_string id in
+ let len = String.length id in
+ let rec add carrypos =
+ let c = id.[carrypos] in
+ if is_digit c then
+ if Int.equal (Char.code c) (Char.code '9') then begin
+ assert (carrypos>0);
+ add (carrypos-1)
+ end
+ else begin
+ let newid = Bytes.of_string id in
+ Bytes.fill newid (carrypos+1) (len-1-carrypos) '0';
+ Bytes.set newid carrypos (Char.chr (Char.code c + 1));
+ newid
+ end
+ else begin
+ let newid = Bytes.of_string (id^"0") in
+ if carrypos < len-1 then begin
+ Bytes.fill newid (carrypos+1) (len-1-carrypos) '0';
+ Bytes.set newid (carrypos+1) '1'
+ end;
+ newid
+ end
+ in Id.of_bytes (add (len-1))
+let has_subscript id =
+ let id = Id.to_string id in
+ is_digit (id.[String.length id - 1])
+let forget_subscript id =
+ let numstart = cut_ident false id in
+ let newid = Bytes.make (numstart+1) '0' in
+ String.blit (Id.to_string id) 0 newid 0 numstart;
+ (Id.of_bytes newid)
+let add_suffix id s = Id.of_string (Id.to_string id ^ s)
+let add_prefix s id = Id.of_string (s ^ Id.to_string id)
+let atompart_of_id id = fst (repr_ident id)
+(* Names *)
+module type ExtName =
+ include module type of struct include Names.Name end
+ exception IsAnonymous
+ val fold_left : ('a -> Id.t -> 'a) -> 'a -> t -> 'a
+ val fold_right : (Id.t -> 'a -> 'a) -> t -> 'a -> 'a
+ val iter : (Id.t -> unit) -> t -> unit
+ val map : (Id.t -> Id.t) -> t -> t
+ val fold_left_map : ('a -> Id.t -> 'a * Id.t) -> 'a -> t -> 'a * t
+ val fold_right_map : (Id.t -> 'a -> Id.t * 'a) -> Name.t -> 'a -> Name.t * 'a
+ val get_id : t -> Id.t
+ val pick : t -> t -> t
+ val cons : t -> Id.t list -> Id.t list
+ val to_option : Name.t -> Id.t option
+module Name : ExtName =
+ include Names.Name
+ exception IsAnonymous
+ let fold_left f a = function
+ | Name id -> f a id
+ | Anonymous -> a
+ let fold_right f na a =
+ match na with
+ | Name id -> f id a
+ | Anonymous -> a
+ let iter f na = fold_right (fun x () -> f x) na ()
+ let map f = function
+ | Name id -> Name (f id)
+ | Anonymous -> Anonymous
+ let fold_left_map f a = function
+ | Name id -> let (a, id) = f a id in (a, Name id)
+ | Anonymous -> a, Anonymous
+ let fold_right_map f na a = match na with
+ | Name id -> let (id, a) = f id a in (Name id, a)
+ | Anonymous -> Anonymous, a
+ let get_id = function
+ | Name id -> id
+ | Anonymous -> raise IsAnonymous
+ let pick na1 na2 =
+ match na1 with
+ | Name _ -> na1
+ | Anonymous -> na2
+ let cons na l =
+ match na with
+ | Anonymous -> l
+ | Name id -> id::l
+ let to_option = function
+ | Anonymous -> None
+ | Name id -> Some id
+open Name
+(* Compatibility *)
+let out_name = get_id
+let name_fold = fold_right
+let name_iter = iter
+let name_app = map
+let name_fold_map = fold_left_map
+let name_cons = cons
+let name_max = pick
+let pr_name = print
+let pr_lab l = Label.print l
+(* Metavariables *)
+let pr_meta = Pp.int
+let string_of_meta = string_of_int
+(* Deprecated *)
+open Libnames
+let default_library = default_library
+let coq_string = coq_string
+let coq_root = coq_root
+let default_root_prefix = default_root_prefix