path: root/engine/geninterp.ml
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Diffstat (limited to 'engine/geninterp.ml')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 100 deletions
diff --git a/engine/geninterp.ml b/engine/geninterp.ml
deleted file mode 100644
index 768ef3cfd..000000000
--- a/engine/geninterp.ml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,100 +0,0 @@
-(* v * The Coq Proof Assistant / The Coq Development Team *)
-(* <O___,, * INRIA - CNRS - LIX - LRI - PPS - Copyright 1999-2017 *)
-(* \VV/ **************************************************************)
-(* // * This file is distributed under the terms of the *)
-(* * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 *)
-open Names
-open Genarg
-module TacStore = Store.Make ()
-(** Dynamic toplevel values *)
-module ValT = Dyn.Make ()
-module Val =
- type 'a typ = 'a ValT.tag
- type _ tag =
- | Base : 'a typ -> 'a tag
- | List : 'a tag -> 'a list tag
- | Opt : 'a tag -> 'a option tag
- | Pair : 'a tag * 'b tag -> ('a * 'b) tag
- type t = Dyn : 'a typ * 'a -> t
- let eq = ValT.eq
- let repr = ValT.repr
- let create = ValT.create
- let pr : type a. a typ -> Pp.t = fun t -> Pp.str (repr t)
- let typ_list = ValT.create "list"
- let typ_opt = ValT.create "option"
- let typ_pair = ValT.create "pair"
- let rec inject : type a. a tag -> a -> t = fun tag x -> match tag with
- | Base t -> Dyn (t, x)
- | List tag -> Dyn (typ_list, List.map (fun x -> inject tag x) x)
- | Opt tag -> Dyn (typ_opt, Option.map (fun x -> inject tag x) x)
- | Pair (tag1, tag2) ->
- Dyn (typ_pair, (inject tag1 (fst x), inject tag2 (snd x)))
-module ValTMap = ValT.Map
-module ValReprObj =
- type ('raw, 'glb, 'top) obj = 'top Val.tag
- let name = "valrepr"
- let default _ = None
-module ValRepr = Register(ValReprObj)
-let rec val_tag : type a b c. (a, b, c) genarg_type -> c Val.tag = function
-| ListArg t -> Val.List (val_tag t)
-| OptArg t -> Val.Opt (val_tag t)
-| PairArg (t1, t2) -> Val.Pair (val_tag t1, val_tag t2)
-| ExtraArg s -> ValRepr.obj (ExtraArg s)
-let val_tag = function Topwit t -> val_tag t
-let register_val0 wit tag =
- let tag = match tag with
- | None ->
- let name = match wit with
- | ExtraArg s -> ArgT.repr s
- | _ -> assert false
- in
- Val.Base (Val.create name)
- | Some tag -> tag
- in
- ValRepr.register0 wit tag
-(** Interpretation functions *)
-type interp_sign = {
- lfun : Val.t Id.Map.t;
- extra : TacStore.t }
-type ('glb, 'top) interp_fun = interp_sign -> 'glb -> 'top Ftactic.t
-module InterpObj =
- type ('raw, 'glb, 'top) obj = ('glb, Val.t) interp_fun
- let name = "interp"
- let default _ = None
-module Interp = Register(InterpObj)
-let interp = Interp.obj
-let register_interp0 = Interp.register0