path: root/doc
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5 files changed, 186 insertions, 251 deletions
diff --git a/doc/refman/Omega.tex b/doc/refman/Omega.tex
deleted file mode 100644
index 82765da6e..000000000
--- a/doc/refman/Omega.tex
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,249 +0,0 @@
-\achapter{Omega: a solver of quantifier-free problems in
-Presburger Arithmetic}
-\aauthor{Pierre Crégut}
-\asection{Description of {\tt omega}}
-{\tt omega} solves a goal in Presburger arithmetic, i.e. a universally
-quantified formula made of equations and inequations. Equations may
-be specified either on the type \verb=nat= of natural numbers or on
-the type \verb=Z= of binary-encoded integer numbers. Formulas on
-\verb=nat= are automatically injected into \verb=Z=. The procedure
-may use any hypothesis of the current proof session to solve the goal.
-Multiplication is handled by {\tt omega} but only goals where at
-least one of the two multiplicands of products is a constant are
-solvable. This is the restriction meant by ``Presburger arithmetic''.
-If the tactic cannot solve the goal, it fails with an error message.
-In any case, the computation eventually stops.
-\asubsection{Arithmetical goals recognized by {\tt omega}}
-{\tt omega} applied only to quantifier-free formulas built from the
-\verb=/\, \/, ~, ->=
-on atomic formulas. Atomic formulas are built from the predicates
-\verb!=, le, lt, gt, ge!
- on \verb=nat= or from the predicates
-\verb!=, <, <=, >, >=!
- on \verb=Z=. In expressions of type \verb=nat=, {\tt omega} recognizes
-\verb!plus, minus, mult, pred, S, O!
-and in expressions of type \verb=Z=, {\tt omega} recognizes
-\verb!+, -, *, Z.succ!, and constants.
-All expressions of type \verb=nat= or \verb=Z= not built on these
-operators are considered abstractly as if they
-were arbitrary variables of type \verb=nat= or \verb=Z=.
-\asubsection{Messages from {\tt omega}}
-When {\tt omega} does not solve the goal, one of the following errors
-is generated:
-\item \errindex{omega can't solve this system}
- This may happen if your goal is not quantifier-free (if it is
- universally quantified, try {\tt intros} first; if it contains
- existentials quantifiers too, {\tt omega} is not strong enough to solve your
- goal). This may happen also if your goal contains arithmetical
- operators unknown from {\tt omega}. Finally, your goal may be really
- wrong!
-\item \errindex{omega: Not a quantifier-free goal}
- If your goal is universally quantified, you should first apply {\tt
- intro} as many time as needed.
-\item \errindex{omega: Unrecognized predicate or connective: {\sl ident}}
-\item \errindex{omega: Unrecognized atomic proposition: {\sl prop}}
-\item \errindex{omega: Can't solve a goal with proposition variables}
-\item \errindex{omega: Unrecognized proposition}
-\item \errindex{omega: Can't solve a goal with non-linear products}
-\item \errindex{omega: Can't solve a goal with equality on {\sl type}}
-%% This code is currently unplugged
-% \asubsection{Control over the output}
-% There are some flags that can be set to get more information on the procedure
-% \begin{itemize}
-% \item \verb=Time= to get the time used by the procedure
-% \item \verb=System= to visualize the normalized systems.
-% \item \verb=Action= to visualize the actions performed by the OMEGA
-% procedure (see \ref{technical}).
-% \end{itemize}
-% \comindex{Set omega Time}
-% \comindex{UnSet omega Time}
-% \comindex{Switch omega Time}
-% \comindex{Set omega System}
-% \comindex{UnSet omega System}
-% \comindex{Switch omega System}
-% \comindex{Set omega Action}
-% \comindex{UnSet omega Action}
-% \comindex{Switch omega Action}
-% Use {\tt Set omega {\rm\sl flag}} to set the flag
-% {\rm\sl flag}. Use {\tt Unset omega {\rm\sl flag}} to unset it and
-% {\tt Switch omega {\rm\sl flag}} to toggle it.
-\section{Using {\tt omega}}
-The {\tt omega} tactic does not belong to the core system. It should be
-loaded by
-Require Import Omega.
-Open Scope Z_scope.
-Goal forall m n:Z, 1 + 2 * m <> 2 * n.
-intros; omega.
-Goal forall z:Z, z > 0 -> 2 * z + 1 > z.
-intro; omega.
-% Other examples can be found in \verb+$COQLIB/theories/DEMOS/OMEGA+.
- \optindex{Stable Omega}
- {\tt Unset Stable Omega}
-This deprecated option (on by default) is for compatibility with Coq
-pre 8.5. It resets internal name counters to make executions of
-{\tt omega} independent.
- \optindex{Omega UseLocalDefs}
- {\tt Unset Omega UseLocalDefs}
-This option (on by default) allows {\tt omega} to use the bodies of
-local variables.
- \optindex{Omega System}
- {\tt Set Omega System}
- \optindex{Omega Action}
- {\tt Set Omega Action}
-These two options (off by default) activate the printing of debug
-\asection{Technical data}
-\asubsection{Overview of the tactic}
-\item The goal is negated twice and the first negation is introduced as an
- hypothesis.
-\item Hypothesis are decomposed in simple equations or inequations. Multiple
- goals may result from this phase.
-\item Equations and inequations over \verb=nat= are translated over
- \verb=Z=, multiple goals may result from the translation of
- substraction.
-\item Equations and inequations are normalized.
-\item Goals are solved by the {\it OMEGA} decision procedure.
-\item The script of the solution is replayed.
-\asubsection{Overview of the {\it OMEGA} decision procedure}
-The {\it OMEGA} decision procedure involved in the {\tt omega} tactic uses
-a small subset of the decision procedure presented in
- "The Omega Test: a fast and practical integer programming
-algorithm for dependence analysis", William Pugh, Communication of the
-ACM , 1992, p 102-114.
-Here is an overview, look at the original paper for more information.
-\item Equations and inequations are normalized by division by the GCD of their
- coefficients.
-\item Equations are eliminated, using the Banerjee test to get a coefficient
- equal to one.
-\item Note that each inequation defines a half space in the space of real value
- of the variables.
- \item Inequations are solved by projecting on the hyperspace
- defined by cancelling one of the variable. They are partitioned
- according to the sign of the coefficient of the eliminated
- variable. Pairs of inequations from different classes define a
- new edge in the projection.
- \item Redundant inequations are eliminated or merged in new
- equations that can be eliminated by the Banerjee test.
-\item The last two steps are iterated until a contradiction is reached
- (success) or there is no more variable to eliminate (failure).
-It may happen that there is a real solution and no integer one. The last
-steps of the Omega procedure (dark shadow) are not implemented, so the
-decision procedure is only partial.
-\item The simplification procedure is very dumb and this results in
- many redundant cases to explore.
-\item Much too slow.
-\item Certainly other bugs! You can report them to \url{https://coq.inria.fr/bugs/}.
-%%% Local Variables:
-%%% mode: latex
-%%% TeX-master: "Reference-Manual"
-%%% End:
diff --git a/doc/refman/Reference-Manual.tex b/doc/refman/Reference-Manual.tex
index d65749336..a49637bb2 100644
--- a/doc/refman/Reference-Manual.tex
+++ b/doc/refman/Reference-Manual.tex
@@ -119,7 +119,6 @@ Options A and B of the licence are {\em not} elected.}
diff --git a/doc/sphinx/addendum/omega.rst b/doc/sphinx/addendum/omega.rst
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..20e40c550
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/sphinx/addendum/omega.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,184 @@
+.. _omega:
+Omega: a solver for quantifier-free problems in Presburger Arithmetic
+:Author: Pierre Crégut
+Description of ``omega``
+This tactic does not need any parameter:
+.. tacn:: omega
+``omega`` solves a goal in Presburger arithmetic, i.e. a universally
+quantified formula made of equations and inequations. Equations may
+be specified either on the type ``nat`` of natural numbers or on
+the type ``Z`` of binary-encoded integer numbers. Formulas on
+``nat`` are automatically injected into ``Z``. The procedure
+may use any hypothesis of the current proof session to solve the goal.
+Multiplication is handled by ``omega`` but only goals where at
+least one of the two multiplicands of products is a constant are
+solvable. This is the restriction meant by "Presburger arithmetic".
+If the tactic cannot solve the goal, it fails with an error message.
+In any case, the computation eventually stops.
+Arithmetical goals recognized by ``omega``
+``omega`` applied only to quantifier-free formulas built from the
+ /\ \/ ~ ->
+on atomic formulas. Atomic formulas are built from the predicates::
+ = < <= > >=
+on ``nat`` or ``Z``. In expressions of type ``nat``, ``omega`` recognizes::
+ + - * S O pred
+and in expressions of type ``Z``, ``omega`` recognizes numeral constants and::
+ + - * Z.succ Z.pred
+All expressions of type ``nat`` or ``Z`` not built on these
+operators are considered abstractly as if they
+were arbitrary variables of type ``nat`` or ``Z``.
+Messages from ``omega``
+When ``omega`` does not solve the goal, one of the following errors
+is generated:
+.. exn:: omega can't solve this system
+ This may happen if your goal is not quantifier-free (if it is
+ universally quantified, try ``intros`` first; if it contains
+ existentials quantifiers too, ``omega`` is not strong enough to solve your
+ goal). This may happen also if your goal contains arithmetical
+ operators unknown from ``omega``. Finally, your goal may be really
+ wrong!
+.. exn:: omega: Not a quantifier-free goal
+ If your goal is universally quantified, you should first apply
+ ``intro`` as many time as needed.
+.. exn:: omega: Unrecognized predicate or connective: @ident
+.. exn:: omega: Unrecognized atomic proposition: ...
+.. exn:: omega: Can't solve a goal with proposition variables
+.. exn:: omega: Unrecognized proposition
+.. exn:: omega: Can't solve a goal with non-linear products
+.. exn:: omega: Can't solve a goal with equality on type ...
+Using ``omega``
+The ``omega`` tactic does not belong to the core system. It should be
+loaded by
+.. coqtop:: in
+ Require Import Omega.
+.. example::
+ .. coqtop:: all
+ Require Import Omega.
+ Open Scope Z_scope.
+ Goal forall m n:Z, 1 + 2 * m <> 2 * n.
+ intros; omega.
+ Abort.
+ Goal forall z:Z, z > 0 -> 2 * z + 1 > z.
+ intro; omega.
+ Abort.
+.. opt:: Stable Omega
+This deprecated option (on by default) is for compatibility with Coq pre 8.5. It
+resets internal name counters to make executions of ``omega`` independent.
+.. opt:: Omega UseLocalDefs
+This option (on by default) allows ``omega`` to use the bodies of local
+.. opt:: Omega System
+This option (off by default) activate the printing of debug information
+.. opt:: Omega Action
+This option (off by default) activate the printing of debug information
+Technical data
+Overview of the tactic
+ * The goal is negated twice and the first negation is introduced as an hypothesis.
+ * Hypothesis are decomposed in simple equations or inequations. Multiple
+ goals may result from this phase.
+ * Equations and inequations over ``nat`` are translated over
+ ``Z``, multiple goals may result from the translation of substraction.
+ * Equations and inequations are normalized.
+ * Goals are solved by the OMEGA decision procedure.
+ * The script of the solution is replayed.
+Overview of the OMEGA decision procedure
+The OMEGA decision procedure involved in the ``omega`` tactic uses
+a small subset of the decision procedure presented in :cite:`TheOmegaPaper`
+Here is an overview, look at the original paper for more information.
+ * Equations and inequations are normalized by division by the GCD of their
+ coefficients.
+ * Equations are eliminated, using the Banerjee test to get a coefficient
+ equal to one.
+ * Note that each inequation defines a half space in the space of real value
+ of the variables.
+ * Inequations are solved by projecting on the hyperspace
+ defined by cancelling one of the variable. They are partitioned
+ according to the sign of the coefficient of the eliminated
+ variable. Pairs of inequations from different classes define a
+ new edge in the projection.
+ * Redundant inequations are eliminated or merged in new
+ equations that can be eliminated by the Banerjee test.
+ * The last two steps are iterated until a contradiction is reached
+ (success) or there is no more variable to eliminate (failure).
+It may happen that there is a real solution and no integer one. The last
+steps of the Omega procedure (dark shadow) are not implemented, so the
+decision procedure is only partial.
+ * The simplification procedure is very dumb and this results in
+ many redundant cases to explore.
+ * Much too slow.
+ * Certainly other bugs! You can report them to https://coq.inria.fr/bugs/.
diff --git a/doc/sphinx/biblio.bib b/doc/sphinx/biblio.bib
index 4a9bd6c1a..247f32103 100644
--- a/doc/sphinx/biblio.bib
+++ b/doc/sphinx/biblio.bib
@@ -1312,7 +1312,7 @@ Languages},
year = {1994}
-@article{ TheOmegaPaper,
author = "W. Pugh",
title = "The Omega test: a fast and practical integer programming algorithm for dependence analysis",
journal = "Communication of the ACM",
diff --git a/doc/sphinx/index.rst b/doc/sphinx/index.rst
index af93060fd..d42e73217 100644
--- a/doc/sphinx/index.rst
+++ b/doc/sphinx/index.rst
@@ -45,6 +45,7 @@ Table of contents
+ addendum/omega
.. toctree::
:caption: Reference